Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1373300-Allen
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #1373300
A man is shot down but still alive. Or is he....?
It was a brisk day and really I have no idea what had possessed me too go out that day. It had started off as normal day; I woke up at 5 o’clock, took a shower, got dressed, went downstairs and ate some breakfast. The thing that made it different was that instead of sitting down in the living room to read the daily paper I made for the door and went for a walk.  Don’t ask me why I did it; I don’t know either, but anyway, I walked out the door and started for town.  The leaves were no longer on trees and if they were, they were dead and brown, which meant that fall was over.  I was about a mile from town when a man casually stepped out of the woods and points a gun at me. “You ruined my life, now I’m going to take yours.”  He said under his breath.
    “Do I know you?” I said slowly backing away, and then I remembered. “Aren’t you Nikki’s neighbor?”
I heard a bang and the next thing I knew I was bleeding from the chest, and yet I felt no pain. The man who just shot me had run in to the woods and was getting away so I fallowed after him as fast as I could.  The chase raced on until we hit a pond. I didn’t want him to know I was there so I hid behind a tree. He pulled a cloth bag out, stuffed the gun in it, threw it in to the pond and then jogged away.
I let him go because I decided there was no reason to chase after him, I could pin it on him later, so I walked over to the pond so I could see the condition I was in. what I saw caught me completely off guard. “Oh God,” There was no reflection, “am I dead?”
I stumbled back in shock, I couldn’t believe it.  I ran back to the spot in which I had been shot “this can’t be happening, I couldn’t see my refection because of the light, yea that’s it.” When I got there I saw what I didn’t want to see. I saw my self lying there, just lying there. I wasn’t breathing, I had no pulse and I was lying in a puddle of my own blood. I was dead and there was no mistaking it.
    I stood there petrified and didn’t move a muscle (I mean this figuratively seeming how I was dead and was now a sprit standing upon the body that was originally mine.).  “Maybe if I possess my dead body I’ll be able to come back.” I said out loud seeming how it didn’t mater now that it was dead and no one could hear me anyway.  I jumped into my body and I actually able stand up, but then I noticed I was walking like a zombie from one of those corny 1950 horror films which gave me the sense that you can’t possess a thing that is deceased without looking abnormal.
    A car was passing by heading towards town and stopped in its tracks. The woman in the passenger seat screamed at the sight of my dead body as the man in the driver’s seat called 911. “Hello, there’s been a shooting.” said the man “middle of Jackal Way, no I think he’s dead, please come quick.”  They stayed by where I was killed but didn’t go anywhere near my body. The police showed up asked the couple some questions and sent them one their way.  Then they took pictures of my dead body, drew a chalk outline of it, packed my body up and closed down the road for further inspection. I jumped into the cop car because I guessed that they would go back to town to see if they could figure out who I was. When we got to town it hit me that I would never be able to see my friends and family again. Well I’d be able to see them but not talk to them and that hit me hard. I pulled my self together and saw that we were passing, my girlfriend, Nikki’s house, so I jumped out.
    I was a little worried that maybe that guy came here also so I ran in as fast as I possibly could. There she was watching the 12 o’clock news; I looked to see what the story was but I knew anyway. “The murder victim has been tagged as Allen Dimwald, he was killed from a bullet wound to the heart killing him instantly. In further news…..”  I walked over to her and kneeled at her feet and wept wishing with all my heart that I could hold her one last time, but I knew I could not.
        I wept until there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” cried Nikki, still with her eyes overflowing with tears.
        “I’m sorry about Allen; I just saw it on the news.” It was the man that shot me down in the street. “Such a horrible way to go, being shot in the street on a mid morning walk.”
        I could feel the anger boiling within me. How could this man come back here and pretend to feel sorry for her seeming how it was him who killed me in the first place?  Soon the anger boiled into all out rage. At this moment three things happened: the power went out, the weather went from sunny to torrential downpour and last I entered my killers mind.  “Hello Ted, its me Allen, we had that unfriendly confrontation down the road, remember? How would you like to replay it?” I showed him the images of him firing the gun and killing me. The last image I showed him was of him throwing the murder weapon into the pond “You see Ted; I am going to use the images of my death to show cops on my case the murderer who you truly are. So even though I’m dead I can still help put you behind bars.  You will never have Nikki in you embrace instead you will rot away in a cell for the rest of your life.”
        At this Ted passed out and gave me complete control over his body.  I walked out the door and over to his house. I exited out of his body and left him on his floor as if he had passed out. Then it was time to wait, wait for night so I could enter the detective on my cases dream and show him my death.  At 10 o’clock I walked over to Dan Walnut’s, the detective on my case, house. The house was silent and I found Detective Walnut sleeping on his couch. I traveled over to him and placed my hand on his troubled mind and entered his dream.

            “Where am I?” said Dan in shock “I was just having dinner with the governor.”

            “I’ve put a pause to your dream world because I have information to give you.”

            “What, who are you and why are you giving me information?” he asked puzzled

            “Me, I’m Allen, Allen Dimwald and I’m here because I’m dead so I’m going to give you proof to put my killer behind bars.”

            “Ok so you’re a ghost?”

            ‘You could say that, but anyway, here is why I came.” I handed him the photos of my killer “These are photos formed from my memory of my death. As you can see the picture shows you exactly who it was that shot me down.” I said as the hatred for the man who killed me started to rise. “And if you don’t believe me go to this pond in the woods, his gun should still be there.”

“Why would Ted want to kill you?”

            “Because I took away his one and only love from him. So, is that enough evidence for you?”

            “It depends on the gun and if it has his finger print on it or not. If it does he might as well be dead because he will be imprisoned for life.”

            “I give you my thanks; I must be on my way.”  I exited his mind and entered his house again. Proud with the work I had done I left for my old house.  When there I sat in my chair and waited for the morning, the morning of judgment.

            The morning came and so did the paper. On the front page it said what I have been waiting for; Ted Siff was arrested today for the murder of Allen Dimwald. I stopped there because that’s all I needed. I looked up and the gates of heaven awaited me and walk to the light.

© Copyright 2008 Jack Micdevit (flip724 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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