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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Mystery · #1372774
Another point of view about end-of-days and Divinity...pls read the first chapters
Chapter II   
Golden snake

         Barrels full of burning pitch were throwing a vivid glow on the puddle road trying not to be extinguished by the small rain. Although they had been placed there 2 hours ago, they bursted into flames on the both sides of the road when the old man commanded pointing with a wizened finger: FIAT LUX.
         From the city center, the road that leads to Sienk’s house looked like a golden snake with its scales moving more threatening by each wind breeze. Head of the snake was the old man's house full of bright light from several torches placed in circles around the house. Three big dogs were sitting on porch sniffing the food smell that came out from the front opened door. Occasionally hey howl in rain streching their throats to the sky, squeezing their red eyes and then starting to snarl spreading white foams. The old man’s guests hate these dogs more the place they are visiting because of several incidents that took place not so far time ago: some heretics ended up as dog food in a very brutal way. All knew that they were heretics but don’t they have a soul inside, aren’t humans anymore!? Sienk replayed what didn’t sound so rhetorical: “Set the dogs loose...”
         The night was falling over the small country town spreading its obscure wings as it could reach the four directions of the human clay.
         Bulky shadows started to move up the hill, first in pairs then in silent groups. The golden snake had human life inside that was cursing the clouds while they moved forward and forward to the snake’s head. Cotton clothes filled up with humidity covered the moving shadows and into glowing, they started to distinguish one from another. Moms with children and old men were climbing first the hill, soon after teens with big hoods gathered in groups of five-six were walking and chatting. Once in a while, a careless laugh was breaking into the rain monotony but only for a moment; although they were young they were not supposed to come here again, it would have been better if they stayed at their homes apart of these meetings. Anyway, they are going to stay outside and get wet for no good. “What a waste of time!” they thought;
         The snake’s tail made of conscripts armed with shotguns and short swords was retreating in order to hill house, pushing teens from behind and asking them to hurry up.
         They must have been like two hundreds people there, most of them under or over age and only twenty real conscripts. It was supposed to be a regular Monday meeting but half of conscripts headed back to the bottom of the hill and stopped there among the smoking barrels. Orders were clear: “Escort any stranger to house as soon as he approaches the city center!”  No use of asking question; or else you get a frown look and “Go to hell you piece of shet and do your job” from old man.
         Sienk had four children: a girl and three boys. His wife died long ago at girl’s born. Now he is 72 and he buried all his boys. The elder died in World War III at age 33 with a bullet in his chest on battlefield. He was blue eyed with blond long hair, good looking more like a young woman only his strong fists and tall stature made the difference. Postmortem he was decorated for bravery although his squad had been running in front of Russians. His father cried for apple of eye much more than after his wife death. His first-born had been killed in a non-sense war, as he would have understood later.
              Eleven years later Burning Heaven started.
              Human kind was almost wiped out…
              From the very first clash in center Europe, his sons died against an army like no other. No wounded people, no survivors, no one lived enough to say what had happened there; only ash and twisted battle machines and vehicles. The Earth after the first battle was a desolated place. Towns had been gutted, crops neglected, bridges and roads destroyed. They lived in small groups away from big cities in country houses full of supplies and hopes. Humans never felt before such fear and bitterness .But, they simply continued to refuse their defeat against an obscure enemy. Therefore, as the animals’ cubs come out for the first time from the den’s darkness into light with small steps, humans broke out and huddled in small communities later named town all under the Emperor’s protection and his Resistance. Unity was the most common word on everyone’s lips. Roads had been repaired, crops cultivated but the old towns never populated again, even the old habits had been forgotten. “A new start” they thought, but they were wrong as the enemy deferred to give the final attack.
         When the old man heard his sons’ death news, he felt in knees and said; “God turned away his face from us!” Sienk haven’t dropped even a tear since but along with his tears, smiles ran away from his lips for good. The only joy left is his daughter Martha and his grandson Namor.
         Life cut deep scars on Sienk forehead full of thoughts, thoughts about future.
         The three white dogs gone crazy barking at new comers pulling with force to break the rusty chains. In front, door he old man made his appearance holding in right hand an old hat.
         “Good evening, Sir” a mother said nudging his kid to repeat as a parrot the welcome.
         “Good evening…hmm Sir,” the little one said.
         “Hello Sheila, come in and take a seat in guests room” came the answer, “The little one…hmm whose name I’ve forgot please hmm lead him into downstairs bedroom; he gonna stay with the rest of children and Martha will take care “the old man added.
         “As you wish Sir, come on Daniel, let’s find Martha; Where is Martha?”
         The door soon filled with people, the noise turned up and for now the sound of falling rain seemed to be far away. Sienk abandoned his in door position and called for Martha to take his place as a host.
         Only teens and the ten soldiers remained outside while the rest were crowding in lobby.
         “Hehhe, what a crap, why are we here?” a young skinny boy blurted.
         “I abhor this house! We are near the cemetery; I can see the fence from here.”  The same boy said.
         “Don’t like it mate!? Go on… leave…oh; you are too scared, aren’t you? Shut up and mind your own business” a conscript interfered.
         The door closed in a long creak. 
         Sounds moved in house and left the rain and night to reign again over the human territories. The down hill conscripts are guarding the rendezvous point. The up hill conscripts and three white rabid dogs are guarding the teens and the house and beside all they guard themselves from night creatures.
         Old man’s house was a two-store building with windows all around. Made of red bricks the house in shape of a square could easily shelter more than a hundred people inside. It belonged to Sienk’s family for three generations and now it’s a meeting place for the small mountain town.
         At floor level, a bath, a small bedroom, an even smaller kitchen huge living room and a lobby made the house. Top floor was divided in three bedrooms.
         Usually the house was as the owner, a quite place but now it has guests so candles were placed in living room and chairs had been brought from the entire house.
         “Please take a seat” a rough voice said.
         “We need six more chairs “another female voice responded.
         “Sit down, no more chairs” the same rough voice
         Sienk entered the room and silence been made.
         “I summoned you all here because we cannot risk tonight, we are defenseless till conscripts come here” He has talking every time without opening his mouth .Only his eyes and eyebrows were moving on the words tempo.
         “More details when they get back” he ended and left.
         The crowed was astonished: “What’s happening here, the conscripts where supposed to return long time ago. One morning they all left without any warning…any news from them for almost one month” the very same idea was in everyone’s mind.
         “Sir, Sir they are coming!” someone outside yelled. ”They are coming Sir!”
         “May the Emperor live long life, my son is coming home” an old man sighted
         “Don’t worry old friend our Emperor loves to much his warriors” Sienk encouraged him.
         Indeed new torches were moving on the way to old man’s house. Everybody was counting them “They left two hundreds, how many are now?” It looked like they were about two hundreds. Massive footsteps stopped in front door.
         A knock, and then another one, a door opened; unshaved faces were staying on threshold.
         “What is going on here? What are you all doing here? What happened? Why are you here?” the old man barked with his eyes out of orbit as his dogs.
         A small man with baldhead under his hood finally said: “Please Ressurector not here; it’s not a good place to talk.”
         “You are right Markus” he agreed, “…to the kitchen then”
         All heads from living room turned to lobby. Eyes saw friendly eye, eye saw loved eyes, but no sound faded away from lips. The newcomers with familiar faces had a distant non-familiar look.          
         The one named Markus was a small middle age man with short legs and big arms. Under the long raincoat, he was wearing a grey wool coat covered with shining pieces of armor for heart, and shoulders. On his both hips two long swords was resting. Different weapons were hanged on his bag. His friends were dressed almost the same including the common steel collar. Right eye was half closed due to three cuts from the forehead to eye that gave the little warrior a forceful air. Gifted with sharp mind and excellent leading spirit Markus won his conscripts appreciation and soon the leadership.
         Among with Markus another two conscripts came in kitchen. Rest of them were waiting in lobby or outside in a heavy silence.          
         “So?” the old man asked.
         “Your grandson is here Ressurector,” answered Markus.
         “So?” the old man asked again.
         “We couldn’t join with Ressurector’s Rheon troops”
         “What do you mean? Markus speak up, spit it all out …”
         “Wino it’s been burned to ashes and Ressurector Rheon’s troops scattered”
         “No. no, no I cannot believe, I was right and the Emperor cannot help us in time.” he old man wailed.
         “We must go at once!” and Sienk rose up from the tree legs chair.
         “Here we are not in safety,” he added.
         Outside voices started to shout: “Let him thru. Let him thru, got important message” One of the two conscripts ran towards the window, removed the scarlet curtains and looked outside.
         “An unknown face” said fast the young conscript.
         “Bring him to me!” ordered Sienk, but he did not finish the command and Nomar was leaving already the room.
………………………………………………………………………………………..                    The kitchen door opened again and a man came in:
         “Towa’ulum has been lost!” yelled the man in the night.
         Now, more then ever, the golden snake is glowing in the night.

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