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Rated: ASR · Other · Satire · #1377776
A satire about the german american foreign exchange
Go back, way back, to April 2004. Try to go back to the past...and remember.

April 2004

While other Americans are sitting in the halls, there is a wild pack of Germans roaming through the halls, savagely hunting for somthing. Some hunt for boys, some hunt for girls, other for bathrooms, and surprisingly some for windows.

Normally when you are in prison the rules are very strict and tardiness is strictly prohibited. However, the foreign exchange students, better known as 'germens," always got away with everything. These Germans came late to all of the classes, and what was their reason? They were German. It is now clear that they had power of brainwashing these teachers. All of the hosts were able to use the same excuses for being late or not showing up, "my German had no idea where to go," " I dont't have my homework because my German wanted to go out last night." the excuses were endless.

Next year, April 2005...watch out, a whole new bunch of window loving, prison hating Germans will come to the wild Elign High...be prepared.

June 2004

Now back to the present. The threat of the Germans in the visit has now vanished, but there is a new invasion of crazy American in the small villages of Germany. The American girls are said to be particulary crazy. Please be on alert at all times.

Every morning the hallways of KGT are very still and quiet until 7:20 a.m., when a group of crazy American girls let themselves into the bathrooms. On so many occasions, the doors have been unnlocked just for these girls, but why are they allowed to do this? Because, they are Americans.

The girls are not the only ones you should be watching out for. There are also a very small group of boys wandering the streets. There is one boy in particular who always has the tendency to get lost. He is extremely crazy, so please, for the safety of you and your family, do not pick up any hitchhikers.

The threat of these crazy and distrubed Americans is said to diminish on July 2nd.
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