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by alyss
Rated: 18+ · Other · Drama · #1373311
Romance During The Revolutionary War
A New Beginning
Alyss Morgan
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Chapter 1

Anne read the advertisement avidly for it would change the future course of her

family. They were living in the meanest slums of London, because her parents had

died in a carriage accident and the comfortable life she and her siblings thought would

be theirs turned out not to be. Her father had been deeply in debt. Never a saving man,

he had bought whatever took his or his family’s fancy without counting the cost or

wondering when he would pay the piper. I had taken selling everything the children

had inherited to pay off the creditors and still have a bit to put aside to make their way

with. Anne had been reduced to working as a serving maid at an inn and had already

been on the receiving end of suggestive propositions and improper contact with other

men. What had frightened her was that she was actually considering some of the offers

from men of her station to get her family out of the life they were living. Anne was tall,

blonde, and violet eyed with a peaches and cream complexion she came by naturally.

She had a slender build that was sturdier than it looked which was attractive to the jaded

clientele of the inn.

Before her parents had left them so suddenly, it had been expected that she would

make an excellent match with the local baron’s son. However, as soon as his family

discovered her family’s financial straits, her beau had stopped keeping her company. He

was seen with a merchant’s daughter whose father was plump in the pocket and looking

for a good match for his daughter. Anne immediately relocated the rest of her family to

London figuring that would be the best place to find employment. Realization of her

present situation persuaded her that they needed a complete change. She had heard some

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gentlemen discussing the opportunities that abounded in the colonies and it had set her to

thinking. She had made some inquiries and calculated that she had the money to pay for

their passage and to support them for a short time until she could find some employment.

She had made arrangements and was on her way back to their living quarters to break the

News to her family that they would be leaving England forever. Her baby brother,

Adam, wouldn’t care one way or the other, but her older brother and sister worried her.

They had been doing all they could to help her, but she was afraid Morgan was doing

some things she wouldn’t approve of. They were young and impressionable and there

were many ways they could get into serious trouble. Their berth on the ship was reserved

for two days hence, and Anne was determined that they would all be on the ship when it


Anne unlocked and entered the fifth floor walk up that was all she could afford. There

were sounds of fighting and screaming going on night and day and disgusting aromas

floated on the air turning her stomach. She had no desire to know where they came from.

Soon, they would smell salty ocean air. She checked the room quickly to make

sure all was in order. They had cleaned until their fingers bled, and it was a much cleaner

room than the others in the building. Still, it was not what they were used to. They had

found bits and pieces of furnishings to make into chairs and beds. Anne felt tears leak

from her eyes and hurriedly wiped them away. Now was not the time for weeping. She

was left with the responsibility of the remainder of her family, and she had to be strong.

Everything seemed to be in order, so Anne unpacked their supper and laid it out on the

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table. It was mainly cheese and bread but adequate for their needs. Anne heard a noise

at the door and turned to look. Morgan walked in. He was getting to be tall for his age

and was filling out with the manual labor he had had to take on while they had been in

London. He was developing a dark look on his face that worried Anne. She had no

idea what Morgan had to deal with on the docks during the day. Susannah stayed in the

room taking care of Adam. Thankfully, Anne and Morgan had been able to protect her

from some of the realities of their situation. Anne set the table and placed the food on

the table. She would break the news to them after they ate.

“Everyone retire to our sitting area. I have some news. I know it’s been difficult for

all of us since our parents passed on. We have had to make many changes some very

difficult. Well, I am asking that you make another change. We will not be able to regain

the life we had here. Society is such that it is impossible. I have been hearing talk of the

colonies and the opportunities available for people that aren’t afraid to work for what

they want. I have bought us tickets on the SeaCross to take us to Boston. This is March

and it will be a two-month voyage. We’ll make it there in time to prepare for winter. We

can start over there with a clean slate and regain some of what we lost if you are willing

to support me in this.”

Anne took a deep breath and looked at Morgan and Susannah. There were dead

silence and then there was cheering and laughter. She could tell by the looks on there

faces that they were completely with her in going on this adventure, and she breathed a

sigh of relief. Anne felt even more certain that this was the right decision for them all.

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Chapter 2

Anne and the children approached the pier where the SeaCross was berthed.

Hopefully, it was sturdier than it looked. The tickets were steerage which was all she

Could afford for all of them. They each had a bundle of their most treasured possessions,

and an extra bundle of food to take with them to eat at as needed during the voyage.

None of it was perishable but would stay edible throughout the duration of the voyage.

Luckily, Adam was off the bottle and eating baby pap. Anne led her little brood up the

gangplank and presented their tickets for passage to the purser. He glanced at them and

gestured toward the stairs going below. Anne walked down to steerage and was thankful

that they were one of the first on board. She had time to inspect steerage and found

accommodations that would suit all of them and their belongings. The door even had a

lock on it. They settled in to wait for the ship to begin its journey to their new life.

Anne had given Morgan the money to obtain a gun for protection. She had no idea who

they would be sharing their quarters with. It was better to be cautious. So, While the rest

settled in for a nap, Morgan and Anne stayed awake to protect the last of their family.

Anne awoke from the rocking of the ship. They were underway. Thankfully, Morgan

was sitting by the door with the gun in his belt. He looked over to her, saw that she was

awake, and handed her the gun. He curled up in a corner and fell instantly to sleep. The

others were still sleeping soundly. Anne stepped out of the room and felt the eyes on her

of others who could only fine a spot on the floor to settle into. She saw the purser they

had met at the gangplank. She went over to him to ask about meal times. He directed

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her toward a hallway that lead to the dining facilities that had been hastily erected for

the passengers. Just as she reentered their quarters, she heard the dinner bell. She gently

awakened her family, neatened everyone up, and directed them along with the rest of the

passengers to the dining area. She had Morgan carefully lock the door as he exited their

quarters. Anne and her family selected the table they would be eating at for the duration.

Morgan and Anne got everyone’s dinner portion and brought them to the table. Anne

looked at her plate and saw it was porridge. She made a face and the shrugged. They

had certainly had worse and this was why they had brought extra provisions. After

rating, they quietly returned to their quarters. Water was not easily available, so ale

was on hand for drinking. Fresh seawater was provided for washing up. There would be

no baths until they go to dry land. Anne and her family stayed in their quarters for the

most part. It was too crowded on the ship to do much visiting or to have enough room to

stretch your limbs. Anne had also seen some rough characters sneaking around who had

looked at her with no good intentions. She was careful not to be caught alone. If she had

to leave their quarters on an errand, she took Morgan with her. Well into the voyage,

some of the passengers developed dysentery. That was not a good sign, as dysentery

Is highly contagious. Thankfully, her family remained well, but the dining area was

Turned into a hospital, and the ill were carried there. However, she was concerned that

The food was running out. Their portions of porridge were less and less. Morgan had

Made some friends among the sailors on the ship and spent a lot of his time topside

Learning how to sail. Anne was thankful that the sailors were willing to let Morgan

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Tag along. The restrictive movement that was necessary because of the lack

Of space on a ship would have worn on a lively boy like Morgan.

The dysentery was becoming widespread and there had been some deaths

from it. Anne had had some experience as a country girl at home remedies for

illnesses in the village. She worked in the sick room a lot of the time and her

knowledge saved a lot of lives. When she had been concerned about her safety

at the beginning of the voyage, she was protected by all as she nursed the sick.

There was always a responsible eye kept on Susannah and Adam when Anne

and Morgan had to be away. Anne knew that human filth was part of what

caused dysentery and charged the women that were still well to keep the

living quarters and clean as possible. As food became scarcer there were fights

over the food that was left. Anne’s family stayed in their quarters and ate the

food they had brought with them. Morgan assured them that the captain said

they were on schedule for Boston and would be there soon. It couldn’t be soon

enough for Anne. She feared for her brothers and sister. Morgan had taken to

carrying a knife with him that he had smuggled aboard and gave the gun to Anne.

He had learned to use the knife in the slums of London. Anne had hoped they

had left that life behind.

Finally, news ran through the ship that land had been sighted. All that could,

looked out of the portholes to see. It was still too far away, but all were encouraged

that their trip would soon be over. That night the ship ran into s severe storm.

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Anne kept the children in their quarters, while Morgan helped the sailors

topside. The ship swayed and shuddered until Anne feared it would shake

apart. She listened to the prayers and moans of the others passengers. Wondering

fearfully, now Morgan was doing topside. Meanwhile, Morgan was trying t roll

with the tossing and turning of the ship. Waves were breaking against the ship,

and water was washing over the decks making footing even more treacherous.

The creaking of the mast and spars were ominous and made Morgan question

The durability of the ship. Suddenly, Morgan heard a crack over his head and

Looked up. One of the smaller spars had broken in two and was falling to the

Deck. Morgan heard the scream of one of the sailors over the noise of the

Storm. The spar hit the deck and just missed Morgan the broken end thudding

Into the planking of the deck. Morgan shuddered at what could have happened.

He was the only man of the family and took that responsibility seriously. It

Would have been disastrous if he had been seriously injured by falling debris.

He heard someone yell “Man Overboard” and prayed for the soul of the sailor

Who fell into the sea. In this storm there was no hope of finding him and he

Would be lost forever in Davy Jone’s locker. There would be a search once

The storm subsided but there was very little chance that he would be

Recovered. After several hours, Morgan could feel the wind ease. Finally,

Morgan returned to his family to inform them that the worst was over. They were

headed for port. It was time to pack up their things and prepare to debark.

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Chapter 3

Theo was meeting the SeaCross coming from England. He was going to have a look

at the indentured servants to see if there were any likely looking field workers there. It

was May the year of our Lord 1773, and it looked like prime farming weather. He was

also deeply involved in the endeavor to free the colonies from England. The group he

belonged to was a secret society. He was friends with Paul Revere, who got him

involved. He hadn’t been reluctant. He had no love for England and the taxes that

the king demanded of her colonies kept getting higher and higher each year. As far as

he was concerned, England was a parasite feeding off the sweat and hard work of the

people of the Americas. He noticed passengers debarking from the ship. He observed

a comely young woman with three children surrounding her. Likely, her husband was

searching for transportation. Too bad she was married. They needed more single white

women coming to the colonies to marry single white men that abounded throughout

Boston. However, a wife was not what he was looking for. He had been married before,

and it had been a disaster all around. She had passed two years ago from the fever. By

then, any affection he had had for her had died, and he was just sorry that someone so

young had died without really living. Next time he married, it would be a cold-blooded

decision to carry on his line. He had time though before he had to make that decision.

He headed for the market where the contracts for the indentured servants would be sold.

The sale would take most of the day.

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Anne looked around at their new home while herding the children off the ship. She

was pleasantly surprised at how cosmopolitan Boston looked. After all, it was still

considered the frontier. Instead of muddy streets and rough structures, there were

cobblestone streets and elegant, well-built shops. She and the children headed for

what looked like the center of town. As she walked, she noticed that many of the

gentleman was riding thoroughbreds and dressed in well-made buckskins. The

women were traveling in carriages wearing the latest fashions. She noticed a young

man with a head of auburn hair and a well set up body. She hurriedly brought her

gaze back to her charges. She had more important things.to do than daydream over

a young man like any common working girl. She needed to find some shelter for herself

and the children, then find some work. They would grow along with this beautiful new


After exploring Boston, Anne found a bare but comfortable room for her family. The

proprietors agreed to take her and the children and the cost was high but affordable. She

would have to get them into more permanent lodgings before winter set in. They had

rested the night and Anne was out early to find them some breakfast. She ran across a

vendor selling some hot cross buns and bought enough for all of them. After everyone

ate, she told Susannah and Morgan to watch Adam while she looked for work. Her goal

was for them to find and own their own property and to make sure it couldn’t be sold out

from under them. They would never go into debt that they would sink under. She would

pay good gold for whatever they needed or wanted from now on.

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Anne walked slowly down the sidewalk watching for signs of shop-owners needing

help. She took the time to walk around and familiarize herself with the outlay of the city.

She would need to know how to get around Boston quickly since she would be an

unescorted woman on the streets late at night. There were many people from all walks

of life mingling with each other on the sidewalks and streets. No one seemed to be

starving here unlike London. There didn’t seem to be many areas that were off limits

where decent people couldn’t enter without being accosted. Anne was pleased with her

new home. A sign hanging from the window of The Cockwalk Inn advertised for help

wanted. Anne stepped over the threshold. There was a gentleman at the bar wiping

glasses. She walked up to the bar. He looked up at her with a questioning look.

“I noticed the sign on your window. I just arrived from England and am looking for

work. I am experienced in working in an inn maintaining the rooms and serving the

customers. Would you be interested in employing me?”

Mr. Hardy looked her up and down thoroughly. He was the owner of the inn and

needed help, but his wife was particular about whom he employed. The girl looked like

the type his wife would approve of. She was comely and decently dressed in kersey

wool. Her voice was pleasing and showed some education. He made a decision.

“If you can start right now, miss, you’re hired..”

Anne couldn’t believe her luck. She already had a job and the inn looked like a clean

place to work in.

“Yes sir, I would be more than pleased to work for you. My name is Anne Spencer.

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Just tell me what I need to do and I’ll be at it.”

“You’re hired then, Anne. There are some aprons behind the door. If you could start

upstairs and help clean the rooms putting fresh linen on the beds, and come back

downstairs to help me with the luncheon business.”

Anne met Mr. Hardy’s wife and passed inspection then worked hard for the rest of

the day. She was exhausted when it was time to leave. She headed back to their lodgings

with some leftovers for the children. As she was nearing there, a dark shadow reached

out and grabbed her arm. She tried to shake it off but whoever it was wouldn’t let go.

“Please remove your hand from my person, sir. I didn’t invite your advances.”

“It don’t matter whether you invited em or not. There’s no one here that’s gonna

help ya girl, and I haven’t had someone as tasty as you in a long time. I’m taking ya to

me room and we gonna have some fun.”

He pulled her closer and tried to kiss her. He smelled like the slops she threw out after

cleaning up for the evening. Ann was getting ready to fight for her freedom when a hand

reached past her shoulder and gently disengaged her arm from her attacker and pushed

her behind his back. It was the young man she had noticed yesterday. He looked at her


“What are you doing, Louis? You know it’s against the law of Boston to assault

ladies out in the open. We have many that are pursuing a new life working and have

to walk home late at night. It’s been a while since law enforcement has put someone

in the stocks. They would do that to you with alacrity if I were to lodge a complaint

against you. You know me, Louis. I would do so without a bit of regret.”

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Louis took one look at her protector and scuttled off like the animal he was. Anne

turned to thank him for his help. She met a disapproving gaze.

“Mistress it is dangerous to be walking alone at night. We do have laws against

accosting any law-abiding person out at night on legitimate business, but that doesn’t

protect you from being assaulted. It just gives you a venue to prefer charges.”

“I understand that, sir. However, I just got this job today and had no choice.

Henceforth, my brother will meet me at the inn that I am working at and escort me to

our lodgings. Thank you so much for your assistance, Sir. My name is Anne Spencer.

I and my brothers and sister are newly come from England to begin a new life.”

“I am relieved, Mistress Spencer, that you have someone to accompany you about.

We are proud of how law-abiding Boston is; but with it being a seaside town, we do have

undesirables that roam the streets. By the way, my name is Theo Allen. Allow me to

escort you to your lodgings.”

Theo offered his arm and Anne reluctantly accepted his offer. She would talk to

Morgan tonight about coming to the inn at night to walk her home. She was all they had

and since she was the one that had brought them on this journey and funding it with their

patrimony, it behooved her to guard her health carefully. As soon has Mr. Allen had

delivered her to her lodgings, she removed her hand from his arm. Working in public

houses had given her a distaste of touching men in any way as they had made free of her

person with no way for her to stop it.

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“:Thank you for your escort, Mr. Allen. I will make sure that from now on my

brother will be available to me.”

She curtsied which required him to bow and turn away even though he felt some

reluctance. He felt something for her that he hadn’t felt in a long time. Not since his

wife. He wasn’t sure he wanted to explore this feeling. He would have to think on it.

He knew he would have to marry soon for the sake of him family line. Anne might be

the one. He had no intention of falling in love again. He had done that already and

had almost not survived it. Having an attraction to one’s wife was a good thing if he

would be bedding her for heirs. Thoughtfully, he walked to the stable where his horse

was so he could head back home.

Her siblings met Anne at the door. All but the baby had a worried look on

their face. She was sorry that she hadn’t been able to inform them that she would be late

but had had no way to get a message to them. She started setting out the food that she

brought with her from the inn to feed her family. Once they were all settled and busy

eating she brought them up-to-date about her new job.

“I found a job at an inn today children. I couldn’t let you know because the

proprietor needed me to start right away. His wife is a stern taskmaster so I needed to

stay intent on my tasks. Morgan, I was accosted tonight while walking home. I will need

you to come to The Cockwalk Inn nine of the clock every evening except Sunday and

escort me. Now children lets put away what left of our dinner and go to bed. I will have

to be up early in the morn.”


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Anne tucked them all into bed and retired for the night with a satisfied feeling

They were well onto their way to beginning their new life.

Morgan arose early the next morning and checked his sister’s bedding. She was

gone already. He would need to make sure Susannah was settled with Adam for the day,

and he would be leaving to explore this town called Boston until time to walk Anne

home. He would need to look for opportunities to help support their family. Anne

couldn’t do it on her own and he was old enough to help her. He could see there were

many opportunities here for an enterprising lad. He intended that Anne would not be the

one supporting their family for long. Like Anne, he wanted their own land. He had been

brought up to be a land owner’s son and had truly felt cut adrift when their parents had

died and their true financial circumstances came to light. So instead of going to Eton and

coming home on holidays to learn how to take care of his patrimony, he had had to learn

how to survive on the means streets of London. It had certainly been an education for

him and one he could put to good use in this new land.

Anne arrived at the inn in good time and started working upstairs. She knew from

meeting the mistress yesterday who ordered the way doing things at this inn. It was

imperative that she maintain a good relationship with Goodwife Hardy. She would be

establishing her reputation through her employer and Mrs. Hardy could make it

impossible for her to prosper if she decided Ann was a troublemaker. Mrs. Hardy came

upstairs and nodded in satisfaction to see Anne already at work. Anne finally felt that

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this plan of theirs might work and redoubled her efforts at working at her tasks with a

light heart.

Morgan was strolling on Main Street when he noticed a sign seeking to employ a

errand boy. He looked at the name of the shop, Paul Revere, Silversmith. This could be

the opportunity he had been looking for. If nothing else, it would give him the

opportunity to improve his knowledge of his new home. He checked himself in the store

window. He saw a taller than average young man with the blond hair and blues eyes of

the Spencer family. His clothes were worn but neat and his hair was tied back with a

black satin ribbon. Reassured that he would present a good appearance he entered the

shop. He saw a middle-aged man a little taller than he, with gray streaked hair. He had

a lithe build and wise, kind eyes. He looked up at the bell ringing as the door opened.

“Mr. Paul Revere?’ Morgan held out his hand.

The silversmith held out his hand. “Yes, and who might I be speaking to?”

“My name is Morgan Spencer. I have just arrived from England and am looking for

employment to help my sister support our family. She has been hired on at The Cock

Walk. I saw the sign on your door and would like to apply.”

“I need someone familiar with Boston who can deliver packages and messages in a

prompt manner. I don’t think you’ll do, boy. You don’t have the knowledge needed to

make the deliveries for me.”

“Just give me a chance, Mr. Revere. I’m smart and quick. I have a good sense of

direction and a good memory. I believe that I can perform this job to your satisfaction.”

“Alright, boy, we’ll give it a try. I have had that sign up for several days and your

the first to inquire. I need someone desperately, so am willing to give you a chance. If

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I find that you don’t work out satisfactorily, then we will part company with no hard

feelings on either side. Put this apron on and I’ll have packages and messages for you

to deliver. Let’s see how you perform your duties today. You’ll be on probation for a

while so that I can be assured you can handle the job. What’s your name, boy.”

“Its Morgan Spencer, sir, and you won’t be sorry. I will do all that I can to ensure

you won’t regret giving me this chance.”

“Fine, Morgan, let’s start the day then.”

Anne looked out of the door of the inn as she finished closing up and saw Morgan

waiting for her. She removed the apron and covered herself with her shawl walking out

the door and shutting it. Mr. Hardy would lock up before going to bed. Anne linked her

arm with Morgan’s and they started walking home.

“I have good news, sister.”

“Oh, what is it, Morgan.”

“I went out today to start leaning how to get about our new home and saw a sign in

the window of Paul Revere’s shop advertising employment for an errand boy. I applied

for the position and he hired me. I am on probation until he is sure that I can find my

way around Boston, but I have no doubt that I’ll prove myself to him.”

“Oh, that is wonderful, Morgan. I have heard him spoken of at the inn and he has an

excellent reputation as a man and a proprietor. We are well on our way, brother.”


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Both felt very hopeful for the future as they headed for their lodgings. It was time to

Look for something more permanent to live in that would better suit their finances

Several weeks had passed. Anne and Morgan settled into their new lives and found a

empty cabin that would suit their needs. After some inquiries, they arranged to lease it

until they could buy their own land. It was within their means but would need some work

to be livable. They moved out of their lodgings and erected a lean-to to live in until they

made the cabin presentable. There was much dirt and cobwebs along with insect

inhabitants that had to be removed. After a week of cleaning after work they were ready

to move in. Morgan had found pieces of material that had been discarded by the various

seamstress business and brought them to Anne and Suzanne to sew them into patchwork

quilts. He also made friends with a farmer who let him have low quality goose feathers

to use as filler for the quilts. While Anne and Morgan were working on the cabin,

Suzanne pieced and sewed the quilts and stuffed them with the goose feather. They

Would be used to make pallets on the floor for them to sleep on until Morgan could

fashion furniture for their use. They could cook outside over the fire until bedtime.

It was a rough way to live but it was a start. Morgan and Anne viewed what they

had accomplished contentedly. They had found a hiding place for any extra money

they had left to go toward the land they planned to purchase. Morgan bought a musket

to hunt with and on his Sundays off dug out a root cellar to keep the meat Anne and

Suzanne salted and jerked to keep their small family fed. Anne was able to by cheap

material to make decent clothing for all to wear. They had accomplished much in

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pursuit of their goals.

Theo had thought long and hard about courting Anne. He had watched her as

As she worked at the inn and went about taking care of her family. He had stopped

by the old Leary cabin to greet them as neighbors and observed how hard she and her

brother worked to make a home. He saw how sparse the furnishings were but could

feel the love that existed between brothers and sisters. He saw the cheap but serviceable

clothes Anne and Suzanne made with their skillful fingers for the family to wear.

Suzanne was responsible as the homemaker keeping an eye on Adam who was now

A toddler and into everything. He knew if he married Anne, he would be taking on the

rest of her family. Theo had talked to Paul Revere about Morgan. Paul had had nothing

but praise for the young man. He said Morgan was the best errand boy he had had and

was going to ask him if he would like to apprentice as a silversmith. Theo was satisfied

that Anne would make and exemplary wife filling his home with grace and warmth. He

had a talk with some of the hostesses dropping hints that Anne had been a noblewoman

in England and would be a welcome addition to some of their entertainments. They were

glad to help him because all knew of the loss he had suffered and wanted him to have a

happy marriage. They also wanted to have a look at Anne Spencer to make sure she

would fit in their circle. When he was done, Theo was satisfied that he would have

opportunities to court Anne throughout the winter.

Anne was satisfied with her job but there was one difficulty that she needed to

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handle. Leftenant Rogers from the British contingent stationed in Boston had been

making not so subtle suggestions as to what position he would like her accept in his

life. Anne had not accepted a Carte Blanche in London from much wealthier men

in London so wasn’t about to ruin her reputation by keeping company with

Leftenant Rogers. She had tried to be subtle in her refusals, but he wasn’t taking

no for an answer. She owed it to her distinguished family to keep her reputation

spotless. She had started receiving invitations to various social functions within

Boston and couldn’t afford to take a step wrong. She would not be a good candidate

in marriage for the young men of Boston. However, she had two brothers and a

sister who would be more than eligible for a good marriage in society if her plans

came to fruition.

As she left for work one morning Leftenant Rogers was waiting for her. She had no

idea how he had discovered where she lived, but she wasn’t happy about it. She gave

him any icy look and started walking toward town and her place of work trying to

ignore him. However, he wasn’t taking the hint and strode along with her. He was

not dressed in his uniform but in leathers.

“Mistress Ann, I finally have you alone.”

“Leftenant Rogers, it is not suitable for you to show me such particular attention. I

have a reputation to protect and children to raise. Furthermore, I have not given you

leave to use my first name.”

“Oh please, Anne. I’m sure I am not the first one to want a sample of your charms,

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and you have played very hard to get. My wife is in England and I find I would like to

enjoy your wares so have decided to talk to you directly and see what kind of

accommodation we can come to.”

“Leftenant Rogers, I have gone to some pains to inform you I am not interested in a

carte blanche. My family has a respectable name in England and I have no intention of

blackening it.”

Leftenant Rogers ogled her breasts as he listened to her.

“Anne, please drop your airs. You are a barmaid and are no better than you should be.

Quit trying to bargain with me. I will meet whatever your price is.”

Anne was now in a rage. He had no right to treat her like a whore. She stopped in her

tracks, turned, and slapped him hard. His expression went from a leer to furious anger.

He grabbed her arm hard enough to leave bruises.

“You will pay for that, bitch. By the time I’m through with your family, you’ll be

begging me for protection; and I won’t be so generous when that happens.”

He turned and headed back to town at a brisk pace. Anne was just glad he was gone.

She didn’t fear him. She had been presenting a very circumspect manner in her contacts

with the public and nothing in England or here could be used against her. She hurried on

to the inn quickening her pace to make up the time she had lost.

Anne worked diligently and didn’t seen Leftenant Rogers at the inn that day.

She noticed Mrs. Hardy was giving her some odd looks but shrugged it off. Her

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employer had no reason to think badly of Anne, because Anne had been very careful to

ensure her good opinion. Her day was almost over when Mrs. Hardy indicated that she

needed to talk to Anne. Anne head toward the office Mrs. Hardy used. She wondered

what she had done wrong and couldn’t think of a thing. She entered the office and

approached the desk to wait for Mrs. Hardy to address whatever subject she wanted

to discuss with her.

“Anne I have been very pleased with your work and demeanor while you have been

working here. However, one of my patrons has made some accusations regarding your

behavior that I have to address. Leftenant Rogers has informed me that he won’t be

coming to the inn anymore while you are employed here. He says you have been trying

to lure him into taking you on as his mistress. He is respectably married and cannot be

importuned by you any longer. It is very awkward for him. So, I am forced to discharge

you and cannot give you a reference. Please pack up your things and leave here. I can no

longer employ you. I am shocked and dismayed that you have displayed such a loose

character. You present such a proper deportment.”

She turned her back on Anne. Anne couldn’t believe that Leftenant Rogers had so

easily destroyed her reputation. Apparently, weeks of exemplary behavior couldn’t

survive malicious rumor mongering. Anne left the office and met the eyes of

Mr. Hardy, He gave her a sympathetic glance but turned back to his barkeeping duties.

There was no help there. In a daze, Anne retrieved her belongings and headed for home.

She couldn’t believe that one malicious man could ruin everything she had accomplished

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here. She dreaded telling Morgan. He would want to find Leftenant Rogers and call him

out. That could not happen. Morgan would kill him and would become an enemy of

The crown. Anne thought about how to tell Morgan but keep him from doing something


It tool all night, but Anne managed to make Morgan see that anything he did would

Make their situation worse. He left for Mr. Revere’s shop frustrated and angry. Anne

took over the chores at the cabin while she thought about her situation. She would have

to find some kind of employment soon. Both she and Morgan would need to work to

stay above water. She was an accomplished needlewoman and could apply to the

various clothing shops for work. It was hard work but respectable. She mourned her lost

position at the inn and cursed Leftenant Roger’s name.

Theo had been busy with getting his crops in, but harvest was over. He could get back

to his pursuit of Anne. He headed over to the inn for a pint and some conversation.

“Good day, Sam. Draw me a pint and bring it over to my table then sit and talk to


They discussed the events in Boston that Theo had missed while tending his crops at

home. After a while, Theo noticed that he didn’t see Anne anywhere.

“Where is Mistress Spencer today?”

Sam looked at him sorrowfully.

“Ma wife dismissed her Theo.”

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Theo looked at him in disbelief.

“Why? She has been a good worker at the inn. You have praised her to the skies.”

“I know, Theo; but there was a complaint lodged against her claiming she was morally


“That’s balderdash. She is as proper as any properly raised young lady in Boston.”
“I agree with you, Theo, but the complaint was made to my wife with the threat that

we would lose customers if she didn’t discharge Anne. As far as my wife is concerned,

she can easily replace Ann, and she loves the money our customers spend here.”

Theo finished his pint while thinking it over. If this got around Boston, Anne’s

reputation would be ruined. No one would employ her and she might be forced to

leave Boston; that didn’t suit Theo at all. He left the inn to head over the the cabin

the Spencers lived in. He tied his horse to a tree and knocked on the door. Anne

answered and he could tell that she had been crying. His heart ached at the misery

etched on her face.

“May I come in, Mistress Spencer?”

“Please, Mr. Allen, have a seat and I will get you a cup of tea.”

Theo took the time to look over the one room cabin while Anne was at the hearth. It

was neat as a pin with Suzanne quietly playing with Adam. There was nothing untoward

or crass anywhere about the cabin. Theo’s anger started boiling up at the injustice.

Well, he had a plan to stop the gossip and restore Anne’s good name. He would have to

approach her earlier than he planned, but she came from a social class that routinely

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Made alliances through marriage. He had confidence that she would see the good sense

of his proposal. Anne brought over his cup of tea. There wasn’t a table to place it on so

he supported the cup with his knee.

“Anne, I have been busy with harvest at my farm and just got into town today. I

stopped at the inn and heard what happened to you there and why. The whole

situation is ridiculous. Anyone that knows you, knows how proper you are. You

would never do anything that was the least indecorous. Tell me about it and let’s see

If we can fix this.”

Anne had not been able to find work in Boston. The gossip had run like wildfire, and

she had discovered it was Leftenant Rogers who had bandied her name about. She was

destroyed over the whole situation, and Morgan had been threatening to call out her

detractor. She was at her wits end. She told Theo the whole story trying to hold back

the tears. As Theo listened, his fury knew no bounds. Another lobsterback was

attacking a woman he planned on having a life with. He would take care of that as soon

As Anne was protected. When Anne finished, he asked for another cup of tea while he


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