Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1380045-Something-to-Eat-2
Rated: E · Fiction · Writing · #1380045
Sophia grows in her relationship with Todd and it's going straight to her waistline...
Part 2 of Something to Eat (rates and/or reviews would be greatly appreciated!)

Her mother woke Sophia up to get dressed. It was Sunday and she had to get ready for church. She rolled out of her bed and pulled her clothes out of the closet. She had this brown skirt picked out that she just found a week ago. She rushed around her room, slapping on lotion while pulling up her stockings.

Her mother always woke her up late. She sucked her teeth because they were going to be late and Sophia wouldn’t have a chance to eat breakfast. She hoped she could last through the whole church service, but there were major doubts in her head as well. She slipped on the dress and was a little shocked at the close fit. She didn’t have time to think about it so she pulled on her shirt, slipped on her shoes, and grabbed her earrings and brush. She ran in the bathroom and battled around her mother for the mirror.

“Why can’t we get up earlier?” Her mother coated on her lipstick while Sophia ran the brush through her brown hair. Sophia shrugged.

“You wake up late. That’s a problem in your department.” She turned to leave and her mother noticed her skirt. She raised her eyebrows because she thought that the skirt was looser last week when they purchased it.

Sophia grabbed her Bible and coat and went into the kitchen. She stuck her hand in the container and pulled out the last brownie and ate it for breakfast. She knew it wouldn’t last, but it would hold her over.

“Ma, can we stop for breakfast?” She called upstairs. Her mother poked her head out of the bathroom and glared at her. Sophia folded her arms. “Well we’re going to be late anyway.” She saw on her mother’s face that she had won the battle.

“Fine. Are you ready?”

“Yeah, I’m waiting on you.” Sophia tapped her foot, feeling the signs of hunger start to rise inside despite already eating the brownie. It just seemed to wake her stomach up.

They backed out of the driveway fifteen minutes later while Sophia’s mother complained about timeliness issues. Sophia rolled her eyes and tuned her mother out as she thought about breakfast.

“Can we go to Burger King?” She asked, cutting her mother off from her rant. It was on the way. Her mother mumbled something and pulled to a stop sign.

When they pulled into the drive-thru, Sophia’s mother rolled down the window and asked her what she wanted. Sophia leaned over her mother and waited for the order taker.

“Can I take your order?” A bleak voice asked from the small black holes.

“Yeah, um, can I get a large number one with a Coke and a pack of cini-minis?” Her mother gave her a look and the man told her the total so they could drive around.

“Someone’s hungry.”

“It was too late to have dinner at Todd’s.” She lied. Her mother paid and handed Sophia and drink and food. She sped off in an attempt to make herself feel better about being late. Sophia dived into the food, popping the hash browns into her mouth between bites of her sandwich. It was nothing compared to Todd’s food, but it would have to do since she was so hungry. She didn’t usually eat breakfast because, as usual, they were running late for church.

The food filled her stomach and she began to feel her skirt dig into her side. She stuck her finger between her side and her skirt to temporarily relieve the pain. But she kept eating and the pain got worse. She drizzled the icing on the mini cinnamon buns and dropped them into her mouth one by one. When she finished, she put on hand on her stomach while the other brought her drink up to let her sip it.

During church, Sophia suffered and struggled with her dress and the tight band around her belly. It was painful, but she managed to smile and hug everyone, praying for the moment when she’d get home so she could undress. Some people shot her some comments under their breath especially her mother’s friend, Diana. She took one look a Sophia’s dress and her eyebrows shot up.

“A bit tight there aren’t we?”

“I feel fine in it.” Sophia stuck her nose up and left before she gave herself away. She went into the bathroom to take a break from the tight walk show. She stared at the red sore line on her midsection and gently rubbed it. Her stomach wasn’t flat anymore. It was starting to get a little round, but Sophia figured that was from the food. She didn’t realize that her tummy was beginning to grow.

After church, Todd called her and asked if she wanted to come over for dinner. Todd’s parents were still away and wouldn’t be back until late. Sophia agreed and with her mother’s permission, headed to his house. She was in sweat pants now, to her relief, and eagerly waited outside of Todd’s door for food. Of course she wanted to see him, but she was hungry and that was her main priority.

Todd opened the door and the smell of chicken wafted out into the cool air. Sophia was immediately smitten with him and his food and his love of making food. He gave her a kiss and she could smell the chicken grease on him. She kissed his neck so she could smell more of it. Her stomach grumbled and Todd pulled back because he felt it too.

“I guess we better go inside.” He said and Sophia nodded. She climbed the stairs and her eyes went directly to the food set up for them in the dining room. There was a row of chicken, green beans, macaroni and cheese, rolls, and two baked potatoes between two plates and candlelight. Todd pulled off his apron and tossed it on the chair in the kitchen.

“I think I went a little overboard, but I guess you can call it my pre-birthday dinner,” He added and smiled. Sophia smiled then looked away. She completely forgot about his birthday and it was on Friday, the same day as the game. Sophia thought about the exact way to explain as Todd pulled the chair out for her, but she couldn’t. Hey, Todd, I have a game that I can’t miss or Todd I know you’ll understand. No. She shook her head. That wouldn’t work. Her head sank into her chest. He loved having his birthday with her and adding to that, Sophia forgot about it last year for the same reason. Sophia reached for the macaroni and glanced up at Todd.

“You know…the funniest thing is…is that I have a soccer game on that day…” She faded out as she stuffed green beans into her mouth. At first, what she said didn’t trigger to Todd, but then his face solidified. He stared at her open mouthed. He tried to smile it off as he grabbed the macaroni and cheese and slapped a glob of it on his plate. He laughed.

“You’re joking, right? Or are you serious?”

“Todd, I so so so sorry…I didn’t realize that the game was--”

“You are serious…” he nearly dropped his fork on the ground. He tried to rationalize the situation. She loved that game, but she loved him too and she did the same thing last year. Todd struggled to put a smile on his lips. “Don’t worry about it. There’s always next year, right?” Sophia stared at her food then nodded.

“Yeah.” She watched him as they ate, searching for any glimpses of anger, but Todd concealed it well. He even stared another conversation and Sophia fell for it. Deep inside, Todd was angry with her. The same excuse, he thought, but if she gained weight then she couldn’t play. A smile crept onto Todd’s lips. He made it his mission to fatten her up so she could be his and only his. He watched her pile more chicken and macaroni and cheese onto her plate and smiled at her.

“I hope you enjoy,” he said and began eating. Sophia bit into a chicken leg with no thought of her negligence. The chicken was juicy and seasoned to perfection. She ate all the meat off the bone and reached for two more drums. She began next with the green beans. Todd added sugar and butter to them so they were sweet just like Sophia wanted them. She finished off her baked potato, sticking extra butter into the slit and ate the insides. Sophia was beginning to feel full, but that didn’t stop her from eating four rolls with sweet glaze on them.

Sophia’s body went numb with pleasure, lost in a temporary trance in good, filling food. She ate her two drumsticks next, struggling with the last one, but she chewed it and swallowed. Sophia reached under her shirt and gingerly rubbed her sensitive tummy. It was bigger than before, but she didn’t notice. She instead realized that not all of her stomach was firm. A small layer of fat covered her belly. Sophia rubbed it more, loving the feeling, but made a mental note to work extra hard in practice and make her midnight snack a small one. Todd finished not too long after her, but he only finished what she didn’t eat, which wasn’t much.

As an overstuffed Sophia took a nap after dinner, Todd made more brownies. This time, all of them would be for her. He smeared the batter into the pan, imagining her unable to resist these brown savory squares. He pictured each one sliding past her thin lips, down her throat, and into her expanding, softening belly. She’d rub her stomach too after a brownie and he’d watch the layer of fat around her stomach thicken. Her belly button would sink into her soft, plump skin. He’d have one hand on her stomach as he kissed her and fed her more and more food.

He thought about what he could do tomorrow. Make her lunch? Perfect. Invite her over for dinner again? Well, his parents didn’t really like Sophia or anything else in his life so maybe he could surprise her at her house with dinner. He knew she barely ate anything during the week so this would be perfect and wouldn’t be long until he saw results.

Sophia woke up to Todd watching her. She blinked and squinted to focus her eyes. “Were you watching me?”

“Yes. You don’t have a problem with that do you?”

“No.” She sniffed the air. “Did you make brownies?” Todd nodded and Sophia’s mouth watered. She caught herself. She shouldn’t eat any, but they smelled so good. She imagined one warm one in her mouth. “Can I have one?”

“Yeah, they’re all for you.”

“What? As a ‘thank you for forgetting my birthday again’ gift?” Sophia stared at her tee shirt and picked at it. Todd smiled and laughed.

“I guess so.”

Sophia slowly glanced up at Todd. “Thanks.”

Todd packed the brownies up as Sophia put on her coat. She had to make it up to him. Somehow. He handed her the container and they took a moment to kiss and say goodbye, then Sophia left.

Sophia crammed another thick brownie into her mouth. It was after midnight and Sophia was answering to her stomach’s late night demands. She’d already consumed two and was now onto her third. She didn’t count how many she’d eaten because she’d slipped back into a comatose paradise. Her feet spun her around while her fingers led the bitten brownie back to her lips. She licked up her chocolate frosting mustache and downed another swig of milk. She wanted to break free from it, but her heart and her body wouldn’t let her.

She reached for a fourth, knowing that she was nowhere near full. She coaxed it into her greedy mouth, quickly consuming it. She ate a fifth then a sixth, massaging her swelling belly. She glanced down into the container and picked up another one. Her teeth sank into it, exciting her heart and causing her to go dizzy. She knew this should’ve been enough for her, but she wasn’t full yet. Just one more, she told herself. One more. Her frosted fingers reached for the eighth. And she ate it. Sophia slid down the cabinets and onto the floor. Her head was spinning. She couldn’t move she was so full and ecstatic.

After a while, she slowly and carefully picked herself up, closed the container, but not after breathing in the sweet aroma, and headed back off to bed. She was beginning to feel less and less ashamed. She was too addicted to care anymore. She stared at the mound that was her stomach under the covers. She stroked it and fell back to sleep.

In the morning, Sophia struggled with her uniform skirt. When she zipped it up, the dress felt like a tied corset around her abdomen. Her bra felt kind of snug too. Sophia glanced down at them, but didn’t notice the change. She rubbed her tiny round tummy underneath her constricting clothes. She wouldn’t make it, but she had to.

Between classes, she could go to the bathroom and unzip her skirt to relieve the pain. She sat down and her stomach puckered out and the thin layer of fat rested on the top. She jumped up and dug in her closet for a uniform sweatshirt. Her mom bought her a couple, but she never wore them. She pulled it out and to her relief they fit and covered her growing problem. She was so glad that she would be able to practice today. She let herself go during the weekend. She probably gained four or five pounds just eating and sleeping. Her stomach rumbled. Sophia glared at it.

“What do you want now?” she grabbed her coat and book bag and headed downstairs to have a brownie breakfast. One was halfway in her mouth when her mother rushed down the steps and into the kitchen. She dropped her briefcase into the table and stuck her earrings into her ear.

“I’m running a little late—” she began, but stopped when she saw Sophia eating. She shook her head. “A nutritional breakfast I presume?”

“It’s packed with the essential vitamins and nutrients.” Sophia smiled and finished eating it. Her mother rolled her eyes.

“I’m sure it does.” She checked her makeup in the mirror in the foyer. “You’ve been eating a lot lately.” Sophia shrugged.

“It’s soccer,” she lied again. She hoped that her mother would believe her and her mother did.

“You and those fifteen sports you play.”

“It’s only one mom.”

“Yeah, whatever. Look, I have to go. You better hurry or you’ll miss the bus.” She kissed Sophia on the forehead and hurried out of the house. The moment her mother closed the door, Sophia grabbed another brownie and ate it. She put on her coat and book bag and ran out of the house. She locked the door, turned around, and paused. Todd was leaning on his father’s car in her driveway.

“Wow,” Sophia said, “A boyfriend and a chauffeur.” Todd made a face.

“Funny. I thought it would be nice to pick up my girlfriend so she wouldn’t have to chase after her bus because she left her house late, but I guess—”

“Just open the door.” Todd opened the door for her and she got into the passenger’s seat. When he got behind the wheel, Sophia leaned over and kissed him. Todd cradled her neck and kissed her back. Sophia pulled back far enough to say “thank you”. Todd grinned and brushed his nose with hers. He put the keys into the ignition, started the car, and drove to school.

“I have a surprise for you.” He rolled to a stop sign. Sophia’s ears perked.

“And what is that?”

“I made lunch for us.”

Sophia touched his arm, stunned. “You’re my savior. All I had was five cookies, a handful of Cheerios and an expired Capri Sun.” Todd shook his head.

“How do you survive?”

“If I knew I would tell you, but I’m so glad that you’re in my life.” She ran her fingers through his hair as Todd focused on the road. Todd knew that Sophia wouldn’t have to suffer and be hungry anymore and he was going to make sure of it.

Sophia’s stomach endured until fourth period then started acting up. She clenched her fading muscles so it wouldn’t make a sound. When the bell rang, Sophia jumped up and rushed to lunch. She joined Todd at a table in the corner of the lunchroom. Sophia leaned over the table to take a peek. Her stomach brushed the edge of the table.

“So what do you have for us today?”

“Beef chowder, but it’s lukewarm. And ham sandwiches, chips, two apples, and cookies.” Sophia nodded and took the chowder and a sandwich to start. She ate them in less than ten minutes. She ate all the chips and cookies too. She gave her apple to Todd.

Todd accepted it, smiling to himself. He’d have to make more food tomorrow. But he liked her progress. Sophia leaned forward, folded her arms on top of the table. She wasn’t full, but close enough. She slowly breathed in and out. Her skirt was too tight now. She could barely think the pain was so strong. She held to stomach and wished there was more room, then she remembered her other skirts and how they were taken in. She’d have to cut the makeshift sewing job her mother did so she could have more room to grow. She also noticed her legs occasionally rubbing together. It was a new feeling for her. She began to understand as she accepted her increasing weight. She rubbed underneath her chin to check for extra fat and there was a little bit. Todd stared at her as he finished eating. He’d been looking at the other students, wondering when Sophia would rub her belly. He collected the trash.

“Hey, my parents are having some friends over so wouldn’t you mind if I came over to your house after practice and had dinner with you? I could even make it so you won’t have to lift a finger.” He asked. Sophia grinned and nodded. She couldn’t get enough of his food and it seemed as if opportunities sprouted out of nowhere.

“I would love you to and so would my mom. She’s probably sick and tired of Ramen noodles.”

To be continued...
© Copyright 2008 jeaninetb (jeaninetb at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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