Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1373143-Random-edited
by Ali
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1373143
This is me letting out my creative whatnots, not finished yet, this is just the beginning.
I awoke to the sound of the alarm ringing throughout the small dim-lit room. My head ached and my eyes watered, just a few more hours of sleep would have been amazing, but lately, sleep is something that I don't get to enjoy often, what with my nightmares and all. I heard my mothers bedroom door open then shut before her tiny feet pattered along the hallway towards the bathroom. I pushed myself to a sitting position rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Somehow my alarm had stopped ringing, even though I didn't remember turning it off, but that didn't bother me, things like that always happened around here. The big light that hung from the ceiling in the middle of my room came to life, great, someone knew I was awake.
"Could you stop messing with the things in my room? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks." I murmured groggily.
"Now where is the fun in that?" Once his voice hit me I grew cold. The vampires weren't supposed to enter my room, it was one of my mothers rules, but of course, why would her master listen to HER rules?
"What can I do for you Nickoli?" I asked impatiently. I wasn't in the mood for games, and whenever Nick was involved, games were being played. My mood might have been lighter, if I had gotten to sleep, but since I didn't get what I wanted, I was going to make sure Nick didn't get what he wanted either.
"I just came to make sure you got up this morning."
"Bull." I countered without a second thought. "You knew I would be awake, set my alarm did you?"
"Me? Never." I nodded. Of course, why else would my alarm go off on a Saturday? I didn't have anything to do.
"Why did you want me up so early?" There had to be a reason, besides him just wanting to get on my nerves.
"Well, I was hoping you would indulge me with conversation."
"At six o' clock in the morning? What kind of fucking conversation can we have at six in the morning?" I was getting pissy now, and that was never good in the morning.
"You've had lycans around." I froze. How did he know about my lycan friends? They never came inside, but they did come and get me. Lycans were not aloud inside the house, because they didn't see eye to eye with my mothers vampire 'friends', or her family I should say. It wasn't because vampires and lycans didn't get along, it was the fact that they had a human girl in the house, it was a kind of safety concern for them. If I wasn't human, then everything would be fine. Humans didn't know about the supernatural world, and every species intended to keep it that way.
"They never came inside." I tried, hoping that would get me off the hook. "They only come to hang out with me outside."
"Have you been out with them?"
"No... maybe... yes."
"Damn it Asia!" I frowned.
"What?! Nothings happened, I can handle the 'danger'. I live with all of you don't I?" He shook his head.
"Thats not the point. The point is, that if you go off with one of them, he might take you to someone who wants to off you."
"They are my friends."
"So you think! Trust me they want you gone, if you let the truth about us slip, then we are all in grave danger. They won't risk that just for a friendship."
"Says you." I mumbled my last words and climbed out of the queen sized bed. My bed clothes consisted of the same attire it had for years. A t-shirt and nothing more, I did have a little lacy piece of wow in my drawer, but no one worth showing it to so it stayed hidden. I was going to be 19 in three months, i didn't live on my own, nor did I go out often, of course for 'safety reasons'. I spent most of my time locked up in the house full of blood-suckers, doing nothing. So what if I escaped with my lycan friends? That was nobody's business but mine. I was an adult as far as the government was concerned, and I hated the fact that I was never treated like one. I pulled on a pair of shorts hoping that would get Nicks attention off my bare bottom and back t our conversation. "Whats the big deal anyway?" I asked collecting my things from around the room.
"The big deal is... if you get in with the wrong crowd, you might not get out." I sighed heavily.
"Alright, I gotcha, lycans are bad, scary and want to kill me." All very un true, and also very unlikely, since the lycans I hung out with were the leaders of their packs, but I let Nick think what he wanted. As long as it got me off the hook and him out of my room, I was fine with lying.
"Very well. Also, there is a new member to our family. I was hoping you would come introduce yourself." I turned swiftly my eyes narrowing.
"How new?" The age of this vampire was very important, the newer they were, the more they lusted for blood, and since I was the weakest person in the house, well, I wasn't to thrilled about meeting 'new' members.
"A week." I cringed.
"A week? Will there be others there?" He smiled slyly.
"Of course. I'll be there." Not very convincing, Nick would let him have me, just to get the chance to taste my blood.
"Do I have to?"
"Well its either that or trust that he wont come lusting for you in the middle of the night." Great, the choices were amazing. One thing I hated about living in this house, if you were given choices, they were normally very limited, and ended with someone getting hurt, most of the time, that someone just happened to be me.
"Alright then. I'll do it. But I won't like it." I headed towards the door. "And make sure he keeps his fangs to himself please." Nick nodded, it was a stretch asking him to look after me but hey, maybe he would be in a giving mood this morning. I tiptoed my way down the stairs, into the living room where I knew the new member of the family would be kept. I wasn't expecting much, most of the beings in this family were alike, blond hair, blue eyed, stars that shone for miles, I was the oddball, and I was also the only girl I knew that wasn't attracted to any of the people I lived with. My sapphire eyes scanned the room slowly hoping to notice the new comer before he noticed me, a task which I failed terribly. His green eyes sparkled like emeralds themselves burning holes through me like nothing has ever done before. It was like he was looking into my soul, I suddenly felt very open, and violated at the same time. He had raven black hair that fell in layers around his face yet still barely graced the tips of his ears. My heart pounded wildly in my chest, then his eyes caught mine stopping everything around me, I hadn't even noticed that I stopped breathing until my body screamed at me for my stupidity.
"Human." That one word, that label, it tore me back to the reality of what he was and what was going on at this second. I blinked giving my mind a chance to clear.
"Asia." I muttered the word hardly aware of the fact that Nick had joined us. The pressure in the room doubled instantly, he was feeling me out, seeing how far he could go. He was trying to toy with me. "Please don't do that." I whispered. "Its impolite." He reared back as if he had just been slapped.
"You could feel me-" I laughed. Not something I did often, but his shocked expression amused me.
"I live in a house of vampires, did you not expect me to have some sort of... advantage?" He looked at Nick, probably to ask him something, vampires could communicate telepathically to keep wandering listeners from overhearing too much. It was a cleaver trick and one I longed to have more then anything else in the world. "Now are you going to tell me your name or are you just going to ignore the fact that I already gave you mine?" I wasn't sure what the point of me being hostile was, but it came naturally, and wasn't something I felt the need to fight at the moment.
"Alec," His gaze returned to me, this time curiosity swirled behind his eyes instead of shock, pity, I liked the shock so much better. "It is nice to meet you. Excuse my rude behavior before, I'm not used to-"
"Humans?" He grinned, and I knew that grin, he was thinking about what it was like to hunt, to feed, disgusting.
"Oh no, I am quite used to humans, it is humans that know of us, I am not used to." I nodded.
"Well, thats because as far as we know I am one of the very few that do. Where do you come from?"
"I am from the North."
"And a week old? How do you control yourself?"
"It is hard, when you first walked in I nearly lept at you, but I caught myself before I did it." I cringed at his honesty.
"Aren't I lucky?" I moved closer to him, slowly, if I moved to fast he would attack, I knew that from experience, but if I was slow, he should be able to control himself. I held my hand towards him. He took it, holding it gingerly in his grasp. His hands were cold, like ice, yet soft. It reminded me of snow for some reason. Beautiful, cold, pure. I pulled my hand away quickly. Things were bad when I started to touch the vampires. None of the others had ever been touched by me, not intentionally anyway, if they forced a hug or a kiss that was all on them, I never openly invited them to. So why was this man any different?
© Copyright 2008 Ali (alicia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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