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Inspired by the loss of a friend. |
Our Side of Heaven A young teenage girl hidden under a black wrinkled dress trembled as the thunder echoed threw the cold. The dark and gloomy afternoon seemed to match Sara’s broken spirit. She glimpsed up with a tear stained face watching grey clouds form above the ceremony. Her mind was elsewhere. She went back many years to a faded slumber party between two best friends. Sarah and Sophie were always together. They would fight just because they were bored and the end result was always uncontrollable giggling on the floor. Sophie had brought so much excitement and adventure into her life, even as a little girl. She was always looking for a spark of magic. Either it was wishing upon bright stars or throwing pennies into goldfish ponds. As a toddler she planned to fly away on a magic carpet packing her bags and all. She blames that failure on her grandma’s nasty kitchen rug. Of course she’s the one that always said, “What harm is there in believing.” “Sophie will always be missed especially by those whom knew her the best.” Sweet yet so cold the preacher’s last words awoke Sarah from her daydream. No, she can’t be gone. She could just remember laughing with her at her bedside. Sophie was holding herself together with a big grin. Who would have know how truly weak she was. Sarah looked at everybody else with disgust because in her heart she was angry and bitter. She didn’t understand why no one else cared that Sophie was only given the life of a teenager and would never have a family of her own or the career of her dreams. After eyeing the lively pictures of what had been her best friend, there was nothing she could do to hold back the flood of tears. Unable to bear it any longer she pushed out of the crowd and ran for the dirt road. She didn’t want to be near anyone else because there was only one person she wanted to be with. Stopping at the edge of the woods all of time came to a halt, all but the storm stalking behind her. Out of breath and shaking she finally got a hold of herself as she wiped the last tear from her eye. Then began wondering between the towering trees. Suddenly the sound of rushing water nipped at her ear melting her frown to a smile. Out of the brush swaying next to a pebbled creek was an old wooden swing. Sarah sat down on the seat remembering all the bumps and bruises she had received from what was Sophie’s idea of good pushing. “Wow…. I’m actually here,” she exclaimed. Then sighed, “It’s been so long.” Looking up she saw an old tree house. At one time she had looked up at it as a mighty castle full of enchantment and secret treasures. In the wind she could hear the magical tune Sophie used to hum as they climbed the blocks nailed as elegant steps. Even as the rain began to pour the melody only grew stronger. Like a spellbound child Sarah began to ascend up the worn-out steps. She was so close to reaching the opening already she could see the little white door, she once knew so well. Carved into the white bark was a fair warning. Beware for behind this door lies the great adventures of Sophie and Sara’s magical kingdom. But you must believe, believing is seeing what others don’t! Soaked from head to toe she reached up to grab the last step, but instead all she heard was the horrifying sound of twigs cracking beneath her feet. With blurred vision she found herself flat in the mud but soon her world faded to black. * * * Sarah awoke swallowed in the extreme comfort of a grand bed covered in silk and jewels. With boggled eyes she glanced up to find herself surrounded by a shimmering veil of rare diamonds. She pushed it aside with confusion reviling a room fit for a queen. “Where am I?” After trampling across the carpet towards the lit up window she gasped at the breath taking view. Magnificent mountains enveloped in a sea of white winter clouds traced by hills of green grass swaying with the abundance of bright flowers. She closed her eyes enjoying the warmth of the gentle sun as the wind hugged her face giving off the sent of sweet fragrance. She opened her eyes hoping to wake up from a dream but found herself staring off at the same intriguing beauty. All the nature around her was like an elegant painting with no imperfections. Looking into the sun she never had to turn away or even blink. Strolling up to the bedroom door she turned the handle somehow opening the door to somewhere new. Stepping forward she found herself beside a massive castle. Startling a sweet voice called out Sarah’s name. Jumping around she came face to face with a striking young lady dressed in fine linen. Her face so fair and body glowing set off a friendly vibe. “Who are… you?” asked Sarah feeling that some how she knew this stranger. After one last glance her heart stopped as she whispered, “Sophie… is that you?” With a twinkle in her smile Sophie nodded, then both rushed for a hug. “How can this be, I was just at your funeral, I saw you…” “Nothing is impossible if you believe,” exclaimed Sophie. “Where are we?” “That’s up to you to realize.” “Are you here all alone?” “Oh no, there are lots of people here you just can’t see them, along with our mighty King. He is bigger than all the world and brighter than a million suns, he even has more love than all of that for those who choose him, I used to talk all about him with you.” Sarah looked confused. “We don’t have much more time, there is so much I have been wanting to say… I know that you can get thru this… Life is so short even the teen years I struggled with cancer compared to this eternity.” Sophie grinned. “Here I can run and run and never grow tired, I can stay under water and not have to take a breath and here there is no pain…I will always be with you, watching over you. And screaming in your ear what you need to hear… you can do it, get back up, or just believe. You just have to listen. I’m not leaving you.” Sarah stared at her best friend finally willing to let go. “Here take this with you and always remember me,” whispered Sophie placing a necklace around Sarah’s neck. “This was lost in the creek where did you find it.” “Remember nothing is ever lost here.” * * * Sarah awoke inside the damp tree house wet and filthy. “It was all just a dream,” cried Sarah tears rolling down her cheek. As the wind blew threw the opening Sarah heard a faint whisper Just Believe. Noticing metal by her chest she reached up to discover an old locket, inside was a picture of two best friends. By Heather Layton I |