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Rated: E · Editorial · Inspirational · #1368095
Facing our Goliath
One of the most famous stories of all time is the biblical story about David and the infamous Goliath. This story has been circulating throughout society for so long that even non-Christians have heard of this story. How is it that a biblical story is so popular world-wide? The reason is because every single person can relate to David. Although David eventually became the King of Israel, he was not however a King when this story took place, and better yet, he was nothing more than a mere runt who tended sheep.
         Through faith in his God David went out to battle this huge Philistine named Goliath, and not only did David conquer Goliath by killing him with a sling and a stone, the God of Israel blessed him by showing him favor in the eyes of the Israelites and David was on his way to becoming King.
         Before David became King he spent over 10 years on the run from Saul who was King of Israel at that time. Not only did David have to escape from Saul and the thousands of soldiers that were after him, David had to battle nature and wild animals, hiding out in caves, not much food and often times no water. David endured more than we can imagine as he went through battle after battle and trial after trial. Then, the day came when this little runt who tended sheep was soon the mighty warrior and King of Israel.
         “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are” (1 Corinthians 1:26-28) And this is exactly what He did with King David.
         Many people across the world can relate to David because of where he came from. David was the runt of the family, looked down upon by everyone, and treated poorly. Many of us feel this way from time to time. If God can take a lowly shepherd boy and make him King of Israel, then through our faith and perseverance through trials God will rain down blessings upon us as well.
         As we strive to become better writers let us always remember that we serve a Mighty and All Powerful God. We will face rejection and satan will use that rejection to make us want to quit writing and to give up, but let's take the rejections and use them to become stronger and better writer's.
         What would have happened if Thomas Edison gave up when the first few hundred light bulbs did not light? What would have happened if Sam Walton (Founder of Wal-Mart) gave up when he only had a few dollars left in his pocket and no way to financially keep going?
         You get the idea, no matter what we are facing in life is not big enough to ruin our goals and dreams.
         David had to go out and face Goliath. What or who is your Goliath? - Anything that is worth something takes hard work and determination, and remember, we serve a BIG God!
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