Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1380939-One-Fated-Nightmare-Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Thriller/Suspense · #1380939
Evil lurked in the night air as two strangers fated destiny was about to unfold...
The hindering rain was falling down hard. Selene cursed under her breath , trying to see out of her windshield of the car. Seeing was becoming increasingly harder , as the visibility of the darkened road began fading faster. She really hated being out on nights like this. Oh how she was wishing she had just stayed at home tonight instead of coming out into such a mess.

The lights of the on coming cars could barely even be seen through her fogged over windows. She cut the defroster up some more trying to be able to see better as she begin slowing up her speed. She only looked down for a split second, but... That second was long enough, that she missed seeing the turn off sign she had been looking for.

After awhile she finally started to wonder if she had came to far. Ten minutes passed , then thirty minutes. Looking around she searched for a place to turn around, but  there was nothing ahead of her except the darkened long and winding road. It  surrounded by nothing, but hundreds of spooky looking trees , which left her feeling uneasy about where she was headed to. Noticing a sign on the edge of the road she shuddered. It was halfway covered up by tree limbs the town name , though was clearly visible as it read... , "Devil's Corner" , 8 miles ahead.

Selene was not one who was easily frightened of things, but  something about this road... Something about that sign... Left her feeling unsettling uncomfortable. As if that wasn't enough , suddenly she heard a loud pop. Her car began to loose control as she tried to hold tight to the steering wheel. Selene managed to get it safely to the side of the road. She hit the steering wheel and cursed out loud , wondering what just what could possibly happen next. Shaking her head, she got out of the car to see what had actually happened. That was when she saw her front drivers side tire was completley flattened. Reaching down, she noticed a nail that was clearly visible sticking out from it.

"Damn it!!!" Selene kicked the tire of her car feeling pissed off. "What the hell next?! First I miss my turn. Now I end up with a flat tire and the nearest town is Devils Corner?! Can this night possibly get any worse! I highly doubt it!"

Selene had no idea how to change a tire. And even if she did her car didn't have one. She and her sister had taken a road trip a few years ago and while on it had gotten a flat tire. Luckily someone had came along and helped them out, but she had never put another tire in to replace that one. The rain was still pouring down just as hard as it had been as she wondered , what on earth she was going to do now. She got her cell phone out and tried to call out, but as luck would have it, there was no signal.

"Great. Just Great... This is such a hick town I can't even get a signal! Now what am I suppose to do?!" Selene shook her head as she leaned up against her car in the pouring down rain wishing, she was at home in bed where she belonged. She was startled when she saw the bright glare of headlights coming up on her. As the car slowed down , she wondered if she should get in her car and lock the doors. She mumbled under her breath  "Real bright , Selene! As, if that would do any good, you're stuck here remember!"

Selene reached back inside her car pulling a loaded pistol from  her purse as a safety measure. She knew damn well how to use it , and would not hesitate if she was threatened. The car stopped and pulled over on the side of the road directly behind hers. Slowly the driver opened the door of there car and stepped out, walking over to where she was standing.

"Looks like you could use some help out here, Miss.?" The man knelt down and noticed that the woman had a flat tire "Do, you have a spare? I'm no expert, but I have changed a few tires in my day and I would be happy to help you out".

"No, unfortunately I don't have one. I had to use mine a few years ago and silly me never put one back. My sister kept at me to do so and well... God I wish I had listened to her now..." She sighed as she held the pistol in front of her in plain view so he could see it. For some reason though she wasn't feeling as afraid now as she was.

The man stood back up noticing the gun she was still holding in her hand. "Look lady, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm actually, a police officer back in London so could you please put the gun down." He pulled his badge out and showed it to her. "I only stopped to see if you could use a hand" he continued.

Selene looked at his badge seeing he really was a police officer. She then looked up into his eyes. At that moment, she felt she could trust him, so she, slowly lowered the gun. Reaching in the car seat, she got her purse and put the pistol back away. "I'm sorry, I guess I can be... Well..." Nervously she laughed some. "A little paranoid at times especially when I'm stuck in a place such as this."

He smiled at her "It's okay mam, it actually really does pay to be safe these days, believe me. I deal with things every day that would make me just as paranoid if I was in your situation." He held, his hand out to her and smiled. "I'm Luke Stone, by the way"

It was at that moment he took notice of her striking beauty. She had to have been the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her long brown hair was soaking wet, clinging around her alluring face in wet strands. Her eyes were the most deepest shade of hazel, eyes that made his knees feel weak. The clothes she was wearing, now soaked by the rain clung tight around her curvaceous body. Something about her made him feel things he had never felt before.

Selene smiled shyly as she held her hand out and shook hands with him. "Selene LeVox. It's very nice to meet you , Luke, and thank you so much for stopping to help me out." Selene noticed the way he was looking at her and blushed some, knowing full well he was checking her out. Not that she wasn't doing the same thing to him... She couldn't help, but notice just how handsome he really was. His eyes seemed to change colors in the moonlight , his stature towered over her. She guessed he had to have been over six foot tall, considering she was five eight her self. He even had the most gorgeous shade of red hair that she had ever seen.

He smiled shyly noticing the look she had in her eyes, wondering if she to was checking him out the way he had been her. "It's nice to meet you to Ms. LeVox and I was more than happy to stop and see if you needed a hand with anything. I haven't tried my cell phone yet or the cb in the car so..." His voice trailed off when he noticed how she was shivering. "You must be freezing out here in this rain, why don't you come sit down in my car while I see if I can have any luck calling out for help?" Selene nodded her head then Luke took her hand as they walked over to his car. He opened the passenger side door for her, letting her step inside. He then closed it back.

Walking over to the drivers side Luke got in as well. He cut the heat in the car up on high, then tried his cell phone which also appeared to be getting no signal. He then tried the cb that was in the car to radio into the London station, but no luck with it either. Shaking his head he laid it back down then looked at Selene. "I'm sorry, it doesn't look like I was much help. Neither my cell phone nor the cb is working. It must be this storm, it could have knocked a tower out or something. I don't think either of us are having much luck tonight because right now I honestly have no clue where I even am"

"Awww it's ok at least you tried and it's not like either of us can magically make our cell phones work." Selene, smiled at Luke and laughed some then realized what he said. "You're lost too? What are the odds of that? So am I." Smiling at him she continued. "Apparently I missed my turn off somewhere back there due to how the rain was coming down so hard in this storm. I started looking for a place to turn around when I realized it, but there was no place to even turn around at out here. I did happen to see a town sign about 2 miles back it said there was one 8 miles ahead , but the town name struck me as rather odd. It gave me the creeps, actually, it said it was called Devil's Corner"

"Devil's Corner?? I have lived in London all of my life and never heard of a town called that. Somehow I don't think that I missed out on anything. I honestly don't like the sound of that myself, but they should have a working phone there. Since it's not too far ahead, maybe we should go there and see if there phones are in order. That is if you trust coming with me. If you don't, I'd understand. I just would feel much better if you stayed with me."

"I honestly would feel much better if I stayed with you too" Selene smiled up at Luke. "Let, me lock my car up first, even though I doubt locking it would do much good out here." Selene laughed, then got out of the car she walked over to hers, getting a few other things from it, locked the doors, and came back over, getting into Luke's car..

Luke pulled slowly back out on to the highway. He flipped the radio on low as they started back down the darkened road. The song "Somebody's Watching Me" began to play over the air ways giving an errie feeling to them both...

© Copyright 2008 SeleneStone (selenestone at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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