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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1376033
Yuuri and Wolfram are gifted by the elves. Yuuram.
Disclaimer: I do not own KKM but yesh I do wish that I did. Yuuram. Everyone who has given me reviews on this story I want to thank you. You guys have boosted my hope that this is a wonderful fanfic. Also to Lilly drool away girlie.

Chapter Three: Enjoy and drool to your might.

“Yuuri!” Wolfram yelled impatiently.

“Yes, Wolfram?” He answered while pushing his long hair out of his eyes. Eyes that looked serpentine. Wolfram gulped at those eyes. Still not used to him being in the Maou state. Yuuri’s eyes held some fire in them and he walked over to cup Wolfram’s jaw in the palm of his hand. He leaned down to capture those perfect pink lips with his. Wolfram gasped and his lips parted which let Yuuri plunder the depths of his mouth. Wolfram’s tongue teasingly rubbed against his eliciting a long and hungry moan from Yuuri. The kiss started heating up and tongues clashed with fervor. Yuuri’s hand ran down the most delectable neck he has ever seen making Wolfram’s breathing to quicken and knees to weaken. He grabbed a hold of Yuuri’s shoulders to make sure that he doesn’t fall to the floor.

“Yuuri!” He gasps as Yuuri ripped his mouth from Wolfram’s. He ran his tongue and mouth down Wolfram’s slender neck following the path of his fingers. Wolfram fought to keep his breath but lost the battle when Yuuri’s fingers started unbuttoning and removing his shirt while he was nibbling and sucking on Wolfram’s neck. Yuuri’s lips moved down past Wolfram’s collarbone to nibble its way to the pink crescent nipples. He raked his teeth over them to elicit a breathless moan from his lips. Wolfram worked clumsily on the button’s to his lover’s shirt finally getting them to come undone. While he pulled down the shirt he was lifted and placed on the desk. Yuuri then kissed his way up the silky skin while spreading the blue clad legs so he can move in between them.

“Yuuri!” Wolfram cried out when he felt how aroused the man was. Yuuri ground his groin against the others, which had him panting with need. Wolfram stopped pulling the shirt off of Yuuri to work on his pants. Yuuri moaned deep in his throat when he felt fingers brush up against him making him pulse and throb. Wolfram smiled mischievously against Yuuri’s lips. He ran his fingers ever so gently against Yuuri’s erection.

“Wolf.” He cried out. Loosing control. He shed his shirt vigorously. He worked on Wolfram’s pants and moaned when the hips lifted to help. Yuuri paused and opened a cabinet beneath his lover and found the rose scented oil that he placed there earlier. Wolfram’s eyes widen as the realization hit him. He was planning on making love to me in here. The thought turned him red.

“Yuuri, you had this planned di-.” He gasped when Yuuri’s rose oil covered finger circled his opening. Wolfram’s mouth hung open. “You planned making lo-.” The finger penetrated his opening and Wolfram screamed out in pleasure. Yuuri’s finger started stroking Wolfram’s prostate making his moans louder and louder. Wolfram leaned forward and started licking Yuuri’s ear. Yuuri’s body stiffened but his finger is joined with another making Wolfram moan in his ear. He then joined another, which made him cry out his name. Wolfram started nibbling on Yuuri’s neck as he cried out with each stroke of those magnificent fingers. “Oh, Yuuri, I love you!” Wolfram cried out and upon hearing this Yuuri quickly removed his fingers which made his lover cry out a displeased sound, which quickly changed into cries of pleasure as Yuuri, filled him fully to his core. Yuuri tried staying still as Wolfram got used to him but when he felt Wolfram squeeze him gently inside then bite him on his shoulder he lost control and started slamming hard into Wolfram. Wolfram gasped out in surprise and pleasure. “Yuuri, do that more.” He cried out and the Maou gave in to his lover’s demands and kept on thrusting into him harder and harder. “Yuuri!” He leans his lover over and wraps the hand with oil around Wolfram’s erection stroking him with the same fervor as he was thrusting into him.

“Wolf!” He quickens the pace with both of them crying out loudly. They both felt the maryoku flow around them meshing as one. Turning into steam that made their bodies slick with sweat. Feeling the drops of sweat run down their quickly moving bodies heightened their pleasure and with a final stroke they jump fully into the abyss of their climax as both of their seeds flow from them coating one or another. Yuuri’s seed planted inside of his lover as Wolfram’s coated both of their stomachs. Yuuri collapses on top of Wolfram while they slowly kiss each other gently.

“Yuuri, that was so beautiful.” Wolfram said after the kiss broke.

“I know. Even better than before.” He withdrew from Wolfram reaching in the same cabinet for a cloth and a bottle of water. He wets the cloth and gently cleans Wolfram up with the lilac smelling water. Wolfram’s eyes grew wide with the love he felt at that time. “Let’s go to practice before someone comes to ruin this moment for us.” They fix their clothes and while Yuuri was adjusting Morgif the Maken to his hip he saw a bright light shinning on the wall. When he turns around he sees Wolfram unconscious suspended in air. “Wolfram!” He screams out in horror.


Conrad’s face changed when he heard the pleasure sounds coming from Yuuri’s office, it turned red. Yozak who was leaning against the wall and staring at the multiple birds in the corridor. He saw Conrad’s expression as he quickly walked down the lighted pathway. He laughed which brought his attention to the muscular red head. He quirked his eyebrows.

“I take it you came upon the screeching love bird, ne, Taisho?” Yozak asked with a wide grin on his face with the amused blue eyes on him.

“Hai, Yozak.” He turned even redder. “I didn’t know they have gotten that far into their relationship yet.” He said while scratching the side of his face.

“That’s because you didn’t pay attention to detail, Conrad.” Gwendal said as he heard what Conrad said. Conrad’s face turned to worry. “What has you worried now?”

“Ne, your not worried because of him being your godson and the other being your brother right?” Yozak asked hitting the nail on the head.

“What are you all standing around here for?” Murata asked as him and his son walked up to the group.

“Just picking on Conrad from the looks of it.” Said Gisela as she ran up to them.

“You came quick, Gisela.” Murata said when he turned to look at her.

“Well, I also found out something interesting from the tests that I have done on, Heika and Prince Wolfram.” She said with a huge smile on her face.

“What is it, Gisela?” Gwendal asked sternly.

“Well…” She said hesitantly.

“Out with it already.” Gwendal said losing his temper.

“Okay, okay. Well when I started doing the tests I did all possible to find out what was going on. The first test that ran was the blood tests. I looked at the count and saw the cells literally start to glow. I have never seen this before. It’s not even in the records of the tests that they have done on the previous Maou’s who went through the gift as well. I then started wondering exactly, which tests were also going to be off the charts. I ran the others and all were fine but two. The maryoku test showed that with each second it gets a lot stronger.”

“What?” Shinou said popping up on Murata’s shoulder staring at the woman as if she had grown another head.

“That isn’t the strangest though, Shinou Heika. I used a test to detect hormones on both of them. Heika’s were normal except for a little boost to his testosterone. But Wolfram’s are off the chart. His testosterone seems to be lowering while his estrogen is increasing.”

“Oh come on, woman. I am not a healer. What does this mean?” Shinou asks impatiently.

“It means that he is becoming fertile.”

“What?!” Everyone shouted. The loudest ones who protested were Yozak and Conrad. They all look at Conrad and Yozak.

“What’s with that look?” Shinou asked.

“Well, her explanation came a little late. You see the kiddo and brat are in the office alone if you catch my meaning?” Yozak said moving his hands around.

“What?!” Gwendal yelled. He looked towards the window of Yuuri’s office. “Are you telling me that there is a big chance in him becoming pregnant now?”

“Gisela dear, please tell me your info is wrong.” Shinou said in a sweet voice.

“I’m sorry, but since us Mazoku are born able to have children no matter if we are male or female. Then Yes I am sure it is correct.” Gisela smiled apologetically.

“Wolfram!” They heard Yuuri scream. Everyone’s eyes shot towards the window and saw flashes of light coming from it. Everyone started running.


They all burst into the room and see Wolfram’s state. Yuuri stood there shaking. Conrad put his hand on Yuuri’s shoulder and to everyone’s amazement a shock of electricity made Conrad jerk his hand back. Everyone maneuvered around Yuuri to see his expression and they saw the tear filled eyes that looked at Wolfram. Yuuri raised his hand towards his lover. Droplets of water gathered from the air and formed around the blue clad figure eliciting an unconscious sigh. He stood that way for five minutes it seemed. When the maryoku disappeared from around the blonde Yuuri slowly lowered the boy to his arms. His eyes widen when he looks at Wolfram. It looked like all of Wolfram’s genetic code has changed. What he held in his arms was so bizarre. Wolfram’s hair grew substantially. If Wolfram stood up he was pretty sure the hair would go below his knees. The face didn’t change one bit to his relief. What really shocked him were the two mounds pressing up against his chest. Everyone saw the eyes shoot wide.

“What’s wrong, Heika?” Gisela asked as she came over and knelt down besides him and the prince. “Is he all right?”

“He is out of the question, Gisela.” Yuuri said deeply. “Because Wolfram is no longer a he.” The Maou’s voice said shakily.

“Euh!!” The whole room said at the same time.

“Gisela, come with me while I bring my fiancée to our room.” He said while picking up the unconscious Wolfram in his arms.

“Hai, Heika.” She said following him. Yuuri stopped and turned around.

“When I know that Wolfram will be settled I am coming back. And then I want the explanation on what is happening to us. No one will leave this room. Do I make myself clear?” He asked with a furious look on his face.

“Hai, Heika.” They said in unison. Everyone looked at each other with worried looks on their faces.

“Why on Earth is he so pissed off?” Murata asked. Shinou smacked himself on the forehead.

“Baka.” Gwendal said covering his face with his hand.


“He…I mean she will be fine.” Gisela said and left the Maou alone with his fiancée. Yuuri walked closer to the bed and sat down with his hand picking up Wolfram’s. He brushed the blonde’s long hair out of her face.

“Wolf…” Yuuri said as he kissed her lips tenderly. “Nothing will change. Even with you being a girl now.” He climbed over Wolfram careful not to wake the beautiful woman. He lay down and put his arm around her and fell asleep.


Gisela walked down the hallway back to Yuuri’s office. She opened the door and closed it behind her then faced the anxious faces.

“Well?” Gwendal said with an annoyed look that brought another wrinkle to his brow.

“It’s as I expected. Wolfram’s body is full of estrogen. And…” She hesitates and then closes her mouth. Gwendal grabs her by the shoulders.

“And what?” He asks as he tightens his hold on her.

“He’s not only a woman now. He…She is pregnant.” She says in a whisper of a voice.

“Great Shinou.” He says and closes his eyes while tightening his hands on her shoulders. “I’m going to kill him.” He bit out.

“You will not be able to, Kakaa.” She said as her voice wavered.

“What do you mean?” Murata said from the side of the room. Shinou stood up quickly as if he knew why she said it. His eyebrows rose.

“Because I had the maryoku tester in my pocket while I was standing next to Heika. And now look.” She held it out for everyone to see it. The vial of maryeiki in her hands looked like it was fizzing. The color was of the purest blue. “I didn’t notice it until I got outside of Heika’s bedroom. Originally the color is white. To test maryoku you have to put some maryoku inside it. When you do it tends to turn to the color of the mazoku’s maryoku.”

“In his case blue.” Shinou said. “But normally it would be only a tint of the color.”

“That is correct. By the looks of this the tint of maryoku that went inside of it is more powerful than I have ever seen before. Even when he first arrived in this world.” Gisela said.

“That’s amazing!” Shinou said with a smirk on his face. “Not that I haven’t seen this coming. The gift was given to the Maou’s by the elves after all. They told me that it would make me even stronger than I could imagine. Also that there might be a chance that one could become god-like. Hmmmm.” He rubbed his chin. “But what I don’t get is why he turned into a woman. That has never happened. And him getting with child when the gift has just started is what shocked me.”

“My thoughts stray as to who gave them the gift in the first place?” Murata wondered.

“Yeah, that’s right. For them to be deemed worthy of it the elves give it to them in person. So how come we haven’t seen an elf yet?” Shinou asked.

“That is because we can hide in plain sight with out anyone even the one’s gifted to see.” Said an impish voice above them. There floated a small girl with a smirk on her face.

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