Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1381823-Ride-of-a-lifetime
Rated: GC · Novella · Romance/Love · #1381823
This is the first half of a work in progress. A woman headed for the ride of her life.
Thrilled was an understatement. Celia was so exalted that she couldn't keep a cheshire grin off her face. It had finally happened and she intended to reward herself. After five years of tearing her hair out after every setback, she had succeeded. She had just left her agents’ office; a five year book deal with a very healthy up-front bonus. She had struggled for a long time in other subjects and genres and finally reaped the rewards of finding her niche - romance, sometimes erotic romance. She wasn’t one much for romance, never experiencing it for herself, but she had a racing libido, a wild imagination and nothing to do with it. So she put all that frustration, tension, and energy onto paper. She had immersed herself so completely in her writing after her father died that she had not pursued anything involving a man, until now. Literally skipping at one point down the sidewalk, she was definitely catching looks in her business skirt suit and heels. Celia knew what she was going to do to reward herself - the ride of her life.
Entering the dealership, she surveyed the showroom - no one here but us mice, she chuckled to herself. Then, her breath caught in her chest. There he was. He oozed sex - the strong lines, the way the light intensified his sharp angles. He called out for her and for a moment she denied herself. She had been waiting years for this moment. Celia began to pace back and forth, eyeing her prey like a cat cornering a mouse. Getting closer, she ran a finger down his masculine lines. She closed her eyes and just imagined; imagined all the fun she could have with him. She bit her lip and wrestled with her self control. The moment her legs almost went out was when she allowed herself to lean on his smooth body. In her peripheral, she caught movement, unaware that she was being watched. She didn’t care- this moment was between her and him.

John Stolts sat in his cushy, glass paned office, inspecting this months sales, wishing for a little more. A little more what, he couldn’t really answer. Business? Sure, that was always great, but business was hopping as usual. He couldn’t put his finger on it. A little more life, fun, adventure, a sex life; that would be nice. Ever since taking over the throne from his dad when his dad’s health finally gave out, he had been left him with no time. The dealership had been no problem to run, his father was always the astute businessman. He left it to run itself. John was here as a handsome face, a reminder that the business was built on family; that was it. He loved what his dad had left, what he stood for, his ideas and beliefs. Everyone said he was just like his dad - well, in looks more than anything. His father, the ex formula one race car driver, had led a more glamorous, exciting life. He hungered for an adventure, just like the ones that his father used to have. John only experienced the fast paced action when he lived it though his father’s stories. Dad always told the best stories of his exploits from his youth, having a whole room tipping on the edge of their chairs waiting for the finale. His father was also suave with the ladies as well, married four times, the last John’s mother and the love of his father’s life. John wanted the passion they had shared for one another - wanted something so full of energy for himself. After finishing business school, he had come rushing home on the brink of his father’s death, watching the love the two had for each other. The way they tried to draw out the passion - one last good time, one last kiss, had left a permanent mark on him. His father died, peacefully, as it should have been. John had been looking for that kind of excitement and love since that sad day, not finding it, hoping it would find him.
Here he sat, in his father’s office, sales reports forgotten, rehashing a good story from his father’s days long past. Almost closing time, so he got up, shoved some papers into the top drawer to be trifled over later, and went to lock the door to the office. As he was about to push the key into the lock, he caught sight of someone in the store. He walked out from behind a fake palm obscuring his view and he saw a woman with a crazed look of lust and wanting in her eyes. She was circling the showroom, long red hair bounding down her back. Damn, why can’t she be looking at me! The woman was leaning on the new ‘08 model, eyes closed now, looking on the verge of an orgasm. She shook herself, disregarded him mouth was hanging agape, and strutted over to get into the car. Her indigo skirt was riding up her shapely legs. Just the type that caught his eye, when he ever had time to look. She was curvy in all the places that mattered, with that gorgeous red hair down to a round, perfect ass. He had to find out more about this woman!

“Dammit, Celia, get a hold of yourself! It‘s only a car!”, she muttered to herself. Only a car was an understatement. She loved speed, she loved beauty, she loved this car as her father had loved this car. He died loving speed, loving fast cars, died racing like he wanted. Everyone knew he would die behind the wheel of his race car, just not by someone else's hand. One month on the pro circuit and someone ran him into the wall; he died on impact. Shaking that thought off before it consumed her in rage, she focused her thoughts back on the car. She had enough teasing, it was time for action. Steadying herself on her modest two inch heels, she pulled the door towards herself, and climbed in. The first thing that she felt was the bucket seats, hugging her every curve. The aorma of new leather, the soft suede caressing her thighs with a lovers touch, it was all too much. She grabbed the wheel, closed her eyes, and let the sensations fill the hole in her, hoping to reach out to her father’s spirit somewhere so the two could share it. He had wanted this car so badly for her before he had died. The love and passion he felt for this legend reborn had been passed to his only daughter. He had been torn away from her before getting to surprise her with one. She had made up her mind. She was going to buy it. Even if it took up her whole bonus and her savings- she was buying it. She never bought anything for herself, and this was a present to her father as well.
“I want it. I can have it! I want it!” she whispered to herself, the grin spreading across her visage again.
“Well, I can help you with that if you would like,” a deep, strong voice bellowed into her ear. Startled out of her trance, she looked upon the movement she had detected earlier. Squatting down beside her car, one large hand clasped on the door, was a handsome, somewhat familiar man. He looked to be about her age, late twenties, broad shoulders tapering to a trim waist. His mint green sport shirt complimented the vibrant emerald of his eyes. A look somewhere between lost and bewilderment was hidden under his lopsided smile. Something inside her stirred, the pit of her stomach and between her legs. It had been so long since she had seen a man this handsome and her body responded immediately, her nipples growing hard, her thoughts turning to rumpled sheets and full friction. Keep a hold of yourself, she repeated to herself again. As she broke his stare, her thoughts turned back to the car.
“I want it!” she repeated, feeling her tongue tingle as the words left her mouth. It felt so good to say.
“Well, you definitely seem to be a woman who knows what she wants. This model is loaded and is pretty expensive...”
“I don’t care what it costs. I want it. I’ll pay cash. Just hurry up with it, I want to get this on the road tonight-how much?”
“Fifty grand, but since you are paying cash, we’ll do forty-five.”
“Bullshit! You can do better than that! This has been sitting here for over six months and you know it. Forty, and, if you’re single, I’ll cover dinner.” Even as the words escaped her mouth, she couldn’t believe she had said them. She wasn’t usually this bold with men, not asking them out at least. She wrote like she chewed up bachelors and spit them out whole every weekend, but her real life was far from that. All her relationships had been just sex, nothing more, not wanting to get something she loved ripped from her again. Screw it, she said to herself, this is one of the best days of my life, anything goes. Live for today. If nothing else, he would be fun in bed.

With the proposal of dinner, he stopped and stared at this woman. Something about her just drew him in. She wasn’t a supermodel, but she still had that effect on him. She was one of those women that walk in and shut down a room. Maybe it was the fiery hair, or the even hotter attitude. Whatever it was, he was glad he was single and hungry. He wouldn’t usually be so quick to drop the price, but she was right, the car had been sitting here a while, and he could just cut his commission. He had never seen someone need a car so bad, he had to justify giving it up so cheap. She looked hot in it too, the titian hue of her hair against the gunmetal gray of the car. He could just imagine her riding his cock in the passengers seat, his hands on that ass, plunging in and out of her box. Oh yeah, this baby was hers, and if he was lucky, maybe he could be hers too.
“Well, tonight is your lucky night. I’m in a good mood and feeling not up to a battle of wits with a red head, so, we’ll get Pete over here with the paperwork. And, yes, I’m available for dinner. Pete, get your ass over here...” She handed him a piece of paper with a number on it, a bank routing and account number, her drivers license and insurance card. She laid back in the car with a lazy smile on her face; the kind of smile a woman gets after a good hot sex session after too long without. John had to turn and follow Pete, thanking the lord that Pete didn’t turn around to see the quite noticeable bulge in the front of his trousers. He did a mental shake to get the picture out of his head and worked with Pete to speed up all the forms. He couldn't wait to spend a night getting to know this spontaneous woman. He was just worried about the money and putting insurance on it. Too many times had he seen someone buy the car they had been waiting for all their life, get over zealous with the gas and end up wrecking it.
“Slap some plates on it, Pete. I’ll lock everything up. Thanks for the extra time. Mark it down, I’ll pay you double.”
“Yeah I know you will, thanks man.”
John looked down and read her name for the first - Celia Ann Dewitt. That name rang a bell somewhere, but his stomach answered louder. He stuffed the everything in an envelope and headed toward the delectable Miss Dewitt.

She felt like it was all a dream. She laid the seat back and just melted. Everything had gone so fast. She was a success. She had a contract with the leading publishing company in the world. She would actually be able to walk into a store and see her book on the stand. She had the career of her dreams. Now, she was going to have the car of her dreams. God, she wouldn’t be able to take actually starting it up. Then, it would really be hers, all hers. She had even gotten a date, that scared her more than anything. She hadn’t ever really dated anyone - ever. She had a few casual flings, sex more than anything just to keep her libido under control, not letting anyone get too close. Maybe she would find the man of her dreams too. She laughed at that thought out loud as someone came and popped their head into the car.
“You’re going to enjoy this ride little lady. Here you go.” A stranger handed her the keys, pausing to amuse himself with the look of ecstasy on her face, and headed off to the door. She sat up and just held the keys in her hand. The keys felt heavy in her hand, a good, solid, well-earned weight. She sensed someone standing by the door again. It was the handsome salesman who sold her this dream.
“I’m going to open those two doors and then just drive it out real slow. Don’t want to puncture a tire on that ledge. You pick where we’re going to eat.” With a wink, he walked to the double doors. She took the keys, putting them in the ignition, slowly turning the key to turn this dream into reality. A reverberating roar tore through the dealership. It ricocheted off the window glass, shaking the panes, resonating like a hundred race cars starting all at once. She sat, in a trance, listening to the sound of the engine. How many horses were under there she didn’t know exactly right now, her memory false all of a sudden, but she knew it was a lot. The vibrations from the motor shook the whole car, vibrating against her mound making her horny as hell. She couldn’t wait to get it on the road. She saw her future date waving her through the door and put the car in gear. She slowly eased the car forward, careful of the ledge, and waited while Mr. Salesman locked the door.
“Come on or you’re running to the restaurant,” she yelled over the thunder of the engine. In a flash of fluid movement, he was in the car, buckled in. She looked over, appreciating his muscular legs and chest straining the fabric, and realized, she didn’t even know his name.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even get your name,” she said.
“That’s okay. It’s John and I’m hungry, so show me what this baby’s got,” and settled himself in the seat, looking at her with anticipation.
“Hold on, I’m going to take you for the ride of your life!” Celia jammed her foot on the accelerator feeling the automatic response in the rear, seeing a huge plume of smoke rise from the rear tires. Squealing all four tires, she maneuvered the beast across all four lanes of traffic towards the oceanfront.
Most women would have wrecked executing a move like that, but Celia Dewitt did it with ease and a look of complete satisfaction on her face. John sat in the passengers’ seat, exhilarated by the speed but more by the lady sitting next to him. She drove the car like it was old habit, a pro. She was definitely a mystery. After watching her for a few more minutes, he decided to find out some more about this exquisite creature with the shapely legs and perfect ass.
“So, Miss Dewitt, you can handle this baby pretty well. Is this your first one?”
“Yep, sure is. My daddy loved this car in ’69. He loved it and I loved it. When they brought it back onto the market, I knew that as soon as I made the big time, it was going to be the first thing that I bought. My daddy always said he was going to buy it for me, but he died before they released it. This is as much for him as it is for me.” With that, she appeared to tear up a bit. The release was only eight months ago, but it had been a prototype for a couple of years making her father’s passing somewhat recently.
“I’m sorry to hear that, Miss Dewitt. My father was also a great fan. He didn’t get to see the new ones either. I hope they are both watching now, enjoying it.” He thought of his own father who would be sitting in the back asking him why the hell he wasn’t driving. Damn, he missed his father too, he thought.
“Celia is fine, and yes, I know mine is watching laughing that I’m scaring a man with my crazy driving.”
“Not at all. I think you are doing great. Who taught you to drive like that?”
“My daddy, he was the best driver around. That’s how he died, racing accident. At least he died doing what he loved the most. We’re here!” she said and whipped the car into the parking lot of one of his favorite crab bars on the oceanfront; part crab deck, part bar- all fun. This woman is going to be hard to resist, he thought as he shut the door.
She took them to the one place she loved more than her own home, Mel’s Raw Bar. She loved the owner and had been rescued more than once by said owner, Mel, on her drunken writers’ block rages. At the door, Mel greeted Celia with a look of surprise.
“Who’s the hunk?” Mel said with her sexy grin.
“The man who just sold me the ‘08 I was telling you about,” she replied.
“Oh my god, you finally got it! Oh, sweetie, you must be floating on cloud nine. That must mean you got the contract! Congratulations! Drinks on me tonight guys!” Mel headed them towards a high table over looking the wharf.
“You two enjoy yourselves,” Mel added with a wink at John.
The water was calm, moon just beginning to rise over the horizon, a perfect ending to a perfect day. Celia ordered a beer and a shot, the same for John, intending on celebrating this properly.
“So, big time and contract, you are either a recording artist or a writer,” John said to her looking for a toast.
“Correct on the later, my first book. Cheers to the perfect ending to a perfect day.” she said and held the shot high.
“Ditto on that,” he raised the shot as well and with a clink began the night with a bit of dutch courage. She needed a bit of courage, figuring that she had gotten herself into more than she could handle. Mr. Salesman had more of an effect on her than she had originally gauged. Either she was just really horny, or well, maybe he was the first real man she had felt an interest in that she would actually let down her guard. She had been drowning herself in work partially to protect herself from any more damage- she didn't want to love anyone else and get them torn away or risk losing them like with her dad. She looked over at John, forgetting the past for the time being. He was sitting across from her, looking at the menu, absent-mindedly tugging his tie off and unbuttoning his first few buttons. She was mesmerized by the way his muscles played against his shirt imagining what he would feel like pressed against her own body. His dark hair had fallen partially, obscuring his green eyes and she just drank in the sight of him. He seemed so familiar, she just couldn’t put a finger on it. At some point he looked up and said something, Celia just missing it.
“...used to come here all the time with my dad. We loved hanging out here. I’m surprised I haven’t seen you here since you know the owner so well. Do you come here a lot?”
“Yeah, I come here when I have really bad writers’ block. I love the atmosphere, the people. I think I’m glad you’ve never seen me here. Sometimes I get a bit too drunk and make an ass of myself.”
“Well, I’ve kept an eye on your ass tonight, looks good to me ” John chucked. She felt the heat rise in her face. She hadn’t had a man in so long that Mr. Salesman here was making her hot from even the simplest quips.
“Well, in that case, keep your eyes peeled for more where that came from” she jested, not to be outdone. Unbeknownst to her, the temperature was not the only thing rising, under the table others were rising to the challenge.
“Okay, enough with that or you’ll be in trouble before you know it,” he winked, making her shudder with anticipating thoughts, “what do you write?”
Celia pondered for a moment. She considered if she should just lay it all out on the line or not. Might as well scare him away now versus later. For some reason, a woman who writes erotic romance seems to scare the hell out of most men, but maybe John didn't appear to be most men.
“Erotic romance.”
With that, John thought he would faint with delight. He just stared at her. Now, he could feel his hard-on really pulsing under the table. What a woman! Fast cars, a love for speed and could drive like the most practiced stock car driver out there, with a foxy attitude and a gorgeous body to match. Now he finds out she writes sex for a living! He needed a long, cold shower on this one. His mind was racing thinking of what she was capable of. If she was writing hot love scenes, she had to have one hell of an imagination. They could have more than one night of fun the way this was going. She was nursing her second or third beer and getting a little cozy, apparently, because at some point she had removed her jacket. Beneath was a pale expanse of freckled skin above a golden V of cleavage. Her hair had come partially undone and curls were hanging down onto her chest, dipping into the junction of her breasts making one hot visual. He had to focus on something else because it was getting to be hard to control his desire for this dynamite woman.
“Did I scare you? It’s hard to wrap your head around, but I seem to have some talent for writing romance and sex at least.”
“I bet you have quite the talent in person as well," he said making her face an even deeper shade of scarlet. " You are quite an adventuresome woman, Celia. You have quite the effect on men I bet,” he added thinking of his own crazed sexual fantasies that he wouldn’t mind playing out right here.
“I don’t think I have any effect on men accept to scare them off. It’s been so long since I’ve had a man, I don’t think I would know what to do if I actually cornered one,” she laughed, obviously feeling the buzz from her multiple beers.
“Oh, I think you have an idea. You are definitely having an effect on me.”
She looked at him now almost the way she had eyed her car earlier. It was like looking in the eyes of a lion. You were a little afraid but alive all at the same time. He could just imagine the night of wild sex they could have. He studied her full lips wrapped around her beer and imagined the velvety feel of them running up and down the length of his rod.
“Good,” she said, “at least I don’t feel alone in that respect. When I do finally corner you, we'll take care of that.”
He thought he might just ruin his new pair of pants were it not for the waitress finally arriving.
The conversation flowed easily for the rest of dinner and they discussed their likes, dislikes, past dating experience which neither of them really had, and laughed and blushed each other into sultry thoughts of future escapades. They were complete opposites. She was a risk taker, he was a bore, but they both came from parents who lived and breathed for them.
“Your parents sound like they loved each other more than most. Cancer is a terrible way to die. It sounds like he lived a full life. What did he do before he opened the dealership?”
“He was a formula one race car driver. He raced for years on the pro circuit until he finally got too busted up to do it anymore,” John explained.
“Now I know why you look so familiar, I mentioned that my daddy died racing. He raced on the semi-pro formula one circuit, only in the pros for a month. You must look like your dad and I saw him when I was little at the track. I bet they raced the same circuit a couple of times. Weird...” her thoughts trailing off as the check came. The restaurant was practically closing up around them. She was having such a stimulating evening with John that she had forgotten what time it was. She had a sudden longing for her new car and another spin in it.
Upon reaching for the ticket, it was snatched out of her hand. Oh well, she had spent forty thousand dollars tonight, he could pick up the check. The beer and shots, apparently multiple shots were making her a little tipsy, not drunk, but not drivable.
“I’ll pay, and I’ll drive. Keys, please ma’am?” he asked with a noticeable twinkle in his eyes. She wondered if that was for her or the chance to run her new ride wide open. She really wanted it to be for her because she really like him; a lot. She knew the feeling was mutual and went father than just lust, but lust was a big part of it. She had to remember to ask his last name, she still didn’t even know that, especially before it went too far into the land of ripped shirts, missing buttons, and reckless libidos.
As she attempted to walk sexily out of the restaurant, she decided she needed to keep away from John tonight because she was hornier than she had been even as a teenager. He was really bringing out the worst in her. He met her at the door and grabbed her waist to steady her impending plunge out the door and down the steps. The strong grip further weakened her legs and soaked the lining of her panties.
“Easy babe,” he breathed into her ear. With much help from him, partially because of her fake inability to walk, they made it to her car. Sitting under the moonlight, it was a thing of beauty but her attention was definitely drawn to the man laughing and coaxing her to the car. She accidentally stopped a bit too abruptly and bumped her ass into his groin more than once, further frustrating their sex drives. She could feel a rather large member below his slacks that was begging to be freed. How she wanted to feel that baby inside of her. It had been way too long and she was responding to John from her nipples to the core of her womanhood. She managed the door open, bucking up into John again, this time eliciting a moan from him that made her insides dance.
"Woman, just get in the car or we’re not going anywhere,” he growled with an amused, frustrated edge on his voice.
“Why not, you afraid to drive my new car?” she said with a sexy poor baby tone.
“No, because I’ll end up with a hard-on so bad I won’t be able to get behind the wheel,” he said, which had them both laughing until their sides hurt. She was having more fun than she'd had in years. She was more sexually insane than she had been in years as well, but he appeared able to relate. Not wanting the night to end,
“Where are we going now?” she asked. She was hopeful that the answer wasn’t to their respective corners of the world.
“I think I know just the place,” as he started the car. It squeaked tires across the pavement and headed towards the hills overlooking the city.
The ride to the hills was quiet, but not an unpleasant quiet. They were comfortable with themselves and each other enough to enjoy the verbal hiatus. He also knew that they were trying to talk down their instincts as well. He didn't want to push this too far too fast, knowing that this had the chance to be a little more than a one night stand. He needed this to be more than a one night stand - he was allowing himself to get too attached to her, but he couldn't help himself. She was so different than him. He was boring all the way down to his name, plain John. She was wild and adventurous, with a no holds barred kind of attitude. Her exotic appearance as well as her uncommon name, Celia, completed the package.
In minutes they were there. Where there was most people didn't know. Off the main road, down a little dirt road, he maneuvered the car around a few puddles to avoid marring the exterior for Celia. He may not be the most adventurous, but he knew that messing up this car would be the end of him, perhaps permanently.
With a nervous glance, Celia barked, "Don't mess up my car! You'll be laying under it if you scratch it!"
Her clairvoyancy made John burst into laughter, "Don't worry. I was just considering the ramifications of just that. We're almost there. Relax."
Considering the surroundings, it probably looked like they were heading to permanent destination with no return. To allay her fears, he told her,
"This is a piece of property my dad left for me. I come up here when I want to feel like I'm on top of the world. You seem to have had that kind of day, so why not finish it off." With that, he parked the car and switched off the ignition.
He circled the car, opened the car, and reached inside to pull Celia to her feet from the low seats. A bit too much of an effort landed the beautiful Miss Dewitt into his arms, her beautiful breasts pressed against his chest, her eyes locked onto his.
"So, is this what you brought me out into the middle of the woods for? No one to hear me scream, eh?" she sassed, not attempting to remove herself from his cradling arms. She licked her lips seductively and ran a hand down his chest.
"No," he exclaimed, almost screaming, and tossed her out of his arms. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea first thing. He really wanted nothing more than to throw her down and rocket into her until she screamed his name, raking her nails down his back, but he knew this could be more.
As she sauntered over to the front of the car, she glanced over her shoulder, "Damn shame, that could have been fun," and chuckled to herself. Calm down, he said to himself, let her make the first move.
"Well, we can play later, but I thought you would like to see this," pulling gently on her arm he steered her closer to the hillside. As they drew closer he heard her breath catch in her chest.
"This is beautiful. I really do feel like I'm on the top of the world. Wow!" She covered her beautiful mouth with her hands, eyes wide taking in the view. From the hilltop you could see all of the city crawling into the ocean. The moon was still low over the water illuminating the tranquil aquatic setting. A few sailboats were moored by the docks, lights twinkling off the water.
"Now this is a perfect ending. Thank you for this," she whispered as she backed slowly to perch on the hood of the car. He watched her and thanked the heavens he had the chance to meet this woman no matter how much it tortured him to keep his hands to himself. He went over and sat down beside her, both wrapped in a blanket of peaceful contentedness. She eased back onto her elbows, propping one foot onto the bumper and spoke a hoarse,
"I'm not going to fuck around with you John. This is the best time I've had with a man in a long time and I'm trying not to slut it up but I'm horny as hell. I believe that the last beer relaxed my inhibitions just a little too much. I'm not anywhere near drunk but just a little too comfortable around you, not too mention how attracted I am to you. So, if you really want to play, play on. If not, you might want to take me home or no one will be around to hear us both scream," she giggled and dropped back fully onto the hood of the car with a thump.
"I thought you would never ask," he murmured while leaning back to lay beside her on the hood of the car.
She was definitely relaxed from the alcohol but they both knew where the night was heading. Better to say it and live for tonight than take a chance on tomorrow never getting here. Her dad had taught her that. John was an amazing man and she wanted to draw this night out forever. As she lay lost in her thoughts, she felt a hand graze her thigh and settle on her hip. His cologne caught on the warm breeze, turning her on with its sharp, icy clean scent. His lips brushed over hers and she waited for more before feeling them on her neck. He skimmed his lips down her neck making her tremor with excitement. Yearning for his mouth on hers she grabbed his head and pulled him on her. They met and began to explore each others mouth. Their tongues danced around one another making her dizzy with need. His hand made contact with the skin of her side and she moaned for more. She grabbed his hand and moved it more wantonly to her breast, feeling the heat of his body intensify. With his thumb he traced circles around her nipple making her writhe on the hood. Pulling down her delicate camisole, he broke free of her lips and trailed down to her waiting chest. Sucking her rigid nipples, his hand found its way beneath the skirt that lay tangled about her midriff. Her panties were soaked from her mounting lust and were a barrier between him and his skillful digits. She reached down and pulled the ties at both sides of her panties as he ripped them off. She felt his grin from his kiss as he separated her folds and circled her clit.
"Oh yeah John," as she covered his hand with hers. She followed his fingers as they moved together against her pussy. She thrust her hips under his hand and whimpered in pleasure. He slipped one finger inside her and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. It had been so long since something felt so good, she felt like she would explode.
"Don't hold back baby," he coaxed as he slid off the hood of the car. His fingers were still thrusting in and out of her as he bent down to kiss her. Stopping to kiss her breasts and stomach, he made his way south to the junction between her thighs. She made no move to stop him as he slipped his tongue into her canal. He began sucking her clit while still fingering her, doubling the pleasure. She scratched welts on her thighs from the intensity and begged him not to stop. As he quickened his pace she fell over the edge of her orgasm. She screamed his name as it grabbed her insides and made them convulse, his tongue feeling her insides pulsing.
"Damn," was all she could mutter as he straightened up and wiped her wetness off on his sleeve. He stumbled back and bumped against the tree standing off to the side. He marveled at the sexiest sight he had ever seen. Celia was laying on the hood, one leg propped on the bumper, one leg dangling off to the side, resting on her elbows. Her shirt had come off at some point and her ample tits were heaving from her catching her breath, emphasized by the scant moonlight. She looked up at him, and he saw it - the look she had at the showroom. His erection threatened to burst the threads with anticipation from this wildcat,
"Damn, you look gorgeous."
"Your turn," she purred as she slid off the hood, her skin making contact with the hood causing a screeching noise. She saw him close his eyes as she approached, the visual threatening to create an early finale. She played on the delicate part of his neck with her tongue. Pulling his shirt open she ran her hands over his smooth, firm chest and abs. She kissed a trail down to his button on his slacks and nibbled up and down the hard length of him.
"Time to let this baby out hmmm?"
His hands were partially caught behind him from his shirt where she had pushed it off his shoulders. She could see him clenching and releasing his hands in frustration. Teasing his zipper down, she pulled free a generously sized, fully rigid cock. She was eager to give John as much pleasure as he had bestowed upon her, wanting him to come for her. She licked up and down the length of his penis, finally taking the plump head into her mouth. Struggling to fit the whole width into her mouth, she stroked the rest of the shaft with her hands. She wasn't the most experienced but was enthusiastic enough to be getting some results. John was struggling against his shirt, grabbing the tree with both hands to steady himself. Picking up the tempo, she could feel his whole body tensing, waiting for his climax. Removing her mouth from him she began stroking the length of him faster. She heard a low growl escape his throat as she began massaging his balls with her free hand. This proved too much for him, his orgasm finally peaking, cum spraying the ground in front of him.
Stretching out her legs, she put her arms around his waist, her head resting on his racing heart, as he wrapped her in his arms. Celia knew it was getting late and needed to get some sleep before the busy day tomorrow of phone calls and meetings. She fought the urge to beg him to take her right here, right now. His cock was still fully hard and was pressed against her lower stomach, so inviting. Grasping his hand she pulled him back towards the car, appreciating the goofy grin she had helped put on his face. Redressing herself, she got back in the car ready to drop him off at the dealership. He got in and stretched himself out on the comfy seats one hand resting gingerly on her shoulder, toying with her hair. He seemed unaware that his shirt was still hanging off his body giving her a spectacular view of his pecs and abs. He wasn't an athlete but was still a pleasure to look at. Calm down, she told herself, before you start something again.
The whole trip back was an exchange of grins, sly glances and restrained laughter. She realized that, though they were complete opposites, they were both looking for what each other had to give, in and out of the bedroom. She mentally chastised herself for thinking too serious too quickly, glad they had finally arrived at their destination.
© Copyright 2008 Amber Mays (bgbdmma at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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