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by Sarah
Rated: E · Short Story · Experience · #1382391
A Problem? An Answer?

Kaitlin put her head on her maroon locker. she felt like crying but knew she couldn't do that, because it would just make her look like more of a loser. Unfortunatly, it was only the beginning of the day. Kaitlyn just got in, and yet she already heard another rumor about her. It seemed like she had no friends, but that was not true, she had one.
Angie poked her. "Hi!" She said. Kaitlyn looked at her like she was an idiot. "You heard," Kaitlyn said. "You aren't calling me something i'm not. Weird. It seems like everybody else is doing that." Angie looked at her. She sighed. "kaitlyn, alot of people know thats not true." "Name one." Angie Paused.
"Uh, well, there's- oh! I know, Danny!" "Ugh, Angie, you know he's deaf, he can't hear anything." Then, Alec and Michelle started to walk down the hall. They're the cutest couple, and they're the most popular kids in school. Kaitlyn was very dissapointed because the truth was, Michelle started that nasty rumor. Alec knew she started it, but he didn't care.
Michelle was near Kaitlyns locker. While Kaitlyn opened her locker Michelle shoved her in it. Everybody laughed. Kaitlyn couldn't wait until she got home so she could scream until she couldn't scream anymore. The sad part for Kaitlyn was that Alec's locker was one away from hers, so Michelle was around there to make fun of her alot.
Alec isn't that bad of a guy, Kaitlyn thought. They weren't really friends, but they weren't enemies. They talked when Michelle wasn't around to watch him like a hawk, but nothing really more than hi, and a little conversation. When Michelle left Kaitlyn decided to say hi to him.
"Hey." Kaitlyn said. Alec looked at her. "Oh, hi." Kaitlyn paused while alec put his books into a backpack he carried around. "Alec, can I tell you something?" Alec, not looking up said, "Sure, why not?" It was hard for Kaitlyn to say, because she wasn't really a mean person, but she had to say it. "I think that you and Michelle-" "No, we're not breaking up. We're going to go to the dance, we're going to go to the movies, and, why do you care? It's my life anyways." Kaitlyn picked up her books and said, "Oh," and walked away.
Alec walked kind of fast to catch up with her. "No, Kaitlyn, I didn't mean it that way." Then Kaitlyn said with an additude, "Oh, it's okay, and, why do you care?" Alec stopped in his tracks. He cupped his hands over his eyes and sighed. Kaitlyn was right, he should break up with Michelle. He just didn't like to break hearts. He walked back to his locker and looked into it. Anybody could tell he was deep in thought.
Michelle walked over and said to him, "Why were you talking to Kaitlyn? She's a loser. We don't talk to losers, if you keep talking to her, I can't talk to you." Alec looked at her. He looked down, up, from left, and to right. Then he said, "Yeah, I forgot, sorry." Then Michelle walked away.
Alec put his head in his locker. "Ugh, she gives me headaches," he thought.
He kept putting books into his bag. He grabbed a pencil, closed his locker, and walked into homeroom. Kaitlyn's in his homeroom. He chose a seat next to her. "Kaitlyn, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. And, you're right, I should break up with her." Kaitlyn smiled at him and nodded her head, "Okay, I forgive you," She said.
"Why this girl? Why do I have a crush on her?" he thought. He had no reason. He just seemed to be attracted to her, as she was attracted to him. The intercom made a noise, and someone said, "Please stand for the Pledge and the playing of our National Anthem." Everyone stood. Durring the Star Spangled Banner, Alec bent over to his desk and wrote two notes. One said Michelle, and one said Kaitlyn.
As he finished the notes everybody was leaving to their period three class, because it was a Wednesday. Kaitlyn went to science, and Alec and Michelle went to language arts. Michelle sat next to Alec, like everyday, and Alec whispered, "I have something to give you." Michelle smiled and said, "Give it to me!" Alec looked at her and said, "uh, right." He handed her the note and then walked away.
He went to another seat and watched Michelle open the perfectly folded note. Michelle read it. All of the sudden she looked sad. People started to look at her. She raised her hand and asked to go to the bathroom. She was gone for so long that Mrs. Sohocki had to send in another girl to get her.
When Michelle walked through she had eye-liner running from her eyes. Even a blind person could tell that she was crying. Mrs. Sohocki looked at her and sent her to the guidance consulor. Alec would've broken up with her a long time ago, but he hates to see girls cry. Kaitlyn made him realize Michelle wasn't the best girl for him.
After language arts and science was gym. Alec was in Kaitlyn's gym class. So before Kaitlyn went into the girls locker room, and before Alec went in the boys locker room, he gave her the note. In bug, colorful letters it said KAITLYN. She liked it already. She opened the note and read it. Kaitlyn smiled. "Oh my gosh, of course I will!" Then they gave eachother a big, long hug. After they did their streaches and laps, they played dodge ball.
Alec liked Kaitlyn so much, that he dove in front of a ball like it was going to kill her if it hit her. It turned out, Alec sacrafised, so he stayed in the game. Win or lose, they gave eachother a hug. After gym Kaitlyn went to Geography. There, she got teased. Well, no one knew how Kaitlyn was going out with the most popular guy in school.
Michelle heard the news. She was in school, and she did scream. Without Alec, Michelle wasn't popular at all. At the end of the day, Kaitlyn was the most popular girl in school. She felt like a princess. It felt like everybody was bowing down to her. It looked like everybody forgot about the rumor Michelle spread.
Another class was after that. Math. Kaitlyn and Alec got in trouble for talking, but they didn't care. Math flew by. As they say, time flys when you're having fun! Everybody went to their lockers. Kaitlyn was so happy she could barley stand it, and Alec felt the same way. Alec was way happier with Kaitlyn than he ever was with Michelle.
They got their luch money, their books, and anything else. Alec offered to carry Kaitlyns books, and she couldn't say no, that would be rude. So the whole two steps to the math room, Kaitlyn was empty handed. They waited in a line and off to the lunch room they went.
Lunch time! The sweet smell of french toast sticks, maple syrup, triettes, and sausage made everbody's mouth water. Alec and Kaitlyn sat next to eachother. For them the whole world was blocked out, and for everyone else, it was too loud and crowded. Their table was called up and they got their lunch.
They ate, not alot though. They were too busy talking to eachother. For everyone, they were the two to see! For them, though, it seemed to be more than that. Before if people started to talk about Kaitlyn and Alec in the same sentance, the first thing that popped into their heads were, "EW! bad couple!" Now, it's, "Oh, you mean the cutest couple ever?"
Just like math, lunch flew by. Now, Kaitlyn went to language arts and Alec went to geography. It seemed like forever until they saw eachother again. Fourty-five minutes seemed like a whole week. They couldn't wait to see eachother durring unified arts! iEspaniol! Spanish wasn't Kaitlyn's best subject, but alec said that he'd be her tutor. Kaitlyn couldn't say no.
"I love your pantelones." Alec said. "Well you better love my braclet, it costed ten dollars!" Kaitlyn said back. Alec giggled. "You're right, spanish isn't your strongest subject,pantelones means pants." Kaitlyn looked down giggling. "Oh, those only costed four-teen dollars." they both started to laugh so hard that the spanish teacher yelled at them.
The day passed, Alec and Kaitlyn each went to their own house. Kaitlyn tried to call Alec, but he wasn't home. Kaitlyn wondered, "Where is that bot, he better not be out with another girl." Kaitlyn started to act strange since that phone call. she waited and waited until she went to sleep, then she woke up. She got ready for school, made sure she looked good, then ran to school.
Alec was already at his locker. He looked secerative. Kaitlyn walked up to him and gave him a hug. "Hey," She said. "Hey," Alec said back. Then he said, "Turn around for a second." So, Kaitlyn turned around. Alec touched her neck and then she felt something cold on it. She looked down to see a beautiful necklace wath her birthstone, ruby, and the letters K-A-I-T-L-Y-N. She gasped. "Alec! Oh my gosh! Is this why you weren't home last night?" Alec nodded and smiled. She gave him a huge hug. It lasted a long time. Then people started hugging them and it became a grade-wide group hug.
They became high schoolers a while after. Kaitlyn had to move to South Carolina. They wouldn't leave eachother. Once they got older, they were going to get married. This wasn't good. So many times did Kaitlyn wish she told him a while before the day she did, which was the day she left.
© Copyright 2008 Sarah (w_s_sarah_98 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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