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Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1377388
the neighbors dog runs away and gets killed
One sunny day my neighbor was going to work like always but this time he forgot to close the gate so Daisy (the neighbors Golden retriver) got out of the gate and started running. I chased Daisy around the block about 4 or 5 times wich was about 10 miles all together.After that I was about breathless as a racoon that chased a skunk around dirty trash cans but I still had to catch Daisy. After running around the block Dasy fell into a dark,black trashcan and coming out with a rotten banana peel we started running again. Now we were back in the neighborhood and Daisy had ran into a really grumpy neghbors's front-yard we had to take a break. The neighbor saw us on his yard and got his gun out and shot Daisy in the head. Sadly alot of her red blood started pouring out. Before Daisy died she gave birth to 5 golden colerd puppies! I stayed with Daisy and her puppies until Daisy sadly died! I took Daisy's puppies to the owner of Dasy and told him what had happend and he said since I did such a kind thing I got to keep one of the puppies. Now when I look out of the window I cry and sometimes I even cuddle with my new puppy Goldey!!
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