Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1368968-Chapter-eight
by Diana
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1368968
Jade buries Ashley
When they found Ashley she was near death.Jade started to heal her,but Ashley stopped her. "No,Let it be.I've lived a long enough life and I've taught you as much as I could since you were a child.The rest you have to learn on your own," said Ashley weakly.Jade started to protest,but Ashley stopped her. "Just promise me you'll let me know when you've beat her," said Ashley.Jade nodded and Ashley closed her eyes.When her breathing stopped Jade couldn't help the sobs that exploded out of her.Jaybriel knelt beside her and put his arm around Jade's shoulder. "We have to go," he whispered. "No!" shouted Jade."We have to bury her."
"Where?" asked Jaybriel.Jade looked down at Ashley and said," In the family cemetary.In Rosemary Wood,".

Jade drove to the cemetary,five miles outside of the city,in Ashley's minivan.Jaybriel sat in the back,holding Ashley's coffin.Jade drove in silence,remembering all the times Ashley had been there throughout her childhood and the times they had fought side by side.Tears flowed down Jade's face and she didn't try to wipe them away.Jade was so engulfed in her own thoughts she almost missed the turn she was supposed to take to get off the highway.Jaybriel cursed at the sharp turn Jade made,but she ignored him.When they finally arrived at the cemetary Jade stayed seated trying to compose herself.Jaybriel squeezed Jade's shoulder."It'll be alright.This won't be the first friend I've buried," he said. "You didn't like her," said Jade.Jaybriel kissed Jade on the cheek. "You were our common ground,"he said. "We can't stay here long,".Jade nodded and got out of the car.

They got near the gate before four elemental sentries reared up before them. "State your name and why a demon walks with you," thundered the biggest sentry. "Jade Erin Marie Jones.This demon travels with me to bury a dear friend of the Jones Family.Ashley Griffin," said Jade proudly.The sentries stood before them a moment longer before disappearing and opening the gates.Jade took a deep breath,and then walked forward.

Jade watched in silence as Jaybriel dug the grave,and then gently lowered the coffin.Once he covered the grave Jade placed the wooden gravemarker at the head.It was carved in the old victorian style that Ashley loved.As Jade began to recite the funeral rites the ghosts of her ancestors surrounded her,one by one, and joined in.Jade was so overcome by emotion and she almost couldn't finish.Jaybriel came to stand by her and Jade drew strength from him.When Jade recited the final line Ashley's spirit appeared before her with a kind smile. "I'll always be here for you when you need my advice," said Ashley.Jade longed to hold her,and the fact that she couldn't crippled her resolve.She would've fell to the ground if Jaybriel hadn't held onto her. "Remember we will never part," said Ashley. "May the Goddess bless you,".She gave one last reassuring smile before disappearing.As the other ghosts did the same Jade felt more and more alone.Jaybriel embaraced Jade in a tight hug. "You still have me and it'll take alot to pull me away," he whispered in Jade's ear.Jade wrapped her arms around Jaybriel and cried.

Jaybriel drove from the cemetary with Jade huddled in the passenger seat.Jade occasionally would wipe away a stray tear,but she cried noiselessly now. "You did good today," said Jaybriel,trying to cheer Jade up.Jade snorted. "Mei got away and Ashley's dead," she said,bitterly." How did I do good?" "Stop trying to see only the dark side of things.You're alive to fight another day.And on more than one occasion have I seen witches summon their ancestors into battle.Mei could stand up to us,but she can't stand up against over six generations of your family," said Jaybriel. Jade leaned her head against the window. "I'm not that strong.I just barely managed to summon you and my mom back to back the way I did," she said.Jaybriel's jaw twitched at the reminder. "Where are we going?" asked Jade when she realized they weren't on the highway. "To get Ed.He's gonna be our little helper today," said Jaybriel.Jade's eyebrows arched. "We're getting him out of the way for at least three days.He can't do any magic and he doesn't need to be there when we fight Mei again," said Jaybriel.

"We're fighting again?" asked Jade. "Not today.It'll take her three or four days to recover.You'll summon her tomorrow after the sun sets," said Jaybriel. "Why after the sun sets?" asked Jade.Jaybriel grinned. "Cause Raven won't be able to join in the fun otherwise.Besides I plan on summoning a few things myself that operate better in the dark.And also Mei's eyesight isn't all that great in the darkness," he said. "She fought us today at night," pointed out Jade. "In a lit up library," said Jaybriel.Jade sighed. "So where are we gonna fight her?" asked Jade. "We're going there now," said Jaybriel.

After three hours of driving Jaybriel parked off of the dirt road at the base of a mountain.They got out of the car and then Jaybriel shouted, " Ed,get down here!"
Not long after a large grey speck bounded down the mountains towards them.Ed took a final leap and landed before them in his wolf form.He wagged his tail when he saw Jade. "Ed,I need you to do something for me," said Jaybriel.Ed relunctantly drew his eyes from Jade and asked, " What do you you want me to do this time?" "I want you to find Raven and tell him to come here tomorrow at midnight.I also want you to find Alex and Xavier," said Jaybriel.Jade and Ed were both shocked about Jaybriel's last two choices.Alex and Xavier were war god who chose to live among mortals,and who often lost control in a battle. "We're summoning Mei.She may be one of the forgotten demons,but that doesn't make her any less powerful," said Jaybriel. "We need the heaviest hitters we can get,". Ed snorted. "Two things wrong with your plan.One,if Mei's forgotten they won't see the danger and ignore you.Two,not one person you named likes you," he said. "Tell she's threatened Jade's life," said Jaybriel.Ed laughed, and then ran off.

Jaybriel led Jade up the narrow path that led to the cave he lived in. "You're quiet,"said Jaybriel. "I'm not in the mood,Jaybriel.Can we save this for another time?" asked Jade.Jaybriel shrugged. "Fine.You need to eat something,then go to sleep.Save your energy for the fight tomorrow.There's not gonna be any running away this time,or she'll keep coming till you're dead," he said. "Sure.Can I expect to wake and not see Ed at the foot of my bed?" asked Jade.Jaybriel chuckled. "He's only doing what he's told.Besides he feels he owes you after you saved him.And he's gonna be crushed he can't defend you tomorrow,so give him something," said Jaybriel.Jade grunted and rolled her eyes her eyes,but didn't argue any further.

Jaybriel cooked a quick meal for Jade,then led her to his bedroom. "Get as much sleep as you can," he said." I'd rather you not be half dead tomorrow,". Jade shrugged. "I'll try,but no guarentees," she said. "I'll put a sleep spell on you if you have trouble sleeping," said Jaybriel opening his bedroom door.Jade walked in,but Jaybriel didn't follow.Jade looked back at him. "It'd be too tempting.Besides I have to meet Raven and the boys when they get here," said Jaybriel with a laugh.Jade chuckled at Jaybriel's reference to Alex and Xavier. "You think they're gonna come early?" asked Jade. "Think? Where has your brain been the last few years?Every last one of us would lay out lives on the line for you.Why do you think I told Ed what I did?" asked Jaybriel.Jade shrugged. "The only reason war hasn't broken out among the four of us is you.We know you'd have out asses for one," said Jaybriel, laughing. "And also,we'd rather take all the pain in the world than have you suffer anything at all,".
© Copyright 2008 Diana (dianicwitch at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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