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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1379438
Attack on the Palace Of the Way's
Book 1:
Glimmers of Chaos

Night of Demons
1765 N.A.: 2nd day of the 2nd month of winter

''Master Mage, the council will see you now," said the slender girl in a musical voice, as she stood in front of the large, twined, heavy oak doors. She was pretty, with honey colored skin, and long blond hair. Her deep-set hazel eyes and heart shape face had an expression of joy she could not contain. She was average height for a woman, wearing a snug fitted black dress that showed off her figure, with gold roses sewn up the leg, where it split, and up to her hip on the left.

The corridor were large and painted red, with a blue rug on the floor, and gold lamp stands that where lit, and standing between small wood disk’s and large diamond shape windows, that where covered by red wool curtains. Paintings on the wall depiction of the ancient battles with the demons, and legendary heroes performing great deeds where hard to see threw the dim light.

The short mage looked up at the girl as she spoke, and raised himself from his crouching position on the floor across from the doors; brushing himself off and running short, stubby fingers throw his black-gray hair. He was short, with pale skin, and a fat face and big black eyes. He wore his wool robe tied and his silk sandal's, where both as dark as night.

The mage nodded at the girl in thanks, as he entered the room beyond the twinned doors.

“Thank you for waiting, Master Mage" the girl said." And have a well night." then she glided off throw the corridor. Masikan Akichi had a feeling she was in a hurry. Akichi had never been to the Palace of the Ways before, yet he had heard tales of the palace inside, and that girl could not have been a servant he thought she was when he first arrived. Who was she then? He thought.

When he had first arrived at the Palace, he had only seen that from the city below the massive rocky hill the Palace sat upon, he had looked over at the Great Mountains to the north, behind the Palace. On the other side of that mountain lay the true Shadow Lands. The Palace was large, climbing into the sky, with its towers and domes, painted white.

When he reached the top of the stone stairs, to the large double metal doors, the girl had been waiting in anger. She lead him to a room, where he would sleep, to allow him to put up his bag, and rushed him out as soon as he did , and then lead him to this room, where he had been waiting outside for a least in hour.

He did not know why his old friend would summon him to the two thousand year old building, built after the increase of demons in Logan. Alchemist theories where that the Hole in these world, to the demon realm of Darvon made by the last Demon Lord, had gotten larger and would continue to do so. In order to protect the world, the most powerful Wayborn at the time, who had no allegiance to any continent, or empire, formed the Convon Da'feind Aldro, which meant the Demon Slayer Allegiant, which folk called the C.D.A.

The room Akichi entered was large with columns supporting what must have been the largest dome in the Palace. There was no decor in this room, except a large oak table and a large throne on top of a pedestal on the other end of the room. Between the columns stood statues of former Grand Wizards, leader of the C.D.A. Around the table where six individuals, leaving six heavy curved chairs empty.

"Welcome, mister Akichi,'' said Morgan Uongi with a smile, and standing from the largest chair placed in the center of the table facing him. She was tall and voluptuous, with bronze skin and long white hair. She was a beautiful aged woman, with strong cheekbones, and slanted blue eyes.

She peered behind Akichi searching. "Where did she go?" Morgan asked in a hard tone that matched her abrupt facial expression.

She ran down the hall, Akichi thought, yet all he could do was point in the direction she had gone. Morgan shook her head in disgust.

"I swear she’s acting so moon struck, she’s starting to behave like a farm girl in summer." the five folk at the table laughed.

Akichi turned to go after the girl and stopped when Morgan said in an amused tone, “She is taken though. So I can’t allow you to write her poetry, and letters under the moon light."

Akichi sighed, he had been writing a sonnet for a girl with long blond hair, called "The beauty with Blond Hair,'' and he really wanted to test it. He turned and walked towards the table.

Morgan turned to her left and said, “Go guard the door Thedios, and allow no one to enter."

Thedios stood a said," Yes Grand Wizard."

Thedios was tall, and massive, wearing a snow-white long coat that was inches from the ground, and black booths. His red shirt was wool and buttoned to the top, and tucked into his brown trousers. His sword belt was brown leather and large, with a huge gold belt buckle that had rubies in the form of the six-point star, the symbol of the C.D.A. Hanging from the sword belt was his Wayblade claymore, with its dark round grip, and gold quillions, and small gold pommel.

He walked pass Akichi without even looking down at him. Akichi seized the opportunity to sense the man's Waystrenght. It might be impressive to some, Akichi thought. Nevertheless, not anywhere close to mine.

When the door shut behind the man, Morgan smiled and turned to Akichi, "Seat my friend, we have much to discuss," she said motioning for Akichi to seat in he chair opposite her own.

Akichi sat, slowly looking around the table. There where two men and two women, besides himself and Morgan, and she went around the table introducing them.

The man on Morgan’s right was Dasha'man Dieblo, who was the pretty type, with his milk skin, blue eyes, and blond hair curled at the ends. He wore a heavy blue wool shirt button to the top that had a wide collar and an aqua blue cloak.

The woman beside him was Petrica Trio who looked middle age, and was pale skinned. She had shoulder length brown hair, high cheekbones, and a sharp noise. Her eyes where black and small, and she seemed like a shy woman, raising her hand when Morgan introduced her, then quickly brought it down with in embarrassment. She wore a leaf green robe with the hood half up.

Jarakin Fildma sat at Morgans left and had a young man’s face, with neat brown beard, and long gray hair, and old eyes. He wore a brown wool robe.

In addition, so did Milessha Harthaky, with her plump motherly features. She shot Akichi a smile once introduced.

“So," Morgan said when all the introductions where done. "How was your trip?''

Akichi shrugged closing his eyes, and tilting his head to one side.

Morgan laughed," That dull? There must have been no women?"

Akichi shook his head no, and Morgan laughed harder. Akichi had missed that smile laugh over the years. How beautiful you still are Morgan, he thought, Saddened he could not tell her in his on voice. How you use to melt to my singing near the sea, and poetry reading under the moon. Thoughts of the past deepened his sadness

Gaining her composure, and wiping tears from her eyes, Morgan said, “But in all seriousness we have not got the time. I originally sent for you for another reason, yet things have changed in the last week. You are aware of the increase of attacks by demons in Logan?" Akichi nodded that he had. "They have worsened here this past week, and I need for you to...”

As Morgan explained what she needed from him, his face began to frown. Does she think I am crazy, he thought.

When Morgan was done she said," So will you do it Akichi?" He shook his head furiously no. She does think I'm crazy, he thought. I am the first to say I am overabundance with bravery, but these?

"Why not when I have just explained the circumstances and the importance of this mission for the world’s sake?" Morgan asked

Akichi placed a thumb on his neck, and slashed across it.

"Your not going to be killing yourself man," Morgan, said upset. "I will have these four, the one out side, and a few others accompany you."

Akichi then sensed the four around the table Waystrength. Petrica was the strongest to Akichi amazement, with Milessha and Thedios next as equals, and Jarkin not far behind them. The pretty boy was the weakest.

Akichi shook his head no once again. I still would be killing myself, he thought.

"His is the Warlock, Akichi." Morgan said in a soft voice. "So maybe you can get your beautiful voice back, but only if you go."

Akichi gave her a hard stare. He pointed at Morgan and shrugged.

"I know because I've seen him." Morgan said with a small smile on her lips, gone in a blink of the eye." His there, there in...” Morgan words cut short when the ear screeching screams of a Volsuns, a demon with a human body and large wings. There had to be a little over a hundred now. Akichi Waysense told him that there where demons all over the palace and there was no sense of Thedios outside the door.

"How could they have gotten in the Palace?'' said Milessha taking hold of the Ways and standing. The others did the same. "How could they have gotten passed the Towers?"

"You see my friend,'' Morgan said walking up beside Akichi." The shadows have are already moving."

The door banged open and a young man of average height and slim ran into the room. He was honey skinned, with a square face, and long nose, with strong cheekbones and black eyes. He wore a long coat made of the Ways, which blinded into what ever that was close by. He carried Quaivac sword covered in black blood.

Akichi could only look at the boy in astonishment. The lads Waystrength was forty times stronger then his own and almost reaching Morgan, yet he did not hold a drop.

"Grand Wizard," the lad said caching his breath” The demons have entered the city, and the Palace. They tricked us."

"Down Moody," Morgan bellowed, and the lad threw himself on the ground, right before the blue Energy Ball struck down a large wolf like demon Akichi had never seen before.

"Where is she?" the lad said as he rose.

"I don't know Moody...." Moran began, but the boy had already Flashed Stepped when she said, "I don't".

"What do we do, Grand Wizard?" the pretty boy said panicked, but who would not be, no one had ever attacked Palace of the Ways

"We do what must be done." Morgan said looking at Akichi." Are you in?"

Akichi agreed he was." Good," Morgan continued, "Now let’s fight for our home."

It well be a long night, Akichi thought. A long night indeed it well be.
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