Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1373808-The-Forgotten-Book
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1373808
The Forgotten Book,sumon gain something lost,misuse it the world bows at your feet.
I never would have guessed that my best friend would be the one protecting me from this monster of a man who was trying to kill us for knowing what was going on within the darker spots of the city. Nor that my best friend would be a spirit that I sumoned with out my own knowlage. But Im getting ahead of my self.Time to go back a few days.

" The murder list has gained new ground in the past 2 years the death toll from murder has rosed to 5,000. Police are still trying to find the cause of why so many people are being killed in the city alone." I sat in frount of the t.v. the news reporter saying this as he stood out side of a subway that was being blocked by police and other important people. " What is the world coming to?" I asked my self. It was strange the first time in history that some thing like this was getting looked into. I reached for the phone to call Mary my best friend who lived not far from the crime spot. In the city of Reno it was hard trying to not see any thing. The big neon signs and flashing lights brought people from all over to gamble and stare at them. Almost a mini Los Vegeas. But like most cities this was the only thing that outsiders wanted to see when they came. So anything like crime or some underground thing could happen and no one would ever know. I punched in the number. It ranged four times before i hung up and tryed again.' Darn it.' She didnt answer

I desided to go over myself and to check on her. Just to be safe. My parents I didnt need to worry about them that much. My farter worked a night job and was asleep up stairs my mom was out of state on a trip for her new campain add ' clime the hill dont slide with it.' Talking about the downward action she thought that was going on with the world. For once I agreed with her about it when she came up to me talking about it. I left a note for my dad and took my book bag and slinged it over my back and grabed my bike.

We lived on the nothern side of the city but not that far out and my friend Mary lived near down town but not all the way in it. I rode past many cars and shops that had opened their old rusted doors or their spit shined ones that never were touched by the buyer but by white gloved men. I went further into the city office buildings and small news paper stands lined the block every now and then. I went past one of the openings of the subway it was open and running. Steam from the pot holes came out along with the sound of a train going under the ground. I was almost hit a bus that pulled out in frount of me needless to say that if the cop was there i would have been in deep trouble.

I came up to her appartment it was smaller then our old one and had more people living in it. I locked the bike to a bike rack and removed the seat and chain. knowing that no one would want a chainless and seatless bike. I went into the building to see that many of the doors were still covered in a ghost like coldness. ' Level three bout time' i poffed between the stairs and the ride over here I had my work cut out for me. Room number 150 A I knocked on the door it was strange. Her and her mom always kepted their door dust free and always had holiday declorations up. But now i stood outside a dust covered door it wasnt that much but it was I have to say more then a day old. Around March they would come out with their Irish spirit, for the were Irish. But there was nothing outside their door or up on the walls. I knockedd and waited . Nothing I wanted to worry but it was only one night and half a day. They were probbly out of town. So I left but the fear that I had never lefted.

Two days passed Mary wasnt at school and she didnt answer her cell phone and her mom didnt pick up when i called the house phone. I went passed her appartment on the third day after school. I was heart renching People were in their house touching their things moving them around buying them. With their grimy hands. " What are you doing ? Put that stuff back it isnt yours. this is Mary's and her moms stuff." A man who was the land lord came up to me and had me removed from the mulitable people stareing at me. I didnt care that wasnt their stuff. A old lady came up to me and took me aside.

"Your Mary's freind from High school right?" she asked There was a saddness in her eyes. As I nodded my brown bangs falling in frount of my face. A thing that both me and Mary did when we entered High school two years ago. " Mary and her mother were killed in the subway a few days ago." I was stund she couldnt be dead why didnt any one tell me that this happened? "Im sorry to tell you, the two of you were the best of freinds from what I saw." She was right Mary was my friend since the 1st grade. "Your right," I managed to choke out my face red and eyes trying to hold back tears. " do you know were and when their ceramony is?" She told me it was two days from now. I felt like someone had shot me in the back with a invisable bullet. I went back home to find my dad still asleep. I went to my room and cryed even more. ' Mary I wish that you and your mom are happy.' i thought as i looked out to the city from my window.

The funarel was going on now I was late I rased out of school and over to the grave yard to see that no one was there. the only two things that I saw was two mounds of freash dirt. It was a heart breaker yet again I stayed there with my respects going ot to them the other day I managed to buy some things from the land lord that now left me broke. Mary's stone rabbit charm and her moms book of stories. It was a long ride back home but i left the site vowing that i would come back at lest once a week and vist them and talk with them.

But my days did not pass that well my dad was trying his hard to make ends meet. My mom was stranded on the east side of the country with no money to get her back. And on the verge of getting put into jail for not being able to pay for her fines. School wasnt doing so good eaither. No one wanted to be near me I was set to become forlorn and started to get used to eating and spending my time alone during classes and after school. Mary was someone I couldnt replace. she was too good of a freind to do that to. She may be dead but she was still my freind even though death.

One day i went to her and her mothers grave to find that some thing laying on Mary's grave. A package having a book like shape wrapped in brown paper. It was old and wrikeled tied with twine and had sains on it. There sticking out of its huge knot was a note. The scary thing it was writen in red ink looking like blood matching some of the stains on the paper. It read ' to the one who needs it most signed with hope The forgotten ones.' that was all it said. I didnt want to take it but i hade a feeling that i need to take it like it was going to help make every thing better then what it has been.

As much as I was aginst taking the book looking thing home i did. I went into my room tossing it under the bed so my dad wouldnt find it and started on my school work. It wasnt till after I made dinner ; ham and eggs for my dad and some home made canned soup for me. I took the package out form under my bad and placed in infrount of me. My dad had allready lefted and wasnt going to be home for a long time. Just blame night shift at a factory that ran 24/7 and that new day job at a casino. I undid the twine carfully unsure if it wsa going to come and attack me or strangle me.But i did managed to get the package's wrapping off. I was right a book.

The book it's self was scary looking brown cover with a black spine. Its title in some wording that i didnt know. Pages stuck out of its cover the only thing probbly holding the thing togther was two straps of leather that had leather black cord weaving it togther lines and triangles declorated this. Burnt into the leather with probbly a metal rod and a hot open flame. for part of it looked burnt. Again black leather cord tied the two peices of leather togther around the book. Blood drops covered the cover along with some smears and a few finger prints. I didnt like the look of the cover not at all. It was just there screaming forlon, pain , solitary.

I just stared at it's wounderful cover. "I just dug a grave for my self didnt I?.... Well best to finish digging it." I undid the knots and opened the book. Its spine crackling with the new movement. The first pages were as ruined as the cover but as I flipped further into the book I found the the wired signs were become engish. Into words that I knew. "For the ones that no one care for ... Spirits of the other world." I turned the page of the book carfully. There on thouse ruined pages were drawings of deadly looking animals some looking like a animal you may see at a zoo. Others looked like nother that have ever seen in my life. A few more pages were flipped and i came across these people. Well they looked like people they had a human body... Well exept for a few who had extra body parts. Wings ; bird and bat, horns on their heads, backs, Claws some looking more like knives then claws. Extra eyes or head. Animal parts too ; one had a face of a hawk another had a tail and ears of a wolf.

But the one caught my eye a man young looking. Messly long hair covered his face a sleveless long jacket he wore. The only unhuman thing that i noticed was that he had wings. Two black wings hung at his side he wasnt looking at the drawer but at something,something behind him. There was something writen under his picture.

' The night's shadow - kagejana Homa , Wolf's moon *, 5, 1756 '
* Wolf's moon = January

"1756? that means that this is 251 years old" I said looking at the book I reached for my history book and looked up the date "The seven year war?" I coud only sit there on my bed like some dumb kid who just found out that the sky was blue. I slamed the book close. Disrespecting the fact that it was older then any person that I knew and that Ii could get some money off of the thing.

The next day at school I spent most of my free time looking for the books cover on the internet. ' Just my luck nothing that looks like it. may be if I only knew the name of the darn thing.' I mumered to my self in my head stupid me if I was smart I would have gotten the name of the thing. Unwilling I had to leave the schools libary and returen home.

I was half way home my mind going into a yelling spree ,and no care for anything in the world other then that bag that I had slung across my back ,and full of thous heavy books that were given earlier that day. "My day just couldnt get any worst can it now ! " I yelled at a bus driver probbly the same one from a few days ago. That just came inches from hitting my bike and sending me under its raw under belly. Just to say nothing was going right. I took a route that had less cars on it. There were people on it mostly walking but nothing to really fear. I was just minding my own troubles and what do I get? A person throwing a stick at my bikes chain causing me to fall. " What the heck?! Who did that?" I shouted looking fratily around the person responable for my now throbing head.

" So the book is in new hands now is it?" Said a man who looked like a hobo. I just looked at him as he chuckled at me. "I see why it picked you. Your a mess." He said comeing closer. "Yeah well you dont look that good your self either" I snapped back .Really what else can go wrong today... wait on second thought dont say anything.

I picked my bike up and was about to start walking with it till I heard a growl. It was deep low something you would hear from a killer dog or something like that. I turned to see this huge dog like thing next to this man. It was huge bigger then one of my classmates hounds. Its fur whiteish grey with black markings yellow. Soul tearing and deadly. " Its fine he wount hurt you he said rubbing the dogs neck. Its paws bigger then my own hand more or less the old mans.

" Like I said your new. " I just stared at the thing. 'Why arnt people running are they blind?' I thought "I know what your thinking why arnt the peple running from here... Well you see.. That book that you found is a summoning book for thouse who need the help and or protection. And my friend here is one a ' ice hunter ' Got him a few years ago. I see that you dont have your yet Whats wrong cant summon one?" He asked I just looked at him ' who in the world is this person and why in the world does he know about a 251 year old book?' " are you okay ? You look like your being mugged in plain sight." He said "Uhh.....I cant read the thing." He looked at me like I had two heads or more on me. "Here take this and read the book it will help."

He left him and his dog like thing. I couldnt help but stare at this strange sight.The fact that no one ever looked at us trying to see what we were talking about. I got on my bike still trying to understand it I just couldnt get it at all. ' What does he mean by go and read it I did and the only thing that I was able to read was the words under the drawing of the dude.' I got home and started on my work , waiting to mess with the book later. I moved the book onto my bed and looked it over. "Funny there is nothing diffrent about it wait...." I noticed that the markings were the title was at was now reading ' The Forgotten Book ' "Fitting name." I flipped the book open to find that the once unreadable words were now understandable.

The first few were talking about who and why this book was made. One touching phrase caught my eye. ' Thou the world will not stop for thouse who fall , thous who fall should never be alone and if they are this book will help. ' I countiued reading . Reasons why the book " comes" to people , How to find the right match of a spirit to be matched with. " Fravardin are spirits meant to help the living miss use of one will resoult in pain and suffering on thous who cant protect their selfs from the dangers of a Fravadin. As any protecting / helping spirit they take and follow orders from their summoners. Thus one must be sure not to missuse it." I read it did make sence in a way that if this was something that was not to take lightly. The next part of the book came on to the directions on summoning one of these protecters.

" step one in summoning Fravardin one must indent a Fravadin. ....Indent?" I dived for my dictionary unfortionaly i could only the one that meant to make a dent in something. " ' Here take this and use it ' " I found the paper that the man from earlier gave me . On it scribled in an unschooled hand was ' summoning for the under schooled , Step one pick a pictuer of the spirit that you like the most to protect you , ' " I turned to the page with the winged man on it. " ' step two , make room to summon hint : if summoning one with a unhuman form or is a animal make room you never know how big they are.' " I looked at the person and at the size of my small room " nope not in here "

I picked up the book and moved it over to the living room that had more space now since we had to get rid of one of our couches and a recliner. Now the only thing in the room was one small couch a coffe table and shelf for the TV and DVD to stand on. I moved the coffee table to the wall and the couch back some. " ' step three light a candle and put it in the windows of the room or around your area.' " So I did that and the next few steps being drawing a circle with the name of spirit in the middle. And an item that could repusent the spirits back ground. I did that and looked at the next thing on the list. " ' step 7 set food best to be fruit. and have pillow at the ready just incase.' " " Pillow ?! what am I going to do beat it to obay me? Well fine." I took the pillow off the couch and placed it next to me. if that wasnt enough I though that I would grab my own softball bat just incase. I didnt need to get this thing that I was going to try to summon to attack me.

I went back to the list. " food and pillow check .... place book above name of breed and add blood." I looked at the book was that why there was so many dops of blood up on the cover of the book? " Knew it." It said plainly this was great out of doing all of this there just had to be a catch somewere along the lines of getting one of these Fravadin. I picked up a knife I was very unsure about doing this but I did it.

Sharp pain ran though my finger it hurt move then any needle prick or thorn that I ever stuck my self with. The blood ran to the tip of my nail before dropping onto the book's cover. I just sat there stuned at what wasnt happening. "It didnt work?! But I did everything that the paper said !" I picked up the notes that the old man gave me. Leaveing my blood stained prints on the paper. I reread the note again and again. It didnt make sence. I was about to leave to go find the man. When I saw something move in the livingroom. Me being in the hallway to the back door. Went back to go see what this thing or person was.

Two black wings both with a blueish hue on them took up most of the space in the room. I leaned up aginst the wall unfortionaly I had left my bat in the other room. It was a man wearing a pair of long pants that were grey and tucked into his boots that were black. A black shirt with elbow lenght open sleves.His sloppy grey almost silver hair caght my eye. 'Did I summon some old guy?' I didnt full realis that I just steped fully into the hall were I could get spotted.

"Who..." I started to say the head of the person turned showing me two teal eyes and his hand that held the knife from earlier. He lost his wings and flung the knife at me. Leaving me only with some time to react by going aginst the wall. Like in a cartoon the person is almost part pf the wall as a object goes past their head. That was me. My eyes wide and my breath panting I slowly turned to face him. "I knew it was going to kill me." I stated as I slid off the wall and on to the floor chuckling at the fact that I made one of the biggest mistakes in my life. And there was no turning back. Might as well sound like a nutcase cause I couldnt stop laughing as I pictuered my death over and over in my head.

"Are you the one who summoned me?" I heard a voice ask. It didnt sound old but young like a college student. I looked up to see thus two teal eyes this time looking at me as I sat on the floor. I managed to choke out a yes to him still fearing for my life. He stood up still looking down at me. "your not here to kill me are you?" I asked he just looked at me like I was crazy. But then again I felt like I was crazy at the time.

" No? Im I here to do that?" he asked he crossed his arms and leaned aginst the wall across from me. "Are you just going to sit there all night or what?" he said I looked up at him for some reason he sounded like my farther before the world I used to know fliped. "No, did I really summon you? Your not a dream are you?" I asked as I reached out. I touched his knee. He just looked at me "Yes you did and last time I checked no im not a dream." I just stared at him I just felt faint all the sudden.

Now as I lay here passed out from some unknown reason. The floor ,before I fell, feels dirty grains of dirt and specks of dust are now on my clothes. The floor is cold like the love in this home. I dont remember much just a hand that I saw reaching out for me right before blackness.

I awoke to the annoying buzzing of my alarm clock. My hand swing though the air hitting the off switch. I just laid there rubbing my eyes. I looked up to see a poster up above me. A guy holding a bar of soap carved into it the words ' Fight Club' He looks beaten and torn holding the bar like he was trying to sale it. Thats when it hits me. ' I didnt get to my bed the other night. More or less my room.' I jolted up to see there sitting in my desk. The same guy the one that I summoned from the book.

He sits there now I dont know why but he is just there. I sit there just looking at him. At first I thought that nothing was going to happen and that my mind was playing tricks on me. "You know your going to be late if you just sit there in bed." He stated plainly as he turned his head to look at me. "Your awake?! How long have you been up?" I said jumping almost falling out of my bed. "Long enough to know that you've been watching me." He said " I brought you here after you pasted out you know we're lucky that we wornt in public. That would have ended like the last person I had." He stated looking up his teal eyes reminding me of a painting. I looked at my alarm clock. "Uhh sorry to intrude on good thoughts but I need to get ready for school." I said pushing him out of my room on the wheely chair.

I slammed the door shut. And qiuckly got dressed. " I screwed i didnt study last night or do anything that I was supposed to do last night." I said I can running out of my room to the bathroom brushed my teeth and hair and ran back to my room and grabed my stuff. My ownly hope was that I could get to class before the bell and study some before. Now to my own rush of trying to get everything done. I failed to notice that the guy was following me as I left the house and made it to school and ran into the class room.

" Notes up I hoped most of you studyed for this test its 60% of your grade. If you fail you fail the six weeks." My teacher remarked she stopped in frount of my desk and looked at me. "Notes up miss." "Ohh sorry" "I very worried about you J.C. I hoped that you studied "She places my test on my desk and left. I just looked at the test I didnt study this. It was over projectiles and finding them when flung or shoot at an angle. I took a better look at the questions. I tryed to do one but my mind went blank. "Boy your rightyou are screwed." I heard a voice say. I looked up to see the guy from this morning next to me. "What... ? " "Shh... dont worry they cant see me or hear me but they can both see and hear you." I nodded and looked back at the test trying to remember what to do to solve it. "You have to subtract this number 53 from zero then divide by a -9.81. I think thats what this kid here has." He said looking at me he was above the smart kid ,Mate, Who sat two seats away from me. I wrote this down and did the math. '5.4' I said with my hands "yeah want help on the next one?" I nodded and class went on like that.

Lunch came around I found a quiet place and sat with my food. "Thank you for back there" I said "No problem name is Dante" He held out his hand I went to shake it "Names J.C." I thought that i was going to go though him but was caught unaware when I felt him. "Sorry" I said reteating my hand. "Dont worry you get used to it soon."He said I nodded and picked at my food. I ate some of the untastefull food till I was fed up with the taste of dried old thing. "Okay question where did you come from I dont think you live in a book." I asked "Or do you?" I eyed him He smiled "No Im from the neather world. I guess you can say that I kind of messed up when I was younger. So when I was caught I had two choices one go to my death on Stone Tower or searve the rest of my life as a spirit helper." He looked away I was going to ask what he did but the better side got the best of me and I didnt.

So it came down to the two of us ridding though the park. Dante who was flying right above me. Like a gardien angel. I was about to make a turn when the old man and his dog thing came in frount of us. Causing me and my bick to flip over. "J.C. ? you okay?" Dante asked as he helped me up. "So it seems that you got your self your spirit." He said looking down at me. I rumped my head and looked up " Yeah it would of been better to know that he was going to try to kill me when we first meet." I stated sarcastily He chucked as his "pet" went over to Dante and looked at him.

" Sorry but something like that can not be told any way I wanted to see you. As a new member of the club I thought that you would like me to led you to our meeting place." He said a old flame of friendyness rose. "What do you mean?" I asked "oh its nothing its just a meeting for us summoners and their Fravardin it helps keep is informed on who is in the area and if there is anything that we can do to help that person." I eyed him thinking if he was lieing or not. "You know you dont need to go and say yes right away." Dante said spooking me. "Well sorry how can I be sure that he isnt lieing?" That was when the dog came up " you dare insult my master of lieing? How bout I rip you limbs off right now?" It growed I was pusted back and Dante got in frount of me " Now now Im sure she didnt mean anything Myst remeber I was the same way too." He said " if you want to go look for me in the park thats if its before sundown after that to find me and the place go to Elma street and its the third building on the left. The word is Fatally" With that he left and I stood there with Dante still in frount of me in a fighting stance. "Lets go home" I said getting back on my bike and rode home.

"So what are you going to do tonight?" Dante asked " I dont know never had anything to do other then make dinner for my self and then do my work and other things. " I mumbeled flipping though the pages of my english book. It was a lomg day and with the work that they had given me there was noting for me to do.
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