Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1369984-Something-is-happening-to-me
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1369984
I am on my own journey. It's absolutely unreal.Come join me, those of you that dare.
The strangest thing is happening to me.

I think that I am a living angel. Remember that saying…There are angels among us. Well, I believe I am one of them. Truth is, I have always suspected that there was something different about me. It was never a physical thing. It was more like something spiritual, something deep within my soul. Not a day goes by, that I don’t learn more and more about whom I am. I have learned that I am part of the bloodline belonging to that of an or the great Divine one. I also have learned that I have not one, but two, guardian angels that look after and guide me. There is also a very famous Saint that follows me around. His name is Anthony. Most people have only one guardian angel.

Now, I know that this may be hard to swallow, and I can barely believe it myself, but I am able to see things that most normal people can not. There are vast numbers of living angels among us. I have come to know quite a few of them. All wonderful, and unique in their own ways. My job here on this earth is to contact them. Make them see that they too are angels. Most of the people that I do touch base with already know that they are angels. It scares them half to death, when they are first approached about their secret, but they are very quick to become involved in deep conversations regarding their newfound status. I love bringing the angel out of everyday otherwise normal people. Their eyes literally light up. The part in their brain that has and always did have the information that I bring out of them truly comes alive. Usually, they are not startled or set aback. It’s almost as if they have been waiting silently for someone to come along and pull the information out of them. Once I have opened up the line of communication, between their hidden angel within and mine, many, and I do mean many, doors open for them.

The angels that guide me through all my journeys are Michael, whom is the Arc Angel of all angels. He is the right hand man of the almighty Divine one. He protects and guides all of the other angels and souls. His love and devotion is indefinite. He has vast power and knowledge. He is the ultimate expert of the secret. Gabriel is the other angel that guides me. Gabriel is famous for pulling goodness and artistic talents from people. If he is your guardian angel, then you are a server. Someone whom gives of themselves for others. He is one of my favorite angels. There are many more, but like I said, I am just learning about this fascinating phenomenon. Saint Anthony is with me also. He is not only the patriot Saint of travel; he also is very good at finding lost articles. His specialty is finding lost souls, but, if called upon, he’ll also help you find your lost keys. There is one other angel or Saint that follows me, but I have not as of yet acquired his or her name. What I do know is that he or she is full of energy, patience, humor, trust, and faith.

With all these talents, it’s no wonder that I have stumbled across the reasons, as to why I am where I am today. Discovering that I may be of the Divine blood, would in turn lead me to believe that my offspring would be of the same sweet blood. As I look at my children, I have three, I see that they are lost souls. Waiting for and wandering what the answers are. There is, however one of my children that I have been working with. Things are going very well with him. He seems to know as much of and sometimes more about this stuff than I do. Working with your family, is much harder than working with strangers. I have a few grandchildren also, but can only see one that is blessed with the Divine bloodline. I know it sounds crazy, but if you think about it, someone had to have passed it to me. Therefore, making me responsible to keep it going. Maybe my mother was of the same Divine bloodline. Looking back now, she truly was a Saint. I have come to learn that I have been around in existence for many, many years. I have come and gone several times. I am what they call, an old soul. Each time I come back, with more and more knowledge and understanding of how “it” works.

In my teachings, (of course guided and assisted by some of the best in the business) I try to expose the forgotten but highly effective “Golden Rule.” Michael. I also try to bring out in people, their hidden talents. Sometimes referred to as God given talents. I plead with people all the time, to take all that they can, in and live this life to the fullest. Life is too short as we know it. The more you experience, the more you’ll learn. Thus enabling you to be much more capable of understanding the complexity of reality and our own ability to expose the unknown.  Gabriel.
I travel extensively. Searching and looking for lost souls and unknown answers. Anthony assists and protects me in my travels. He helps me find what I am looking for. My unknown angel/saint helps me to get it all done and still live a somewhat normal life. I teach through my unknown angel the aspects of simplicity, happiness, and acceptance.

As you browse through my words, I know that I have touched you in some way. Maybe, I have touched you to the point where you believe that I am a true nut case. Or maybe, just maybe, I’ve touched you to the point where, “that” part of your brain has suddenly, come alive. I hope, however I have touched you, that you will at least walk away from these words, with just a little bit more wisdom than you used to have. I’ll be returning back to “my reality” now, so I can continue on with my never-ending search. I’d like to say one more thing to you. Thank-You for being my travel companion for the last few minutes.

I’m sure we’ll meet again. Until that time…Be Safe.
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