Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1370912-Delinquent
Rated: · Other · Emotional · #1370912
Juvenile Deliquent
Nothing is what I'm feeling, danger is to high of a risk,nothing but run. That's what happens when you feel sad. But its nothing when you get mad.Danger is nothing when you think about running from the cops. I'm the Juvenile Delinquent here. You think it's a danger just to jump of a cliff,that's just stupid. Who said it couldn't happen. I'm going to be the truth inside to tell you when to run. Don't run from the truth. Yeah I know I hurt you but I can't let you be the delinquent here. I'm not in love nor like. I'm in high waters that flooded my hole that I dug myself into. I'm going to die if I can't fill my hole with dirt. It's a long road I'll have to take. I'm on death row. I was accused of murder. In a couple of minutes I'll be dead after trial. People just never gave me half the chance. At least you got a family that cares and a brother to hold. I have nothing, just my padded walls that are as hot as my temper has been running. I wish I had been at my house when the murder happened. I'm innocent. Why won't they believe me? It's going to be a hard decision to let me or my friend die. Just because I don't want to die doesn't mean I'll live. You don't have to choose. They are coming , my time is up soon. I have to go now. I'm in a hole filled with water. I'm the angel who had drowned for my friend. What was his name? I don't really know him. I have a lot more to live for. I just can't believe I'm the juvenile delinquent. As I think of God and you . I chose both. I want both. Heaven and Earth. What should I choose? Hell in high waters is something that comes to mind. You can live my life if anything gets to hard for you. Just think of no family. I'm the last but the first to know who I really care about. Where are my parents and family? I was left here. Hanging on to all I have. But all I had was a bad full of nothing and a prize that was you. I'm headed out to the court. I'm not paying any attention. I want to spend my last seconds with you. Thanks for helping me out. Delinquents never win. I'm going to go through a lot of pain. For better not worst right? Your told me not to let you go. Your the only thing I had. Are you really what I needed? Or are you mine? I'm in a smaller room that feels big to me. These peeps hover over me. I feel really small. No way out. Hurts. I'm in court, my life runs low. I just can't help that I'm dieing. I just swore on the Bible and here the trial is. Of course this is the danger you find yourself in. I feel tired. No way out. Lonely. Who's on my side? No one. Like I said delinquents never win. The trial had just ended. The small room closed which contained my heart.. I have to get out. No way out. Where can I go? This is what I don't know. One to many. Questions run through and out of you lil' head. Hearts are opened but closed to comments. Don't care. Just a lil' scared. Should I run or die? Why is this on my half of the guilt? Run I tell you run. Away far away. Just think I'm in the Heavens smiling down. The air is you I breathe. I just need your strength. Dangerous to be where your at. Dangerous to be even close to you. Back away. My life is a nothing to everything which is you. I can't believe my eyes. I'm running. Danger. Danger. I'm running from danger. I hear a gun go off but I'm still running through the crowd. Nothing but no one stands. Finally I see a light the light of destination. Sweat I feel running down my face. But yet I feel nothing because danger is a high risk for how deep I'm in. The rain keeps pouring. World still circling. Nothing is what stops. I'm still breathing. Stop is what going through my mind. Nothing is nothing. This hole is going to cave. No one else to blame. Don't fall, keep going. Dangerous to be here. Dangerous to see you to feel you. Danger is a high risk. To high for this water I'm in. Dark is what all around me. But you are my light. But as I look around my light is gone. I'm in the dark. Then I felt something. Something in my hand. A gun. I pulled it out and was going to shoot. Shoot is not the answer. Run is not the answer. Stop is what I did. I looked back. Dropped what I felt. Sweat running down my face. My hands feel clammy. I see you, I feel you, I kiss you. Nothing just nothing to say. Nothing to get back. Don't know what. Don't know where. Complications and politics. No one. Nothing but the light shining in my hole. Far to much to handle. Far to much to care. Rain stops raining. Sun stops shining. Dark fall apond me once again. You. Just you is my mind. How can I win? I'm a delinquent. No where to go. Nothing is what I have to do. God will take care of me. Love, Don't know what love is. Explain, what’s the explanation? Delinquents never win. Feel, I felt your hand. Take, you took me to Heaven. Love, love is you. Am I a delinquent? Delinquents never win. I'm not the juvenile delinquent no longer.
© Copyright 2008 Amber Leigh (amberleigh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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