Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1368052-brake-my-walls
by ahmed
Rated: · Column · Tragedy · #1368052
if only it was always night!!!!!!
brake my walls

i know that it will be weared to start with a question but really ,what are the walls ?.i think it is that damn thing that keeps us from reaching to people and they to us.ok let us take it deeper than that, could it be that high selfasteam ,could it be that fear from the contact it self ,could it be that we just do not know who to do so. so that bring us to the second question do we choose to build those walls? ,the answear may be strange but i believe in most cases we do . let us look at this great wall of mariage i believe in each second we add a piece of that wall untill evantually we are not just unable to see that nabour in this other city but also unable to hear them. unable to see the tears unable to hear the screams thow it is to high.that is a type but it is not the highest wall let me show you what is higher.

  ok let us begin our story here,
he was that little boy in his blue shirt and those nice jeans wearing those extremly beutiful shoes with this blonde hair blue eyes.the perfect kid ha!! no he was not.he was one of those walls prisoners one of those who where sentenced to live in dark and die in dark those who have not experienced any thing else..he was born blind meaning that this destiny was choosen for him and ofcourse with no means to fight back this amasingly ugly future.you try it ,try to close your eyes for a second ,we do that every day and it is an amazing way of relaxation but when you open them you are back to that world that you like, now picture with me for a second that there is no other world no known world to go to ,no loved one to see.i can sware that you even can not accept this idea,do not worry you have your eyes and you can open them in any time you want.but that was not the case for him he has not this lexury of yours to open his eyes when ever he like.but unlike any of us he was able to draw a place for him.a place that the sun takes the hale sky with this amasing worm and light  and the land is a grass with this soft touch and colored with his own green ,a fare more lovely green ,a green he can feel .with this river that is just for him and those apple trees that he can eat in any time he wishes. so he made his paradise . do you envy him??, do not . he was not allowed to stay theire more than a few hours ,in his dreams in his hideing paradise. but every morning he had to be brought back to his ugly prison.but he was worse than the prisoners ,the prisoners earn there prison by crimes , by things that hearts people.and recieve theire place to live,a food to eat .no sir he did not have this lexury of a prisoner.he also had to earn his prison by work ,by heumiliation. and above all of this he had to appresiate this life that was given to him,and never opject to this destiny,and opject he did not .he was so accepting.because he  knows that the walls will be broken at night  and the sun will rise again ,and he will walk in his farm again,and once again he will teach us all about colors,he will teach us all who to see.

                                  if only it was always night!!!!!!

                                                                                                                                                                          just trying to imagine                           

                                                                                                                                                            eng.ahmed alsharawy         
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