Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1379416-Drivers-Guide-to-the-Writing-Galaxy
Rated: E · Article · How-To/Advice · #1379416
Tourn-a-rounds: cure for newbies on how to create a new item
Writing.com: a new cyber compass
For you anyways

Starting on an adventure can be nerve wrecking, but don't worry. This will be just like the time driving in the middle of no where, following directions, almost eating Brandon; only different. Instead of getting lost, you're writing abilities will be found on a new entry. You won't end up by-passing the original destination, if you follow everything laid out here. And no cannibalism will occur *Smirk*, or be suggested.

*Flower1*This first section, you will view on my laptop so that you will be able to follow the instructions on your own at the same time. Otherwise you would have to do some of the steps just to read how to do the steps and that could be disastrous. It's easier this way.*Flower1*

Okay, open up a web page on your laptop, assuming you have wireless. In the long white square near the top type in (www.writing.com) minus the () marks. Then enter in your username and password in the sections designated for that information. This will sign you into the page I created for you a few days ago.

You should be on the "account" page. This has many links and tidbits of information. Don't just click on a bunch of links. *Idea* That's an easy way to get lost, kind of like picking the random road 22 or road 57 it doesn't get you to somewhere that you recognize very fast.

Next, there should be a decorative panel, usually showing seasonal images, with many black worded links(clickable words). Click on the one that says "My Portfolio" and *poof* this is your writing portfolio.*Star*

Now to create an item. On your screen there should be a section that has a picture of a black briefcase. In that segment is some information about ratings, membership status, gift points (there is a lot here that you may not understand but they can be explained later), etc. Below that is two boxed off areas that will contain any items that you highlight and the most recently created items. Just below those two, in its own little box, in red letters is the words "click here to create a new item". Click on it. *Star*

For you first entry, start with something simple. Below the image of the feather in an ink well should be the words "Static Item". Click on those words. This takes you to the page where you can create an item to be kept in your portfolio. What you put in here is up to you. *Flower1* Start with a title in the "item title" box. A little ways down is another box where you can put in a very brief description of the piece of writing. But it is limited to 90 characters (not story people, letters/numbers typed). In the second section, label in light blue, is the content and access settings. Click on the content rating box, this will bring up options of different ratings. These are kind of like the movie ratings with slight variations. So it is the same, only different. *Wink*

Then go down to Section 3. This is where you can choose which genre the entry fits into. Click on the little boxes to be shown the options available. Also, put in a few random key words in the box below. The point of these is to allow for others who are searching for items to read on the web site to see your item. You might even get a random review that way (quality not guaranteed).

In section four you will put the actual writing. For this first entry don't worry about fonts or extras. Just type out the poem or whatever it is you wish to enter into your portfolio. *This part is up to you!* *Wink*

Once you have finished with your masterpiece, go to the bottom of the page. There will be three oval button like segments located in section 6. Each on is an option. The first one, on the left *Left*, is "Save Item" and it does just that. It saves the item to your portfolio. The middle one, "Save And Edit", allows for the item to be saved and brings you back to the same page so that you can continue to work on the writing if you so choose to. This option is best if you want to work on a long piece and don't want to accidently lose the work in the middle by the internet randomly closing for something like that. The final option *Right* is the "save and view" and it allows the item to be saved. Go ahead and click that one.*Flower1*

You should now see your own writing. Congratulations *Star*. You have added your first, and hopefully not last, entry to your portfolio on writing.com. *Star* My advice is that you play around with the site next. Even if you get lost what's the worse that can happen? Just watch out for e-cannibals.
© Copyright 2008 Dawn Embers (elfmage7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1379416-Drivers-Guide-to-the-Writing-Galaxy