Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1380470-Snap
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1380470
Non-fiction Account of one of my high school experiences.
What the Fuck?
Who Am I?
What are all of you looking at?

         I started spinning. I was not moving. The anger was blinding.  I wiped the side of my face, there was a concentration of spit lodged between my nose and cheek.

         It came back. This Shit just spit on me. His brutish face now contorted into a laughter like state. His friends and comrades were having a authentically good laugh but I could see the fear in his eyes. The whole cafeteria seemed to focus on me. They knew not to fuck with this kid. You don’t fuck with someone whose got nothing to lose.

         My right arm was now visibly shaking, adrenaline kept in going.  He was sitting about 8 feet from me, he probably had 60-70 pounds of raw muscle more than I did. His shoulders were wide and his arms were jacked. None of this concerned me. A
My whole body was now quivering, if one didn’t know me they would have thought from fear.

Tunnel Vision
I am in the Zone.
         I am on top of him before he knows it. I slam his brutish curly haired head into the food on his plate.  My second attempted requires much more effort, he resists it, but I still manage to split his ear against the corner of the table.  A gentle stream of red flows from his head.
Seeing blood in a fight, allows my confidence to shine, it shows me that my enemies are not immortal, like the ones I fight in my dreams.
         His friends to the left and to the right attack me. Their football jerseys a blur of color as they move. I can seen faces around me contort, a whirlwind of emotions. Its all so slow. My body acts on its own, doing as it has been taught to do. A leg shoots up striking the steroid infected monster in front of me, I realize that this leg is mine and throw myself forward into the blow.
         One of the most sickening sounds you can ever hear is that of breaking ribs. What’s worse, is when you can put a feeling to this sound.  My enemy collapses before me, a distorted sound of pain and surprise rising from his throat.
         The slow shutter speed still lingers on the scene, as it takes me thirty seconds in my own relative time to turn, facing the next enemy. His face is red and I think he’s shouting, I can’t hear it. The fist coming towards my face is moving much faster than the rest of the world. As I defect the blow to the right he stumbles into the clutter of the scene. Falling over chairs and people. I know there is more to this scene than I can see. Turning, desperately trying to gather whose next.
         If you have ever unplugged a computer while it is in use, you know what its like to be hit in the back of the head. Add pain into the equation  and it comes to be quite an unpleasant experience. Everything’s black and my ears are ringing. I stumble forward, desperately trying to stay on my feet.  As I am coming back reality my first question is, have I been hit by a car?
         My sight returns , only to see another fist inches from my face.
         This time I know the blow is coming. My knees weaken for a split second, then I can taste blood in my mouth. I now can see whose before me, his bleeding ear evidence to my previous encounter. His fist is coming again, with what balance I have I raise my knee. The angry  ball of bone that is his fist collides with the hardest joint in my body. I fall backwards, from the force of the blow, but regain composure. As he grunts at me I gain the confidence that he will not be hitting me with that hand again.
         Still quite dazed, I find myself  in quite a predicament. As I examine the seen I see that I am now wounded and there are far more enemies than before around me. All of this occurs within a split second, before I can even think I am grabbed from behind.  A broken headlock, muscled into working against a weaker opponent.
         I have never been very good at grappling, and as I start to become short of breath I find that I am losing all the escape techniques I know.
         Another monster violently starts to punch me in the ribs. The pain is sustainable, but my lack of breath seems inescapable. I feel myself losing and I let rage overcome tactics. I violently swing at all those around me, striking and hurting everyone and everything I can.
         I manage to stop from kicking a friendly face. His long hair and black combat boots are the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I am passing out. His fist crosses over my head and strikes my jailor in the throat. I am free. Gasping for air I am hit again. The world spins and falls all around me.
I Will not fall Down.
Fuck if any of these people can beat me.
         I realize that I have started a riot. A war maybe. The entire school is erupted into chaos. My beautiful, combat equipped friend jumps onto a table and violently lashes out with his boots.
         Unless my eyes deceive me it’s the Disheveled Youth Vs. The Kids that Have Everything Going for Them, quite the gang war.
         I grab an arm flying at me, forcing its wielder to the ground.
         I learn that the sound of a nose breaking against the floor is equally as disgusting as that of breaking ribs, possibly worse.

This is beautiful Chaos.

         I watch as a hippie girl I find quite attractive smashes one of the many blonde, orange, rich girls across a table with a chair. There is no real way I can express my joy.

It’s the Disgruntled Workers Vs. The Wealthy Elite.

         I watch, across the room as a friend of mine is thrown into a trash can by three football players. A nerd I am fond face is being broken. A Metalhead is hit with a lacrosse stick.

It’s the Cd Players Vs the I-Pods.
         I throw myself into a preppy kid choking a tiny freshman. Elbowing him in the temple. His limp body falls over in quite a humorous fashion. I turn to see the freshman I had just saved kicking a someone behind me in the nuts. There voice raised three octaves as they screamed in pain.

         It’s the Losers Vs. the Popular.
         Its Us Vs. Them.
It’s a fight well overdue.

Tunnel Vision Fades
I fall out of the Zone.

I snap back to reality. I look at the jock in front of me, realize it was all in my mind. The Café is quite and everyone is looking at me.
His friends are still laughing.
Its was all in my mind.
What now?
I can still see the fear in his eyes, as he pretends to laugh. I am inches from snapping, from starting the fight of my dreams. The beautiful riot.

I clear my throat.
“You have no idea how close I am to destroying your world.”
My body is still shaking. There is no ounce of fear in my voice.
“If you ever look at me again I will Kill you.”
His friends stop laughing, everyone’s eyes are on me.
I turn and walk toward my long haired, combat equipped, beautiful booted friend.

I regret not starting that fight.

© Copyright 2008 Luna tic (ravenborn7676 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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