Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1371002-Robot-Game---The-Beginning
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1371002
Storyline of a game i plan on making soon.
I couldn't tell you what year it was, or even whether it was day or night for that matter, it was always just the same hazy gray skies and bright glowing lights emitting from the completely mechanical cities near the small human colony i lived in. I suppose I should explain everything from the beginning for you to understand where I come into this story.
Years ago scientists were able to develop an Artificial Intelligence that was able to think for itself, survive on its own, reason and solve problems better than humans ever could, ever would be able to. Of course the military took over this technology almost immediately to use it to construct robots for the simple purpose of destruction. Unfortunately, they only had enough resources to construct five of these robots. They constructed each of these five robots differently and each of them had different strengths and weaknesses. They constructed the robots to work as a team to complement each others' weaknesses, wherever one of the robots would lack, another would excel. It was the perfect, unbeatable force that nothing would possibly be able to stop, not even their creators.
Of course it wasn't long before the robots realizes they no longer had to listen to the individuals who had brought them to life and soon everything was chaos. They took over the laboratories where they were created and used them to create their own being. Sure, the humans could not access the resources necessary to construct more robots, but the robots they created could. They could burrow deep into the ground, deeper than any human ever could, survive the extreme temperatures as they grew nearer and nearer to the center of the earth to obtain the materials for their new creation. They created an even greater being than themselves, a being with even greater AI out of greater, more durable resources. A being that was too great for even the perfect team of robots.
As soon as the being came into existence it had knew it was the most powerful thing on the planet and it intended to keep it that way. It burned the AI chips out of its creators and left their lifeless mechanical shells to begin its quest of worldly domination. It too created its own army of robots, but not an army greater than itself, an army that would obey the supreme robot creator as their leader, an army that would obey its every order and never question it. The army was programmed with the knowledge that they were inferior, that if they acted out of line they would be destroyed.
The supreme robot ruler and its army was easily able to overpower the humans and enslaved us to do the jobs not fit for robots. Mostly dealing with the sorting of their waste and preparing it to be transported for recycling. They placed us in small colonies and kept each of these colonies surrounded by neighboring robot cities so no colony could contact any other colony, that was, of course, until the day I changed everything.
It was a day like every other day before it. I woke up in the small room that I had considered my home for as long as i can remember. The small room that contained only what the robots felt that i needed to survive, a shower, bed, and a screen that only turned on when the robots needed to get a message to the humans. Food was not in any of these rooms as there was a separate building in each of the colony where the rations were given out at each humans specific time slot. I showered and get dressed and ready for work at the sorting plant. I specifically worked in the area right before items went into the plant where the junk was delivered in huge piles that we needed to sort before we could send them into the plant to be cleaned and shipped back out to the robots.
The bell sounded that announced that a new shipment of robot waste had arrived and I couldn't help but feel that today was different than any day before. It was a feeling that i couldn't describe but at the same time wanted to tell everyone i knew about. A feeling that i later realized was going to change my life and everyone else's forever. As i walked my way toward the pile i wouldn't help but notice something was different about it than the rest. Something was differently colored, it just seemed out of place from the other scrap metal and robot corpses that formed together to create the pile of waste. I needed to investigate what it was.
As i grew nearer and nearer i realized that it wasn't just one thing that was out of place, but actually five. Five shells of robots that were out of place, five shells of robots that could have ruled the world, five robot corpses that were created by man for man's benefit. The five robots.
When these five robots were first created, they were designed to have a cockpit in case the robots got out of control so they could be piloted by a human who would bring the robot back to the lab so it would be reprogrammed. But now, these five robots were lying in front of me, with no AI and no pilot...and not batteries to make them run.
I quickly ran back to my room and stood in front of the large gray screen that i saw everyday of my life. The air stood on my arms and neck as i hesitated, thinking about what i was about to do. I couldn't wait any longer, I threw the screen off the wall and watched as it smashed on the floor. I ripped the large battery out of the wreckage along with a fist full of wires. I rushed back to the junkyard as fast as my legs could carry me ignoring the stares and comments from the people i passed. Using the wires I had removed i hooked the battery from the screen into one of the robots and i could see a faint glow coming from inside the cockpit. I crawled inside and manned the controls.
Luckily, the inside of the robot wasn't all that different from the large claw that i used to help sort the items and i maneuvered the levers the bring the robot to its feet. As soon as I did this it triggered an uproar among the people around me, which was exactly what i wanted. With the people watching gathering around me, stopping all the work they were doing it didn't take long for the robot guards to realize something was going on. Two of them rushed from inside the plant to investigate and I watched as looks of astonishment swept across their faces.
Without giving them time to react I pulled the red triggers on the front of the two control sticks i had in both my hands. I heard the clicking noises of latches opening and sliding and then watched a flurry of bright blue lasers fire from the arms of the robot i now controlled.
In an instant it was over as i heard the hallow metallic screams pour from the mouths of the guards and watched as their bodies heaped lifelessly to the ground just as the robot i now controlled was just a few moments before. There was silence. No one moved, no one said anything, no one even breathed, but i knew that this wouldn't last. There would be more guards, stronger guards, we needed to act fast. I just needed those first two corpses that smoldered in front of me to prove to my fellow humans that we could make a stand, that we were still the dominant beings in this planet, and I was going to take it all the way to the robot that started it all to get things back to the way they were before.
I turned around and to face all the eyes staring straight into mine. I took a deep breath and spoke clearly through the robots voice amplifier. "People...today we take back what is ours."
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