Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1375622-The-stranger-in-the-mirror
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1375622
A boy discovers himself through his love......
He was terribly tired. He looked at the mirror…… A face stared back at him. He was looking at a warrior. A warrior whose face was young, that of a boy but it showed traces of war. If he knew his own face, it would have been exactly like that warrior’s. He had been fighting too long. How long? He himself was doubtful. But as far as he could remember, he had been fighting. Fighting for a future, fighting for air, fighting to breathe in this suffocating world, fighting to live. He had come a long way and had a long way to go . He didn’t even remember who he was fighting for. It seemed like it had become his habit and he had accepted that way of life. He realized he himself could be entitled a warrior. He knew no orders but  had promises to keep. His family was counting on him. His love…. was counting on him. He thought of the girl. She loved him dearly. She had given herself to him. By mind, body and soul. He trusted her faith more than his own. Because she built it at a point of life when he had nothing in hand. No future, no money, nothing.
His eyes studied the stranger on the other side. Was it really him? Of that, he could have been doubtful, had it not been a mirror.
She had seen the promise in his eyes and placed her faith in them. These eyes….. yes…now they seemed familiar. These were the eyes that bore the promise to keep his loved one close forever. These were the cold ones that heartily wept  for his beloved. These were the ones that worshiped her like a deity. Of course he knew them well.
But the rest of his face?? He looked at his lips. Red….. rosy red. Like a wild bush at it’s fullest bloom. But were they his own. He concentrated his look on them. These were the lips that had grazed the being of his love. Every inch of it. They still flared with the intensity of that touch. Now he recognized them. These acknowledged his intimacy with his soul mate. These bore her never fading signature. At times of gloom, she had brought him to life through them.
It seemed like he was being re-introduced to himself. 
Then it suddenly flashed on him. His love had given him an identity. His every part now bore her signature. He spoke out to himself, “You are no stranger, pal. You are her image. You are me now and I am you. We shall be the best of friends henceforth.” He turned away from the mirror. He felt his fatigue melt away. HE felt renewed. He was ready to fight again. Fight to bring home his love......

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