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by Jäk
Rated: 13+ · Other · Arts · #1373702
A capricious. . . &%^$-piece. Descends into sound poetry, 'fore ending in. . . Stuff.
Divine Contradecorums
(. . .Of Mine Insanities' Sermons.)


I accept what the Lord gives unto me. Like one time, a fortnight quite long ago, there from the vestry I noticed no stranger thing, than an essence in the air. How. . . It made my heart ache. Holy things afoot. How it brought my eyes to blur! Yes—see as you know, Holy things always, always have such the effect on my heart as that. Like Lords' flame within my blood. Okay, so here I am, shuffling along the altar when I hear it. . . --Brurrurrurpeee-- It shocked me, it did, to hear the bubblies in the Holy Water! Ave S-- *indeciferABLE*. . . Hail I--*fdghth*. . . Oh Lord, my heart did fully falter at that most critical moment of SUP-per-NAT-tural Revelation, I sayyy Amen, it leapt in my throat like the daemonic leperous pestulence of FEAR leaps will to its' victims in their most crucial of hour!--and fell to my knees. . . Silently I waited further signs to appear. . . To show unto my face the Face of His Lord—when. . . Lo and at last. . .—I see through the veils of mist, and the gleam of Our Dawning Sun. . . Aa-a-a, a sign from the Above! F-f-f. . . I see. F-f-ffff-ffff—*eigggh*. . . And. A tender. . . The most soft, and tender and. . . A-and soft and. . . And -dreamlike-, uhm, tendril, I have ever seen. Of -Smoke-! A tendril of smoke sent to the low. . . Sent low. . . From far high above. Shimmering, slithering shimmying up the walls, the hairs, the face, the eyes. Getting in all, getting in everything—getting in everything, and yet nothing, all at once! And then, into my tear-flooded eyes did I see. . . He. Temptation did then ring in my ear—(oh, oh, oh, “Lords' Prayer”, fill my heart!)--in the formless sensation of sound in my ears, the sound of vestitures, great Holy vestiments, all going to smoke and crackle and ash!--and loose from my quavering throat did let loose a most. . . Abhorrant cry. Foul cry. S-s-s. . . And, from. . . From Ssssss-ssShame. . . a seizurous. . . Fit. Did high-rise. . . an-and fell me. . . aaan-ah fell me. . . Off from the altar and onto It's. . . HIS. Feet! And, anaaaand, onto his feet, did I shiver and wRithE. QuiVer and sLithe'. . . Onto -HIS- blessed!—His. . . BLESSED—dearly blessed! Undefiable. . . Cloven feet?! Ahem. Well. . . (Thaaat changes things!) Urhm—ALL HAIL Lucifer, LORD of the Light! aMeNaMeNaMeNaMen! HaIL JeZEELZEBUB, HaIL JeBEELZEBUB! HAIL—. BrInG tHa viRgIn fOr sAcRiFice, paInT tHA wAlL wiTH alTar bLood—BLOOD-BLOOD-BLOOD. Now turnest ye, tO tHa Book of DaRkness, Ezekiel TweNty-NiNe:SeVen! (. . .Oh dear!) And lo—LO the LoRd dId tHen MaKest ALL tHeiR-tHeir loiNs to be at stand, aNd tHuS tHereForE, sAid The LoRd GOD; BEHOLD, I will bring the STEEL, I will bring a sword upon THEE, and cut off tHe mAn aNd beASt oUT oF tHEE!


“Meanwhile, the LORD instructed one of the group          of prophets to say to another man, "Strike me!" But the man          refused to strike the prophet. Then the prophet told him,          "Because you have not obeyed the voice of the LORD, a lion          will kill you as soon as you leave me." And sure enough, when          he had gone, a lion attacked and killed him.”


Rwrwhaaaahl, HwuRaK Pssshak
Orrarari ZruwiHai, displucispy
Prurtrescre uhl Pro-Proculei
CradIsVerus conTumILi catabRuLum
BriS gaSzur proKuli conZersum
HabisKus absKruMA.

Zezskas Szezaas frormidazsk
Ai lussi ProdisKai proKulUmili
PatriziDeiUM crarnem prorrizihiDe
Nex Komkulitazus SzaPtiaRek
Konnkulinabur aaigh jaaaQuilaMi
D'viReu AHgaHge JeZaAig.


          Now LET US BEND OUR HEADS !

                    Now let us CLOSE OUR EYES !!


                             Nema, Live morf reviled tub. Noitatpmet otni
                             ton su dael dna su tsniaga ssapsert that meht
                             evigrof ew sa, sesspsert ruo su evigrof dna.
                             Daerd yliad ruo yad siht su evig. Nevaeh ni ti
                             sa htrae ni enod eb lliw yht. Emoc modgnik yht.
                             Eman yht ed dewollah, neveah ni tra hcihw
                             rehtaf ruo.


To our Lords' Might::

Animosus !

Adversus !

Argumentosus. . .!

Anti-Deorsum !!

Deus Satanus mea est
Deus sanctus Satanus est

Ave contra Iesu Cristus
Ave Carus Anti Iesou

Pius flamen amo Tuum
Non effugio eluvies incendiae

Deus Satanus mea est
Deus sanctus Satanus est

Ave contra Iesu Cristus
Ave Carus Anti Iesou

Adurant Parochia favillesco
Cremo Ecclesia cinis !!

Deus Satanus mea est
Deus sanctus Satanus est

Ave contra Iesu Cristus
Ave Carus Anti Iesou

Diabolus epulorit agnellum
Iesu effervo in cruditas !

Diabolus !




O Dia, Verecundiae !

"Now TiTHe, TITHE to The Lord of Lies!"
© Copyright 2008 Jäk (jayristau at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1373702-Divine-Contradecorums