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by layne
Rated: E · Short Story · Experience · #1378011
About a girl and her horse that she lvoes to death and some experiences they go through.
Kate held Shine in a collected canter as she approached the 3 ft., 6 in. oxer. “One, two, one, two,” she said aloud as she was a few strides out. Her chestnut Dutch Warmblood left for the jump at the perfect spot having a fanominal jump to end on. “Woo hoo!” her friend Lillian shouted. “That was great!”
         “Thanks!” Kate said, out of breath. It was a bright summer day and Lillian, who didn’t own a horse but was sitting on one of the jumps watching Kate ride, was hot from sitting out in the sun. Lillian always dreamed of owning a horse but knew it wasn’t going to happen any time soon.
         Kate gave Shine a huge pat on the neck. She loved him to death. After owning him for 3 years she had a wonderful relationship with Shine. “Ready to go back to the barn?” Kate asked.
         “Yep!” Lillian answered. Kate had everything Lillian wanted. A wonderful horse, a skinny figure, and many more little things Lillian wanted. Lillian didn’t show her jelous though. She kept it to herself.
When they got back to the barn, Ashley was grooming her horse named Kachina. Ashley was a stuck up girl who attended school with Kate and Lillian. “Hey girls,” she said in her usual snotty tone.
“Hey,” they answered back. “Lets go,” Kate whispered in Lillian.
“Good idea,” she said smiling at Kate.
They walked Shine into his stall and untacked him and rubbed him down. They finished their work at the barn and headed home on their bikes. They went their seprete ways at a certain point giving quick goodbyes. The next day would be another day of vacation.
“Guess what?!?!?!?” Lillian screamed to Kate.
“What?” Kate answered as she pulled on her boots.
“I get to lease Rashid till he gets sold!”
“That’s wonderful!” Kate answered. “Lets go ride slow poke!”
They quickly tacked up there horses and headed for the trails.
“Lets gallop!” Lillian said excitedly. They pushed their horses into a gallop and galloped till they neared a trail they hadn’t ridden on before.
“Lets turn back,” Kate said.
“Yeah,” Lillian answered. They rode back to the barn and stopped by the ring where Ashley was riding.
“Oh no!” Kate said. “I was supposed to train for the pairs class with Ashley for the upcoming horse show. I better go train with her now. Bye Lillian!” She said to her friend as she walked towards the ring gate. “This will be fun,” she said sarcasticly to her self.
“There you are!” Ashley said as Kate rode toward her. “Lets start with the green oxer and…,” she named the rest of the corse were going to jump and we picked up our canter and cantered next to each other down to every jump. Their horses knew what they where doing and stayed together, leaving and landing together at every jump.
“That was good!” Kate said to Ashley.
“You weren’t too bad,” she said and walked out of the ring. Kate shrugged and followed her back to the barn.
         Three weeks passed before Rashid was sold. Lillian was so upset she cried. Kate tried to cheer her up but Lillian wouldn’t listen. “Do you want to take Shine on a trail ride?” Kate asked.
         “Really?” Lillian asked.
         “Yeah. I will stay at the barn and hang out till you get back,” she said.
         “Thanks! Can I take him out now?” she asked.
         Soon Lillian was ready and she mounted Shine and headed for the trails. “Bye Kate! I’ll be back in about one hour!” She said.
         Kate hung out at the barn for awhile. She looked at her watch and realized that two hours had passed. “What the?” she thought but Lillian walked in the barn at that time. With no Shine.
         “Lillian! Where is Shine!!!” Kate asked quickly. She then realized that Lillian had tears in her eyes.
         “I was riding when a young boy jumped out of some bushes and scared Shine and he took off and I chased after him for awhile but couldn’t find him so I ran back here to get you!” she said hurridley.
         Kate was freaking out. “Shine, Shine, Shine!” she said aloud. “I have to get catch him! But what horse Lily?!?!?! There all old lesson horses and ponies that can’t gallop for a long time! Wait!” she said.
         “Who are you thinking?” Lily asked.
         “Kachina,” Kate answered. “It might be Ashley’s horse but she’s young and fit. I need to ride her! Lillian, get me some grain and I will grab Kachina. I’m riding her bareback,”
         “Bareback!?!?!” Lillian asked. “But, but,”
         “I can’t take the time tacking up. Now hurry!” Kate was soon on with the grain in her riding bag that was on her back. “Let’s go Kachina!” she said to the horse as she bent down low on the horses neck and pushed her forward I into a full gallop. It was her first time riding the horse but even after a minute she loved the horse. Not nearly as much as Shine but this horse had talent.
         She galloped on the trail Lily had taken till she felt Kachina tire and she slowed to a walk for a quick break. “Shine!” she scremed. “Shine!”
         She listened for any sound and heard a faint whinny. Kachina stopped raised her head and whinnied back. “Shine!”
         She picked up a canter and cantered for awhile longer before she came upon a horse grazing in a field. “Shine!” she screamed as she jumped of Kachina and led her over to Shine. She soon began to graze and Kate hugged Shine for so long it was like she would never stop. “Never do that again handsome,” she said to him. “You worried me sick,” she told him. “Now lets get back home,” she said to him. She checked him over and he luckly only had a few cuts on him. She led Shine in her left hand and Kachina in her right. “Thanks Kachina. I owe you a treat. I also owe Ashley!” Kate said smiling. “I’m glad your ok Shine. Because you know what? You’re the best pony ever. Kachina, your not that far behind!” she said with a huge smile stuck on her face.
© Copyright 2008 layne (ponybrat4566 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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