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by Mai
Rated: 13+ · Other · Teen · #1378360
Chapter 2. 3 currently being made.
((Due to my limited membership.  2-4 chapters are going to be in the same thing.  Just due to the fact i'm not aloud to upgrade, being 14 and all.  But for now, all I have is chaptr 2 done, 3, and 4, and possibly 5 will go up once there done.))


Dominic sat at the sidelines of the funeral.  He had no intentions of weeping over the body of his ex.  He picked him self up, walking away from the funeral.  He passed multiple graves till he reached his own.  A red convertible was parked by the entrance.  He walked around to the driver’s seat and jumped in without opening the door.
By the time he had started up the car, and drove back to the house, it was mid day.  The sun was at its highest, but it was not seen.  Dark gray clouds filled the sky.  There was barely any light to be shown on this dreary day. 
         Dominic walked to the entrance of the house, pulling the keys out of the mailbox.  He walked in, slamming the door behind him.  He punched the nearest wall and screamed in anger.  “How the hell am I acting like this?” he asked out loud.  Thinking he would get an answer, but nothing answered.  He pounded the wall again before storming up to his room. 
He turned on the TV.  It was all he could think of. His mind was cluttered too much to focus on reading, and his body felt like it wanted to collapse.  He sat him self on his bed, not caring anymore.  It would take a while for things to turn back to normal.  Karina was highly respected, among all people.  Getting over her death was something that would be hard for everybody.  But not Dominic, he was cold and ruthless. He cared of nothing when it came to death.  Even if he was told he would die the next day, he wouldn’t care.  He was too laid back.  If it was his last day living, he would probably just sit in his room, watching TV, or play some video game.
He took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling above.  “That dumb girl.  What was she thinking?  Running out into the street, how foolish.” He said out loud.  The driver had died as well.  The semi had ran into two houses and caused a huge amount of damage.  The two families had been severely wounded, all of which were in extreme care. 
Dominic sighed and looked towards the TV.  It was highlighting last night’s events.  It only made him angrier.  He switched the TV off and sat in the silence.  He was getting tired of staying in his room for so long. He wanted to get out of the house and cool down for a bit. 
He left his room, into the lifeless hallway, and down the staircase.  There was only the buzz of the lighting, and the pitter patter of the now slowly falling rain from the outside.  It was a dreary day for this.  And some how, he knew that it would rain, it always did. 
Dominic left the house, out into the rain, out of the darkness, into the real world.  But there was not much light, It didn’t seem real.  But it was raining, raining hard.  Each drop felt harder after the other.  The icy feeling struck the mindless body.  He ran to his car to get out of the rain, and conceal him self from the world.
Dominic turned the ignition on and drove off.  Wondering what would come and pop out at him today.  Would there be another crash.  Would something else happen that he didn’t know about. 
He didn’t know where he wanted to go.  All he new was he wanted to get out of that place, out of that town, away from the pain.  But he couldn’t.  He had no choice but finish school. At least finish school.  There was only a few months left of school.  Surely he could go through that.  Could he?
Dominic was starting to drive into the ‘bad’ side of town.  There had been countless attacks and murders down there.  He didn’t care though.  No one dared to touch him.  He had too much power to be killed.  If he was killed, the school, or city would never be the same.
He passed by a team of thugs that were picking on someone smaller.  He parked near them.  “Hey!” he yelled.  “Pick on someone who can actually fight,” he said, cracking his knuckles, and throwing off the tux, un-doing the tie.
The thugs smirked at him.  There were three.  All of them looked dumb and weak. 
“Bring it on.  First how about we introduce our selves, no?” the one in the middle said.  “This here is Jack,” he said pointing to the guy on the right.  “The guy on my left is my best pal J-man, and my self, King.”
“King?” Dominic asked.  “Well then king, prepare to be the Jester,” he said with a suspicious smile.
“Hey king,” Jack said.  “This guy thinks he can beat you,” he said.
The three of them were all strongly built.  A lot different from Dominic, but he showed no fear.  He got into a fighter stance, one that looked like a cat ready to pounce on its prey.  Dominic was fairly good at fighting, even more so at dodging.  But dodging didn’t get him anywhere.  He had to fight, to let some steam off.
The king made the first move by lunging forward, throwing a punch at Dominic. Dominic missed it, but barely.  The king’s moves were incredibly fast, and hard if he had got hit.  But Dominic dodged it and through a hit at King.  The King had dodged it, and grabbed Dominic’s hand in the process.  King clenched his arm, making it feel like it was broken.  It caused him pain, and he felt like he couldn’t bare it. 
Dominic took his best chance.  Using his free hand, Dominic punched, King in the face, as hard as he could.  The chance he took was the best he had.  The King let go of his arm and stammered back, holding his face. Small amounts of blood poured from his nose. 
“You’re going to pay for that kid,” the king said.  It was just his luck as a normal bystander was passing by.  The king took his move by grabbing the innocent man and held a gun up to him.  “If you move one inch closer, he dies,” King said.  He was not impressed with his face now as blood dribbled down it.
Dominic flinched.  He cared nothing of the guy, but letting someone die because of his actions, he couldn’t live with it.  But wasn’t it his actions that Karina was dead?  Wasn’t it his fault that it happened to her?  Or the big question, could she have been saved?  Those thoughts rushed through his head, no stopping.  It was like there was a highway full of cars in his head, rushing to places to tell certain things, say things about certain injuries.  It was like a traffic jam. 
         He gulped.  “What would it manner?  Wouldn’t you just kill him anyway?” he asked with suspicion, but there was no guarantee of the attitude he had put into it.  He was scared that the person would die because of him.  If the guy did die, would he be held responsible? 
         King laughed. “Correct, you may be,” he said.  King clutched the person under the neck.  He was loosing breath.  Dominic couldn’t take that anymore. He didn’t know why he was having these feelings.  He was always cold and didn’t care about these things. Why? Why did he now? At a time like this, it was crucial.  There was no way out.  Either the person who did nothing wrong would die, or the both of them now.  He had backed himself into a corner.  Into a corner where there was no where to go. 
         “Damn. Damn this basterdly world!” Dominic said with a cold tone.  Dominic held one of his hands behind his back, grabbing his cell from his back pocket.  He flipped it open and dialed the cop’s number, allowing it to be put on speaker phone, after he faintly heard the “hello” from the other end. Now everything could be heard, or at least he hoped everything could be heard. 
         King let one of his fingers run across the trigger.  There was a click before a shot from the gun sounded around them.  There was a crucifying scream that filled the ears of all surrounding people and buildings. 
No! Dominic thought.  He’s dead, now what am I going to do? He wondered.  There was a rustling of foot steps.  It was smoky out, and he couldn’t see a thing.
         After the smoky residue wore off, it wasn’t the civilian who lay dead, it was J-man.  The civilian however, lay crouched in a ball, terrified. 
         “You k-killed h-him,” the civilian said.  “YOU KILLED HIM!” he screamed.  After that, he picked him self up, and ran away from the scene.  Now it was only Dominic a gun on the ground, and a dead body.  He thought it would have been best to get out of there, but he couldn’t just leave the body. He thought that he would feel guilty, and regret it in his later life.  He could already hear the distant police cars.  The loud sirens could be heard for miles.  The ambulances sirens could also be heard. 
         What was he to do?  He needed to get out of there fast, but if he some how managed to get out, the only way out was leading to the police.  Dominic picked up the gun.  He didn’t know what to do with it. 
         “Drop the gun!” someone said from the background.  Dominic froze.  This was bad in his case, a dead body, him, and a gun.  The odds had beaten him.  He would go to jail for the rest of his life.  The real killer was no where to be seen, it was only him.  A gun was now pointed at him.  “Drop your weapon!” the man said again.
         “Fine, fine, I am,” Dominic said, bending down and setting the gun with the safety on, down on the ground.  Dominic stood back up; his hands were up in the air.  “I didn’t kill him,” he said simply.  He then glanced around.  Dominic was surrounded by the police, all of them having a gun pointed at him.  Someone holding hand cuffs came up behind him, bringing both of Dominic’s arms back and binding them with the cuffs. 
         The cop started to push him towards the car.  “I’m telling you, I didn’t do it!” exclaimed Dominic.
         The cop smirked, “tell it to the judge.”  The cop ducked Dominic’s head into the police car.  He didn’t protest, although, if it came to pass, he would hurt them if he was sentenced to prison.  He refused to go to prison for a crime he didn’t commit.  Then it struck him, the cell phone.  It was still on.  The cell phone was the only thing he had that might prove his innocence. 
         The police car started to move onward.  He needed to reach for his cell phone, but it was impossible.  His hands were bided and he couldn’t reach the pocket where it was.    The message though had probably gotten through.  The other end probably hung up.  But his wasn’t.  He smirked.  “My, my, what mess I have gotten my self into,” he said to him self, leaning his head to the back of the wall, sighing and closing his eyes.  The nearest police station was almost an hour away, just by normal cruising (which was the speed of the car at the moment.)  Dominic dozed off, not knowing what to expect when he woke up.
© Copyright 2008 Mai (micky320 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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