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Career planning is a life long journey and a lot of excitement while you do your search.
Getting to know careers availability and turning it into a career job search experience beyond your imagination

Career planning is a life long journey and there is certainly a lot of excitement while you do your search. 
The Internet provides clues to your directions.
The most important first step is to find out what makes you tick

Such as: -                   
Ø          What you are & Who you are
Ø          What you are like and what you are best at.
Ø          You need to realize your best subjects at school.
Ø          Discover what you like to do and what you enjoy doing most.
Ø          Find out your direction in life and don’t be afraid to do a lit of exploring before you reach that discussion.
Ø          Experiment with different ideas and careers. Ask yourself “can I see me doing this”
Ø          Will I last or how long will I last at It.?

Computers are all around us; there is no more world without them. You will be amazed when you first tackle your computer for answers. They play a significant part in our lives. Computers bring enthusiasm into a majority of people, and you will develop gradually as you search for your creative abilities. Internet sites tend to move round the web, so it is wise to go to your Internet browser and find specific web sites or the type of information you require.

Computers are a challenge to the Human intelligence. For example, you will be using artificial intelligent programs such as the SIMS programs.
The application of computer science is to make machines imitate what people do, by programming their behaviour.

The category falls on teachers.
Where you become the teacher and the computer the student. Your job is to teach your computer to do the thinking for you. It is at work in many walks of live and at all kinds of careers, and it is still growing. You program your computer to examine every aspect of your process. The computer in return asks you questions based on the information data you entered. Project start with some very detailed analyses of your query and propose solutions.

This kind of process is known as MODELING they are complex, mathematical equations that define how a process works.
Ø          What skills does the job require?
Ø          What training is required?
Ø          What subjects should I cover to achieve my goal?
Ø          What school, college, or university should I attend to achieve the right training?
Ø           Can I, or will I get an apprenticeship or on the job training
Ø          What is, and how much, salary do I want to earn.
Ø          What organizations do I approach to?
Ø          Where can I get work experience?

If after all that effort you reach a point! That the career you choose is not really your style don’t despair, after all searching through the process has already given you experience and you are now wiser and have learned a lot more than you anticipated.
Starting all over should be a piece of cake, so tackle the process over and over again and don’t look back. Remember the ones who have no desire to study are the ones who are poor. Trust you instinct and you won’t regret it.

There are many reasons, why high school students, may not continue to finish their year 11/12.
Some may have had enough; some had to, through illness or other misfortunes and some finds a job, and leave their challenges to faith. Each of us is our own person we shouldn’t compare ourselves with others but do consider this! That once you’re a drop out you are stuck with the first job that comes along and that won’t be easy, as employers would first hire students with better education and you will be struggling for the rest of your life. If you are a lucky you might find work that you like, but if not you are stuck for the rest of your life and on an average wage. The important thing is to keep moving forward.

You can always apply to learning institutions later on, and you will still have a good chance to stand on your feet again, and pick up where you left off so to speak. It is more assuring to continue your education. Finishing high school will give you a greater satisfaction later on in life. Be proud about the choices you make.

If you have low grade points, doesn’t mean, or make you a failure, don’t evaluate yourself solely on grades. It is foolish to think that your grades will determine the rest of our life. If you give up trying you will loose the ability of achieving success and you must avoid this at all costs. Your future depends on your efforts. You can make or break your path to success. The answer is to keep moving forward, one step at a time. The Essential point is that you continue to study and learn as much as you can. Do not allow your confidence, to be determining by the opinion of others; it is your right to cherish a dream of what you would like to do with your future.

The greatest enemy of learning is fear. What is important here is your own growth as a teenager. Once you finish high school you have laid a solid foundation and should you decide to stop studying or to find work. You still have a choice to train for a better career. It is compulsory to finish high school if you want a professional future. By doing your best you become a winner and a great person of character. Without challenges life becomes boring and we tend to become lazy. Our life becomes empty and emptiness means unhappiness.

My advice is not to fall into this trap. It is people who have no desire to study who are poor. You have a great gift somewhere inside you, search for it and find it. Plan your future now that you are still in school and utilize this time available to you. Do not rush, because once you are out there working you are working for the rest of your life or at least until you reach your old age pension. Plan your life and plan it now.

We all know that high school can be a tremendous stress on our teenagers, and that is why it is imperative to make use of subjects chosen whilst you are still studying preparing, and laying the first steps to a happy and rewarding career. Organization is the major key to success and planning is very important, as it makes you in control. You have every right to a full and satisfying career. This book will help guide you to develop strategies and improve performance, so it might as well be with enthusiasm and dedication. After all, you and only you are responsible for your overall success.

You may have the abilities and talent unknown to you. The note for drop-outs is basically to give you encouragement, to strengthen you skills, using them wisely and bringing out the abilities to further training such as apprenticeships that are available all around you.

The successful factors are  -creativity –enthusiasm –dedication and a strong will and determination. I include by quoting “you fall back only when you seek to justify. Learning to manage and plan your future is essential, as it makes the difference between success and failure. You will become a great person and your personality will bloom. Remember! It is those who have no desire to study who are poor. As a future job seeker you will discover your own strengths, attributes and to utilize your skills.

The best advice is to take it a step at a time and live your life to accomplish and achieve success. If you fail to plan you plan to fail. Once you achieve your plan you can make it happen. The direction in this book will take you to your future destination. So set your stage for what’s to follow and hold on, to the key, to the door that leads you to your success.
Of course it won’t be easy, there will be pitfalls and disadvantages to overcome but if you endure you will reign.

The self-evaluation section will cover skills and activities to enable you to set your goals. You will assess yourself to bring out your potential values. Perfection comes later. Searching through the process will generate opportunities and gives you the experience and you will become wiser.

                                        This will help you develop self-management skills, responsibilities and increase your confidence to add advancement to a good future. Together we go through the process of the first interview, resume, your IQ levels, and so on. Most organizations have extremely high standards of presentation and generally involve formal wear. Plan time and present yourself in their fashion.
An A to Z list of job titles, careers, training ships and URL sites are listed for your information to assist you, to do more research in the areas of your chosen careers. Most sites picked, has job listings, job postings, vacancies listed by employers, a place to post your resume’, job hunting help and career counselling, they also carry information on making contact.
This book will show you a huge choice of careers and employment information in alphabetical order.

Self-evaluation for careers           
Ø          What will match my choice of job requirements?
Ø          What are my qualities?
Ø          What are my interests-skills /values /qualities.
Ø          What are my objectives?
Ø          Do I like to work alone or as a team member?
Ø          Do I prefer to dress casual or more formal?
Ø          Can I be myself in this choice
Ø          Do I want a fast fob (food establishment. takeaways) or do I prefer a more relaxed profession (administration, front desk)
Ø          Am I adventurous and do I want to develop further on my chosen career?

Skills are activities that you do: -                                                                                                                   
Ø          Skills are actions that enable you to achieve your goals.
Ø           Everyone has a multitude of skills, and skills are activities that can be learned.
Ø          Skills are essential in the career you choose, as it will help you assess what you have to offer in the workplace and bring out your potential values. It is essential you feel right about your choice.

You need to see yourself in that choice of career.
When you whisper to yourself “I can see me doing this, this is a cinch! Yeh! I can do this.” then you have achieved the first step of your career pyramid. Look for the ideal situation, not for the perfect one. Perfection comes later.

Values are the conditions and circumstances we cherish. Remember settling on one choice helps you work towards another and can be a smart career strategy Every Industry attracts both primary and secondary professions. Your choice of industry will have a great influence on your career stability. Organizations bring together a group of individuals from various professions to pursue a set of goals and objectives. Jobs are a set of tasks and activities that help organizations reach their goals and targets.
If you are serious about your choice you will need access to the web. The Internet is a pathfinder for career management information and resources.
Major career goals cannot be achieved overnight. They take careful planning and persistence over a period of time. There is no other choice, so why don’t you start with what you have now, Ask; yourself questions and let your answers inspire your actions

Your Plan: -
Ø          Develop leadership skills
Ø          Achieve responsibilities
Ø          Achieve career satisfaction
Ø          Establish a good and smoother relationship within your work team
Ø           Develop and increase more confidence in yourself to add to an advancement in your Organization
Ø          Be clear and concise
Ø          Identify long or short term goals
Ø          Can you cope with studying for six months, two years or even five years full time studies

A career action plan is an essential tool. It will enable you to set your term goals, take action, progress and valuate your success. Be flexible in pursuing your career action plan. Allow yourself time to help you reach the right decision, and be patient. To find the right job takes time but if you persist you will be rewarded.

Take advantage of the help that is available to you out there, especially on the Internet. Career counsellors are available at schools and other institutions. Talk to them for directions, they will be more than pleased to assist you.
Take the opportunity to be productive, and make a list of what you have to offer, gather and use all the information your need to help you achieve your goal.
When you are job searching, your CV is an essential tool. Only you can attract a job offer. Your CV opens the doors and stimulates interests, that the organization, person to interview you, and is responsible for employment, will want to meet you in person. Your CV should provide information to make contacts and inviting interviews to meet you. Study your CV closely, as interviews will be related to the information you provided. Make sure you are honest above your application and provide the original certificates.

A good summary statement provides an overall view of the information that follows. It has to capture your readers’ attention to make them want to meet you in person. List any special skills you have and certificates and awards you achieved, especially if they are related to your career plan. Economize on words (make it short) write it down on paper first, and then revise it a few times. Use word processor on computer or the resume available on many sites.
Employers say: -   
Ø          The young are.  Unreliable
Ø          They call sick too often
Ø          Talking and socializing with others, on the job.
Ø          Making and receiving calls during working hours 
Ø          Show lack of interest in their work
Ø          Turning up late most mornings without a thought
Ø          Employers need staff that are reliable and responsible and can be trusted.

Whatever job you take, as a casual after school, or weekends and holidays you can be assured you will gain experience and skills to which, is a very good foundation for your chosen future career.
You attitude will make a difference not only to those you work for and with, but to yourself and the quality of life that is ahead of you. Appearance and hygiene is a very important asset. Take care of your appearance always smell fresh and good. No bad breathe or body sweat.

In the summer holidays when school shuts down, don’t sit at home feeling bored, lost and not knowing what to do with you. Become a volunteer and help out others. Through voluntary work your will gain valuable experience and learn to demonstrate your abilities for potential future

You will learn to be motivated; you will develop a variety of skills; Experience communications through others; you will learn responsibility, reliability and boost your confidence; and much more.
There are many types of interesting industries and social services that would welcome you assistance. Then, when you complete your placement you may receive a training credit, which will be a memorable certificate, to which, will assist you, as it would be respected very highly.

It will definitely make a good impression when you attend job interviews. It’s a very exciting feeling of achievement.
Remember the more you learn and the more experience you gain will be of benefit to you in your chosen future career, which will reflect on you, your whole life.

Knowledge is in itself power, and the choices you make dictate the life you will lead. Maintain those links to the real world of work


The unemployment rate is increasing World Wide.
When we are lucky enough to find our dream job we need to keep working hard to keep it, Once you are trained to fit in with the procedures of the way your company runs doesn’t mean that learning stops there.

The company you are employed with is always looking for more growth and you must learn to grow with it. The future of a company depends on its employees for growth, so if you had stop searching for newer information regarding the future of your company there wouldn’t be much hope of you holding on to the position for long especially if someone comes along with a refresher course on the subject your company retails for. The competition is big and companies need to be on the alert at all times. If not, the chances are it will face bankruptcy

You as a member of staff have a responsibility to your company growth
Your first step is to search the web about other companies that are similar to the one you work for and find out how you can improvise to help your company grow You will need to update your skills; all skills you acquire will contribute to your companies success. It will also help you increase the status and chances of holding on to your job

I am a believer of the verse YOU NEVER KNOW ENOUGH. The world is growing and we must grow with it to survive.
Always keep your resume’ updated In the case of you being lay-off you would have written down all experiences you had learned with your company so far.

Lay-offs are considered by the valuation of the staff members, which are assessed every some months. It is always safe to think ahead and put some money away weekly emergencies do happen. You will have to think that once you finish school your increase of learning does not stop there.

My advice is not to fall into this trap.
Successful factors are: -
Strong will
Learning to manage and plan your future with your company is essential as it makes the difference between success and failure. Your personality will bloom.
You will discover your own strengths, attributes and utilize your skills. If you fail to plan you plan to fail. Once you achieve your plan you can make it happen.
So set your stage for what’s to follow and hold on to the key to the door that will lead you to your success and stability of you career

An action plan: -
This will help you develop self-management skills, responsibilities and increase your confidence to add advancement to a good future. Go through the process of the first interview, resume, your IQ levels, and so on. Most organizations have extremely high standards of presentation and generally involve formal wear. Plan time and present yourself in their fashion.
A determination to offer ones best can be very important, once in it is possible to move on with greater responsible positions

Web sites that might be helpful.

Career Builder and Links: - www.careerbuilder.com/index
Career Business school: - www.search4business_schools.com/
Careers Business College www.acbc.nsw.edu.au/home.html
Career City: - www.careercity.com/
Career Cool Jobs: - www.cooljobs.com/list.htm
Career & Employment Feature: - www.ieeeusa.org/careers/
Career Events: - www.careersevent.com
Career Explorer: - www.careerexplorer.net/
Career Guide Australia: - www.yourcareerguide.com.au/
Career Journal: - www.careers.wsj.com
Career Links: - www.myfuture.edu.au/services
Career Planning [College of Business Administration: - www.cba.bgsu.edu/cba/index.html             
Career Recourses: - http://seek.com.au/index.aspx
Career Voyage: - www.careervoyage.com/
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