Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1382066-The-Chronicles-of-Nikolai-Ravenclaw-Ch-1
by Tyneil
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1382066
As the screamer lunged forward through the darkness... REVIEWS WANTED PLEASE!

“Mercy, what is this mercy you speak of human?”
“Brother can we eat them now, I’m so hungry!”
“You know I like to play with my food Asmara, but you can have that pretty little human girl over there”
“NO PLEASE DON’T EAT ME!” screamed the girl
“Don’t worry you wont feel a thing!”
The screamer aimed the top of his head toward the girl and let out an ear splitting high pitched scream loud enough to shatter all the windows in the building. As this was happening the girl’s soul begins to come out of her body by her feet, as if she was being pulled by her ankles.
“PLEASE NO!” cried the girl
Just as the girl’s soul was almost disconnected with her body, the high pitched screaming stopped and the girl’s soul drifted back over to her almost lifeless body. The screamer Asmara flailing on the ground in agony looks up at her assailant. His black boots shined in the moon light, he had spiked hair, along with a black trench coat, the face of a hardened fighter; and the look of total determination in his crimson eyes with his crossbow in hand.
“Screamers again Cyrus” he says into the headset hooked around his left ear.
“Do you know how many?” replied Cyrus.
“I’ve only seen one so far, and I just killed it”
“Are there any civilian casualties?”
“Yeah, two; I’d say about mid sixties for their age; married too” he bends over and closes the couples’ eyes while saying a prayer for their souls.
“Hey, is the one you shot still alive?”
“It shouldn’t be; I hit it straight in the vocal spine”
“You might want to double check because I’m picking up movement behind you”
“Really, looks like I have another friend to play with, hey did you pack me those flares?”
“Yeah, what help will those be?”
“You’ll see”
“Well you might want to pop them out now because it’s charging you!”
“What else is new?” he turns around while throwing two flares to each corner of the room.
The moment the flares ignite the screamer begins to whale in pain as it is blinded by the brightness of the flare. He stares hard and studies the creature’s body to look for its vocal spine. The screamer was a gruesome sight to behold. Pale white skin, large jaw dripping with drool, and three scarlet red eyes, its whole body was long and skinny with each finger ending with sharp jagged claws. The shear sight of this creature would make you want to scream for your very life.
“And your name is?” he asks tauntingly
“I will be your dance partner tonight big boy, my name is Nikolai, Nikolai Ravenclaw”
“OK Fathom, I’m ready when you are”
Fathom runs forward and lunges at him. Nikolai quickly steps to the side and sets off another flare in front of Fathom’s face. Fathom topples to the floor groaning in pain holding his three eyes.
“Had enough fathom?” asked Nikolai
“NEVER, I WILL KILL YOU!” screamed Fathom
“Alright then, get back up and fight”
Fathom leaps up with supernatural speed and slashes at Nikolai. Barely dodging the attack Nikolai pulls out his crossbow and begins to fire. Fathom quickly dodges it and runs into the darkness of the house. Nikolai turns on the four flashlights attached to his crossbow.
“Nick what’s going on I don’t have a visual anymore?” Asked Cyrus through the headset
“I’m about to play hide and seek with Fathom”
“Just be careful”
“Aren’t I always?” said Nikolai laughing lightly
Nikolai steps into the darkness with his crossbow at the ready with his four flash lights blaring brightly. In the darkness fathom could be herd screaming and howling with joy.
“Cyrus do you see anything?” asked Nikolai nervously
“Sorry Nick I still can’t see anything”
Suddenly the screaming stops and Nikolai is left in complete silence.
Breathing nervously, Nikolai fires off two rounds into the darkness and this time is resulted with a painful howl from Fathom. Nikolai runs and jumps into the next room as fathom lunges forward through the darkness and slashes at him with his five jagged claws.
“Whew, that was close”
“What was close?” Came Fathom’s voice from behind
Nikolai whirls around with amazing speed and kicks fathom in the face with enough force to shatter his jaw.
         Fathom begins screaming loudly in pain as blood and drool drip down from the mangled remains of his jaw.
“Aw, what’s the mater Fathom, chip a tooth?”
Fathom stops screaming and looks at Nikolai with pleading eyes.
“Please hunter, have mercy” whimpered fathom through his wrangled mouth
Nikolai leaned in close to Fathom’s beat up face.
“You want mercy do you?”
As Nikolai leaned even closer in he noticed something different about Fathom’s mouth. He quickly jumped back just in time as fathom snapped a newly regenerated jaw at Nikolai’s neck.
‘Cyrus, put this down on info on Screamers, they can regenerate damages to their body over a short period of time”
“Got it”
Nikolai looks back at the place Fathom had been laying.
“Oh crap, hey Cyrus I lost sight of fathom, have any ideas where he is?”
All he heard was static.
Fathom appears behind Nikolai and grabs him hoisting him into the air.
Nikolai struggles to break free of Fathom’s grip.
“What limbs should I eat first, the arms or the legs”
“See what happens if you try!” yelled Nikolai
“I think I want the arm” Fathom leaned in to bite down on Nikolai’s arm with his enormous fangs
“I DON’T THINK SO!” cried Nikolai as he poked Fathom in all three of his eyes.
Fathom drops Nikolai to the ground in an attempt to soothe the pain in his eyes while screaming loudly.
         Nikolai used this moment of weakness to his advantage to look for Fathom’s vocal spine. Shining his four flashlights all over fathom’s body he finally finds it. It was sitting right on the top of Fathom’s head. Nikolai tried to get a steady shot but Fathom wouldn’t sit still long enough for him to get a steady aim.
“SHUT UP!” yelled Nikolai
Fathom just kept getting louder and louder until Nikolai realized he was stalling and was actually preparing to devour Nikolai’s soul. Fathom turned around quickly and tackled Nikolai to the floor and held him down. The force of the impact sent Nikolai’s crossbow flying out of his hands. With nothing to fight back with Nikolai began to kick and punch Fathom to no end. Fathom began bending his head towards Nikolai to suck his soul right out of his body while being unaffected by Nikolai’s attempts to break free. When this happened Nikolai got a perfect view of Fathom’s vocal spine.
Nikolai tried to reach for his crossbow but it was too far out of reach, and every moment Fathom came closer to his deadly goal. Nikolai barely herd Cyrus screaming into the headset.
“Cyrus I can’t here you what are you saying!” said Nikolai listening closely to the headset
“USE YOUR HUNTING KNIFE!” yelled Cyrus into the headset
Nikolai searched through his pockets but couldn’t find the large knife.
“I can’t find it, got any other ideas and if so give them to me fast, I’m starting to black out!” he yelled in the microphone
“I only see one other option”
“And that is!” yelled Nikolai
“That’s not a bad idea!”
Nikolai begins to ferociously pummel Fathoms vocal spine that rested on top of his head. Slowly the screaming begins to die down and Nikolai tries to reach his crossbow again. Fathom now had reopened his eyes and noticed what Nikolai was doing. He reached over with his long arms and picked it up.
“Is this what you want hunter?” Fathom says as he dangles the crossbow in front of Nikolai’s face
“Actually it’s not the crossbow I want, IT’S THIS!” Nikolai pulled an arrow of the weapon and jabbed it into Fathom’s chest. Fathom yelped in pain as the arrow entered his chest and then began laughing tauntingly.
“STUPID HUMAN!” yelled Fathom while leaning in close to Nikolai’s head.
“Oops, my bad I meant for it to go here!” Nikolai quickly pulls out the arrow and brings it down right on Fathoms vocal spine that sat atop his head.
         Fathom began to open his mouth to scream but nothing came out. He then began to shake uncontrollably and fall to the floor.
“Yeah Cyrus, I’m fine, but I’m going to end up deaf if you don’t stop screaming”
“Well that’s good, about the hole you being alright part I mean”
“I know what you mean buddy, so are we done for the night?”
“Nope there was a demon sighting in Alpine Park”
“Are you serious, man more of these creatures are appearing everyday”
“Hey if we don’t send them back who’s going to?”
“True; I’ll be down in five minutes, I’m going to make sure that our friends Fathom and Asmara disintegrate like good dead Screamers”
“Alright I’ll have the van waiting on the curb; what do we do about the two dead ones?”
“I’ll put them in their beds so that it looks like they died from natural causes”
“What about the girl?”
“I’ll put her back in bed too”
“She hasn’t seen you right?”
“No, she was out of it when I saved her”
“How old is she?”
“She’s about our age, why?”
“Because we might need to do a memory wipe if she’s the right age”
“Nah she’ll be fine”
“You say that now but what are you going to say if one day you see an article in the paper saying she’s been put into an insane asylum due to crazy rants about screaming creatures?”
“Not my problem”
“C’mon Nick is it that hard to wipe the last thirty minutes of her memory?”
“No; fine I’ll do it but seriously if you want to help me you can’t be so nice all the time, these creatures aren’t going to give you any slack” Nikolai picks up the girl and carries her back to her room.
“I understand, well I’m waiting for you outside the building”
“Alright I’m wiping her memory now then I’ll be there” Nikolai pulls out a bottle containing a bright blue glowing liquid and pours a couple drops on his hand and begins to smear the over the girls forehead. He then begins to say the number thirty over and over in his head until the liquid fully dried up. He then turned around and walked out of her room and headed for Cyrus’ van.
         On his way back through the halls he picked up his arrows and crossbow and his used up flares. When he finally reached the bottom floor and walked outside, Cyrus was leaning against the van while taping his foot impatiently. Cyrus stood at about five feet and five inches wearing a scarlet red shirt with blue jeans and silver colored boots.
“So did you do it?”
“Yeah I did, by the way, where’s your coat?”
“Um yeah I accidentally left it at the beach when we were fighting that Prowler Worm”
“C’mon Cyrus that’s the third jacket this month”
“Sorry; why does it matter?”
“Because these jackets are threaded with Werewolf armor fabric and I’m almost out of the stuff“
“Sorry I didn’t know; and plus I’m sixteen give me a break”
“I’m sixteen too and I still have my first jacket and my first set of steel heel and steel toed boots” said Nikolai tauntingly
“Oh shut up and get in the van so we can send this demon back already!” said Cyrus
© Copyright 2008 Tyneil (tyber at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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