Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1369169-if-i-were-a-monkey
Rated: 18+ · Serial · Action/Adventure · #1369169
its not about monkeys. im taking fairy tales and making one big modern day story
Note: i need to introduce some characters and their origins before  moving forward to the story. i might have to pause the story later onto introduce the origin of a new character. if it doesnt make sence dont worry you'll get it when you read on. also when introducing a new character there will be either one of these on top of the title
modern or fairy tale. this means that youre either reading the fairy tale version of the character or it's modern day version( though the only time i will use the fairy tale version is those that are unfamiliar or fairy tale characters i made up.)

The frog prince

At a pond infested with chemical waste, there was a beautiful woman  having a picnic with her girlfriend( or boyfriend you can't really tell he/she has really long hair and is really big).There thery watched the chemical waste infested pond that was in the middle of a big gigantic ditch. they had found it on their hike to a mountain. they had decided to look for it again and have a picnic for the fun of it. right then a frog with and extra eye and leg hoped out of the pond and on top of their picnic basket.It said" I was once a prince, my kingdom is at the bottom of this pond. Only a kiss from a beautifull woman may change me back to the handsome prince i use to be."
"really" said the beautifull women
"yes". replied the frog "really. so foretold by the oracle. The oracle also foretold that my kingdom will rise from the great lake that this use to be. but only if a human whose gender is unknown is sacrificed  by pushing it to this pond. What do you say? do you want to be a princess?"
The woman did not need to think twice to decide. she pushed her unknown gendered partner to depths of the chemical infested pond. And just as the oracle had foretold the pond grew to the size of a lake and it's waters purified.There was a great rumble and the kingdom that the frog spoke of started to rise and float towards the sky.knowing what the frog said was true she kneeled down and kissed the frog.There was a blinding light and where the frog once was there stood an asian man with royal looking clothing.he smiled at her.
"Thank you" he told her
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