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by Kaeira
Rated: E · Chapter · Tragedy · #1368702
Paige is 13 and struggling through more issues then most people have their entire lives.
Paige gazed at the blank piece of paper, everyone around her was chatting to their friends or just having fun during their art lesson, but Paige was lost deep in thought.

"What's the matter?!" A familiar cheery voice broke into her thoughts as her best friend, Keera hopped over to her. "Nothing, I'm just really tired." Replied Paige sounding quite bored, "Oh you're always tired though!" Keera said "I know, I don't sleep well and as you know I'm almost always staying up late. Anyway I better start drawing something, we've been in this lesson for twenty minutes now and I haven't done a thing!" She continued. Keera gave a slight nod and went back to her desk.

Paige didn't like primary school, she always felt it was to childish, the other students, the lessons and even the teachers all seemed to immature for her liking and she couldn't wait to get into high school next year.

She didn't want to do any work, she ached for the end of the day to be closer and even though it was 2:45pm and school finished at 3:05 she knew that 20 minutes was going to feel like hours.

Paige pulled her paper back book to the center of the desk and rested her head on it hoping to get a 15 minute nap.

She was glad her teacher, Mr Ralph, had seated at the very back of the class room, she could get away with all sorts of things as she was almost out of sight.

Before she knew it she was awoken by Keera pulling the book out from under her, “Gee you’re nice.” Paige murmured sarcastically as she pulled her head up. “Yeah, I know... and you love me for it!” Replied Keera as she always did when someone made a comment as such. “Anyway I thought I better wake you up since Mr Ralph said that we had 5 MINUTES to finish our artwork and if it’s not done we will be staying in tomorrow during lunch! He also said we could do it for homework.” She continued while holding up the still blank paper in front of her face. Paige rolled her eyes and groaned “I’ll do it tonight.” She muttered. Keera began to giggle, “You mean that you’ll think of an excuse tonight don’t you?” Paige let out a little smile, “You know me too well.”

Finally the school bell rung signalling the end of the long, tiresome day. “Good afternoon children, don’t forget to finish that artwork!” Mr Ralph called to the children as they began to pack up and Keera went back to her desk again. Paige quickly grabbed her pencil case, notebooks and reading book and hurried out of the class room.

Just as Paige walked into the corridor one of Mr Ralph’s other children pushed passed her, deliberately causing her to drop everything.

“Watch it Josh!” She shouted as she pushed him making him stumble backwards.
Josh was the typical ‘jock’ stereotype, he was tall, fit, all the girls thought he was hot and typically he loved attention. None of this bothered Paige even though he was now staring right at her with hateful eyes. He hated the thought of letting people think that the really weird girl that sat at the back of the classroom could push him around.

He walked towards Paige still with that angry glare in his eyes, “Do you have a problem with me, Josh?” She asked deliberately taunting him. “Do you want to have a black eye when you go home?” He gave a response, Paige smiled sweetly and replied. “Not particularly, do you?” She then picked up her belongings and walked slowly to her over to her bag without once looking back.

Josh didn’t bother Paige, though most people thought she was weak she could probably beat any student in her school at arm wrestling.

Paige dropped everything into her back pack, zipped it up and put it on her back. She then blew a kiss to Josh, still trying to get him worked up, and skipped off down the corridor until she was outside.

The sun shone down and made Paige’s hair glimmer in the light, she had blonde hair and bright green eyes. Paige wore a short black bubble skirt and a royal blue school shirt, her shoes were simply some old light blue snickers.

“Hey Paige!” Someone’s voice called from behind her, she spun around to see two of her friends that she normally walked home with, “Hey Alex, hey Kara!” She shouted to them as they all began walking to the deli they always went to after school.

When they got there Paige began fumbling around in her dark purple school bag, “What are you looking for?” Asked Alex, watching her frantically searching throughout the backpack. “Just some money so I can buy lollies.” She replied. “Okay then.” Alex muttered. “Found it!” Paige shouted as she pulled out a 10c coin and held it up in the air for all to see. “Wow you’re rich.” Said Kara as she held up a $5 note.

Paige walked up to the counter got two chocolate bullets while they all waited for their other friend, Kimiko or Kim, though her name was Japanese, she herself was not the slightest bit Asian.

Before long Kim had entered the Deli. She was the youngest of the group but that didn’t seem to bother her, she was only in grade 5 when Paige, Kara and Alex were all in grade 7.

“Hey... Kimi... would you happen to have any money I can borrow?” Alex asked as she slid over to her, “Oh, go away Alex, you’re not getting my money.” Kim told Alex, Alex then began giving her the puppy dog pout, “NO ALEX!” Shouted Kim as loud as she could, “Oh fine then!” Alex said now in a huff, she then slid over to Paige who was still holding her chocolate bullets. “Hey Paige!” Alex began but Paige quickly interrupted, “NO!” She said immediately, “But I want one!” Alex complained as she jumped on Paige’s back trying to get one, Alex was only playing around so Paige decided to see what Alex would do if she started to give her a piggy back ride.

Still with Alex on her back the walked out of the shop and down a small step, “Oh my god Alex, I think you must be the heaviest person I’ve ever met!” Paige said as she started to stumble, “I can give my 17 year old brother a piggy back but I can’t give you one!” She shouted as she fell backwards onto Alex. Kim and Kara had seen the commotion and had rushed outside to see if Alex was alright.

Paige quickly jumped up and began to laugh as she pointed at Alex, “That serves you right for trying to steal my bullets!” Paige shouted still laughing. “I’m fine!” Alex said as she jumped up, she even began to laugh at herself, “Well I guess we should be getting home now... It’s already 3:30 and we’ve only walked five minutes away from the school.” Kara said as they began to walk down the small footpath.
© Copyright 2007 Kaeira (aleera00 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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