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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1373909
Black Cross Chapter 2 - The Ganster Lord's Death
Palm Leaf Cemetery...few minutes after the incident at the warehouse...

Cirrus stood in front of two tombstones...

" Justice never sleeps, huh Dad? Mom? " he smiled...

CHAPTER 2 - The Gangster Lord's death.

Runesworth Mansion...7th of May...

" Notorious mob boss Alfonso Shizone was seen dead on a dark alley last night. Police confirmed that the victim was stabbed to death by a bladed weapon but are clueless on who killed him. "

Argus Clementine turned off the television as an elderly man walked inside the office with the help of a cane..

" Has Cirrus returned yet? " the old man asked.

" No..not yet.. " Argus smiled. The old man sighed as he sat on his comfortable chair. He looked at a photo frame in his table and smiled..

" Ahh..it's me and my son, Rudy... " he grinned..


" Oh yes... " Argus smiled as he also looked at the picture. " You were still young in this picture boss.. "

" Yup..and me and my son were still on good terms during this picture.." Hugo sadly said. Just then, someone went inside...

" Hello Mr.Runesworth.. " a sexy voice said..


" JULLLIIAAAA!!!! " Argus began running towards the girl when Julia hit his face with her bag!!

" GET YOUR PERVERTED HANDS OFF ME!! " Julia yelled in anger. Argus fell on the ground, nauseated. Hugo shook his head and then Cirrus suddenly entered the office.

" Good mor..." he stopped when he saw Argus on the ground. Julia suddenly hugged him! " Oh Cirrus!! There you are!! I missed you so much!!! "

" Hello Julia... " Cirrus smiled while Julia hugged him tightly. Hugo sighed in relief when he saw his most trusted assassin.Argus slowly stood up and shook his head...

" C'mon Julia! What do you see in Cirrus that I don't have?!? " he asked. Julia instantly frowned at him...

" Well, he's not a pervert, like you are!! " she answered. " Besides, you already have five girlfriends and I don't intend to be one of them! " Julia snubbed, still hugging Cirrus.

" AHEM! " Hugo coughed. Argus, Julia and Cirrus fixed their attention at the aging Gangster Lord. Hugo sat on his chair and relaxed, smoke coming out from his pipe.

" I hate to interrupt your..uhh..comic performance, but there's something very important that I need to tell all of you.. " he grunted. Julia stopped hugging Cirrus while Argus fixed his hair.

" Argus..I think it's better if you tell them.. " Hugo smiled.

" Sure boss.. " Argus replied.

" What's the matter then? " Cirrus asked.

" Well..it's been 30 years now ever since Mr.Runesworth became the Gangster Lord and he's done a lot of accomplishments since then. " Argus began. " He's been responsible for keeping the peace among the mob leaders and not to mention, the support he gives to the government. "

Cirrus and Julia listened carefully. " Now, Mr.Runesworth has made a decision..and I know you won't like it..but.. " Argus paused as he looked at his old boss. Hugo nodded his head..

"..he decided to resign his position as Gangster Lord.. " Argus sternly said.

" WHAT?!? " Julia yelled in astonishment! " B..But what will happen to the orphanage!? Mr.Runesworth is the sole supporter of the orphanage I built! "

" Now..now.. " Hugo smiled. " I'll be leaving a huge amount of my wealth in yor bank account. I'm sure you'll spend the money wisely. "

" That's not it! " Julia replied, close to tears. " All those children think of you as their father! What will they feel when they know that you'll be resigning!? This is unacceptable!! "

Hugo and Argus looked at Julia. The woman was fighting back her tears while Cirrus remained silent. Julia looked at him..

" Well?!?! " she yelled. " Why don't you say something?!?! "

Cirrus just looked at Hugo. " I wanna talk to you. " he said plainly. Julia and Argus stared at the young man in silence. Hugo smiled at him and then signaled the two to leave them. Argus understood and he and Julia went out.

" So..you're quitting the mob huh? " Cirrus asked.

" Is that a problem for you Cirrus? " Hugo simply said.

Cirrus placed his hands on his pocket. " So..you'll be spending time with Rudy and his family then.. "

Hugo was astonished. " H..How did you? "

" I know everything Hugo... " Cirrus looked out the window. The sky was clear and the sun was shining outside.
"..I know the very reason why you want to quit. You lost your heart for violence and crime..just like your son did five years ago... " he smiled.

Hugo also smiled " I am amazed...not only are you good in fighting..but you're also intelligent as well.. "

" You raised me this way...so don't be surprised.. " Cirrus spoke. " But still.. " he looked at the person who took care of him ever since his parents died.

"..it would be a shame if you leave the organization.. " he said.

" I know... " Hugo sighed. " By the way, are you planning on quitting the mob as well.. "

" Yes..I am.. " Cirrus said. " Why? "

" Cirrus..you do know what they will do to you once you quit.. " Hugo muttered. " You are a member of the Hit Squad; quitting the team means they'll have to kill you. "

Cirrus smirked. " Let them try... "

Just then, the phone in the office rang. Hugo answered the call.

" Yes? Julia? " Hugo said. " Huh? Rudy and his family are here? Ok, tell them I'll be going down. Bye. " and the old man placed the phone down. Cirrus went to him and helped the old man up..

" Rudy is here, along with his wife and...his daughter.. " Hugo said.

Cirrus looked at Hugo " You mean...she's here? "

Hugo grinned. " Yes.. Beatrice is here too... "

Rudy Runesworth, Hugo's only son sat in the living room chair together with his wife, Melinda. Meanwhile, Beatrice was looking at herself in her pocket mirror.

" Honey, you've been looking at the mirror since we got here.. " Melinda asked. Beatrice looked at her mother..

" Oh..umm..sorry.. I just..ahh.. " Beatrice was thinking when Julia appeared. " Master Hugo will be coming down shortly.. " she said.

" Oh..ok.. " Rudy replied. " It's been five years since I last saw you Julia..now you're all grown up.. "

" Thanks sir.. " Julia answered back

" By the way, how's Cirrus? " Rudy suddenly asked. Beatrice suddenly looked at his dad. Rudy began to grin mischievously...

" Oh, he's grown a lot since then.. " Julia smiled. Then, the door opened and Hugo was walking using his cane with Cirrus at his side.

" Hello Dad.. " Rudy stood up and met his father. Melinda went with him and kissed the old man. Beatrice also went with them but when she and Cirrus looked at each other, her cheeks turned red!

" Hello everyone.. " Hugo grinned. " Come, let us all eat in the dining room. I'm sure all of you are hungry! "


" What?! You're gonna quit as the Gangster Lord!!? " Rudy exclaimed! Hugo sat on his chair inside the office while Melinda and Rudy were in front of him, also seated.

" Yes. I decided I want to live in peace now..along with you and your family, my son. I'm sorry if I didn't do this before..when you needed me, your father.. "

Rudy was moved with happiness. " It's ok Dad! I forgave you a long time ago! My wife and I will be more than happy to let you live with you with us!!! "

" Yes Dad! " Melinda said happily. " We've been wishing that this day will come! Beatrice will also be very happy! "

" Which reminds me? " Rudy asked Melinda. " Where is Beatrice? "

Cirrus stood under a huge oak tree in the Runesworth Mansion garden, the wind was blowing softly. Just then, someone patted his back lightly.

" Hi.. " a sweet voice said.

Cirrus looked behind him. " oh.. Hello Beatrice... " he smiled.

Beatrice also smiled at him. " It's been three years since we last saw each other. I was just 16 years old back then and was in high school.."

" Yes. I used to scare off your suitors away because you hated them so much.. " Cirrus said. " And anyway, your Mom told me you have a lot of suitors even today.. "

" Geezz..I can't believe Mom told you that!! " Beatrice pouted! Cirrus chuckled, which Beatrice looked at him and smiled.

" How about you? " she asked Cirrus. " I heard that you're Grandpa's apprentice. Someday soon, you'll be the Gangster Lord too. Just think about it, Cirrus Halen, the legendary Black Cross..is now the Gangster Lord. You'll be the most powerful man in the city! "

Cirrus sighed. " I have no plans to become the Gangster Lord. "

" Huh? Then..why did you join the Mob in the first place? " Beatrice asked. Cirrus looked at him and then grinned.

" That's because..I want to become stronger..so I can protect everything that are important to me..including you..." he said.

Beatrice blushed furiously..her heart was beating rapidly! " Cirrus...I.. " she stammered. "..there's something that I've been meaning to tell you!! " she exclaimed!

" Huh? " Cirrus asked " What is it? " he looked at her. Beatrice was blushing furiously when Cirrus' eyes sharpened!

" Beatrice!! GET DOWN!!! " he yelled as he unsheated his sword! Gunshots were heard everywhere as Cirrus deflected all of the bullets with the use of his sword! Beatrice knelt down, screaming in panic!!

" What was that?!! " Argus flinched as Hugo and the entire household have heard the gunshots!

" It's in the garden! And that scream! BEATRICE!!! " Rudy yelled! He instantly grabbed a gun when Hugo stopped him. " Dad!! Let me go!! My daughter is in danger!! " Rudy yelled in anger!

" All of you calm down!! " Hugo exclaimed. " Have you forgotten the promise made by Cirrus?! He will never let anything happen to me, you and most especially Beatrice! He is Black Cross!! My apprentice and my soon to be- "

A single gunshot was heard from afar as the glass window behind Hugo broke! Rudy and his wife, along with Argus and Julie were shocked to see the old man coughing with blood as he fell down on the floor!!

" WHAT!?! " Cirrus exclaimed as he froze. He have just finished eliminating all the assassins when he felt something crawl on his spine! " That..feeling!! The feeling of Death!! Oh no!! " he said as he jumped and dashed towards the room where Hugo and the rest where. When he arrived there, it was already too late!!

" Grandpa!!! " Beatrice cried as she hugged the dying old man. Rudy and Melinda were with her while Julia yelled at the bodyguards! Then, he noticed smoke coming from afar. " Argus... " he said.

" C..Ci..Cirrus.. " Hugo panted. " I..Is..th..that..you?! "

Cirrus immediately went near him and knelt, holding Hugo's cold hands. Beatrice looked at him in tearful eyes. " C..Ci..Cirrus...R..Rudy...both..o..of..you...I..I have...treated...as..my..sons.. " as Hugo coughed more blood!

" Father!! Please, you have to save your strength!!! " Rudy cried. Cirrus said nothing as he looked at the old man.

" P..P..Pro..mise..me...Cirrus..that..you...would protect...my son..and his family.... " Hugo smiled and he closed his eyes. Cirrus closed his eyes as he placed the old man's hands on his chest. Rudy and Melinda shook in horror!

" No!! NOO!!! DAD!!!! " Rudy yelled in agony!

A few hours later....

" I have prepared everything for the funeral service, Rudy.. " Julia smiled. " So please go ahead and rest. "

" How can I rest? I need to know who was the one responsible for killing my father! " Rudy said. " They will pay! "

" And what?! You will kill them too!? " Melinda yelled. " Please stop and think Rudy!! I..I don't want you to go next!! "

" Will you two stop it!? " Beatrice yelled. " Grandpa..Grandpa just died... I bet he would really be angry if he sees us like this!! " she yelled. The couple remained silent when Argus came in. " Rudy..Melinda... " he said. " I need to talk to the two of you. " he said. Rudy and his wife nodded as they walked towards a room.

" Argus! Where is Cirrus? " Beatrice asked. Argus sadly looked at her.

" Beatrice. Sorry..but could you leave Cirrus for now? He..just needed to rest.. " he smiled. Beatrice only nodded as Rudy and Melinda smiled at her. The three went inside the office. " Now, I know you two don't want to talk about this..but we need to discuss your Dad's possessions.. " Argus started.

" Argus..can we please discuss this some other time?! " Argus said. " I'm not really in the right mood right now.. "

" But Rudy, your father's enemies will gain control of all his estates and propery! " Argus said. " Your father have placed all his fortune upon your name so therefore, it is all up to you to manage or sell it. "

" I promised Father that I would stand on my own without his money..and we did! " Rudy said. " However, I don't know what to do with all his riches! If all the other bosses get it, they will only use for their own purposes! "

" Then.. I may have an idea.. " Melinda said.

" What? " Argus asked.

" Why don't you give it..to Cirrus? " she said.


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