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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Satire · #1380278
... a lesson about fear...
Class (by van morsel)

fade in :
Mr dang-Krimps...stands in front of the class....
"now then children...today we have a...ahem....certain video clip i would like u too see...relating to certain matters which will no doubt arise as we head down that gravely road to adulthood..im sure u understand what i mean...or at least....will have the intellect to pick up on it...so to speak....so tommy...if u could just pull the curtains....we'll be ready to start"

tommy gets up real slow....walks to curtains.....pulls them shut with crusted tips..a small droplet of blood slips down from his bottom lip......

"now then class....well....here we go...."

teacher presses play and the sound of the old projector humms out over the class:

a man in a faded blue suit and paisley shirt, stands in the centre of the frame....his moustache is obviously fake...a long thin pointing device dangles from his right hand:

"hello there...my name is Dr Bilblio......" (coughs...smiles)
" today i am going to be talking about a certain....scientific.....ahhh.......a chemical reaction of sorts...which we have been studying down there at the academy....a ummm....certain....collection of....electrical impulses...which we...ahhhhh.....have ascertained through...various.....ahhhh...studies...and so on...now this certain...how do you say....state of being....is well.....odd.....its very ...well.....its very approach to the human host...is....ahhhhhh......well......intriguing.....as you will see shortly.....now this condition has been around since...well....lets not deviate from the path....i mean...its ancient...it has haunted many a great mind throughout,,,ahhh...history....and has come to be known as the ....ahh.....called...the....ummm....ahem...the..ahh.,.....the fear"

the classroom seems to diminish in size. teahcer turns grey....tommys chin and upper torso now soaked in thick dripping blood....

"...so without further a due....lets get down to business........"
boy speaks in a whisper...."excuse me....mr krimp..i mean mr dang krimps...ahh...well...what....what is this ....ummm....this fear..that this dr speaks of...umm...sir?"
quick as a bolt teacher wips of his belt and thrashes the boys face into a shredded flesh heap...."just watch the goddamn video ya whore fuck!!! shit you!!!!shit you kid...lookwhatchamade me do!!!!!!"

cut to video:
dr bilblio stands by a large object which has had a blanket drapped over it in order to conceal ,for the moment....its containment.

"now then....lets try a little ...ahem.....little experiement with our good friend.....johnny boy......" dr biblio removes blanket and reveals a child, perhaps 17 years of age, standing in side a glass cylinder, johnny boy waves at the camera. the cylinder is sound proof so the dr has to speak through a small microphone in order to communicate with the boy.

"hello johnny boy"
"hello dr"
"now johnny boy, mind telling us how your ahem...feeling today"
"oh just swell doc....i mean....a kid couldnt have it any better...i mean...well dr...this here cylinder....all to myself....jeeepers doc...its just neato."
"thanks for that johhny boy" dr switchs mic off and turns to face us.
" now then..ahem...through varios....studies and quantum...ahhh....examinations....we have....ahhh.....verified certain aspects...of this here phenomenon....called the ahhh...the fear.....now then....ahhhhh...myself and dr shubert discovered...that ahhh.....certain vibrations......can......wellll.....mimic the ahhh...they can induce a chemical reaction in the human brain...which is..well....it is simliar...reminisecet...ahhh....to the chemical reaction that takes place when a human host gets the ahhh...well....the ahem...the fear...yes....the fear....."

the classroom seems to fade slightly.....tommy is now semi unconscious....the teacher has chewed through his bottom lip, and a thin layer of black dust seems to be drifting down on the students...

cut back to the video:
"now then....lets ahhhh....begin...the ahh.....experiment...."
the doctor flicks a switch on a previoulsy hidden control panel.....the lights dim....lights come on in the glass clinder....johhny boy looks around smiling....
" as you can see here....well....johhny boy is a happy well adjusted young ahhh man....yes....now then......please pay strict attention to...ahhh...to what happens next.....it is ahhhhhh...of ahem....upmost importance...."

we hear the sound of a switch being turned on....then a dial being turned.....a small red diode lights up...and pulsates.....the camera zooms in on johnny boy in his cylinder....he looks around smiling....and peering into the darkness...a look of concern slips over his face....his eyes dart around...his lips form the word "dr" but we can not hear him as the mic to the cylinder has been switched off. he starts getting anguish...trying to see the dr in the dark...... begins rubbing his eyes..scrathing at his face and scalp....seems to be having trouble breathing...

the classroom is complete darkness now...the smell of blood is thick on the air....the humm of the projector has taken on a sublimal rhythmic pulse....the light from the screen seems to tearing at the insides of each students eyelids....the teacher has chewed of his bottom lip and driven his fingernails into the sides of his armchair....

cut back to the video:
johny boy is visually shaken....unable to stay still....chewing finger tips...callig out for the dr....the dr moans low:

"see how is behaviour has changed..from...a well....adjusted child to ..ahem....to this.....now then....ahhhh...if we...i mean..i ...if i ...just ahhhh..turn this dial up slightly....just ahemmm...see...what happends...." we hear the dial being turned up 4 or 5 notches........an inhuman darkness seems to creep over johnny boys face....red flesh seems to swell around his eyes....lips quiver....pupils dilate and go blank....muttered words escape his mouth...drool seeps.....muscles tighten.... the dr speaks...:

"now....ah....one more notch....just,,,ahhhh...for...good measure" we hear the dial turned one more notch.....a creaking sound seems to drift over the classroom....like something beeing pulled to its maximum capacity......something on the edge of snapping....of giving way....of yielding to overwhelming forces.....
the camera begins a slow zoom onto johhny boys face.....his eyes dart around erratically....his shoulders hunch over in a cruel animalistic stance.....his teeth grind together......something sinister lurks beneath his very being....a dark underbelly forcing its way through.....an untamed power.....a grotesque entity.......this is no longer johhny boy.....he is but a host now ...

the classroom seems filled with dead air ....and a hideous dank soot is pouring itself into the breathing systems of every student.....the screens penetrates like glass shards into their frontal lobes....muscles tight with anxiety....
"ive lost my edges" mutters a student.....

camera begins zooming out as we hear dr b speak "yes indeed.....now then.....ahem.....lets just .....ahhhh.....switch this mechanism off.....and....ahem....put an end to johhny boys....ahhhhh.....well.....his....ahem...his fear...." we see the red diode fade out and hear the dial switched off.....the lights come back on.....to reveal the dr standing exactly where we left him.....his face covered in sweet....and a bile like yellow stain splattered across the chest of his over coat.....johhny boy exhales loudly and shivers uncontrollable for a moment.....his face returns to a normal color....though slightly more pale than before....the red under his eyes fades slightly then lingers.....the dr switches on his mic:

"now then....ahhh....johhny boy....tell us how you are ...well...feeling...." johhny boy stares at the floor then turns his face towards the dr " ahhhhhh....could i have ...a...a glass of water please....i ....ummm...." his voice is a gravely whisper...."tell us how u feel frist johhny boy...then ahhh....we'll see about that glass of water....." johnny boy nods slowly...."yes...well....ahh....oh...i....i'd like to just sit for a moment dr....i feel....a little....ummm...weary....just a bit....ummmmmm....nothing serious dr ....just....a litle bit under the weather ....just a little bit....ahhh....." the dr smiles " and how did u....ahh....feel a moment ago....johhny boy....when the..ahhh...lights were turned...ummm...out?"

In the classroom tommy boy regains consciosness and begins picking away at the dried blood around his face.....

"well dr....i ...ahhh....could i have that glass of water now ....please...."
the dr mood suddenly changes "No Johhny! not yet...look....please...ahhh....be a good fellow there johhnny boy.....answer the questions..please....." johhny boy stares at the floor...."yes dr..sorry....just being impatient...ummm..well....i felt....ahh....." tears begin wellling up in johnny boys eyes...."ahhhh...dr....i ummm...i felt ...like...ahhhh..." he begins sobbing....a small stingy snot dangles from his nostril..."oh dr...umm....i ....ajhhh...i dont really....understand....oh " johhnny boy breaks into uncontrollable sobbing....the dr smiles , nods....switches of the mic and throws the blanket over johhny boys cylinder.....

"well then....there we have it...ahhh...yes....yes indeed....johnny boy went from a ahhhhhh rather happy go lucky type...to ....ahhhh...well.....to quite the opposite...in a matter of minutes....ahhhh....so ....well then.....what can we...that is ahhhh us....what can we conclude from this little ahhhhh experiement just witnessed.....? well.....the ahhh....frequencys...the sound waves....that johhny boy was subject to can induce a state of being in its host....that is...well.....similiar to that of the...ahem....the ahhh...fear.....and what does this mean for us?.....ahhhh...yes....well then....to isolate this phenomenon has been the ahhhhh the dream of many....in order to study it we must first locate it......and once located in its...ahhhhh....original form....not a mere simulation...then we can.....ahhhhh....eradicate it.......ahhhhh...as u have seen.....its effects are.....well......they.....are troublesome....to say....the ahem.,....the least.....so this is...in effect.....the first step.....at locating and understanding this.....ahhhhh...this.....ahhhhhh.....phenomenon.....yes....yet this brings up many more questions........ahem.....is the fear a conscoius entity...like a parasite searching for a human host....or....ahhhhh.....just it come simply from within our own brains.....a dormant chemical ...waiting...to ahhhh...arise.....or....is it ahem possible...that this entity.....is something.....ahhhhh.....more......ahem....."

the drs face seems to drop all its color....his eyes stare deeply into nothing for a moment, as if recalling a harrowing memory.....the temperature of the classroom to seems to fall away...leaving the students shivering in there own cold sweat...

"......something...which we...ahhhhhh...which is more than ...ahhhhem....well ahhh......certain findings at other.....well established labs....would....ahhhhh...would....well .....there have been anomilies......descrepancies...whcih......signify....that this is" the dr stares directly in to hte camera....tears well up in his eyes....his voice shakes.....

"that this is ....ahhhh...." the video blacks out suddenly....we hear that hummm and clatter of the projector....tommy wipes his lip....the teacher sits up and tries to compose himself .....the video suddenly casts another image on the screen...the projector begins squeaking....shuddering....the image is of an empty corridoor....we hear the sound of an old record playing somewhere in the background....the music and setting seems to be 1950,s..the corridorr creats a kind of natural reverb for the music ..... the film cuts to a different shot....this is of a bare wall...old yellow wallpaper, a door can be seen on the right side of the frame. half of the door is out of the frame. the sound of low static. we see the door open, then close. whatever entereed the door stays out of frame. silence. cut to black. the tail end of the film clatters through the projector...the projector shuts down. a moment of silence....the entire class is thinking the same thing..

.the teacher blinks, coughs
"ahem...well tommy if u could just open those curtains back up, let a bit of light back in" laughs nervously. tommy draws the curtains...yet the light is faded and dull . the teacher scans the class, four of the children are missing, clears his throat....
"well class, i hope that we all....learned something from this.....interesting....wee.....film...."

the teachers voice trails off.....the sound of radio static....his eyes dim....lips turn blue....students seem to sway on the surface of a luke-wam liquid ether.....the sound of heavy rain.....the bell rings and the teachers sits bolt up-right.

"yes indeed....ahhhh..okay class....good stuff today....class dismissed...ahh.....yes....enjoy your weeked....." the students file out of the class......one by one....all except tommy who sits staring at the wall where the projector was pointed....the teacher leans forward:
"ahhh..class dismissed tommy.....you can leave now...." tommy doesnt move or speak....his eyes fixated on the spot.....the teacher follows his gaze.....as he does so he feels the warm sensation of urine flowing down his pant leg....the wall is covered in a strange coating....at first it looks like the wall paper has bubbled and rotted.....but on further inspection the wall seems to be covered in a thin flesh like substance.....it covers the exact surface upon which the film was projected.....a muffled gurgling sound sound seems to be escaping from it.....black dust begins falling from the ceiling again..... fluid leaks from a cyst on the side of the projector lens.......cut to a wide shot of a abandoned super highway.....the camera lingers...moving slightly...as if handheld......cut to close up of a smashed beer bottle strewn across a concrete footpath.....the audio cuts in suddenly....loud hissing....the aristocratic voice of a university lecturer: "the juxtaposition of these shots is" the audio track cuts out sharply.
cut to a darkly lit basement.....mostly empty.....perhaps abandoned....the sound of machines in the background......the sound builds gradually....until it overwhelms....the lights fail..........the sound of garbled talking.....perhaps a childs voice....fade out....


© Copyright 2008 van morsel (richid at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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