Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1381696-Chapter-3
Rated: XGC · Draft · Thriller/Suspense · #1381696
Finally completed!
Dear, dear lady of mine,
                                    another day has past, making us one step closer to your transformation. As promised, today was "clean up" day for you and I must say it was quite a task. I entered your quarters only to find you in worse shape than the day before. I had hoped that you would have wanted  to impress me and perhaps had gotten a head start on dolling yourself up. Sadly, you disappointed me. You had not attempted to untangle the wads of clumped up hair with your hands, or even wipe away the dried up drainage from your nose. It was repulsive, how could you have tolerated such a thing? Anyway, I hauled in all of the necessary supplies and got to work. First, was tending you your wounded fingers. I can not allow you to get an infection, we must always keep things sterile. I poured rubbing alcohol into a small bowl and dipped your hands into the liquid to soak. You let out a delightful scream upon contact, but got a hold of yourself very quickly. Once I released your hands, I dipped a metal nail file into the bowl (Sterile, sterile, sterile!) and began examining the damage. They looked rather grotesque which angered me. Why did you have to go and make me punish you like that? Now your hands won't look pretty again for several weeks! I was so upset, I could not even form the words to explain this to you at the time.

"Intolerable slut!"

I smacked you with the back of my hand and told you to behave today. I then clutched your left hand tightly and retrieved my instrument from the alcohol. It was difficult to maintain a solid grip due to your severe trembling, but I have grown accustomed to such things over the years. The grit and scab residue still clinging to the wounds had to be taken care of. I slowly ran the file over the first finger with light pressure. Your body jerked, but you knew better than to fight me. Most of the grime remained, so I pressed much harder on the second try, still moving it slowly so as not to catch my own hand by mistake. You moaned and kicked with such spirit, it reminded me of a cat being held against its will.  Frustrated, I began to apply my technique with great vigor. My knuckles turned white as I scraped away at your wounds like a housewife peeling potatoes for dinner. You flailed and screamed, tears streaming down your cheeks. Once both hands were tended to, I examined my work. I got a bit carried away, several layers of skin had been removed. The small spots on what used to be your fingernails, now looked concave and bright red. No matter, they will heal in time and be presentable once more. I dabbed a few globs of triple antibiotic ointment on each sore and wrapped them up in tiny, waterproof band-aids.

Next, I decided to give you a break. I removed your gag and let you exorcise your mouth and jaw to relieve the soreness. I then handed you a bottle of water which you gulped down in a matter of seconds. I will start leaving a few of these in with you, now that you show appreciation for them. However, they will only mock you until you have earned gag-free nights. Anyway, after chugging your beverage, you let out an exhale fit for a soda commercial. Like a recovering alcoholic finishing his first cold beer in years. It was cute in a way, but the putrid stench that followed ruined it in an instant. Oral hygiene became my next priority. I put my arm around your neck and jerked you into a comfortable position for me with your head cradled firmly in the fold of my arm. With my free hand, I retrieved a toothbrush and other supplies from the gym bag and placed them all close by. After applying the paste to the bristles, I pinched your nose with my other hand while still holding your head in place. You opened your mouth gasping and I shoved in the toothbrush. Back and forth, in and out, fast and hard- it was such a rush. I became lost in the compulsion to make it perfect.
I was  very thorough, cleaning every tooth, all over the gums, and far back onto your tongue. Drool, toothpaste, and a fair amount of blood dribbled down your chin like a rabid animal. You gaged several times and tried to tell me that you couldn't breathe, blah blah blah. A clean mouth is a healthy mouth, I won't tolerate plaque or gingivitis with one of my dolls. You rinsed and spit like a good little girl and I could see improvement already.

"We need to floss now. This will require the use of both my hands, so I am putting a great deal of trust in you. You keep your mouth wide open, do not fight me, and do not even THINK of biting! I will be forced to remove your teeth like I did your fingernails and you wouldn't want that now would you?"

"No," you whimpered

"No what?"

"...I don't know"

I backhanded you again and you let out an adorable sob.


"That's a start, you little bitch. Now let's get this over with."

Fresh tears began to form in your eyes, but you held your mouth open wide just as ordered. This task was quick and relatively painless on both of our parts. Your gums should toughen up over time and stop bleeding so profusely. Each piece of floss used came back as red as a cooked lobster. I had to be sure to get all of the old food particles and plaque out from between the teeth. As much as I was forced to bare down on your gums in order to achieve this goal, it probably felt like bee stings covered your mouth. Your whines and moans further convinced me that was the case.

Finally, your mouth was almost clean. It was now time to rinse your mouth with something that will sterilize as well as whiten your teeth. I poured the substance into a cup and was ready for this final step. I told you exactly how I wanted you to finish up. A full mouth of the liquid, constant swishing, no opening of the mouth, and most importantly, continuing for at least 30 seconds. You nodded your head and took the cup.

"Don't stare at it, take care of yourself!"

After a quick hesitation, you emptied the contents into your mouth. You winced and then open your eyes in an almost panicked state, eyes bulging out as if you were awakening from a nightmare.

"If you spit that out, you will swallow the next cup, you understand? Proceed!"

You moaned in pain and fear, but obeyed my orders and swished away. I counted aloud for you, so you would not act prematurely. At the exact moment the number thirty was uttered, you violently spit back into the cup.

"Oh my God!!! It was bleach!!! It was bleach!!!"

I chuckled at your epiphany and gave you fresh water to rinse out with. I can only imagine how much it burned your bleeding gums and the cracked corners of your mouth.

"Your hair is revolting, we will fix that next."

I removed the hairbrush from the gym bag and began working my way through the mass of knots and tangles. Your head jerked back with every stroke as if having repeated whiplash. The brush would come to a complete stop before even reaching the bottom half of your jungle-like hair. I had to yank out clumps of it with my hands in order to properly detangle such a mess. Your wincing was like sweet music, so erotic and pleasurable. Such a pity that I had to try and ignore it so as not to be distracted from the task at hand. I grew very impatient the longer I was forced to try and tame this disasster. The swipes of the brush became faster and harder until I was finally pleased with the result. Strands of hair littered the area around us and intact knots stood out like dust bunnies on an otherwise clean floor. I studied you from head to toe, admiring my work.

"We are almost finished. All that is left is to take care of that putrid body odar of your's."

As I have said many times already, I am a man that insists on all things being sterile. Before a proper bath, I knew that you needed to be decontaminated. I pulled out my oversized bottle of hand sanitizer and was ready to go to work. I poured a good handful of the gel into my hands and began to rub it into your body, starting with your feet. The tiny scrapes that covered the bottoms of the delecate pair did not take away from their beauty. I noticed you biting your bottom lip while I rubbed the alcohol based substance into the cracked skin. I worked my way up to your knees and back down again, continuing to adore such feminine feet. I gently pulled on some of your toes and ran my fingers up and down the arches. When you involuntarily pulled them back, I could not help but to continue tickling away. No cute laughter came out of you, only unattractive grunts. This infuriated me. I try so hard to entertain the both of us and you could not even grant me the pleasure of a soft chuckle? I grabed your left foot with one hand, and removed a straight razer from my bag with the other. You let out a scream, which only angered me more.

"Shut the fuck up, you ungrateful cunt!"

I yelled as I swept the blade accross the back of your foot, carving a smile-like line from one side of your ankle to the other. This half-anklet looking wound began to ooze blood over my hand and onto the floor. You cried so heavily the noises that escaped you could have been confused with that of an animal's.

"Relax! I didn't cut deep enough to injure any tendons or arteries. Now don't make a sound while I finish making you presentable, I can't believe how patient I am being with you!"

I poured more hand sanitizer into my hands and continued to clean you up. I made sure to cover the fresh wound in order to avoid infection. I smeared the gel all over your thighs, rubbing it in vigorously. Because of the rapid drying, I kept having to pour more of the contents into my hands as I worked. I pried apart your trembling legs and applied a liberal amount onto your genitals. At this point, you were biting down on your hand to better silence yourself. I massaged the gel into your small mound of hair, up past your navel, and so on. I avoided your face so as not to cause any skin irritation, there will be no premature aging for you young lady! My hands felt dry and paper like after finishing this task, so I quickly rubbed in some of my oatmeal based hand lotion. I noticed while massaging my hands together, that your cut was still bleeding. Upond further examination, I realized that I had gotten a bit carried away. No vital damage was done, but the wound needed to be closed up.

"Do you see what a burdon you are? Look at what you made me do! Now this is sure to leave a scar and take up even more of my precious time! All because of your damn additude!!"

I slaped your face hard, leaving a shiney mark on your face from my well moisterized hand. I grabbed a clean rag and a tube of crazy glue and firmly held your foot against my lap.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Taking care of an ungrateful dog! Now, roll over little bitch-onto your stomach so I can seal this shut without any problems! And keep your mouth shut or I will slice the other one!"

I pinched the open wound closed and wiped away the blood. I slowly and carefully applied the glue onto the inflamed incision, making sure to not get any on my fingers. The nail polish remover was not with me and I will NOT harm my skin by ripping the flesh apart if contact was accedentally made. You had enough sense to stay very still while I tended to your punishment. Aside from the whimpering and soft sobs, it was similar to working on a piece of fruit. I gently blew on the area to speed up the drying process while I felt through my bag searching for gauze. After wraping you up, I looked at my watch and realized that we had wasted over thirty minutes on this procedure!

"I cannot bare the sight of you any longer! You have wasted so much of our time! I must leave now or I will end up killing you and all of this work would be for nothing. I will finish cleaning you up tomorrow."

I gathered up my things, secured your gag back in place, and left in a fury. I can only hope that I will be able to stomach your presence tomorrow, I may very well be forced to leave you unattended for a day or two in order to properly calm myself.

© Copyright 2008 Midian529 (midian529 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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