Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1368231-Sea-Bananas
by Ennay
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1368231
Amona doesn't fit in with her family and tries to find herself in America.
In the halls that echoed with harsh pain, two cries were heard above the bustle of the castle. Immediately, everyone dropped what they were doing for the Lord and Lady to peek in the door that held the bundles of pride and promise. Though they were not allowed to go in, the servants crowded around the birthing room for a chance to see the newborn twins.

“Step aside,” Lord Calvin demanded earnestly. He held the hand of Sean, the boy that the Lady had given birth to from a mere, common Englishman before their marriage was ordered. His blatant disregard for how hard he was holding Sean’s hand was the only visible sign of his hate for the boy. He pushed his way roughly through the crowd and barged into the room where Lady Myra was.

“Lord,” The midwife bowed her head and quietly exited the room. Lord Calvin walked over to the bed and glanced at his wife who’s face was weary with effort. Her golden hair was damp and clung unfittingly to her body and her normally vibrant, blue eyes were clouded with exhaustion as she held up the two squirming infants for her husband.

“You should rest,” Calvin gently stroked his wife’s face. She smiled with satisfaction quickly drifted off into a light sleep. He looked quizzically at the crying babies on the bed. One had green eyes that shone with the power of the Earth and the other one possessed eyes like her mother. They swirled continuously with mischief and unrest. Calvin picked up the one with the green eyes and peered at her.

“This one will be a servant of the Earth, able to wield elements effortlessly,” Calvin announced to the nosy servants. He set down the now quiet baby and picked up the other one, “This one will be a servant of the animals. She will be able to talk and control any animal she wants. She will also be a lust goddess, someone who’s looks will bring men down to her knees,” The servants whispered indistinctly to themselves at the Lord’s predictions.

“How can you tell?” Sean asked timidly. Calvin shot an irritated glance to the seven year old next to him.

“It’s all about the eyes. The eyes tell what the child will be. My eyes, which are a piercing black, told my parents that I would one day be king of a nation with the powers to control time and fate.” Calvin answered coldly and coddled the teary-eyed infant who refused to stop crying.

“And my eyes?” Sean asked reluctantly. Calvin looked him dead in the face with such disappointment that Sean drew his eyes away from his step dad. The servants moved away from the Lord as well, not wanting to hear the harsh words that he would say to the boy.

“They show that you will be nothing but a whimpering, ignoble, servant boy,” Calvin snarled and stalked out of the room to go to his private chambers. Sean cringed at his step dad’s words, but he had grown accustom to his dislike. He brushed his hand on his sisters’ head and whispered softly, “Please make the lord happy. Make him like you, for your sake,” He closed his eyes as tears slipped from their corners and he left the room to finish his chores. Grief settled deep in his heart as he swept the long corridors and he wept for his new sisters because he knew the life that was to face them.
© Copyright 2007 Ennay (auteurmanna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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