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Rated: · Poetry · Spiritual · #1369834
Devotional Poem to Jesus
The azure blue of the sky
is spread like a canvas tethered to the horizons
and the sun in all its glory shines
as the day slowly passes by

The heart beats a heavy beat
not lazy just steady
as if waiting for a melody
to kindle it with joy

What joy it knows naught
for it knows not the way
but with faltering steps has sought
the glory of THY face


My words never really take form
At least not the form that I want them to
And when they do
They just don't ring true

I feel as if I have shot wide
very wide off the mark
and my time I slowly bide
before I hear Your hark

In the beginning was the 'Word'
And the 'Word' was with Him
And then the Word became flesh
to save my fragile soul

Make what YOU want to make of it

Make what You want to make of it
My feet are of clay
I dream of standing tall
but fall every day

My only hope lies
In You walking by my side
take my arm and lead me
for my steps go astray

Your one refrain I desire
more than all my shallow pride
for then I will know I have the blessing
of knowing the human from Divine

Of meter rhyme and Verse

Of meter rhyme and verse
I know not much
yet I feel a strong desire

to string words
to a song of love
of praise
to Your heavenly name

But what the mind conjures
the heart rejects
as it waits for You
to pave the way

And then in my being
I feel the melody of Your music
Created in time but timeless
of space but infinite

I long for a true note
and then I hear it
in my breast
and my pen is laid to rest

This YOU have bestowed upon me

A breath in my lungs
A beat in my heart
Blood in my veins
and Your reflection in my form
This You have bestowed upon me

A creation so brilliant
I cannot even begin to understand
Spread wide in time and space
Created to give me a space
This You have bestowed upon me

A companion to love and share my days
To keep me away from loneliness and despair
So that I may know to give and receive
Love, which is one of Your many names
This You have bestowed upon me

A love so deep that I cannot even fathom
My sinful self you didn't abandon
Your only Son You gave up freely
To break the shackles of Satan's tyranny
This You have bestowed upon me

That I may stand in Your Presence
Without shame or guilt
but with humility
and Thou may look upon my face
and receive me as Your child
Your promise of infinite worth
This too You have bestowed upon me

And You still say
"Ask and you shall receive"
This fool has not much sense
So he asks for something plain
In all my walking days
From Your presence don't let me stray
Then Blessed shall be all my days

The Morning Dew

The morning dew rests lightly
on a tender blade of grass
And in a mist the fog rises
from the calm surface of the earth

The day has not yet begun
it is the silent beat of time
between heartbeats

And it brings to mind
the time when creation began
'And His Spirit
hovered over the waters'

The Call

I wandered so many paths
desperately seeking one
that would quench the longings
of my ever seeking soul

Some promised wealth
others fame
knowledge and wisdom too
were bartered on some trails

But I knew not what I was seeking
so the thrill never lasted
and the longing in the soul
felt like a heavy load

Then You called
And offered
Unconditional Love
As an ever abiding truth

In Your Hands

I wake up in the dead of the night
with sweat on my brow
and I re live the horror of my dream
where I unwittingly barter my soul

Bartered it to the very devil himself
and for what I know not
but I don't have the power to stop
my own lifeless hand

My breathing is hard
and I look around
the night is quiet
as peaceful as THY word
and I realize You
my Awesome Lord
will always have me in Your hand.

The Morning

The sun is yet to rise in the East
there is just a faint glow
of shades of red
in the distant horizon
but it is enough
for Thy glory to show

My senses are yet not fully awake
And my steps are slow
They take a little while
to adjust to this life giving light
But my heart does rejoice
'today it will have another chance of knowing You

The Market

The merchants set up their wares
in this busy bazzar
of endless human activity
everything is for sale
some times 'precious' goes for so little
it is a wonder that we even survive

I feel like an empty earthenware
polished and decorated on the outside
but just a tap on the smooth exterior reveals
what's lacking on the inside

But then as if in answer
to my unheard cry of anguish
You slowly fill me up
And my soul rejoices
For what can be more life giving
Than knowing Your love


Is there a thread
that I could take a hold of
and it would lead me on
to fulfill my destiny

Is there a thought
that I could grasp
and it would reveal to me
What You want my purpose to be

I struggle to find them
my search comes up empty
till I realize
my only purpose is to Love and Know You

My Lord

Why does the heart so despair
Of what is is yet to be
Why does the mind so fear
Of what the future may bare

There is still a fight to fight
A chance to win
You strengthen the weak
and give hope even in despair

Why should I fear my mortal enemies
or what they might do to me
I will sing a song of praise to You
and Your name shall be me battle cry

And while there is breath in me
I will still seek Your Face
and tomorrow may bring whatever fate
In Your hand I shall always be.

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