Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1371132-GO---AN---EXTRA-MILE
Rated: E · Essay · Experience · #1371132
The legacy that I am going to leave to my one and only child.
                                    GO AN EXTRA MILE

                                    by:  TSURTIDOGNI
                                    010608 SUNDAY

Go an extra mile,  not only in your work, in your relationship,  but in every aspect
of your life.  That is the  SECRET to those in search of  true fulfillment, the answer to people seeking the treasure beyond price.

My father and my mother gives this example to all of us their children and, it is my
utmost desire to pass it on to my daughter and only child ,    to the future gene-
ration that is in my bloodline. A legacy that is not written in black and white but
nurtured in each individuality.

The habit of going an extra mile in the past experiences of my life was observed or
seen by my child as she was growing until this time.She told me last Christmas, " I wish to thank you for being an example of doing the best you could and going an
extra mile that makes me value each move I make. My decisions and my relationship with the people in the company I am working is based on a true service
from the heart." That's the best Christmas gift I ever received in my whole life. No
one can take it away from me, not even death. The habit will be continued on and

I was in the city last Christmas. I went to a bookstore in one of the big malls in the
city. My budget was limited so I was selecting the books on sale that I wanted to
give as a gift to my nephews and nieces. There were a lot of last-minute shoppers.
I have this potassium problem so I don't have the strength to stand for a long time.
I did not notice that the cashier was observing me, gliding my body to the corners
of the table that the books were displayed.When the books are on sale they are
being displayed in a table not in the shelves. The cashier excused from her paying
customers on line, pulled the plastic chair she was sitting brought it to my direction
and offered " Ma'am, I noticed you have difficulty standing while selecting the books
on sale, will you use my chair for a while?" Her gestures was highly appreciated.
She rushed back to her section, without giving me a chance to ask her name. I think
I was the only shopper who was sitting in that one big mall.It is not a part of her
job description to give a seat to a shopper, but that young lady, I can never forget
the look of her face, so cheerful. That was for me one best example of going an extra mile.

When my turn to pay for the four books that I selected, she  was no longer
there.He was replaced by a young gentleman.I asked" Is the young lady, already
off-duty?" The male cashier replied, " Yes, Ma'am, that is why I am standing here
because she told me before she left to offer her chair to you for a while." Wow!
This is a wonderful world, I exclaimed.  No wonder the bookstore was always filled
with customers because their staff  were willing to go an extra mile .When I will go
back to the city I will surely set aside a budget to buy another book or two in that bookstore,  that is the day that I  look forward to.

Going an extra mile is good for the business and give a long lasting impression
to the person you bestowed your wonderful self.

My pocket is not rich, but my heart is so full of wonderful and beautiful experiences
I love to share,  one of them is  "GO AN EXTRA MILE."

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