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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1379402
Moody's In The Tower's

At The Tower’s
“It is being able to forfeit your own life for the lives of other’s, because what is showing someone your better when you protect the lives of million’s.”
Turan Dorka

When winter change to spring, spring into summer, summer into autumn, and autumn back to winter thing’s change. It could be a flower’s bloom, more resident’s in a village, a new ruler of a land, or the shadows touching the world. Yet there will always be those chosen by the God of Fate to save the world. In the small subcontinent of Moblain’Voldicen, the Shadow Land’s to some, Home Land’s to other’s, the morning sun has just rose.

The morning sun gave no heat to Moody Green, as he stood at the glassless window in the uppermost part of the Tower looking down at the tainted Shadow Lands. The forest had large trees that where dark as coal, and the strange bark and branches had the look of arms. The howling winds sounded of screams and smelt of decay, while dark clouds scattered the sky. The pure white snow that covered the ground, turned black as night by tainted winds in the forest, combined with the trees cased a cover of darkness. Where anything could be in there, hiding in wait.

Moody always thought it strange that beyond the Great Mountain lay human civilization, and the legendary Palace of the Ways. Home too many powerful Wayborn,My home. he thought.

Moody wore his blue wool shirt and brown trousers, with the ends of the legs tucked into his dark blue boots. The long coat that he wore, made of the Ways blended into any thing close, only given to Wise Ones, the C.D.A. knowledge seekers and secretly the assassins of the order. He did not know that either before passing the test, meaning he was above guarding the Towers now though. Why send me here then? He wondered. Why not some rookie whose just passing the exam?

Moody had arrived last night in a freezing blizzard; he yet might catch cold because. He and his two Guardians were exhausted and immediately found cold, stone bunks to sleep, in the dungeon like rooms in the basement. His bones yet to warm from the two-week journey ached in chill. Winters were cold in the mountains.

Before becoming a Wise One Moody guarded these towers, six in a v-shape blocking the only pass. He stood in the last one closest to the taint. He wanted to be the first to see a demon raid. He had heard that the demons seemed too had vanished though. Winter had just come and that is when raids worsened, but no raids in the four month's of fall? he wondered. They all could be in Brafical some how? So why send me? She knows I am above this.

His face twisted in anger, it aged his look. He was the pride of the C.D.A., the standard of a true slayer, and at only eighteen. A slayer for two years before asked to take the exams and passed, when others take ten to fifty years before asked, and longer before they pass it. Only nine others surpassed or equaled him and all disciples of Morgan Uongi. The eleventh blew her chance of progression. What are they up to now? he wondered, glancing up at the sun. Up to there tasks, looking around at the field, Tower guards plainly dressed practice with wood sword's, hand-to-hand combat, and the bow. He sighed, and I am at mine.

"Ah, Moody," came a hard voice from behind him. Moody turned to face Turan Dorka, captain of the Tower Guards and Moody's uncle, walking up the stairs. A blocky, tall dark man, steel hard, with the walk of grace of a sword master. Piercing deep set unblinking hazel eyes once put fear in Moody, seemed to look into the depth's of his soul now, the frown he wore, made the old long scar that stretched down his fore head to his chin, and the other that crowded below, give it a grim look.

He wore his captain's gold armor that shone in the light and on his left breast three towers naming him captain. The Farmun style blade with its two handed grip and gold quill ions, hung from his left hip on a large, heavy brown leather sword belt. Half covered by Turan's bear fur cloak.

He carried another sword belt in his hand, hanging from it too handed hilt, but the blade did not require the over sized hilt. Moody turned to greet Turan in the center of the room, frowning.

"New recruit said a Wise One lift these in the armory," Turan said, lifting up the sword belt. "Now who do you suppose did that? Leave a Wayblade lying down in the Towers. Who would do such a thing?"

Angrily Moody snatched the sword belt from Turan,"You can stop with the badgering uncle," the anger showed in his voice. “I left it because I don't need it. It is suppose to allow me to hold more of the Ways, mountain sized, but it only allows me to hold a little more then I can unaided. So it is useless."

Strapping the sword belt across his back with the two handed quadric hilt inclined over his left shoulder, Turan shook his head and muttered under his breath. With the Ways in side of him, Moody could hear what he said," Foolish lad he is Punlapi."

Rubbing his chin, Moody asked," Why do you always say that, uncle?" For as long as Moody could remember, every time he did something his uncle did not like, he muttered to his dead sister. Moody's dead mother that kids once teased him about, for as long as he could remember people said that she did not know who his father was. Look at the little bastard form the whore. Moody could still hear there laughter.

"Because you are a young fool, lad, if your mother was alive, Creator bliss her soul, she'll tell you that the Ways is not ever thing. It does not make you invincible Moody. What if the Ways inside of you is severed in battle, Moody, or if you are too fatigued to draw it and a Farge is showing you its black teeth with its wide smile? What would you do then since you need no blade?"

Moody shrugged and waved the questions off, “I would have the Tower Guards protect Me.," he said nonchalantly. “You guy's are the best sword master's in the world." Moody then looked down at the sliver belt buckle on his chest. It had an engraving of a cheetah. The Grand Wizard had given it to him when he had received the Wayblade that he forged himself. All Wayborn forged there on Wayblade, it is in extension of there selves.

A moment passed and Turan had not answered, Moody looked up at him. A wide grin on his face, Turan patted Moody's back,” And you would swear you did not need us, lad. That you had it all under control." he sounded amused.

Moody smiled," I would wouldn't I." and he laugh, and Turan joined him. After another moment the regained there composure, " I have been hearing that it has been quiet around the Tower's the last few month's,” Moody said. "What do you think there planning?"

Turan took a long breath looking behind Moody to the window. Moody turned to see what Turan watched and saw light snow falling from the sky. When did it get dark? Moody marveled, seeing that the light from the window were dark now.

"I don't know, lad," Turan replied, shaking his head." However, whatever it is, we will not like it. Mark my word's, we have a tough task ahead of us. Brafical is in chaos and there winning in those land’s. The world is about to change lad and a war will change it." Turan sounded and looked thoughtful. “I got to go make the rounds lad, you should come."

Why did he change subjects like that?, wondered Moody. What is he thinking? “Sure uncle.”

Turan nodded and turned walking to the stairs. Moody followed quickening his step to keep pace with him. The stone made stairs comprised of the Ways looked old and large. Thirty floors made up the tower’s height, with no windows or decoration in the stairway, only small candles holders mounted on the wall. The dim light did not give off enough light; the stairway seemed to hold darkness. Moody almost shivered at the grimness, as he once would have. All ways reminds me to much of the taint for my liking, he thought, shaking off the fear that almost gripped him. Looking down at the creaks in the stone, Moody could see the Ways. Earth, water, air, and energy flowed together in a complex manner. Tied in side the stone, the Ways made the Tower’s indestructible, Moody lose himself in the creaks, they would always catch his full attention. How did they make it?

“Moody,” Turan said suddenly, his hard voice brought Moody back from his daze. Moody looked at Turan, who looked straight ahead.

“Yes uncle?” Moody asked.

“I’ve heard you and the Keeper share a bed. Is that true?”

Moody looked at Turan, his face as stone hard as the satires, “Who told you that?” he said angrily, rounding in front of Turan. There is only one person other then me and her who knows, Moody thought. Moreover, I will get her if she told him. His uncle had a low opinion of the woman Moody cared for.

Turan grinned,” Don’t you concern your self about who told me,” his smile widened,” But I do want you to answer this, is she good in bed? I mean I know many others who’ve shared her bed, but I want your answer.”

Moody shook with rage. Turan inclined his head just so, “You can’t answer me lad? Maybe because your hand hurts?” that is when Moody felt the shooting pain. His fists clinched tight at his side.

Releasing his grip Moody shrugged, “I know you don’t like her,” Moody said, almost keeping the heat out of his voice, “But never ask me that again. And never speak of her like that again.”

Turan looked at him for a moment, “Fine lad,” he said motioning for Moody to walk and Moody applied. “I’ve caught a rumor that your friend had an “accident,” at the gates.”

Moody still angry forced a small smile,” She did,” he said, calmly. “Hamtiru exploded a horse crate when the driver wouldn’t tell her what he carried. Turned out that crate was full of gold from the bank in Salkon. The Grand Wizard outraged and disappointed demoted Hamtiru herself. Something about the counsel wanting to let her deal with Hamtiru, being her disciple and all. Sent her to a farm tell she’s ready to come back, with no pay for a year.”

Turan nodded in thought, “Harsh punishment when she did no wrong.” Moody looked at him from the corner of his eye, Hamtiru is like my sister, he thought. Nevertheless, her punishment should have been far severer then that.

“Well,” Moody said, in a soft, yet firm tone. “She will never have to worry about that anymore.”

Turin looked up from his thoughts, “What do you mean?”

“Well... It took her forever to get that position and with this incident, I doubt she will never be promoted to any position of authority know. She wants that as much as I do myself.” Respect, he thought. Neither of us got much when we were younger.

“Why do you do this, Moody?” Turan pondered, gesturing around there surroundings. Now at the bottom level, Moody and his uncle passed Tower Guards in there silver armor. Unlike his uncle’s one-piece suet of metal, theirs had split sections. Breastplates triangular with thin craved designs, the mail under the breastplate’s hug low, reaching below the knee in elaborate form, split at the sides and sewn with thick wool and fur, thick greaves covered leg’s and every one had a weapon, either sword, spear, bow, axe, hammer or mace, or in most case’s more then one.

Although plain it had much space, with a high ceiling and many gold candle lamppost that brightened the hall. Windows with metal shutters spaced across the wall’s a few feet between each other. Timber bench that could seat three spotted here and there, solder’s seat in a few in conversation.

The Two walked into the extensive Entrance Hall. Circular in shape and made of black stone, with a painting across the ceiling painted on; of a group of Tower Guard defending the pass, in the greatest raid of this time. The Tower is a legendary place of honor and respect. Guard stood to Moody’s far right on each side of the double-arced door’s. Holding pike’s and wearing there bell shape helmets. Other walked around here also, in small group’s or carrying out there task.

“I do this for my honor,” Moody said proudly. “My respect and to show all other’s I am the best. To become the youngest Grand Wizard of all time and that will show Teacher I'm better then she will ever be.” heat entered his tone at the end.

Turin shook his head, “To proud foolish lad,” Turan said, a touch of sadness in his voice. He did not look sad, only harder. Why is he sad? pondered Moody. Is he sad for me?

“We do this,” Turan said, once again gesturing around there surrounding’s. “For the people of the world Moody, we protect them as we have for two thousand year’s and Creator willing for two thousand more. So lad, what is truly becoming Grand Wizard?”

“What is it uncle?”

“It is being able to forfeit your own life for the lives of others, because what is showing someone your better when you protect the lives of million’s.”

From his tone, Moody could tell it was not a question, more of a statement, but if it were, he did not think he would have the answer. The two walked in silence for a while. Coming up towards the Great Hall, where the guards ate there meal’s, two people in conversation near the doorway to the hall spotted the two men and walked towards them.

The two did not wear armor, instead both wore thick trousers, of blended green, gray’s, and brown’s, with the same colored shirts. Cloak’s and boot’s of snow white enabled the pair with there other garments, to camouflage. Moody’s Guardian’s highly trained and master’s of there Gift’s had proven there wroth time after time in assignments with him.

Farshma Petrillie had been Moody’s first Guardian, and Moody trusted him with his life. Mai Tung Dang was his newest one out of the five he had, yet in a mission to Chilma displayed her loyalty and skill’s. Saving Moody’s life when a unit of Cro had attacked the inn, they had been in.

Stopping short of the two men, bowing a respectable nod, “Wise One Moody,” Petrillie said, in his soft voice. Petrillie was of age with Moody, and looked it. He looked at Moody lazily threw clear blue eye’s, as if nothing in the world could ever have any excitement. Brushing reddish-gold hair out of his baby fat fair skinned face,” There is a letter that arrived before we did sir.” taking the letter out of a compartment in his cloak, he handed to Moody. It had Moody’s name on it and from the Grand Wizard, with the six point star cylinder of wax.

Turning the letter around in his hand, sending a letter before I arrived,{/} he thought. What type of game are you playing at, Grand Wizard? Looking up Moody saw that Mai’s pretty milk skin face was tight as it could be and grim. “Go vomit Mai,” Moody said firmly. The little woman tough as nails would never admit she had to, and her green eye blazed with heat after the order.

“Sir....” she began in a tight voice, before Moody cut her off firmly.

“We have all vomited from the smell of the Shadow Land’s. No one will think less of you, unless you pretend it doesn’t affect you and you do it anyway.” Moody had first hand experience with that, and Turan and Petrillie smiled. Bloody fool’s, he thought. Smiling at me cause a lost my dinner on the Grand Wizard.

Mai watched him for a seconded, looking him straight in his eyes. Then taking a hard glance at the other two, she hurried off past Moody and Turan.

“Told her to go do that an hour ago,” Petrillie said amused, watching her rush on. “She said she didn’t have to vomit when I asked her. Bloody woman was going to vomit on you I tell ya.” Turan flared into laughter, and Petrillie soon joined.

“So you laugh at a tiny mistake?” Moody said, nodding his head. “What about the time you where chased by Junkin, for filling up his sister, Petrillie?”

Petrillie stopped laughing, “Ha that’s below the waist. That man was twice my size and twice my age. I was only fourteen.”

“But had I not intervened he would have hurt you, lad.” Turan said amused. “He had already told Gungan to take you off the list for the Guardian test.”

“I know.” Petrillie said sullenly, “I had to apologize to that bloody woman and that horrible man in front of the council of Guardians before they would let me take the bloody test. And I didn’t do anything.”

Turan began to laugh again and so did Moody. Petrillie just shook his head.

A moment passed and a group of captain had walked passed the entrance of the Great Hall in went in.

Turan slowly stooped laughing and patted Moody on the back, “Well Lad it’s good to have you back. Talk to you later after I’m finished with the other captain’s.” then he headed after them in a graceful stride.

“I don’t know what his talking about,” Petrillie started. “But it’s not that great being back.”

Thinking about his time with his uncle,” I do not know Petrillie, it might be good for us. Take us back to long drunk nights and early morning headaches.” Moody laughed and Petrillie joined

“We well see if your right, Moody. Back to the old day’s you say?”

Moody looked around, “Back to the old day’s.” now all he needed was a bed.

Putting the letter in his coat, Moody walked towards the Great Hall entrance, “I'm getting something to eat, go get Mai and get you sword's and meet me."

“Alright, sir, get on it now.” Petrillie said and was off.

The Great Hall stood larger then the entrance, but made of dull gray stone as the other part’s of the Tower. Long bench in twenty rows had many guards seating and eating there breakfast, chatting and what not about any little thing they could. Rumors did not reach the Tower’s often, only when the farmers brought food. The message’s the captains received exchanged from one another and the Demon Slayers stationed here. The message’s they received told only amongst them selves.

Moody spotted the Slayers quickly as he glanced around. Thirty in all in the hall, all wearing there Wayarmor, solid square breastplate’s with ripples at the shoulder’s and knee’s, and going up the gauntlets. He spotted Ikan Jingo and headed towards her.

She looked up when Moody approached her and grunted, twisting her smooth dark face to harden. “Why are you here?” she asked in her Quaivac accent, rubbing under her slanted gold right eye, at the scar that decorated it. That the only scar she had came from Moody himself in a duel.

“Grand Wizard sent me personally to help guard the Tower.”

Ikan snorted, “And why would she do that when there hasn’t been in attack in four odd month’s? “

Moody shrugged,” Don’t know, but I was thinking the same thing.”

Ikan shook her head,”Guess well never know what the Grand Wizard is ever truly thinking. I was supposed to take the Seeker’s Test and two day’s before it they told me to come here. And I’ve been here for nine month’s.”

“I heard, but when you get back you’ll take it.”

“Whenever that is, so how is it fairing at our home, rival? I get messages in all, but they are very old rumors and orders. Have you heard news of Brafical?”

Moody leaned forward and told her ever thing he knew. The two talked and discussed Brafical and why the Grand Wizard had not sent help yet, the attacks subsiding at the Tower’s and most of all why the Grand Wizard seemed not to care about any of it.

© Copyright 2008 Demondrick R. Stern (demondrick at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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