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Adventure Is Life Worth Living |
1 The sunset grazed upon the Amazon rain forest. The tree tops littered with vines, and moss. Mist spread like wild fire, covering everything in it's path. Suddenly a branch was cut down from a near by tree. Araina placed her Samurai sword in holding position. She placed her sword gently in her sheath. Seeking for any body of water, she spotted a near by river. Relieved by her finding she grabbed her rope, and slid down to the Amazon floor. She took off her gloves, and placed them into her side pocket. Standing in front of her crew, she walked over to her first mate. Araina signaled her first mate to gather everyone together. She hopped onto a near by rock, giving her a high position to look over her crew. Everyone gave she the respect, and attention she deserved. Silence fell over the forest, only hearing chirping of insects, and the breeze whistling through the trees. "Alright you salty sea dogs. The Dark Falcon is ported over yonder by those tree tops. Let's move!" Araina yelled in a firm way. The men hollered with relief. She jumped off the rock pointing to the trail her crew should follow. "Handsomely men. Handsomely!" "Are you sure this time Cap'n? We've been traveling in circles like beheaded chickens. If you don't mind me saying Cap'n." Mr. Gullman stated. Araina shot him an annoyed look. "Aye Cap'n." Mr. Gullman followed behind the crew. Araina climbed onto a vine. She swung into action, and landed right next to her crew. She led her men in front of a river. The river seemed to be flowing rapidly. Her instincts automatically signaled danger. "Alright me hearties. We will have to find another way to cross." The men moaned, and groaned. Mr. Gullman came to Araina's side. "Cap'n. The men are famished and exhausted." Fanning himself by their weary travels. "Mr. Gullman, do you honestly think we are on this expedition for my amusement?" Araina questioning. She waited for a response, but Mr. Gullman was not able to utter a word. "Right. The sooner we make haste, the better off we'll be." Araina departed from Mr. Gullman to find an answer to there situation. She sat down on a nearby stump to ponder an explanation. "Cap'n, if I may make a suggestion?" Mr. Gullman arriving in front of her. "Yes Mr. Gullman." Placing her chin upon her hand, as if she was interested of what his suggestion was. "Speak up." "Well Cap'n, while your finding a solution, we could let them rest. The crew would be well enough to set sail without any complications, once we discover our missing vessel." Araina gave him a questioning look. "Your vessel Cap'n." Mr. Gullman correcting. Araina thought for a second. "Alright Mr. Gullman. Let them rest." Patting his shoulder. "Thankee Cap'n." Mr. Gullman turned to the crew. "Alright men! Cap'n ordered for us to rest. Keep yer dead lights open. Yer hear?" The men sighed with relief. They fell onto the ground. Taking off there boots, quenching there thirst by the river, and scouting for any food. Araina scouted along the river, trying to find any crossing. Her ship was hidden by surrounding tree's, and docked in a cove. As she saw no solution to her problem, and began to head back to camp, a tree top caught her eye. It seemed long enough to swing over with rope. A smiled crept along her face. "Alright men, let's eat!" Mr.Gullman announced. The crew agreed. Famished, they were about to dig in when they spotted there Captain approaching. The men feel silent. Araina sat down on a over-sized root. Mr. Gullman approached Araina with a flat rock, and a roasted leg. "Aye Cap'n thank goodness your back. We were awaiting for your arrival to enjoy this meal." Mr. Gullman with a guilty face. Araina shook her head. She held her piece of leg high. "Eat me bucko's. For tomorrow we will sail the seven sea's once more." Biting into her piece of leg. The men cheered. Mr. Gullman came to Araina's side. "I rather not know where this leg came from." She whispered before taking another bite. Mr. Gullman nodded, and joined the crew. Araina was proud to have her crew on her side. Almost savagely eaten by a cannibalistic tribe, she has been wanting to escape this death-like island. It's been weeks of running, and trying to escape. Soon they would be able to sail within the Caribbean again. As time drifted, night appeared. Araina decided to take first watch, while her crew enjoyed themselves. She sat comfortably in a tree enjoying the stars at night. She was awe struck of the power the stars possess to look over the whole world. Araina was about to drift on a tree branch when Mr. Gullman tapped her with a vine. "Cap'n ye be my turn to watch." Mr.Gullman whispering. Araina nodded. She dozed off, into deep sleep. Desiring to be upon the sea. Desiring to regain her power once again upon her vessel, which she called, The Dark Falcon. 2 The crew were awaken by Araina's commands. "Alright you salty sea dogs, time to greet the light. Up on your feet." The men jumped from there slumbers, still rubbing sleep from their eye's. The crew straightened up, brushing leaves, and dirt off there shoulders. Araina leaped off the branch, and landed in front of them. "Now gentlemen, I have found our solution to overcome that blazing river. I have tied a rope to the nearest branch to swing over to the other side." She eyed her crew carefully, "now, for your safety, if you ever want to taste, and feel the winds of the sea blowing upon your face, you will bloody well hold on to the rope." After finishing her instructions, Araina turned around, and guided her crew to the branch. Araina climbed onto a boulder to give her some height. Holding onto the rope, and she swung over. Just barely escaping the fast track of the water, she landed onto the sandy shore of the river. She looked across to her men, and bowed in her success. The crew cheered in excitement, and Mr. Gullman was relieved by her safety. The rest of her crew landed safely onto the other side with no trouble what-so-ever, but Mr. Gullman was the last one. His nervousness could be seen by the shakiness of his hands. As he swung into action, the tree branch broke, and Mr. Gullman landed in the water. The crew was stunned, and could not move. Araina went into action, grabbing the rope that Mr. Gullman left behind, she quickly tied the rope around her waste, and dived in. One of the men in her crew gripped the rope to hold their Captain steady. Araina searched, and searched, but found no evidence of Mr. Gullman. Was he washed away by the power of the river? Araina searched once more underwater. The crew noticed time was running out. Seconds were turning into minutes. The men were losing hope. Suddenly the rope loosened. The crew lowered there heads, and fell silent. They realized their Captain, and their first mate, Mr. Gullman were gone to Davy Jones' Locker. As the crew fell silent for a moment, they were startled by the rustling of the bushes. Forgetting their sadness, they quickly drew out their weapons. "Ye, it be one of those cannibals catching up to us." One crew member whispered to his fellow man. "Be ready gent's." The rest of the crew grew anxious of what await them behind the rustling bushes. Many of them pondered of spears with scorpion venom on the tip. Others believed razor-sharp arrows, and vicious creatures desiring to devour their flesh were awaiting them. Sweat seem to trickle off their brows, their pulse seem quicken every second, their hearts seem to pound as hard as drum. As they waited, the rustling of the bushes grew louder, the crew could hear the footsteps of someone coming. As the crew roared their warrior cries for battle, suddenly Araina, and Mr. Gullman appeared right in front of them. "No crew of mine, get's left behind." Araina said. The crew cheered for their safe return, patting Mr. Gullman's back. After the safety of Mr. Gullman, Araina could smell the salty spray from a far. She had an instinct that they were arriving closer to the cove. She decided to give her crew a rest from all the excitement they just experienced. As her crew was relaxing, Araina left to calculate their distance from the cove. As she climbed onto a high branch and peered over the horizon, she could see her ship. The Dark Falcon. The cove wasn't far off. Araina imagined herself upon The Dark Falcon where she belongs. To sail the seven sea's, to find treasure beyond her wildest dreams, to have her loyal crew by her side. After pondering over her touch of destiny, she realized it was mid-day upon the island Araina landed on the Amazon floor in the middle of her crew. "Relaxation is over. Let's go!" Araina shouting while running towards her vessel. Her men followed without hesitation, while Mr. Gullman trailing behind.. Araina could sense she was getting closer as she ran down the trail, as she chopped down more bushes, as she took a whiff of the salty air of the shore. While shoving bushes to the side, Araina could see the cove with her ship docked. Her men inspected what was in front of her. Her crew gasp appreciation of her findings. They all appeared relieved, and filled with joy. They hollered with excitement, and rushed through the shallow waters of the sea to greet their Savior. Araina just patted Mr. Gullman on his shoulder, overjoyed by her findings. They were all finally free from this Cannibalistic island, filled with rotting bones, and left-over flesh. Araina scanned her ship of any sign of damage. She traced the outline of cracks to see if worth fixing. She viewed if The Dark Falcon was still sea worthy. As Araina was busy surveying her ship, Mr. Gullman came to her side. "Everything seems in tip top shape Cap'n." Mr. Gullman saluting. "Just the way we left her. No sign of rotten natives caming near The Dark Falcon. Why, they must of been terrified by her beauty. Never laying eyes on this fierce vessel before. " Araina nodded in agreement. "Alright then Mr. Gullman, give the word if you please." Mr. Gullman nodded, and called for the crew. "Alright gentes, single file!" Shouting an order. The crew did not hesitate. They climbed down from the ship, and made a single file line in front of Mr. Gullman. "Captain's orders is to get supplies for the ship. Two groups of four will gather food, and water, and the rest will gather anything we can use for the ship." Mr. Gullman eyed them suspiciously. "Now Move ye scurvy dogs!!" 3 "Cap'n, we have been collecting as much as we can. It's been three days of searching." Mr. Gullman nervously stating as his Captain relaxed in front of the shore. Without any further delay, Araina confronted her crew. "Alright me gentlemen o' fortunes, I know how much you long for the sweet trade of a pirate since we have been marooned on this forsaking island. But now, we are ready to hoist up the Jolly Roger, for tomorrow morning we sail!!" Araina hollered. Her crew applaud, and cheered. Excited for the trip back to civilization. "Now hit the hay you mangy dogs. For we will awaken first light." Araina watched as her men set-up camp to enjoy their last night upon the island. They enjoyed themselves with tales upon the sea, old folk dancing, and songs of rejoicing. Mr. Gullman came to her side. "Fine speech Cap'n. Ye can't wait to smell the salty spray of the sea, and the feel of doubloons in ye palm of me hands." As Mr. Gullman rubbed his fingers together as if touching doubloons. He decided to relax by finding a spot to rest his head. Araina choose the tree tops to retire. She enjoyed being as close as she can to the glory of the stars. She climbed to a high branch, and fell asleep to the sound of the waves crushing onto the shore, and the music of crickets. She dreamed of times when gold, and rum was in her care. When the excitement seem to never leave her, and boredom never overshadow her. Within her dream, she imagined sailing upon the Dark Falcon. The breeze blowing upon her face. The warmth of the sun beaming upon her face. Sailing without no land surrounding her, she could hear Mr. Gullman shouting for her. Before she could turn around, Araina fell off her ship, sinking into the watery deep. "Let's go men. MOVE IT!" Suddenly Araina awoke to Mr. Gullmans shouting. She opened her eye's wider to see him commanding her crew to prepare to sail. Araina jumped out of the tree, to his side. "Cap'n! why..... ye be wondering when you would awake." Mr. Gullman startled by her surprise. Araina became suspicious. "I don't remember giving orders Mr. Gullman." Mr. Gullman grew worried. "Well Captain my thought was to get the ship prepared for you. So when you awaken, we would be ready to set sail." "Alright Mr. Gullman. Just make sure the rope is ready." Araina rubbing her eye's. Mr. Gullman saluted, and went to secure the rope with the others. Araina washed her face, and rinsed out her mouth with water, and mint leaves she found near by. After freshening up, she climbed aboard the ladder of The Dark Falcon. She came to the bow of the ship to yell her commands. Finding everyone in position to pull the ship, she smiled. "Alright me hearties pull!!" Without another moment passing by, they pulled. "Come on ye salty sea dogs. If ye want to smell the beauty of a lassie, and have the feel of golden doubloons upon your hands then Pull!!" After her encouraging words her crew pulled much harder, and accomplished there efforts. The Dark Falcon finally was where she belonged. Araina's crew climbed onto the ship, and cheered of there success. Clapping, yelling, hitting in good spirits, they were finally off. Araina grasped the ship's wheel. Missing it's smoothness of the chakte kok wood, and the texture of the handles carved as a pair of wings. The Dark Falcon desired to shine, to be fierce, and to be clean. "Alright men, we need the Dark Falcon to shine again. To put fear upon her onlookers. Now let's get her to tip top shape. That's an order." Araina commanded. Her crew saluted to there Captain and got to work. Araina had a sense of joy befall her. A sensation that gave her satisfying chills. She had this realization of this moment. She realized she was finally free....... upon the sea. 4 The Dark Falcon was looking gorgeous with her spectacular gloss, deck washed, and barnacles gone. Araina was surprised by the beauty of the Dark Falcon. Her ship reminded her of the first day they met. As first mate upon another crew ship sailing in the Caribbean, Araina found something she desired. The ship was made of gaboon ebony with a stunning gloss, it's sails reflecting by the light of the sun, and the beautiful carving of a falcon against the hull of the ship. The Dark Falcon's speed was swift, and quiet, perfect for sneaky operations. Araina was determined to command her own vessel. Having help from her fellow mates, she stole the ship from a French General on there way to negotiate a trade. Her victory was celebrated with rum to share among her friends, and to watch a French General beg for mercy before meeting Davy Jones himself. After appreciating her amazing ship, Araina went into her Quarters to locate there next destination since it's been three days at sea. Supplies were decreasing, especially the rum. It was time to find Port, to restock. While heavily in her studies, Mr. Gullman knocked on her door. "Come in." Araina fully stated. Turning the crystal-cut doorknob, Mr Gullman let himself in. Stepping inside he took off his hat, and sat in front of her desk in a wooden chair with carved-in falcons on the pegs. She placed her legs with her leather black boots on her desk, and laid back in her maroon leather armchair with golden stubs she stole from a merchant ship in Singapore off of Malay Peninsula. "Yes Mr. Gullman, what is it?" Araina playing with her beautiful dark brown curls. Mr. Gullman fiddled with his hat. "Cap'n, the crew have been wondering about our destination." He nervously stated. Araina stood up from her chair, and walked over to the window which looked over the ocean. "Aye Mr. Gullman the crew deserves to know where we'll be heading. For now, we shall resupply at Port Royal. I have a long lost friend that deserves a visit." Araina stated with a evil smirk. "Oi Cap'n." Mr. Gullman stated. Araina pondered about her long time friend. A weasel in every sort of state. Knowing he had connections to every other Port around the islands of the Caribbean. Araina ending her flashback, she quickly got up to survey her ship of any more needed supplies. After inspecting the sail, the deck, and the crew, she decided to climb into the crow's nest to watch the sunset. As the sun was setting, the marvelous colors of the sky seem to calm her of any kind of stress. Realizing that she was finally back on the sea, she was overwhelmed by the feeling of freedom. She was satisfied by her outcome. She could not possibly want more than this luxury called freedom of being upon the sea. Viewing the moon raising, and the stars reappearing, Araina decided to rest for the next new day that await her. After her head relaxing on top of a silk goose feather pillow, Araina concluded a new thought. Tomorrow would be different. Tomorrow would be a new day. Tomorrow would be the beginning of her adventure. 5 Arriving at Port Royal she quickly looked over the list of supplies she would need for her ship. The whole day has gone by. Night was already appearing. Turning to the crew, she eyed them carefully. "Alright Me hearties let's celebrate for coming back to civilization. Grab yourselves some grog, and I will take care of business. After your celebration, I will require your presence upon the Dark Falcon. You have until midnight. Now go and enjoy yourselves." The crew cheered, and raced down to the nearest Pub with there earnings they still kept from there previous piracy trade. Before Mr. Gullman could run along with the others, Araina grabbed his vest from behind. "Mr. Gullman, I'm going to need you sober." Mr. Gullman sighed with heart break. He longed for a good goblet of rum. He turned around to his Captain. " Oi Cap'n." He led the way to their destination of the Pub. Araina looking around town seem to fill her heart with ease. Civilization has not looked so good to her since her troubles on the Island. As a Captain in command her plans must be swift, and lead to success in her quest. If her crew felt a hint of doubt in her leadership, her life could be fatal. Her power could be terminated. Leading them to a island of death, and starvation was a reason for doubt. She knew her tables needed to change soon before mutiny is caused upon her ship on The Dark Falcon. Araina found herself in front of the Pub with Mr. Gullman holding the door for her. Coming inside, the odor reeked with vomit, alcohol, and body odor. Araina had to turn her face away since the odor was overpowering at first. The Pub was crowded with men yelling, women giggling, and fights starting. Araina turned to Mr.Gullman, "keep your eyes peeled for the weasel." Mr. Gullman nodded. Araina searched for her target. It was difficult to find anyone with all the movement of others. After awhile she found him. She pointed him out to Mr. Gullman. She placed to two pints of grog in his hands. Knowing the plan, he walked over to a wooden round table with a thin man seated. "May I join you sir?" Mr. Gullman questioned. The young man shrugged his shoulders in disregard. He sled a pint of grog to the young fellow with deep gray eyes. and dirty blond hair. Mr. Gullman eyed the fellow up, and down until he got his attention. "Aren't you Robert Walker?" The young lad grew suspicious of this stranger. "Who wants to know?" At that very second, the lad could feel a presence behind him. A whisper came close to his ear. "I do." Fear grew inside Robert Walker's body, giving his stomach knots. Recognizing the chilly voice, he turned his head slightly. "No." Araina came around to sit right in front of him. "Yes." Araina whispered back. Robert could not help but stare at the fact that Captain Araina was still alive. Rumors has spread from Port to Port that indeed her life has finally ended. That she was eaten by Davy Jones himself, the only way to get rid of pure evil. Just one of the rumors traveling around the islands. The fact that her presence was right in front of him seem to put a chill down his spine. He longed for her to be a ghost, a mere nightmare. Shock seem to be written all over his face. Nothing could utter out of his mouth. He was speechless. His troubles were no longer over. Putting her feet on top of the table she gave an evil smirk. "Now Weasel, you well know that this would happen. Rumors are not always true. After all, you know good and well I would come back to haunt you." Robert was about to run, but Mr. Gullman held him down giving him no good chance to escape. He held a pistol to his side. Araina looked intently at Robert. "Robert. You wreck of fear." He was frightened of what was going to happen to him.. He whispered, "please Captain. Have mercy." Like a vampire drawn to blood, Araina fed, and flourished off his fear. It was power. Araina drew her pistol and pointed at Robert. "My dear Robert, why should I show you mercy? What can you offer me?" Robert thought for a minute. If Araina has just settled at Port, then her supplies most be low. "I can offer you assistance with your ship's needs." Araina's bait has proved worthy, knowing that his fear would drive him to do his absolute best for her. She placed her pistol back in it's holster, and gave the list of instructions to Robert. He gently took it from her hands. and looked it over. "Mr. Gullman would accompany you." Araina commanded. Robert stood up slowly. Araina did also, and walked right in front of him. She placed her arms around his shoulders. Robert shook in his boots. Araina gently placed her lips a inch away from his ear. "Do not cross me my dear Robert. I will hunt you down. And you can most certainly doubt........I will show no mercy." Araina whispered, and then gently kissed his cheek. She pulled slowly away, and sat back down. Robert nodded, he felt as if he was given the kiss of death. He walked out of the Pub with Mr. Gullman right behind him taking his pint of grog with him. After their walking off, Araina gave attention to her crew. For a few more hours she enjoyed her crew becoming themselves again. One of her crew members passed her a pint of grog. Enjoying her drink, she watched them have a good time. Hopefully they would be able to score a nice trade ship passing by, and find themselves rich. Coming back to their old routine was vital to Araina for redeeming herself in front of her crew. Soon their past experiences would be behind them. Especially for her sake. Finishing her bit of grog, she stood up and made her way to the exit. "Ello puppet. May you look lovely." Two awful-looking men blocking her from the exit. "Would you fancy a stroll puppet?" She rolled her eyes in disgust. Apparently they did not recognize her as Captain Araina. Rumors were spreading quick around the Caribbean as Araina being decreased. Apparently she was gone far too long. How could anyone believe a reputation like Araina's could no longer exist. It was questionable to her. "Not interested gentlemen." Araina walking around them to the exit. She would have enjoyed redirecting the rumors back to her favor but business came first. As she was about to head back to the ship, she was interrupted again by the two-drunken buffoons. "Ye know lassie, we don't take rejection so easily." The grimy-looking men said. As she was about to take her samurai sword out for a whirl, a man came in front of her."Unless you enjoy being banned from the Pub, gentlemen, I just you leave the lady alone." The inebriated men glanced at each other. "No trouble here Jack. We meant no harm towards the young lady." The intoxicated men stated feeling a little unease. They both left without another word. Araina was embarrassed. Apparently this gentlemen had a bigger reputation then herself. "I must have been out of contact for far too long." She whispered to herself. "Pardon them Miss, they mean no harm." Her unwanted savior warmly said. Araina inspected him from head to toe. Araina gazed upon Jack. Knowing she hasn't seen a stronger looking man for quite sometime. She had an instant physical attraction towards him. Noticing his masculinity she observed his striking brown, wavy hair. He was lean, and handsome, with brown eyes. By the way his muscles appeared, he was built for hard labor. His tallness overshadowed her own. The smile from his pearly whites was homely. Before she can give attention to his undesirable rescue, she could see trouble brewing. In the background a couple of men were whispering, and looking her way. "I must depart." Araina quickly went around Jack, and headed straight to the exit. Before she was out of harm's reach, she was blocked by the angry mob that stood in her way. "Pardon me Miss, but ain't you Captain Araina?" Araina could not deny. "Oi." She answered. Araina got herself ready for all hell to break loose. With the flick of her thump, she popped out her Samurai sword from it's sheath. Flipping her sword in mid air, she grabbed the handle, and took her position. With her right hand she encouraged her victims to strike. The grimy men nodded to one another, and pounced to attack. They seem not have any respect of who she truly was. They knew in their right mind Araina was a skilled warrior, but the toxin from there grog made them see life was less important. Whoever destroyed Araina into nothing but ashes would be victorious, and the most glorified man alive. With one swift move her victims fell where they stood. Before she knew it, men were coming at her from all types of angles. Her crew came to guard their Captain, and began slaughtering their attackers. They did not stand a chance with Araina's crew having much experience of defending themselves. Distracted by protecting herself, another attacker came from behind to try a sneak attack. Coming close, he was knocked out by a bottle from her acquaintance Jack. Araina executed those men attacking her, and turned to him. "Why?" Araina questioning. Before he could answer, he flipped another man who came his way. "I can't stand any woman in distress." Jack punching another man coming from his right. Araina side kicked another coming to her left. "I'm no ordinary woman." Araina uttered. After finishing her sentence she flipped over another who was coming from behind by jumping on top of his shoulders, and flipping him down hard onto the ground. Jack assisted Araina to her feet. "That's a fact. Captain." Jack drew out his pistol, and sword shooting one man on his left, and stabbing one on his right. "I would appreciate an audience with The Captain." Jack ducking from a swing from another. Araina's gave a swift kick to another drunken sailor coming from her right. "Sounds reasonable. Await just a moment." Araina glanced around the room to halt this battle. Fighting her way towards the bar, Jack was right behind her. Jumping over the counter, she grabbed a bottle of liquor, and a torch. She stood on top of the counter. "HALT!!" Araina yelled from the top of her lungs. Every being stopped. "Mi tripulación vuelve." Araina shouted in Spanish. Her crew slowly moved back against the wall. Her attackers moved closer towards her. "Now that I have your attention gentlemen. Apparently you have forgotten who you are dealing with." Araina poured liquor in her mouth, and spat it out in front of the torch causing flames of fire to burst out. The drunken men went delirious and ran crying out into the streets screaming, "WITCH! SHE BE A WITCH!" The crew laughed and cheered. Enjoying there victory, Araina got there attention again. "Gentlemen, head to The Dark Falcon. Mr. Gullman will need assistance with the supplies." The men moaned, and groaned. Araina's expression changed into a deadly stare. "Now you scurvy dogs!" Araina shouted. Her crew shook with fear, and left with haste. Araina smirked to herself. "Well you certainly have a way with men" Jack jumping over the counter. Araina nodded and headed to the exit. Jack stopped her. "Do I have an audience with the Captain?" Jack delaying her. Araina did not turn around. "Your name?" "Jack. Jack DuVon." "Well then Mr. DuVon, You may have your audience. But I warn you........don't waste my time." "We have ourselves a meeting then." Jack said. Araina nodded, and disappeared into the night. 6 The Dark Falcon was well stocked of supplies. Robert Walker also known as Weasel, finished loading the last package. Mr. Gullman brought him to the Captain's Quarters, and left. Araina was in her chair looking over newly found maps. Weasels hands began to shake with fright. Araina looked up to see Weasels expression of fear. She smirked on the inside of her soul. Standing up she circled her victim like a ravenous lioness about to pounce on it's weak prey. "You have done well Robert. I was hoping you would disappoint me so I would have the pleasure of killing you. But you have proved loyal in my eyes. I cannot kill an innocent man. No matter how weasel-like you are." Araina thought for a minute. "Alright so I can kill an innocent man with no guilt in my heart. But you my friend......your skills, and connections prove to save you once again. For that you are good to me alive than died." Weasel seemed relieved but he did not want his happiness to show. He stood still, not moving in inch. For an inch could cost him his life. "So for a reward, I will let you live." Araina sitting back in her comfortable chair. Weasel could not control himself, he came to his knees with tears streaming from his eyes. "Thank you Captain Thank you. My service is in your hands." Bowing down with much appreciation. Araina brushed him off, and pointed to the door. While exiting he kept bowing in appreciation. Weasel wanted to escape as far as he can from the shadow of The Dark Falcon. As soon as Weasel left, Mr. Gullman came right in with a tray of fresh fruits, cold milk, and a plate of butter, and bread. He placed the tray right on top of the maps. "Compliments from Mr. Weasel." Mr. Gullman winking. Araina rolled her eyes. Before she could say anything Mr. Gullman interrupted, "Now, now Cap'n. Ye must keep up your strength. Ye haven't been eating properly. Ye hardly slept last night." "I'm preoccupied with finding an active merchant route to do some piracy." Araina pushing the tray to the side. "Well Cap'n, you may want to delay your findings, for the one called Jack is here." "Send him in. We have business to discuss." Araina requested. Mr. Gullman did as he was told. He could understand the stress she was under to regain her trust within her crew. Anything would be remotely helpful of finding priceless fortune. She needed leverage to keep her title as Captain and Leader. Mutiny would be upon her doorstep, if she did not find her window of opportunity. Watching Mr. Gullman leave, Araina turned her chair to overlook the sea to attain some peace within her mind. Hopefully this gentlemen requesting her attention will donate a valuable plan. Something worth exploring........an adventure worth finding their reward. 7 Walking past rough-looking pirates, Jack decided to focus his eyes straight ahead of him. Letting Mr. Gullman lead him to the Captain, he thought about his mission. Knowing any mistake can cost him his life. It was vital for Jack to think before he speaks, to watch where he steps. He was dealing with short-tempered pirates. To not add even more stress, he focused on the back of Mr. Gullmans head to not make eye contact with anyone he passed. "Alright me friend. She be wantin to see ya now." Mr. Gullman said guiding Jack in front of a red mahogany wooden door with carved falcons on the panel. Jack entered inside. While entering inside he found Araina staring outside of her window while seated in her chair. Within her Cabin he spotted an antique long, dark wooden table with carvings of falcons, a marooned armchair with golden studs, windows aligned half of each side of the room, built-in cabins along the side with a straw mattress perfectly fitted on top. Jack noticed other items that seemed stolen, like an antique vase from Italy, a marble statue from Greece, a wooden mask with colorful designs from Africa, many priceless, or expensive items. "Have a seat." Araina said without looking up from her chair. Her long dark, brown curls flowed off her shoulders. Jack noticed the beautiful shine coming from her locks. The sun reflected off the window, making her green eyes even lighter. The shape of her body was firm in every inch. Her beast were proudly lifted. The shape of her curves were aligned perfectly. Her broad shoulders were erect. She wore a heavy red blouse tucked in her black spandex pants with crisscross laces riding up her hips, that showed a trail of skin. She had beauty, and a smile. Coming out of her daze from the window she turned around to face Jack. "Before we get down to business, I have a question to ask you." Araina stated. "Have you no fear of who you are dealing with?" Jack thought for a minute. "I have respect for a Captain. I have even more respect for a Captain who is well known like yourself. But if you think that fear is suppose drive me because of your experience with death, then I'm sorry to disappoint you." Jack knew he placed his life in her hands by uttering those words, but he felt he had to take a stand to show no fear within himself. Araina's expression, was expressionless. She stood up, and walked over to the front of her desk. Sitting on top, she eyed Jack closely. Silence ran around the room. Jack did not know what to expect. He held his pistol handle close. A sudden burst of laughter struck the air. Jack could only nervously smile. Araina seemed to be merry with laughter. She came closer to Jack. "You are brave Jack. I admire a man like you." She came around to her seat. "But don't let it go to your head. Words like those can get you killed pretty quickly." Araina took out a map, and her expression became serious. "Now your proposition? Why are you willing to do business with me? Knowing as a pirate like myself, I would be willing to just kill you, and take whatever you offer. Do not think for one minute that just because I'm a woman, doesn't mean I think like a woman. You won't find a heart in this soul." Jack sat up straight. "Fair enough Captain. But this proposition cannot be taken away from me." "And why is that?" Araina gently stated. Jack stood up. "Well I assumed you have already guessed that this proposition has to deal with treasure. But it's not that simple since the map is hidden in a remote location, and only my knowledge can get us past the traps." Araind had a sudden burst of anger. "You expect me to go on a wild goose chase?" Jack needed to give her reasurrance. "Captain, I would understand your concern. But I can assure you that you will have your treasure." Jack searched for some hint of change within his statement. "Captain, I would not take this chance knowing of your EDIT Araina's expression changed. "Apparently dangers involved in retrieving the map." "Doesn't all adventure that lead to treasure involve danger?" Jack sarcastically stating. Araina's short temper became triggered. But realizing he wasn't finished with his proposition, she bit her tongue....... For now. "Well then Mr. DuVon, where is this so called map?" Getting annoyed. "Upon an excluded island." Araina pointed out a map. "Well if your willing to reveal the location to me, we can begin on our adventure. If this turns out to be a wild goose chase, you will receive torture like there is no other." Jack nodded in agreement, and pointed to the island where his map was hidden. Jack hesitated, "what about the cut?" Araina walked around him. Thinking intently. " 70/20." Crossing her arms. Knowing that his life was still in the hands of Araina and her crew, he could not help but speak his mind. "50/50. This is a proposition to you. Take it or leave it." Jack stated firmly. Knowing his tongue escaped him once again, and felt as if a wild bear was about to devour him. Araina could not help that he was right. Refusing this proposition meant her crew would truly turn on her. Treasure was the only thing that mattered to them. No matter what. "Alright then Mr. DuVon. You have a deal." Giving her hand in agreement. Jack grew suspicious but he took her offer, and shook her hand. The deal was struck. Araina whistled. Two of her big muscular men came in. "Now these fine gentlemen will take you to your quarters Mr. DuVon, until we arrive." The two muscular men grabbed Jack by his arms. Jack shooed them off. "I can walk." Jack arrived in the brig. The two muscular men locked the door behind them. Leaving without a word. Araina arrived after they left. "Did you really think I would have you just be on my ship without any down falls? I have to see that your trustworthy Mr. DuVon. Now dinner will be served soon." Araina blew a kiss, but remembered an important detail. " Oh by the way Mr. DuVon, If you use your sarcasm on me again, I will show you pain without remorse. No one makes a fool out of the Captain." Araina then walked away. Jack shook his head, ashamed of himself. His tongue slipped away from him once again. In the future, he would have to be more careful. Jack gazed out from a window in his prison cell. Admiring the waves of the ocean. Whispering to himself. "If their will ever be." 8 Jack watched the ocean sway back, and forth. Loving the scent of the sea, the way the salty breeze would lightly brush by his skin, and amazed by it's power and strength. He cherished being upon the sea. Land was too tame for him. He belonged on a ship with nothing but bodies of water surrounding him. He needed excitement within his life. He knew he would not find any kind of adventure being on land. Being a pirate had it's adventures, but he was not able to stoop that low. Just willing to be part of an exploration. His thoughts moving elsewhere, Jack did not expect to be in the brig so soon, but at least it wasn't for any crime he committed in front of the Captain. Only the criminal charge of his wicked tongue. Mr. Gullman came to the cell, and opened it for Jack. "The Captain as asked if you would be willing to join her for dinner?" Jack pondered if he could refuse. Knowing he wasn't a simpleton, going against the Captain's hospitality would be committing suicide. Jack stood up, and followed Mr. Gullman to the Captains Cabin. "Any advice when it comes to eating with the Captain sir?" Jack questioning Mr. Gullman. "Don't worry me boy, ye Captain won't poison you, if that's what ye thinking. The Captain enjoys of committing murder by her own hand." They both arrived at The Captains door. "And it's Mister Gullman, Mr. DuVon." Holding the door for him. Jack stepped inside, and found Araina's table turned into a dinning room table. Candles were lit all around, centering the light of the moon as the main centerpiece. A silk, white table cloth with starry designs. Araina sat at the end of the table, and was already devouring into her turkey leg. In Jack's thoughts all he could conclude was, "no elegant breeding upon this woman." As he took the other side of the table he acknowledged The Captain by a small respectful bow. Jack sat down, and ate as well. The only sound that could be heard by the two, was the chopping of the meat in there mouths, and the swallowing of their wine. After there heavy meals, Mr. Gullman delivered a night cap for the two. "So my dear Jack, what brings you to a life of piracy?" Araina taking a sip of her night cap. She enjoyed appreciating the taste, not downing it. Jack was shocked."I am no pirate." Jack said with his temper triggered. Araina gave him a surprising look. "If it's such a demeaning name, then why sail with pirates?" "If I enjoy swimming in the ocean, does that make me a fish?" Jack questioned. "Further more Cap'n, no other man was brave enough to take on such an exploration." Araina stated sarcasticly. "Then this adventure must be worth the effort to travel with such inferior pirates." Jack gave a smile. "And what made you enlist into the life of piracy Captain?" Araina relieved a sigh. "Life has it's adventures Mr. DuVon, and I've found mine." Araina took another sip of her glass. "And that is all you need to know." Jack could only nod. He did not want to impose into her personal life if he wasn't invited too. "Let's discuss business. Is their any information regarding our distination that you wish to inform me?" "I have no doubt we will face danger Captain." Jack poured himself another glass. "You will just have to trust my instincts of retrieving the map." Jack took a sip. "Secondly Captain, what is life without a little excitment?" Araina appeared annoyed. "I do not use trust as my guide. But I can not resist an adventure worth searching for. Araina gave EDITYou well know the penalty for a wild goose chase." Jack nodded. He was confident of what they would find. But suddenly a thought popped into this head. "We must be discreet." "Why is that?" "Well a new Admiral is taking over the Caribbean islands, and is in charge of ships entering the coast. He has no mercy for pirates. Many have heard of his dealings with many pirates. Rumors has been spread through the Caribbean he was behind of the ruthless slaughter of Captain Clegg and his men. Corrupted by greed. But no evidence has been attained." Araina became deeply interested of who this man was. "Tell me. Do you know who this is?" Jack shook his head. "Some of the villagers informed me of his name. Peter Whitkin." Blood rushed into her face with shock. But before Jack could notice, her expression changed. "Well I must get some rest. You should do the same." She signaled for Mr. Gullman to come in. "Find our guest a room to rest." Jack stood up, gave a courtesy bow, and followed Mr. Gullman to this room. After showing Jack the room, Mr. Gullman came back into Araina's Quarters to clean up the table. Resorting back to her normal desk he could see she was troubled. "Trouble Captain?" Placing the maps back onto her desk while watching the expression upon her face." "I think we might Mr. Gullman." |