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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1376710
Nikilar hunts the killer of his parents... His brother.
         In the night, secrets are made. In the night, secrets are hidden away and in the night sometimes, secrets walk the streets of Tilverton.

         The large bay window of the small tavern rattled with the activity from within. Nikelar entered without disturbing the rhythm of the room. In fact it was not until he had sat down, discarding the worn, wide-brimmed, buckskin hat, revealing long beautiful brown tresses of hair that the bar-maid even noticed the new customer. She mentally berated herself for missing him. Especially, she thought because he was quite handsome.

         Though middle aged, Diedre could still seduce any man in the place, though those days were over for her. She was respectable now.

         "Whataya have sir," she asked with a practiced warm smile?

         Nikelar who scanned the room, not really expecting to find his target so soon but not taking anything for granted, watched the barmaid approach. She was pleasant and honest looking, he thought... A rarity in a place like this.

         "An ale please ma'am."

         "An ale ye can have, tho if ye call me ma'am again, you'll more than likely have it in your lap." Diedre now took notice to the high cheek bones and ears that poked through the thick mane of hair. These were elven features, she thought, though his height marked him as having at least some human blood in him.

         For the first time in years Nikelar laughed. "My apologizes, but I don't know what else to call you."

         "Diedre... Ye can call me Diedre."

         "Well Diedre, if you would be so kind as to bring me an ale, I'd be most appreciative."

         "I'll have to take ye up on that...?"

         "Nikelar... my name is Nikelar." "All right Nikelar, one ale coming up." The well trained eye of the veteran bounty hunter observed as Diedre walked casually but promptly to the bar to retrieve his drink. In the time it took for her to deliver his drink, countless details about the patrons of this pub were learned.

         He watched one pocket picked, saw one illegal transaction and overheard one plot to overthrow the government of Tilverton. He was particularly impressed with the eclectic mix of people that were here. He could see soldiers and politicians, merchants as well as professional adventurers. The owner of this establishment had to have some kind of reputation for all of these people to interact without a great amount of violence.

         The races, he observed were as diverse as the classes. He saw humans and dwarfs playing cards, elven prostitutes seducing everyone and even a drunk halfling sleeping in the far corner. He would definitely be here, thought Nikelar. Such a fountain of information would be irresistible for a man like Belias.

         He'd been hunting him a long time indeed but tonight he would finally catch up with him. Justice would be served, Nikelar promised...one way or another. He counted himself very lucky to have gotten word half-way across the continent of Belias' rise to co-counsel of Tilverton. It was all he could do to keep his mind on work long enough to deliver his captive to the proper authorities. He then spent three weeks riding several horses to near death so that he could find the man who he'd hunted as far back as he could remember, his brother Belias.
         Momentarily, the doors swung open as a dark cloaked figure entered. The hood of the cloak hid the man's face as he crossed the room to perch himself on a stool of the bar. He moved gracefully never unsure of his footing. In a quiet voice the man ordered a glass of wine which he sipped casually.

         Nikelar examined this man, who fit the description he'd heard for so many years. The man who had taken him in and raised as a son described his brother as being thinly built as this man was, and graceful as any deer. The careful man watched, not wanting to spring unless he was absolutely sure that this was Belias, the man who killed their parents.

         Nikelar didn't have to wait long for conformation as the man reached up and pulled his hood from his head. As he turned to talk to the pretty girl seated next to him, Nikelar could see the pointy ears and cheekbones as well as the black chain mail that only the elves could have made.

         These perfectly silent chain mail shirts were rare indeed. Belias, the most famous thief on the continent was reputed to have just such a item. With no doubt in his mind, Nikelar began to make his move. Then the caution that kept him alive on so many occasions told him to wait. This tavern was full of innocent citizens, he realized. With a sigh of utter frustration, Nikelar returned to his seat.

         Not even drinking his ale, Nikelar could think of nothing else than to leap across the room and plunge a dagger into his brother's chest. Some thought him cold for wanting to hunt down his own flesh and blood. If they only heard the story of how Belias had killed his parents even as Nikelar, still an infant, slept in his crib in the next room.

         After a few hours, Belias left the way he'd come. He was soon followed by another figure at least as stealthy as he. Instincts, honed by years hunting down criminals, led Nikelar through the streets, seeming to become shadow... The dark cloaked thief gracefully glided through the streets, confident that he was safe within the walls of the city that he helped to govern.

         Nikelar had heard that they had taken the city by brute force and arcane magic with the help of Lord Riggor, a powerful lord to the south and though most speak highly of Belias' abilities, Nikelar knew that fear could control people's minds.

         Belias zigged and zagged through the streets in what Nikelar surmised was a pattern of some sort. Though he couldn't figure out why this route was taken, he knew the moment would come. His prey slipped into an alley and as Nikelar watched from the street, grasped the edge of an uneven brick within a wall. Nikelar's elven ears heard even from this distance, the click of the latch.
         Though the thin form barely had the strength, he managed to push open the hidden door. Nikelar watched as his target entered. The experienced tracker waited for what he thought was a safe amount of time... Then quietly followed.

         Nikelar had grown much stronger than the last time the two had met and with ease pushed open the concealed door. His elven sight gave him the ability to see clearly at night, though as he descended the stairs, he found that there was almost no light down here at all. His pace slowed slightly to keep from stumbling.

         Once he'd reached the bottom, he realized that this tunnel was like a maze, a catacomb that ran through the length of Tilverton. If he was not careful, his quarry would lose him down here. Relying more on his sensitive hearing than his sight, Nikelar paused... waiting for it. Then as he held his breath he heard it. It was only for a split second and barely audible but the sound of a scuffled boot echoed through the dark Catacomb.

         Using that single second of sound, Nikelar calculated the direction and distance of it's source. With careful footsteps the bounty hunter closed in. It was in a chamber that opened up slightly that he finally caught up to him. He was just about to enter another tunnel when Nikelar made his decision. He pounced with the stealth and power of any jungle cat, grabbing the slender figure by his shoulders. He violently turned his startled prey to face his long forgotten brother.

         "BELIAS, son of T'lira and Jin, I hereby arrest you for their murder!" As the head and body swiveled about something flew from Belias' head. Two flesh colored pieces of soft, painted tar flew to either side of the alley. Nikelar stared at the false ear extensions in stunned silence even as he heard the foot falls approaching from behind.
         "Well, well isn't this interesting. We'd really love to watch to see which one of you comes out alive, Belias. But we can't take the chance that you'll escape while you're fighting this fool."

         Nikelar turned, seeing the four thugs blocking his way. Two were large brutes, wearing leather armor and wielding large war axes while one was a man with obvious goblin parentage. The last, and the one doing all of the talking was human. He was muscular and athletic with a long sword drawn.

         "Belias is under arrest. Whatever accusations you have with him are more than likely grounded but I must bring him to justice and see him properly hanged," pronounced Nikelar.

         "Well," said the gang's leader, "look fellas, a lawman. I might have let you live but now I'm afraid It just isn't' possible. Gentlemen, if you will," ordered the smiling director gesturing toward their targets.

         Realizing finally that the human he held in his hands was not Belias, but that indeed he'd been led into a trap by his evil brother, Nikelar was determined to get from this man the where-abouts of his boss. The only thing stopping him at the moment was this group of assassins that blocked his path.

         The two large ones had their heads shaved identically, dressed  and even carried identical axes. The smaller, goblin man crept up behind them looking like some half vermin that was quite at home in these tunnels. His eyes glowed in the darkness as claws were extended from his fingertips.

With one heave, the strong elven bounty hunter sent the startled impostor into the wall of the underground passage. With the impact, the frail human found all of the air in his lungs expelled, leaving him no option but to fall to the ground heaving for breath.

          Swiftly, he turned back towards the two large behemoths before him, drawing his short sword from it's sheath. Nikelar was known many places as a fine swordsman but even he knew it would be impossible to parry both of these huge axes at once. His adopted father, Lar often said that you must turn your weakness into your strength. His greatest weakness in fighting these two, was size.

         Not until they raised their weapons to strike did the lithe lawman move. He tucked and rolled making sure that he came up on the left side of the left ax-man. Only one of his size would have a hope of fitting into the small space between this giant and the stone wall.

         Before the two startled henchmen had time to set for another attack, Nikelar struck the man before him just behind his knee. Though strong for an elf or human, the blow only succeeded in barely digging into the man's huge leg but also toppled him over like a great oak. In barely enough time, Nikelar managed to raise his sword enough to block the ax from his cohort. The ferocity of the attack startled even the seasoned lawman.

         Brutally, the goblin-man tackled him to the ground, knocking his sword away in the process. Only his agility and strength saved him from the 3" claws that lunged for his throat. He'd grabbed the monster's wrists even as the point of the claw penetrated the first layer of skin.

         Even so, Nikelar knew that this thing would soon overcome him. By the power of his will, he held off the snarling goblin-man even as the shadow of one of the giants fell over his eyes.

         "Hold him a moment Jor, I'll cleave his head off."

         Nikelar could see that the idea of his friend's ax coming that close to him did not please him, but Jor, the goblin-man attempted to hold his prey. He would do anything for the only people ever to befriend him. The curved blade of the war-ax swung down, aimed unerringly towards Nikelar's neck. Suddenly, the elf pulled his arms up over his head unrepentantly.

         Jor's balance was thrown off, causing him to fall forward into the path of the on coming ax. The force was enough to cause the ax  not to only miss it's mark but to behead the creature as well.

         Blood spewed forth from his neck, washing Nikelar's face in it's warmth. Though he could not see as of yet, he could hear the efforts of the felled ruffian as he attempted to rise. In one fluid motion he brought his boot up to the limp, headless corpse and heaved with a mighty thrust.

         As blood began to drip from his eyes, he saw the morbid missile strike it's target. In his injured state, the giant lost his footing, falling once again to the catacomb floor.

         Though his off-hand, Nikelar was able to strike the assassin looming over him precisely in his groin. Nikelar had long realized that honor in combat was of little comfort if you were dead. Instantly he rose from the ground, snatching the hoodlum's large ax even as he stood. The heavy weapon was something he would never use on a regular basis, however, at the moment it was the closest thing at hand.

         With some effort, the bounty-hunter launched the ax, imbedding it into the other behemoth, who was attempting to rise once again. With a thud, he fell back to the stone floor.

         “ARRGHH!!!” Massive hands wrapped around his neck as he was lifted by the beserking thug. He was painfully smashed against the far wall as powerful fingers crushed his windpipe. In seconds, he knew it would be over. He would die at the hands of this buffoon.

         In his frenzied state the murderous warrior barely felt the cold steel pass between his ribs. It wasn't until breath could not be summoned that he finally realized his fate. He looked down to see Nikelar pushing the handle of the blade ever deeper into his side.

          His fingers, though, never relinquished their hold until his lungs coughed up blood, forcing it from his lips. He fell choking... dying slowly in a cold, dark tunnel by someone he wasn't even getting paid to kill.

         His might spent, Nikelar too fell to the ground hearing the last of the assassins nearing him. "You played a good game stranger, but I'm afraid it's over."

         Raising his eyes to the smiling human who, with sword in hand, approached him. There was nothing he could do, he thought. His strength was no more even if he had a sufficient weapon.

         "Don't worry, lawman... I shall kill the notorious thief Belias, for you. I hope that that gives you some relief."
         Nikelar's elven ears heard the bolt loose though unfortunately his opponent's human ears did not. Suddenly the man's neck exploded in blood, some of which joined the already drying goblin-man's blood on his face.

         Almost lazily, the body flopped to the ground. He looked, thought Nikelar, like a puppet with his strings cut. The exhausted lawman just sat there, too tired to do anything else. He saw the impostor across the alley being helped by a scary little halfling, who was only about 3 feet tall, but had little trouble lifting his burden. A scar that ran from just above the eyebrow to just above his cheek could be seen as he turned to leave the chamber. It gave the little man a look of definite menace.

         Once they had left, Nikelar watched as the shadows molded themselves into a single humanoid figure. His long, black cloak danced around the slender figure. As he walked, the hood of the cloak that had hidden his identity was removed. He knew the moment he laid eyes upon him that this was his brother, Belias. He wore the legendary cloak of shadows that reputedly enabled it's wearer to turn themselves into a bat in addition to it's ability to hide them in the shadows.

         As he walked, Nikelar could see beneath the cloak the true elven chain shirt, it's black metal rings almost impossible to see in this light. It was then that he saw the sword... Demon's Vein. He saw the hilt over his left shoulder. That he would destroy when his brother was dead.

         "I must thank you dear brother for your assistance in helping me thwart these would-be assassins. It was quite brotherly of you."
Anger swelled inside as the thin elven man stood over him, smiling. "I have only saved the pleasure of killing you for myself, brother!"

         Handsome, almost enchanting eyes examined his condition carefully. "Perhaps you should rest a few days before your attempt. I don't think you're in much shape to kill anything at the moment."

         "If you know what's good for you Belias, you'll kill me now while you have the chance." Belias brushed back his dirty blonde hair from his face, smiling warmly.

         "Why would I do such a thing? Why would I kill my own flesh and blood?"

         "You dare mock them! I shall rip out your heart!"

         "I tell you the truth, brother. I found our parents murdered... Oh, yes, I had planned on robbing them. My teacher ordered it, but I tell you this once and only once. They were dead when I arrived. Your mentor walked in on me looting what remained which by the way wasn't nearly enough to justify killing them."

         "Why should I believe you?!" "I don't care whether you believe me or not. Killing you would be child's play, even when you're rested. If you want justice go else-where. In fact I would suggest you be out of Tilverton before nightfall tomorrow or I will be forced to put out a bounty on you for the murder of these innocents."
         Belias melded back into the shadows, leaving Nikelar in the dark with four dead bodies. He, then recognized the leader of this band of thugs as a man wanted in Savidar, a city about 3 days travel. He knew they were offering a hefty sum for the head, so maybe the day was not a total waste and justice was served after all. Nikelar knew that his brother lied about not killing his parents.
         He was told the story a hundred times as a child. The day would come when his brother would pay for his crimes. On that day, Nikelar prayed, he would be the one to collect. For now he knew that to attempt to take his brother in the city that he ruled would be suicide. He would bide his time, watching for any opportunity to deliver justice for his parents.
© Copyright 2008 GlennBeuhring (glennbeuhring at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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