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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1369406
A young boy, torn from his family and forced to live on his own.

Far off on the planet Zardreb, two Gen’s spend their evening training outside their home.  A father and son working hard to better themselves, learning many things from one another.  Balthezar, the son of great promise and strength. For years, his parents told him that he would be a great asset to the universe. That he could make things right again.  Xanagar his father spends his nights training his son so that he can one day be as proud and honorable as himself.  His mother Pandara spends her night inside their quaint home studying their family photo album while waiting for the oven timer to ding.  Sitting their in her favorite rocker she smiles as the memories all start flooding back to her. As the oven timer dings she runs over to it in anticipation.  Excitedly pulling out a moderately sized birthday cake for her son. “He’ll love it” she says under her breath.  The entire kitchen has been decorated for his party, with a few small presents sitting on the table next to the cake and the best present of them all in the back so he wouldn’t find it.  The cake was iced with his favorite colors, red and black, covered with seventeen candles.  “Perfect everything is ready.” “Boy’s, its time to come inside and wash up.” She says to Xanagar and Balthezar as she watches them train. 
         “Race you inside son” “Just don’t let me win dad or I’ll have to take you down like I did out here.” “Fair enough kiddo.”
         “Awesome, new training gear, this stuff’s been getting a little worn out.” He said laughing with his parents. “Your mother and I felt you shouldn’t have to train naked so we thought you would like it.” “Well thank you guys for the gifts they are awesome.” “What, you think that’s all you’re getting? Give us more credit than that kid. Why don’t you come with me to the back.” “What did you guys get me?” He asked in anticipation. “Alright, your mother and I put a lot of thought into this gift for you and we think that you are ready for it.” Pulling the tarp back he revealed the nicest bike Balthezar had ever seen in his life. “Whoa, wait a second. You guys actually bought me a bike. I love it, thank you guys so much.” He exclaimed trying to choke back the tears while running to hug his parents. “Can I take it out for a test drive tonight?” “Well it is kind of late, but I guess. Just don’t be out too late.” “I promise I love you guys.” He said as he kissed is mom and hugged his dad just before jumping on his new toy and speeding away from the house. “I hope he’s going to be okay.” Pandara said with concern in her voice. “He’ll be fine” replied Xanagar. “He’s a strong kid.” He said as he kissed his wife on the forehead, watching their son drive off.
                                       Later that night
         Outside their home Xanagar and Pandara hear footsteps and someone yelling out orders.  Boom, boom, boom crash. Was the sound the door made as the leader of the group kicked it in.  Inside sat Pandara while Xanagar stood in front of her hands balled in a fist ready to take him on.  “Oh please, you know you don’t stand a chance old man, so just be smart and hand him over,” Said the man with a slight chuckle in his voice.  “Over my dead body” Xanagar replied, trying hard not to let fear come through his voice. “Well that can be arranged low level, that can be arranged.” He said smiling in shear delight.  Xanagar wasted no time and lunged at his opponent making the first move. Throwing his first punch he hit him dead in the jaw only to see the offender shrug it off as it being hit by a bug. “My turn” said the other man.  He back handed him across the room causing Pandara to get up and move towards him holding only a mace ready to kill him if necessary.  The man had other plans, he move around her so fast she wasn’t able to react in time.  While behind her he grabbed the mace and pulled her closer while punching her square in back instantly dropping her to the floor.  “Sir, there is no sign the boy; what should we do now?” “Go wait in the ship; I’ll finish off these two. Meanwhile outside the house in back Balthezar walked his bike up to park while trying to be as quiet as possible he was sure he would be in trouble for coming in so late.  While he was climbing in the window he heard a loud crash in other room, “What the hell was that” he said to himself as he ran into the other room.  But as he got to the room he heard the snapping of his father’s neck and saw the man who was responsible stand there with his foot on his neck smiling like he had just won a wonderful prize. 
         Standing there in front of the man looking at the horror around him couldn’t believe what had just happened. “WH-What have you done, you, you monster.” He yelled clenching his fist.  “Well let’s just say I solved both our problems. The first problem being I wanted those two dead and now they are.  The second being they were holding you back and now aren’t, so really you should be thanking for what I did.  “How could you do this to them, you of all people?” he said with a tear running down his face.  It was at that moment he lost all control of his emotions.  Happiness, completely gone and anger and sadness taking hold instead, now more than ever.  An explosion of power came through his body, a power he had never felt before that night.  A power so amazing he felt as if he take on anything.  At that same moment his hair turned bright blue, and every muscle on his body grew an inch larger than before.  His eyes turned blood red and were filled with a lust for vengeance and blood.  His body was surrounded in a dark blue flame as well.  “You’ll pay for what you did to them, that I promise” he said as he lunged at the killer in front of him.  “Stupid kid, you cant’ stop me” he exclaimed as he jumped in the air and kicked Balthezar in the face.  As soon as he realized he needed to use more force than he originally thought.  He immediately powered up, sending the boy into the wall.  With one quick energy blast, he spat on the broken child.  Assuming he was dead, he headed for his ship. 
         A few hours later Balthezar awoke to find everything he saw that night was real and he was hurt worse than he thought.  He could barely move.  When he was able to stand and walk he mad his way to the closest neighboring house to ask for help.  It was the house of one of his closest friends Alexandria.  As the door to the house opened up he dropped to the floor.  “Help me Lexi, please.” Were his last words before collapsing on the ground.  He awoke the next morning in a cold sweat not knowing where he was and feeling the pain from the previous night, realizing it was all more real than the bed he was lying on.  “Lexi?” he called out, not wanting to be alone.  “I’m right here” she replied running into the room.  “ungh”  “Please Balthezar lay down you aren’t a hundred percent yet, you have to rest.”  She said in a concerned tone.  “God, he really did a number on me didn’t he.” “Who did a number on you B.” “It was my brother, Xander.  My guess is he was coming to take me with him to join him in his quest for power, but instead left me for dead.” “I guess it’s a good thing you fooled him isn’t it.” “Hell I even fooled myself for a minute.” He said trying to laugh without hurting himself.  “Did you go over and see?” “Yes, I needed to know for myself what had you so beaten up last night.” “Do me a favor Lexi.” “Yeah, of course.” “Don’t ever do something like that again.  You could’ve gotten yourself killed.  What if someone had come me back for me to make sure I was dead and saw you there, they would’ve killed right there.” “I’m sorry I was just worried.” “I know thanks.” “I seem to remember a time about three years go when our position was reversed and you were helping me out, it’s a nice change to finally get to help you.”  Balthezar just smiled while looking at her.  They had grown so close in the past three years together.  “What are you going to do now?” “Not sure I want to have a small funeral, but from there… Maybe clean up the house, and go.  There’s a ship in the garage that is set for a planet called earth, my parents went there before I was born and said it was a beautiful planet and a nice place to stay.” “Well until you’ve healed you’re not going anywhere and to be honest I like getting to spend that time with you.” She said to him smiling, holding his hand.  “Yeah, me too.”
         Now Balthezar and Alexandria have only been friends for about three years now, but they have been closer than most people who have known one another for a lot longer.  The met one another when they were only fifteen years old.  The night these two met was a night neither of them will ever forget.  It was a cool outside that evening, and Balthezar told his parents not to worry about picking him up from school.  He planned on walking home for a change.  As he was walking he saw Alexandria run past with a scared look on her face.  Three older guys ran after her carrying make shift weapons.  Now of course he had no idea who she was at the time, but was damn sure he wasn’t going to let anything happen to her.  So he followed them to an alley about three blocks away his school.  As he started to get closer to them he heard her scream at them to get away and could see that she was backed into a corner and they were beginning to surround her leaving her defenseless.  At that moment it was clear to him what they were planning and what he needed to do to stop it.  “Hey, didn’t you mothers ever teach you that it isn’t nice to pick on girls?  Why don’t you try me on instead and leave her alone.”  “Leave kid, before you get hurt.  This is your only warning.” Said the first thug, briefly looking back at him and them focusing back on Alexandria as he started walking towards her gripping a chain he was holding tightly in his right hand.  Balthezar didn’t waist time.  Jumped in immediately, flying so fast none of them even saw him fly over them and land in front of her.  “I said stop! Now that is your last warning.”  The first thug was tired of this and decided to swing at our young hero while running at him.  Without even so much as a glance at what was going on Balthezar ducked away from the thug’s swing, twisting his right arm away from is body and punching him square in the stomach sending him straight to the ground.  The other two thugs stepped in ready to take him down, one holding an oversized wrench and the other a baseball bat.  Both thugs swung at him at the same time, but neither could catch him in time as he dodged both swings swiftly kicking the first of the two in the side of his face while spinning mid air and doing the same to the second thug sending them both into the opposite walls of the alley.  “Now I think the smart thing for you three to do is leave and let this young lady be, like I had suggested before.”  Without hesitation the three stood up and ran as far as they could before collapsing on the ground again.  Balthezar looked back at the girl and could tell she was still a bit shaken up and a little scraped up as well.  “Don’t worry there gone now.  Did they hurt you any before I got here?” She shook her head slowly.  Balthezar noticed the clothes she was wearing were very worn and dirty almost like she had been wearing them for days.  “Here, I’ll take you home.  Don’t worry everything will be okay I promise.” He said stretching out is hand to her with a kind look in his eyes that she hadn’t seen in a very long time.  As she took hold his hand and started to stand up she became very faint and fell back to the ground with Balthezar quickly reaching down with his other hand to catch her.  He picked her up and flew her to his house.  A few hours later she came to and saw Balthezar sitting over her holding a cold rag to her head gently patting it to keep her cool.  “What happened?” she asked disoriented and confused about her where she was.  “Well, long story short you fainted and I flew you here to take care of you.  My parents are here to but they went to bed not that long ago.  I have some clean clothes for you if you would like them, and if you are hungry I can make you something.” “Actually I am starving and I think that’s why I fainted I haven’t had anything to eat in a while.” “How long is a while exactly?” “I think about three days.”  She told him confirming his original suspicions.  “Well you go get cleaned up and I’ll make you some late night dinner.  How’s that sound to you?” “That sounds great. Thank you, I really appreciate every thing you have done for me.” “Hey, it was my pleasure.”  After she ate and she was feeling a little better he decided that he should ask her about why her clothes were so messed up and why she hadn’t eaten I three days.  “So tell me, why haven’t you eaten in three days?” “Well, I ran away from home about a year ago and I have been living anywhere I can and eating whatever I can when it comes available.  I pretty much take it one day at a time.”  Balthezar looked puzzled and asked,  “Why did you run away from home?” “To be honest I am not the most normal girl you could ever meet and my parents couldn’t take it.  I finally got tired of being called a freak so I left.” “What do you mean normal?”  He asked wondering himself what normal really is.  “I am telekinetic and telepathic.  The only reason I couldn’t stop those goons earlier was cause of how tired and hungry I was.  How about you, you don’t seem all that normal either.” “Yeah I’m not; I’m actually from another planet.  That’s how I can do the things I can do.” “Oh, I see.  Well it’s a good thing that you’re not normal, for my sake at least.” She said with a laugh.  He smiled  “Don’t even worry about it.  Listen for tonight I want you to take my bed until we can find you something permanent.” He said pointing to his room.  “Are you sure you don’t mind, I mean don’t want to be a bother.” “Oh please I’m more of a bother than you could ever be. I insist.” “Well thanks again.”  She said as she walked to his room and went to sleep almost immediately.  The next morning his parents talked to the family next door who had an extra room and she lived moved in with them and when she turned sixteen she went out and got a job so that she could help out as much as she could with there expenses.  She also spent her years with Balthezar training her mind so that one day she could realize her full potential.  From that point they have only grown closer to one another.   

A few days later, after resting and getting his strength back, he went ahead and buried his parents behind the house where he felt they rightfully belonged.  He spent the rest of his time cleaning the house up and making it secure and ready for him to leave soon.  While in his parents room he found his father’s most prized possession, the sword that King Nechtu gave him after helping ward off some unwanted invaders, and packed it up with his new bike and other things he would be bringing with him.  Also while in his parent’s room he found a note inside an envelope addressed to him from his parents and decided he would read it on the way to earth.  Soon after he finished with is home he locked it up and went to see Alexandria again.  “Alexandria I want you to come with me there is room for one more person in the ship if you would like to join me.  What do you say?” “Of course I’ll go with you.  I have been hoping you would ask for the past week.  I couldn’t stand not seeing you all the time if you left.” “I’m so glad your coming.”  He told her as he pulled her close.  Soon after, they got in the ship and were headed off to earth to see what else was in store for them. 
                                       THE LETTER
         Dear Balthezar,
                   If you’re reading this then it is clear that both your father and I have died, and you are on you way to earth.  I am deeply sorry that I cannot be there with you on this journey.  You should know that your father and I are very proud of you and the man you have become.  We will always be with you and will always be watching you.  Your ship is programmed for our homes coordinates so you should be there in no time.  Your ship is also cloaked so you don’t get any unwanted attention when you arrive.  Take care of yourself and Alexandria.  I love you son, and I always will. Goodbye.

         When Xander was only fifteen he realized what he wanted out of life.  It was only one thing, power, and lots of it.  He knew the only way to get what he wanted was to go off on his own and take it by any means necessary.  He tried to convince his family that his way was the right one but they would not listen.  He considered them all weak and ran away to obtain the power that he so desperately sought.  After spending a few weeks alone he had a run in with a group of fighters.  They took him down with ease, as they did with most of their victims, but their leader could see the boy had the heart of killer, and decided he should take him under his wing.  He took him to his commander, Jada, and let her decide for herself.  She quickly decided that he should join.  She was a ruthless dictator that wanted to kill all those who opposed and use those she could manipulate.  Xander trained very hard to gain her respect and killed anyone is his way.  Even when those who had recruited him began to be in his way, or for some of them when Jada ordered him to. 
         Xander remembered that Balthezar was very young when he set off on his quest and wanted to take him under his wing when he had established himself.  By this point in his life he had indeed gained the respect of Jada and was made her highest commander.  He recruited the best and the strongest and that is why he wanted to give his brother the chance to join.  Even if he needed training, he new he would be an asset.  When he went to take him though his brother did not agree, and was left for dead.  Because of Xander, Balthezar had reached the sacred form of the Super Gen. At the time of the fight he did not show his surprise and astonishment because he new if he did it would have given the boy the upper hand.  Even after all of his years of training, he did he had still not reached the legendary level and he knew he never would.  In order to become a Super Gen one had to be pure of heart and soul and Xander, was far from pure.  He had become stronger than most Super Gen’s could ever be.  Even though he had kicked Balthezar to the ground, it still took everything he had to do that.             
         Balthezar and Alexandria spent several days trying to settle in, and prepare for the stay in their new home.  He realized while they were getting their house just the way they liked it, that he had not taken his eyes off the beautiful Alexandria.  He had never felt like this for anyone he had ever met.  He was in love with her, and wanted to be by her side for rest of their lives.  She felt the same way about them.  Even though they hadn’t said it allowed to one another they both knew how the other felt.  They both got settled in and set off to find jobs, and become established in their new town.           
Several weeks later they had found jobs and started their training again so they could keep some routine about their days.  His father had built a Gravity room in the basement of their spacious house.  The house had two levels and the basement.  His father used the Basement for his training and exercise.  By this point they had become a couple, and were very happy.  Late into the night, Balthezar had become wrestles in his sleep and began talking, and moving about.  By this point Alexandria had awoken and tried to wake him, but was unable to do so.  She reluctantly tried to enter his mind, but was blocked by something or someone.  She became very worried about what was hurting her love.  She sat there next to him and held his hand and it seemed to quiet his movements ever so slightly. 
         Deep inside Balthezar’s mind, he stood there wide-eyed and speechless while he stared at his mother.  Since there death he had had many dreams about his mother and father but this one was different, it felt as if she was really there.  “Mother, is-is that you?”  “Yes, my son it is me.  I have come here to deliver you a message.”  “I have missed you so much mother.  The only way I have made it this far is because of Alexandria.  She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”  “I know my dear; I have been watching you and I could not be more proud of you.  But that isn’t why I have come to see you.  There is something you should know first though.  About a year before Xander came to take you away I had a vision of him coming so I prepared for it.  That is why you had that letter waiting for you.  I wanted you to be ready.  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner but I knew it was something that had to happen.  I didn’t know when he would be coming or whom he would bring with him, just that he was coming.  But he isn’t done.  He will be coming for you and Alexandria again.”  “How did he find us?  I mean it’s not like I haven’t been preparing for him the past several months, but how could he have known where we are?”  “He hasn’t found you yet but it is will be soon and you mustn’t let your guard down, not even for a second.  He will come hear to kill you and Alexandria and then everyone else here who doesn’t bend to his will.  He is a killer Balthezar, and you will have to stop him.  You survived him before and you will survive him again.”  “I understand.  I wish I didn’t have to deal with this, I mean I’m finally getting to be happy again.  But don’t worry mother, I won’t let you down I will stop him, no matter what and make both you a father proud of me and the man I have become.”  “I’m already proud of you and I know you will, I love you both so much son and I want you two to be happy.  Take care of each other son, and good luck.”  And just like that she was gone, and he was left alone to figure all this out.  He tossed and turned for another moment until he heard a reassuring and familiar voice calling to him.  “Balthezar, honey, please wake up.  It’s okay, just wake up.”  “MOTHER!”  He cried out as he awoke abruptly.  “Its okay baby.  Just take a deep breath.”  “I saw her Lexi, I saw my mother.  It was really her this time and not just a dream.”  “She came to warn me about Xander.”  “What did she say?”  “She told me that soon he would find us, and come to kill us once and for all.  She told me that I had to stop him to make the world safe from him.”  “Well, it’s going to do you no good to worry about all of this right now.  For right now you have to sleep and we can talk about this all tomorrow.”  She said looking into his eyes.  “I don’t know what I would ever do without you Lexi.  I love you so much.”  He said as he laid down holding her close as if he were never going to hold him again.  “I love you to Balthezar, and I always will.”
         The next morning, Balthezar trained diligently focused on his goal and what needed to be done.  He even noticed Lexi was pushing herself to get better as well.  He was very proud of her and everything she did, both for him and herself.  Watching her right then gave him all the energy he needed to try even harder until Xander arrived.  He would be ready to bring down his brother and stop him once and for all.  “So B, What’s the plan, how are we going to take your brother down this time?”  “Well, I am going to train my ass off and you are not going to go near him when he gets here.  I’m not risking your life in this battle.”  “NO!  I’m not just going stand by and watch you risk you life that.”  She yelled, very infuriated.  “I’m not letting you fight him because I’m not going to loose you.  I fought him before and he wiped the floor with me and I was a Super Gen. I may be stronger now but even that’s not a guarantee that I’ll be able to stop him.  So when he gets here you can’t fight him, I plan on taking him far into the desert and killing him there at all costs.”  She tried hard not to, but she fell to her knees and started to cry.  “I don’t want to loose you either, and I’m afraid he’s going to kill you.  I mean you said it yourself, he took you down easily last time and you had become a Super Gen. Yes you’re stronger, but I don’t want to take the chance of loosing you.  I can’t.”  He felt terrible for yelling at her and went over to take her in his arms.  “I’m sorry I yelled, I just don’t want you to fight him.  He is my problem and no one else’s.  I need your help training but I need you to promise you won’t go after him, and I’ll promise that I will come back to you.”  A tear started to stream down his face.  Balthezar never let anybody see him cry, Lexi and his mother were the only two to ever see that.  “I promise, but you better come back to me or I’ll kill him myself.”  She said started to laugh a little.  “Don’t worry it’s going to take more than my dear brother to stop me.  Now you need to go and get ready for work, your going to be late.” He said kissing her forehead.

                             Farther off somewhere in the Creus Nebula
         Two soldiers, both very out of breath, ran down a corridor to deliver the news.  The corridor was very dark and unkempt.  A terrible smell covered the area as if evil itself had a smell.  As both of the grunts entered their master’s chambers they stood at perfect attention, so as to not upset him.  The chambers were much cleaner than the corridor leading to it.  A man sat in front of the two facing several screens that they assumed were the cameras outside the ship.  He was much more interested in the screens than the two soldiers standing there, considering he didn’t even acknowledge their presence.  “Sire we have found the one you seek.”  “Oh, is that so.  Well where, pray tell, is the little creep hiding?”  He asked with a commanding tone in his voice.  “Actually he doesn’t appear to be hiding at all.  He seems to be living on a planet called Earth.”  The man smirked at this comment.  “It’s funny it sounded like you were smarting off to me.”  He said, with a stone cold demeanor as he started to stand and face his subordinates.  The soldier felt his throat tighten and his pulse quicken as the man slowly walked towards them both.  “Now I hope I’m not right and I hope you didn’t just say what I thought you said.  Now where is it that you said he was HIDING?”  “Ear-Earth sire, he’s hiding on Earth.  The coordinate are already programmed into the ships computer.”  “Now that wasn’t so hard now was it?”  He asked the man as he put his palm on his stomach.  “NO-NO, sir please it won’t happen again, I swear.”  “Your right it won’t happen again” He said laughing as he blasted a hole clear through the now dead grunt’s stomach.  “Now go before you join him.”  Without even a yes sir the other soldier ran out of the room as fast as he could make himself, but it wasn’t fast enough.  He sensed an energy blast coming from behind and turned around just in time to see his master smiling in a way that would make the strongest of stomachs turn and a blast that tore his head clean off.
         “Captain,”  “Yes sir” Said the man standing up to salute him.  “How much longer until we reach Earth?”  “Approximately Eight month’s sir.”  “Alert me the moment we have reached the planet, understood?”  “Yes sir.” Said the captain as sweat started to bead down his brow.  “Well, I’ll see you soon, little brother.” He said with a low chuckle
         “What the hell is the meaning of this, why are we stopping?”  He asked clenching his fist, ready to kill everyone on the bridge.  “I am, you insolent piece of garbage.” Said a voice so beautiful and yet deadly at the same time.  She stood about 5’7” and was very slim and breathtaking.  Although she looked small and dainty, she was far from it.  She was feared by many and killed those who got in her way.  She ruled many galaxies and destroyed many planets along the way.  “Empress Jada, my apologies, had I known you were coming I…” “Silence.” Immediately he quit talking.  He knew she could have him killed at a moments notice.  “Tell me Xander, what is this trip I’ve heard so little about?”  “Well my lady, it seems my team has found my brother and I am on my way to finish him once and for all.” His voice became shaky as she slowly walked towards him and sat in his chair.  “If I do recall, I ordered you to deal with him almost a year ago.”  “Yes Ma’am and at the time we sensed no power level and”  “And you still didn’t think to actually finish him off.  Tell me, what you have planned for your next trick.  Are you actually going to kill him or just dazzle him like before?”  She said looking down at him from his chair as to say you are nothing but dirt to me.  Trying hard to look her in the eyes, he started to apologize but stopped himself.  He knew she would kill him for such weaknesses.  “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”  “I assure you my lady nothing will stand in my way this time.  I will make sure that the vermin is taken care of.  In less than eight months we will arrive on earth and in less than eight months, my brother will be dead.”  “We’ll see about that, won’t we?  Don’t let me down, or I’ll just kill you.” She said walking towards the loading deck to board her ship. 
                                       Six months later
         “Computer, run simulation x5663.” Said Lexi while watching Balthezar from the control room.  “Good luck B.”  “Thanks hun.” He said preparing for the gravity to change and for the droids to come at him.  Both Lexi and Balthezar were good with computers and knew how to get what they wanted from them.  They had found over a hundred training programs that his father had created while they were staying on Earth and he started using them.  He hadn’t needed to make many changes in them and was training with them in no time.  Over the past six months he had become very strong and felt that he was ready for Xander.  Even Alexandria had progressed substantially.  She had the heart and strength of a warrior and that helped him know that she would be okay, no matter the obstacle.  As the gravity in the room increased his pulse quickened and he closed his eyes to prepare himself.  The first thing he sensed was a blast from behind him.  He flipped over it, turned, and punched the droid into the wall.  Two more came out after him.  He evaded both of their attacks, throwing one of them into the wall and blasting the other into the same wall.  Three more came out this time, and he knew he would have to step it up a notch.  A barrage of blasts came at him.  The first couple he was able to deflect with his palm and the next couple he had to dodge out of the way of.  He returned in favor to the three droids sending them all the hell.  This went on for about and hour.  “Are you okay B.?”  “Oh yeah it’s going to take more than that to stop me.”  He said trying to catch his breath.  “Well lets get something to eat and call it a day then, how’s that sound oh mighty warrior,” she said with a bit of sarcasm in her voice to poke fun at him.  “I’ll be right there.” He said, turning to go to their room.  He sat down on the bed to catch his breath and his father’s sword caught his eye.  He starred at it wondering what kind of a battle his father fought to earn that prize.  “Don’t worry father I will stop him and avenge you both.” He said with a slight smile.

                                                 Two months later
         “Sir, we are close to planet Earth.”  “How long?” he asked looking at the screen.  “We should be there in a week sir.”  “Good, keep me informed, I’ll be in my chambers.”  “Yes sir”
         While walking to his chambers he wondered how strong his little brother had gotten in the year’s time.  “It won’t matter” he said to himself as he started to laugh to himself.  “Can’t wait to see you little brother.  It’ll be a blast.”

         “Okay you can open your eyes now honey.”  “Lexi, I can’t believe you did this.  Did you make it yourself?”  “Well I hated that you had to keep your fathers sword on the wall with only hooks I figured you would like this better.”  “Well you figured right, I love it.  You’re the best, thank you so much.  I can’t wait to put it up, I’ll” he stopped and starred off like he had just been hit with a two ton brick.  “B. what’s wrong?”  Lexi asked.  He didn’t respond.  He set the mantle on the table and ran out side and flew to the roof.  She ran after him puzzled and worried.  “Balthezar, what’s the matter?” she yelled as she flew after him.  When she got to the roof he was starring at the sky, his brow furrowed.  “It’s him, it’s Xander.  He’s finally found us.” He started to clench is fist but Lexi quickly grabbed his hand.  He looked at her and could tell she didn’t want him to go.  “Well, so much for a nice birthday at home.” He tried to make her smile but she kept her look of contempt and focused on the sky.  “I need you to go inside, he’s close and should be on the planet soon.” “Please, don’t go.  I want you to stay here, or hey let’s get in the ship and leave.  I can’t loose you.”  “I’m sorry I have to, I promise I’ll come back,” He said, while watching tears stream down her face.  “Hey he didn’t kill me last time, and I’m a lot stronger this time, you shouldn’t worry.  Now please go inside, I love you and I will come back.” He kissed her and took to the sky.
He planned for this day for a long time and already had a place in mind.  He wanted it far away from Alexandria and from any cities so no one else would get hurt.  It wasn’t too long after he got there that he sensed Xander a lot closer.  “Damn, he got stronger, but so did I and this time you are going down big brother!” he yelled allowed as if he were right there in front of him.  It wasn’t but an hour later that he could feel Xander flying to his position.  He stood there motionless when he landed and waited for him to make the first move.
“Damn Balthezar, you sure are lucky.  I mean surviving this long and on
top of that; I’m a lot stronger.  Don’t worry I’ll make it quick; I mean we are family after all.  I mean we are family after all.  What do you say?  Last chance kid, join me or die.  Those are the only two choices.” 
“It seems you forgot my reaction a year ago, so I’ll just tell you again. GO TO HELL YOU BASTARD!” “Clear enough of an answer for or do I need to spell it out.  I would rather die than join you.”  “That can be arranged you little punk.”  “Well big brother, why don’t we end this little tea party and do what you came hear to do.  What do you say?” He said hoping his jokes would throw him off guard.  “I’LL KILL YOU, YOU LITTLE PUNK, JUST LIKE I KILLED OUR PARENTS!” He shouted as he jumped at Balthezar.  He was ready for him and flew straight up.  Xander lost his balance and almost hit the ground.  Balthezar starred coldly at the Xander, waiting for him to get up.  “Get up and fight me, or are you a coward.  What, are you afraid I’ll be more of challenge now?  “I’ve waited a long time for this kid.”
Balthezar flew down and kicked.  Xander blocked and threw him off.  Xander jumped and swung hard, Balthezar took it in the stomach and doubled over.  The two became locked in a series of punches and blocks.  They were even for the moment.  Balthezar flew back, and powered up a blast.  He sent the blast to his foe and charged another one.  His second one collided with Xander and sent him back.  Xander got angry and charged up a blast of his own.  Balthezar could sense its power, but stood his ground.  Crossing both arms over his face and stiffening his stance he took the blast, hard.  He powered up.  Xander found himself in awe.  “That power…” he thought to himself.  Balthezar transformed into a Super Gen. The blue flames licked his body as the energy surrounded his being.  He starred at Xander coldly with blood red eyes.  Xander saw no sign of Balthezar’s pupils.  It was as if he was consumed with rage but had full control. 
“What? No cocky remark?” he said with a smirk. His voice a little deeper and his stare a little colder. 
“No, I’m just surprised such a low level could be as strong as you are.” Exclaimed Xander with a chuckle, regaining his composure.  “Plus you just made this fight much more interesting.”  He powered up and flew into his little brother.  Balthezar side stepped his opponent with ease, and sent him to the ground with an elbow into his back.  Xander got up, and kicked Balthezar in the stomach.  Balthezar returned with a punch to chest and a kick to the face.
Xander stood up and raised his power level once again.  Balthezar could feel him stronger.  He jumped at him as they began exchanging blows once again.  Balthezar could feel him getting stronger.  He jumped at him as they began exchanging blows once again.  This went on for about twenty minutes or so.  Finally the two separated.  Balthezar didn’t hesitate.  He spread his hands apart and charged up a blast.
“Cosmic Blast!” he said slowly charging and firing on of his most powerful blasts.  Xander batted the blast away with his fist as if it were nothing.
“Is that all you got little brother?  I mean come on, I’ve killed children with more of a kick to them.”
He started to laugh and Balthezar lost it and charged at him with everything he had.  Punching and kicking and blasting till he felt he had nothing left.  “Damnit, that was a mistake.  He said under his breath, trying to regain some composure.  Xander stood there broken and bleeding with a smirk on his face.  “What are you laughing at, huh?  Is this a joke to you?  Do you get off from making everyone’s life miserable?  Is that it?” he yelled, holding back the desire to lunge at him once more.  “I just think it’s funny that you would go through all this trouble for these worthless people, and Alexandria.  Your wasting you time trying to help them.  You can’t save them all and after I kill you, I’ll kill them too and your little girlfriend.  You can’t stop me you little worm.” He wanted to crush him right then but still had to wait so he wouldn’t be killed instantly.  Xander rushed at him and punched him the stomach and in the face.  He threw him to the ground.  “Just give up this is just wasting both of our time.  I can just kill you now and go on about my business.  Just think of it this way you could be back with you beloved parents.”  “NO” Balthezar exclaimed angrily.  Balthezar started to stand and flipped back to distance himself from Xander.  “I will stop you, even if it kills me.” Just then he remembered an attack his father taught him when he was a child
“You have to remember son, you can only use this attack once.  I have never used it before but anyone who has died.  Any time you fight and feel like you have nothing left to fight with there is always something.  It’s you heart and this attack pulls everything you have left out and focuses it on one attack that you choose.  It’s called the Kamikaze attack.  Only use it when you have no other choice.  It will probably kill your opponent, but it will kill you as well.  Do you understand son?”  “Yes sir, I understand.  Thank you father.”
That’s it.  He thought.  I have to use it’s my only chance to save everyone else, including Alexandria.  “This ends now brother.” He said while channeling everything he had.  “Kaaa-mi-kazi ATTACK!” right then a black fire surrounded his body and Xander could feel his power raise and it was incredible.  He tried to not show his surprise but was dumbfounded by what he was sensing.  “What, no witty remark.  I’m insulted.” He said in between breathes.  He could feel it taking a toll on his body.  He knew which attack he wanted to use.  He threw his arms behind and started to focus all his power to his hands.  “Cos-mic BLAST!” and with that he threw the biggest energy blast he every made at Xander.  He didn’t try and move but simply said the only thing that he could to express his surprise.  He knew he was about to die so he tensed up and said all he could think.  “I’LL SEE YOU IN HELL KID.” He let out a scream as the blast obliterated his body almost instantly.  “I did it mother, father.  I killed him once and for all.”  He said as just before collapsing to the ground.  His body powered down and he looked normal once again. 
“NO-NO, he can’t be.  He promised.” Yelled Alexandria as she stood on the roof searching for his energy signal.  She used every bit of will power she had but could not find him.  She fell to her knees and started to weep. “I can’t believe he’s gone, he promised he would come back.  Why, why, why?” she yelled to the heavens blaming everyone that would listen and cursing wildly.  “Hey, what’s with all the yelling” said a familiar voice.  She looked down to the ground and more tears came streamed down her face.  “Your alive, your alive.” She jumped off the roof and ran to him.  “Is he”  “Yeah, he’s dead.  He won’t be bothering anyone every again.  Did you really think I wasn’t coming back? I mean come on, it’s going to take more him to kill me.” He said trying to laugh but remembered that every rib in his body was broken in half, or at least he hoped only half.  “That’s it I’m taking a vacation now.  Hell, I think I earned it damnit!” he exclaimed.  “Yes you have my love, now let’s get you cleaned up.”

Back, somewhere in the Creus Nebula, Empress Jada sat comfortable in her ships chambers.  “My lady” said a voice from the doorway.  “I said I didn’t want to be bothered!  What the hell could you possibly think is so important that you should risk you life to disturb me?”  “It’s Xander ma’am”  “What did the worm do this time?  Did he actually kill that brother of his?”  “No ma’am, actually his brother must have killed him.  His life vitals dropped completely off of our scanners.”  “Well I’ll be damned” she said with a smirk on her face.  “I guess I’ll have to see this kid for myself and make him my new commander.  Thank you crew man your dismissed.”  “Yes ma’am.” At that he turned a left her sight.  “Yes, if you are strong enough to take down my best soldier you must be good.” “Crew man, get back here.”  “Yes ma’am”  “Set a course for Earth we are going to get us a new soldier.”  “Right away my lady.” He said turning and running to the bridge.  “See you soon kid, see you soon.”
© Copyright 2008 Adehgrent (balthezar86 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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