Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1381946-Running-from-Death
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1381946
Horror, fantasy, and violence all compacted into one little short story.
         ...Chris kept on running. Running through the dark misty alleyway, desperately searching for an exit to the endless hall. Every time he turned his head while running he could just barely make out the man's shadowy figure that seemingly wasn't in motion. The hall eventually turned into a maze, turn after turn in this dead part of the city just lead to more allies each one darker then the other. The sun is almost gone he had to find a way to safety, but the seemingly unending maze would not release its concrete grip on him. Maybe I could swear not to tell any one about it. No, after that he wouldn't want any one alive that knows what he did. The event was permanently etched into his frightened mind.

         On his way from his lonely night at the school prom, Chris passed through the same alley he did every day on the two miles from home to school. Just when he was about to round the corner, he heard a woman scream. Chris peered around the corner to the site of a man standing over the woman’s dead body holding a bloody knife. The man then picked up the corpse and put it in a nearby dumpster. In shock the boy slowly backed away, but hit a can. The killer ( a tall blond man in a bloodstained tux) whipped around to see Chris's arm flash around the corner as he took the passage to the left.

         He had to find a way out soon, his body was beginning to fail him. His breathing became ragged and his legs became wobbly, but the man's breath was that of someone walking. This unnerved him further.

         Just as Chris was thinking he'd outrun his would-be killer he came upon a dead end. Reeling around searching for death and its bloody knife. Ahh crap I'm dead I'm de- he was grabbed from behind. Too out of breath to scream his limbs flailed around hoping to catch the man in the face or some other vital point. The man was too strong and held Chris close to him then stuck the bloody blade under his throat. Chris froze This is it I'm going to die!. The man began to laugh in a psychotic manner, then calmly said "I finally got you Chris". How does he know my name!?
          The full moons light reflected his face off a near by puddle, to reveal the killers face. "Mr. Davis!?" the man was one of the teachers at his school that left early that evening. "Heheheheh now I can't let you live" he said in his psychotic manner. Chris's body went into a spasm causing the killer to lose his grip, but not without leaving a deep cut at Chris's throat. Chris fell on all fours, body wrenching its self apart. The man watched as the lump of shadow grew larger, and furrier. The man backed away only a few words were able to escape the fear inside him "wh, wha, what are you!?" The seven foot shadow turned to the killer, its neck had no bloody gash only a drop or two of blood on the long tangled fur. The shadow cornered Mr. Davis, then smiled through its long sharp teeth. Then it said "It looks like I finally got you, Mr. Davis."
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