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Diaries of Madalyn: My Sci-Fi side. Just a little exploring, maybe more one day. |
My Sci-Fi Side: The Diaries of Madalyn Dear Diary, Today has surely been a memorably day. It’s is July 1st, of 3010. Being the only space medical advisor in the space med station, Happy Patients, at Marion Hill is a life in itself. There is a war waging on as I write. The androids have joined together and are threatening to take over human space travel and our now five Earths. They have two specialized missals that track only the human form and seek to destroy them. The tics are missals that explode on contact with any human life form, and the Tacs are missals that break down the human immune system. Tacs contain little balls of viruses that explode around the human form. The androids ability to build the Tacs show how advanced in emotions they have become. By creating the Tics they only seek to destroy. By creating the Tacs they seek to torture. Today I’ve treated two patients that have been attacked by the Tacs. They each have three viruses that are unknown to the medical galaxy. One patient has deep colorful bruises all over his body. It is obvious he is in great pain, but there is little that can be done. The second patient is a child. This operation has been most unbearable to perform yet. From this little girl’s viruses, her sad blue eyes have gone blind; she has lost all of her long blonde hair, and has rotting limbs. Her body isn’t getting enough nutrition, so her limbs are beginning to deteriorate. An amputation of one of her legs was completed by me today. Her mother had broken down, turns out this little girl was a Star Skater, a new age ice skater. Her name is Annibella. We can only continue to hope and pray she pulls through in good health, but the emotional damage has been done. Until Tomorrow, Madalyn Dear Diary, Today is July 2nd of 3010. I have tragic news. I must write to clear my mind. Annibella passed today. The services are set for Thursday, July 4th. What the old world new as Independence Day. Now we fight a new war that has left the human race in ruins. I have heard news from Orion’s Corner that the Cosmic Rangers are coming with a new found force. They have been patrolling Marion Hill off and on for several years now, along with the surrounding areas. Their return from outer raids is long over due. I do hope they arrive soon. Jake will be with them on the ride. It’s been over two years now since he joined the Comics’ and left Marion Hill. I still have the ring. It’s a hopeless indulgence, but the warm memories it holds will help me through little Annibella’s services. I do wish he could be here for it. Because of everything we’ve been through I still feel a connection to him, but also because of the things we’ve been through I can’t act on my feelings anymore. When Jake’s mother passed after her sub colony was hit with a Tacs missal, he changed. I had to perform the surgery on her, there were no other doctors. I couldn’t get to her in time and I know what I did was right. He may become rigid and cold when I’m around, but he must know I couldn’t have left other patients to come to the rescue. That changed us. It forced a gulf between us filled with hurt and blame. I know it wasn’t my fault, I’ve seen the same surgery fail time and time again now. It seems he forgot I loved her too. I mourned her alone, as I will little Annibella. Until Tomorrow, Madalyn Dear Diary, It is a beautiful day. On this 3rd of July, I woke with an amazing sun ray streaming through my dwelling. The warmth of the ray surprised me in to a smile. Something I haven’t felt in a while. We have been surrounded with a brutal cold since the androids sent a force field to shield our sun. We received light, but barely any heat. I found out later in the day that the Rangers had arrived. They sent missionaries to attack the force field. My morning ray was proof they won the battle. Warm sun rays again stream along Marion Hill. Ironic, I knew Jake would bring heat, but not to this severity. I am thankful though. Today I was able to bring a dieing patient outside to enjoy a few moments of peace. He was attacked by a Tic that disguised itself as common weed in his garden. He was transferred to us from Patients On Earth about three months back. It brightened his mood considerably when he saw and felt the sun shining down on him. I suppose I have Jake and the Rangers to thank for his moments of peace. Annibella’s mother stopped in today. She wanted to make sure I new the arrangements for the funeral. She said Annibella cared for everyone at happy Patients, and decided she wanted to be a doctor like me when she grew up. I hope this war will end quickly. I’m not sure how much more heartache we can take. My third in line, Nurse Olivia, cannot come in until Friday. I have others to fill some spots, but things will be just a little more difficult than usual for a few days. The Doctors of Reinforcement aren’t due to arrive for a few weeks yet. They refused to come while the androids were seen a mile due north of Marion Hill. One would think doctors that have taken the Hippocratic Oath would come where they are needed. Until Tomorrow, Madalyn Dear Diary, Old World Independence, New World war… all that is going on around us will soon end, it must. Today is July 4th, 3010 and I attended the funeral services of and extraordinary little girl today. Annibella will be with us all for years to come. She had a way about her that inspired us to take a greater action against the evils that have done this to our world. Today she brought together fire and ice. The raging heat of the passion I once shared with Jake flickered today from its dull constant flame as he walked in the funeral home. I was astonished to see him there. He approached me and gave me his condolences. He said he went by Happy Patients and my head nurse, Jamie, told him I’d be here. I’ll have to thank her tomorrow. I felt it as soon as I saw him; that since of knowing and intensity that comes with intimacy. I gave him a warm hug and was returned with a cold pat on the back. He then informed me he stopped by to get the medical files for all of my patients that have recently been hit by Tacs. The Rangers are trying to come up with a device that will, if not stop them, slow the Tacs until the target can seek cover. It was good news to hear, but was delivered with a coolness that was neither welcomed nor expected. He radiated with unforgiveness, and what I saw in his telling gray eyes was old hurt. As I stood there over the coffin of this beautiful little girl that had so much potential, I did not wish for his forgiveness, I only prayed she and her family would again find happiness. If Jake wanted only cold condolences between us, then that’s what he would get. Until Tomorrow, Madalyn Dear Diary, It is now July 5th of 3010. Today I fear there will be many deaths. I have heard news of a new plan being developed by the Rangers. Their mission is to take the main android’s establishment by force and in turn quarantine it from the smaller forts, cutting off supply and leadership. They have created a missal that will stop the Tics, but not yet the Tacs. They have realized this war cannot wait until a new missal is developed for the Tacs, so they are taking action now. There was a news report today that gave me hope. The woman on the news talked of a little girl. The story unfolded of Annibella, a former Star Skater, with her long blonde hair and innocent blue eyes flashing across the screen. They told of how she was ripped from this life with a brutality that only androids can show. They gave little detail of her illnesses, but told of her amputation by a Doctor Madalyn Sansone at Happy Patients. It gave a brief look in to the trauma Annibella went through. The news reporter added at the end that this information was given to the station by a Cosmic Ranger. The Ranger commented, “This will not happen again. I have witnessed enough tragedy for this lifetime. All given by the androids, and I will not stand by for another. We will take immediate action.” My heart swelled as tears filled my eyes. Jake. His picture appeared quickly as the last of his quote came through the television. He still cared. I have a newfound hope in what is to come of Marion Hill, and what is to come of Jake and I. There will be peace again. Until Tomorrow Madalyn To Be Continued… |