Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1380283-Chapter-2
Rated: XGC · Draft · Thriller/Suspense · #1380283
rough but complete chapter
Our first date has been completed. I cannot even begin to express my satisfaction. As much as you struggled, it still could not mask the endless potential I saw pouring out of you my dear. I feel almost obligated to document each moment we share. I am educated enough on the human mind to know that it can ruin our priceless memories. Your fear alone could wipe out our bonding completely. Well, we cannot have that now can we? Think of this as a diary of sorts. One you obviously are not capable of contributing to. This will be pure and detailed. I will not let you mentally suppress our magic. You will read every last word that I compose to you. So, let's begin shall we?

I arrived at your new home at 5:00pm last night. You looked awful! Your body glistened with sweat from the afternoon's heat and humidity. Thinking ahead, I did bring something to help with that, but we'll get to that later. At first, your behavior was far from original. Muffled screams through the gag, fresh tears, etc. This part can be so tedious. Everyone acts the same when held captive. It isn't until I break one in before I see anything of unique interest. I gave my usual speech on proper etiquette to you, explaining the importance of full cooperation. You listened intently, like a good little girl. I could tell you took every word in, a very apt pupil. Oh my God though! When I began to explain the consequences of disruptive behavior, you went to pieces! I took your left hand and instructed you to calm down. There was no getting through to you though. I used my favorite pair of needle nose pliers to slowly remove your pinky fingernail. I am going to have to start giving you gelatin vitamins, your nails are very weak and brittle. It broke twice while trying to remove it. I had to use a pair of tweezers to help me. It broke about a third of the way down past where the skin is attached. It was impossible to get a good grip on it with the pliers. I had to push the sharp edge of the tweezers down and up under the bloody stub of your nail and firmly push the skin down away from it. The blood kept obstructing my view so I had to pour rubbing alcohol on it to rinse the mess away. You really didn't like that part. I could hear you making gaging and choking sounds behind your ball-gag. Fortunately though, you did not vomit. The risk of aspiration is a great one, and I just didn't have the time to deal with a mess like that. Eventually, I was able to separate the skin from the nail enough to grip it once again with the pliers, finishing the task of removing the nail completely. You calmed down signifigantly after that and we were able to continue our conversation. I was pleased in your immediate response to discipline. I didn't have to wait long at all for you to come to your senses and continue to listen intently. Yes. Beautiful potential my dear. To reward you for the over due cooperation, I decided to allow you to speak. This can be positively delicious most of the time, however I tire of the inevitable monotony that occurs during the first conversation. Always the same questions and pleas. However, I do need you to see the generosity I am capable of. I removed your gag gently, trying not to irritate the corners of your dry, red mouth any more. Surprisingly, you kept very silent at first. Timid and afraid of further punishment I assume. I offered you my chap-stick for your cracked lips and mouth. You applied it liberally. I realized that you must have known the gag would return and were thinking ahead. How sharp you are! You handed the balm back to me and braved speaking.

"What are you going to do to me?"

So it begins. I explained how everything depended on how you behaved. You were quick to assure me that you would tell no one of this situation or of me, blah blah blah. Sometimes I think you fools actually believe that rubbish! As if I am to believe an obscure relative of your's will give me millions of dollars for returning you? Honestly, do not offend me. My entertainment began to fade away with the predictable babbling of your's. I put my hand gently over your mouth to silence the rambling. You continued to sob. Tears, drool, and chap-stick clung to my fingers, which was far from pleasant. You looked petrified at this moment. The fear in your eyes moved me. It reminded me of a lost puppy desperate for a kind hand.

"Sssshhhhhh........I'm here.....ssshhhhh.......you're ok my dear." I said to soothe your nerves. I began to pet your hair for further comfort, which upon immediate contact, felt dreadful. Your previously soft healthy blond hair was matted and greasy from heat and struggle. I leaned closer to kiss your forehead. You tasted salty and felt sticky on my lips. As I pulled away, the stench filled my nostrils. The putrid aroma clung to the back of my throat, almost causing me to retch. Disgusted, I had to excuse myself from your presence. I fetched the large bucket of ice water from outside the door. The pungent filth from your body invaded my senses again, smelling even worse than before. You looked confused as I came closer. I poured the freezing water all over you, splashing water in your face while you cried and begged me to stop. I tossed the bucket aside, frustrated that you let such filth come between our lovely moment together. Fortunately for you though, I can forgive and move on. I kissed your mouth, despite the obnoxious chattering, and tried to put the gag back on. You begged me to leave it off and although I was tempted, you simply are not ready for such a thing. I pulled your tangled hair out of the way and fasined the slippery clasp, soaked with cold water dripping from your hair. Several ice cubes were still scattered around the floor, just beginning to melt.  I picked one up and began to rub it over your naked skin. You whimpered and tried to pull away. However, being the bright girl that you seem to be, I'm guessing you knew the repercussions of fighting, so you stayed in place. I glided the cube of ice slowly down your spine, watching goosebumps spread over your back and shoulders.Your purple nipples wrinkled and protruded out as if they were screaming to be noticed. The ice melted down to a tiny, slippery round ball when it reached your tail-bone. I guided it down between your fleshy cheeks with two fingers, applying increasing pressure the further I went. When it melted completely, I gently tickled your perineum, inching closer to the spot you obviously feared. Remembering your need for a proper bath, I pulled my hand away and ran my fingertips up your back.

"Spread your legs," I instructed.

You whimpered a muffled plea in such an arousing way that I felt as if the seam of my pants would burst under the pressure of my erection.

"I'm not going to rape you now, you have my word. Do not force me to repeat myself or I'll have to remove another nail."

You closed your eyes tightly and reluctantly spread your unkempt legs. I grabbed another large piece of ice from the dirty floor and proceeded to stimulate your cunt with it. Your eyes shot open as soon as it touched you. At first, your moans were those of surprise and panic. As I continued to hold the ice to your clit, however, they changed to those of pain. You tried to back away from the freezing cube, but it was no use. Once my fingers could no longer hold such a chilling object, I quickly forced it inside of you. I held the back of my hand against you to keep it from being pushed out, your clit painfully cold to the touch. Your screams grew much louder. I ordered you to be quiet so as to not ruin your voice so soon. Sadly, you ignored my instructions. I reached for my pliers once again and held them firmly against your face.

"I told you to settle down. What do I have to do to get you to obey such a simple request?"

I clutched your fingers tightly and grabbed the nail of your right ring finger with the pliers. You urinated all over yourself as soon as the metal made contact. Amused, I let your hand go after teasing you with the tool against your fingertips a few more times.

"You understand then?"

You nodded and cradled your recently freed hand.

"Good. I will return tomorrow to clean you up and feed you. Perhaps things may go a bit smoother?" 
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