Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1370095-Pig-in-a-Blanket
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1370095
the story of a curious little pig...a picture book maybe?
Pig in a Blanket

        One cool spring day, It lay there. Just inside the pigpen’s railing, It lay there. Mr. Farmer didn’t get It on his rounds. Mrs. Farmer didn’t get It when she brought in the laundry. Farmer Jr. Didn’t even get It when he threw the slop in the trough. Nope, It just lay there all day long.

        It was blue and square. Mama Pig said to stay away from It. She didn’t know if It was safe, or what It was. But, the piglets didn’t listen, they never did.

        The sun set on the old pen, and It was still there. Of course, right after Mama Pig went to sleep the piglets got up. The oldest, Peter went first. He always did. He seemed to find trouble wherever it hid.

        Peter walked up to It. He touched the very tip of his snout to It. Then, he ran back fast. It smelled like strange flowers. But, It didn’t hurt him.

        “No, Peter! Don’t go back!” called the other piglets.

        Peter just flipped his curly tail at them and walked back up to It. This time he climbed in It. Surprisingly It was soft in the box thing. It wasn’t a bit scratchy like the hay box. The other piglets decided It must be safe and started inching up to It. Peter ignored them and curled up in It’s deep folds. It felt so good and hid Peter from sight. So much so, that Peter fell fast asleep. The others kept creeping closer.

        A loud slam made them scurry away. The piglets ran back toward the barn. No one stopped to see what Peter was doing. He still lay fast asleep in It. The noise hadn’t woken him up!

        Farmer Jr. ran toward the pigpen. “There you are Blanky! I missed you! I‘ve been looking everywhere for you!”

        The piglets just watched as the littlest farmer bent over and picked It up, Peter and all! They watched him carry It and Peter away from the pen. The piglets didn’t know what to do, so they started squealing helplessly. They woke Mama Pig up and told her what happened and she started squealing too!

        Inside the house, Farmer Jr. carried Blanky and Peter up the stairs to his bedroom. He didn’t know that Peter hid inside the creases of the laundry, fast asleep. The boy dropped the laundry basket on his bedroom floor and crawled under the quilt on his bed. Peter awoke with a start! When his eyes opened, he saw that he wasn’t in the familiar pigpen anymore. In a panic, Peter tried to wiggle out of his soft trap. His moving woke up Farmer Jr., and he started screaming.

        Mrs. Farmer ran into the room with Mr. Farmer on her heels. “What’s a matter with you, son?”

        “There’s a monster in my room!” cried Farmer Jr. with tears in his eyes.

        “Now, son! There’s no such thing as a monster,” Mr. Farmer said.

        “Yes, there is! And one’s in my floor!” said Farmer Jr.

        About that time, Peter ran out from underneath the folded clothes and scrambled to the floor. Mrs. Farmer and Farmer Jr. both screamed.

        “See? I told you there was a monster in my room!” said Farmer Jr.

        Peter started squealing, as he ran out the bedroom door and down the steps. Footsteps pounded after him as he ran. Farmer Jones was following him. Peter felt tears well up in his eyes. Would he ever see Mama Pig again, or his brothers and sisters? Peter ran as fast as his short legs could carry him. He ran through the living room. He ran through the dining room. And, he even ran through the kitchen. He couldn’t get away from Mr. Farmer.

        “Come back here, you beast!” Mr. Farmer yelled at Peter.

        Peter felt something hard and bristly crashed down beside him. He just squealed louder and ran faster. The broom slapped the floor beside him again. Peter was sure he’d never get to see Mama Pig again.

        “What is it, James?” asked Mrs. Farmer, coming down the steps.

        “It’s one of those blasted baby piglets!” said Mr. Farmer as he ran after Peter.

        Peter felt a hard hand grab his back foot. He squealed and kicked with his legs, trying to get away. But, he wasn't letting go. Mr. Farmer wouldn’t let go.

        Peter had never been so frightened before, as Mr. Farmer picked him up. Peter was surprised to feel a hand supporting his feet and tummy. “This little guy has some spunk in him.” Mr. Farmer laughed to Mrs. Farmer.

        “You’d better take him up to Gary’s room and show him. He still thinks you’ve been chasing a monster through the farmhouse.” Mrs. Farmer said.

        So, Peter felt himself moving, but the hand never moved from under him. Maybe this isn’t so bad, Peter thought to himself.

        “AHHHH!” screamed Farmer Jr. “Get rid of it Daddy! I don’t want no monsters in my room!”

        “Easy, son. This is no monster. It’s only a baby piglet.” Mr. Farmer said.

        Farmer Jr. looked at Peter questioningly, “Well, how come it got in my room?”

        Mr. Farmer used his free hand and stroked his coarse beard before answering. “Don’t reckon I know, Gary. But, I’m guessing it got tied up in the laundry that was left out today and you carried it in when you brought in the last basket of clothes.”

        Farmer Jr. got up out of is bed and stood inches away from Peter. Peter trembled violently as he reached out a finger and rubbed his head. Peter realized that the scratching felt good. He closed his eyes. He liked this Farmer Jr. person.

        After a good and long scratch, Farmer Jr. looked up at Mr. Farmer. “Can I keep him?”

        “Here in your room, absolutely not!” cried Mrs. Farmer.

        “Why not, Opal? It’d be good for Gary and the piglet too, I’d wager.” Mr. Farmer said.

        “So, I can keep him?” questioned Farmer Jr. once more.

        “I don’t see why not, son. But he’ll be your responsibility, and when he gets bigger he’ll have to move back out to the pigpen.” Mr. Farmer replied.

        “Okay, Pops!” cried Farmer Jr. “I’ll take him out first thing in the morning to say hello to his friends out in the pen.”

        Mr. Farmer laughed at that, but he turned to leave. Mrs. Farmer still looked doubtful, but she followed Mr. Farmer out the bedroom door. Farmer Jr. tucked Peter into the bed blankets with him, and closed his eyes. Peter had never been so comfortable and happy. He’d even get to go out and visit with Mama Pig and his brothers and sisters. It wasn’t long before Peter fell fast asleep beside Farmer Jr.

© 2007 Heidi R. Norrod
© Copyright 2008 HeidiNorrod (heidi_norrod at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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