Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1368676-The-Falling-Chapter-1
by Feen1x
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1368676
This is the First Chapter to the highly anticipated works of Taylor Smith!
Chapter One

These thoughts will not leave me, everywhere I go they are there. With friends, watching movies, reading books, or just living life itself… What has come upon myself, for all my inner thoughts to conclude to this perception of happiness. This emotion, drowning me from within, why? From the day this all occurred to this moment, I have very sentimentally been driven mad to an extent of suicidal thoughts. But, I should not lay in despair as I watch myself wither into an insufferable pulp. I could take this all away, yes I could; Very easily in fact. Just to listen to the last “click” of life and the pain would evanescence at last. Sure I would feel a condensation of physical pain, but in reality it means nothing of what these emotions do. This is in fact entirely my fault, I have made mistakes. But who hasn’t; why should I be the one to point the finger to myself and make the acclaim that I should sit here and parish with the wind? Where did this come from, how did this occur? I’ve done my part to the extent a mortal being could withstand, why should I think it’s my fault. Why me, what have I done? I was a normal happy person until these feelings occurred, or was I? What am I kidding, I loved her. But now it’s lost, forever fading as the thoughts and memories we shared. But why should I let this one bring me down as there are over 3 billion more, what the hell is wrong with me? I have nobody to talk to; I just sit here, waiting. Eagerly awaiting death in its heavenly graces, the thought of being wrapped within the holy gracefulness of our dear lord is unbearable. But how long will it take to feel this sense of courteous companionship with the Omega? A lifetime sadly, that’s in fact the literal term for it, a lifetime. But what if I can’t wait, this pain is driving me mad. Even as I speak it feels as if I am being continuously punctured throughout my hollow heart. Why do I continuously break down in tears, I hate this! That’s it, I will end this. Just one “click”, just one… Heh, I already feel as if I am ascending into moral conception again. It seems that one of the last known senses of feeling my body should entice is the feel of cold steel as it runs along my hands where they stagger to my forehead. Wow, the feeling of loosing the grotesque I have grown to known is almost ecstatic. Maybe then after I pass on I may finally feel as if I belong, just maybe. What is death like though, is there even an afterlife? What shall become of me once I pass on; do I lay 6 feet below the surface and rot as hastily as the world itself does, or do I move on to a better place; then there is the concept of hell. A loose tear trickles down my face to my arm as I lay here with a trigger loosed magnum pointed to my face. To my extent life is hell, so why should I await for the next intent to live in hell when it could be now? At least this will all blow away as I should…

Weightless against the air, completely oblivious to anything of natural logic. It seemed like I was falling forever, as there was no way I could tell time. How long had I been falling though? It seemed as if I was unnaturally light on top of a very powerful fan blowing me up constantly. But, as I looked around there seemed to be no ground just total darkness. However, when I was to squint I could almost seem to see a faint green colored pentagram on the ground below me. This all gave me a solemn feeling except the walls.
The wall, shaped like a pentagram engulfed me in its darkness. Only the walls which illuminated a faint but bright red-orange kept some of the darkness at bay. They gave off a slow but intense rumbling as though something was banging from the wall on the other side. However, Even though that was almost as unnatural as it gets, there was something more to it.
Limbs were randomly but almost selectively placed in rusted chains along the walls. Dry and caked blood spilled from the limbs to the wall, unknowing how long these were here.
At every intense knock on the wall a crack would form and fresh warm blood would spill from the wall in clusters. It ran down the wall in the pace I was going.
After some time I was able to think clearly, so I could fully comprehend my surroundings. The sight of all this was both grueling and disturbing but it did not matter to me, why should it? Did it matter if should I care of my surroundings if eventually I would stop and hit the ground? Why was I here anyway, I don’t remember. Something about a faerie laying eggs in a dogs ear? Wait, where the hell did that thought come from? If only I could remember, I had to do something to appear in this conceptual reality. This is just like me to forget, but who doesn’t? That’s one thing that separates me from the world; I admit and take the blame for my actions.
Everywhere on earth somebody doesn’t make the acclaim and only points the finger at one another. The concept of peace is making a desert, what’s wrong with that! People’s minds are twisted and full of dark thoughts but nobody will admit it. Everybody would sacrifice another to live another minute in hell on earth, an infant, a child, a senior, anyone. The world is a dark and alienated place full of sin and hate, but still people learn to trust and love. I remember I loved once, wait! The last thing I remember was…”her” It is now all coming back to me painfully, But why! I thought I got rid of all the pain. I, I shot myself, how is this where I still remember. Is this the concept of hell where you aimlessly float and have to suffer an eternity for your mistakes? Why is this happening to me! I can’t stop the sobbing, I am breaking down again. This is all just too much why did I commit suicide? My heart feels as if it is being shaken and breaking in my chest. This is my entire fault, everything, I did it! But I did not mean too so why and I here, what’s wrong with me. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!!!
Eventually more and more blood would spill as the cracks grew in length and width. The pace and intensity of the pounding would increase with every hit. Faster it would come, almost as if it was the beating of my heart making the noise. Suddenly it stopped dead in a beat, and then I stopped.

Insufferable pain the human mind creates;
The ground is warm; it creates almost a sensual feeling of homeliness. But why, I died, committed suicide and fell into a hellish vortex in to…wait where am I now? When I got up I dusted myself off then nearly fell over again. The sky, the ground, the buildings, everything; black with ash and the sky red as blood. I assumed I was upon an Island the size of a football field. This thought came to me as I would presume that the hot red liquid that surrounded the crumbled land was lava. The fluently flowing magma game off an immense impression of heat, Beads of sweat almost as if in rhythm would slowly drip off my brow down the rest of my face. The black jacket I wore wasn’t helping all that much either, so I tossed it when I went to look around. At every step that I would take a soft “crack” or “crunch” would transpire from the ground as my feet would trudge through the ash and cracked ground. It seemed humorous to me so I started to do a little dance to make as much noise possible and started making faces in the ash with my foot. After I inspected my work and was happy with it I walked off, if I was here for an eternity I should make the best of it I guess. As I walked to the other side I started to think where I was, the only conclusion I could make was hell. There was a feeling though, something that was under my skin. It was there since I first awoke in this place. The feeling of being constantly watched sustained me completely. To make this sensation of hostility even more retrograded was the fact that every time I’d turn around that smoke, ash, and dust would be floating in a small area as if something was there once. I started to quicken my pace as the paranoia settled in, but at every step I took it seemed I never took it. I started to run as fast as I could hoping to reach the other end of the Island but It never came. It was as if I was on a treadmill pulling me back. I stopped at the point of exhaustion to catch my breath, the rain was still coming down hard but it was not refreshing as normal. The droplets hit my body yes, but it was empty. The drops were hollow in a sort of fashion, no sense to them. I turned my head up in order to quench my growing thirst but it was a bad mistake. Every drop that come in contact with my saliva would turn into ash, and seeing how fast the rain was coming down only a second it took for my entire mouth to be filthy with ash. I quickly spat it out but it was too late, I swallowed too much. On the spot I vomited, and kept at it. My stomach was vigorously pumping my fluids out of me until blood spurted. I could not stop the retractions, they were too strong. This went on till I lay crumpled on the ground in a lifeless heap.
I awoke but in a different place, I think. All around me stool a rock wall as high as the eye could see, I was trapped in a small canyon. There were loud stomps you could hear coming from the outside of the walls. It seemed that A glint of silvery-white hair caught my eye just over the canyon walls, but it was more. I looked up in wonder when the rain changed utterly into blood. It drenched me until I was completely red with it. It got in my mouth, eyes, nose, everywhere. The taste of Iron in the blood drove me mad with fear. I closed my eyes and sat down in hope that the scene would change since that was the pattern that was laid out so far. Who knows how long I sat there completely in meditation while the blood continued to poor down. After I got my mental thoughts together I opened my eyes, I never should have. What bestowed upon my eyes was something that instilled the literal meaning of horror and fear into a person’s soul. This went beyond all mental capability in which a mortal human’s mind could withstand. All around the top of the walls were dozens of them, lined side-by-side peering through me. The lifeless eyes these creatures held made the essence of my life scream for mercy. The creatures, the humanoids, stood on all fours. They seemed to wear black ragged pants, their bare rugged clawed feet penetration the ends. Their body was almost translucent, It was deformed. On its back gnashed slits formed where it spread darker than black wings. The wings themselves were not as large as the creature themselves; I presume they could only glide with this at that much. The creatures continued to stare at me as if trying to look inside of me. A little rock fell from the top as on of them switch their stance, it startled most of them. Their face was probably the worst part about them, as if looking into the face of pure hatred. Silky silver-white hair draped over their faces in a matted but lush form. Their face was totally distorted, ears of an elves their lips torn from their faces. Their fangs and teeth loomed out as their tongue as long as an arm leered out among the ground. Their eyes, whiter than that of the holy graces, stared through me. One lifted a paw to scratch behind the huge horns that withdrew from the creatures head. They bent down toward the creatures face, jagged as spikes. They soon became restless as the long silence was going on, only the blood made sound. The sight of all this was horrifying, I could not move, why couldn’t I? At any moment now these humanoids would glide down and kill me, why won’t I budge? One of the creatures shuffled over and left an enormous gap between the other he was nestled to, loose rocks began to tumble down the side of the wall, something else was coming. Every creature there began to kneel, this must be their leader. I’ve got to go, leave while they are not looking, but where? I was completely surrounded. It was hopeless. More and more rocks when crashing down the side, it almost seemed the wall itself was coming down. More uneasy movements came from the creatures as the rocks fell faster. Flames bellowed from the top of the wall, and a boulder was melted like butter in a flame. It was here. Oh my gosh! What is that, that thing I screamed? I was in horror, this was just too much. Lengthy arms stretched over the wall melting the rocks on contact. More and more of the creature would show as it climbed over the wall until it too stood there, looking into me. Run I screamed too myself, Run you fool. My legs started to twitch and my body shook violently. This man-thing looked as if it was a carved man of hardened lava. Its legs though were thin and slender looked as if it was built for speed. I knew I would not make this alive. The body was black, red crevices where molten magma spilled from them lined through its body. It’s arms, as long as it was hung down with a huge talon at the ends. When it stood straight up it had to be at least 12 feet high.
The large man-like thing slowly raised an arm and cried out among the other creatures. One after another they all looked up to it and cried back. The face and neck was odd compared to the others by far too, how was this a leader too them? It looked nothing like them, no characteristics matched at all. Its neck sagged down with magma veins running their course here more than any other place. The head shaped into a sphere had three eyes that spilled fire and ran down the side of its face. Mouth bellowed with fire as its rocky tendons shred then reformed with each mouth opening. More sudden movements came from the winged creatures, they were ready for assault, or in this case massacre. The volcanic man then looked to the other creatures his hands in the air, almost as if he was waving, no making a notion to them. What were they going to do? I had to leave, why I won’t though. I am too filled with fear to even have a clear mind, I can’t stop the tears. Please Dear God, help me! At that sudden instant I broke free from the curse that their fear instilled upon me. I ran this startled most of the creatures and some looked towards their master. He just watched me, patiently waiting. Some of the creatures got too fidgety and ended up having to glide down to the ground. At this point the leader raised his hands to the sky and let out a fiery roar that anyone could hear for miles. The winged beasts let out shrill cries that popped my ears. They all jumped down, and ran. I kept running; only the sound of a faint ringing could be heard. I thought I had gotten pretty far, for I could not see them anymore, but I was so wrong. I looked back but only to my horror they were gaining. Everything was on all fours steadily increasing their speed with each footstep. I cried out why I wasn’t on the track team in high school, and then they caught me. When I looked back in front of me one of the walls had gone, this was my chance. I was almost out the canyon when they caught me; one of the winged creatures pounced and glided to me only to jump me from behind. He held me down, tongue slivering all over my face. It looked me straight in the eyes and I fell in some sort of trance. I quickly got my thoughts together and wriggled free, only to be surrounded. I tried to find a way out of the encirclement but I could not, I only got bitten. Blood seeped through the whole in my shirt, after a time I could not even tell what was my blood. I collapsed to the ground and only waited. The blood kept gushing out and I went pale. The Volcanic beast came nearer and nearer. I screamed out so loud the heavens themselves probably heard. After that everything got too blurry.
I blacked.

“Wake young one, it’s not your time”:
I felt soft cloth on my face, and it smelled familiar. I opened my eyes in a daze and jumped up remembering my last thoughts. I looked around and freaked, everything was gone. I was back to where I dropped my jacket off, but how?
The scene had again changed, this time it was different then the others. There was a ruined city a few hundred yards off and a huge bonfire burning not too far off. But how I thought, it’s raining. Wait the blood is gone, why did I just notice that? I gave up on my stupidity and walked off towards the city. As I got closer I noticed that almost everything in my path was on fire. Boulders, spots on the ground, and the city itself were burning. Smoke filled the air and made me gasp for air. I ran off trying to get a breath, but then I had a thought. Why was there even air here? There is not any trees here, that’s odd. Of course everything here is not right so I guess it doesn’t matter. I ended coming on a course that led to the bonfire. I walked to it and noticed it was very peculiar. It looked like the thing engulfed in the flame was leathery black. I thought of something fun and walked off in search to complete my quest. I soon came back with a two foot long metal frame and started to poke the pile. However, right before I touched anything, part of the flame literally “jumped” to the frame. Quickly it became engulfed in the flame. I yelped and threw it down, but it was a little too late. Part of the flame caught my jacket and it too was caught aflame. I took it off as fast as possible and threw it to the ground. But nothing burned, the flame was on both the frame but nothing burned. What the hell I thought, and decided to touch it if it did not burn. But as I flexed my hand to it a voice came to me. It was so strong and heavenly but still had the sense of being vile and evil. It said “Cease, do not pester the spirit youngling.”
© Copyright 2007 Feen1x (feen1x at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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