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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1367960
This is an action, adventure about a troubled teen.
Brain Power

By Joel Marchel #26
P. 5 Creative Writing
18,032 words

Chapter 1

Bells rang.  Finally the school day was over.  Now for some time off school.  “Okay, I’ll see you at your show!” I yelled to my best friend. The school yard was overflowing with kids trying to escape the tyrannical hell-hole that is school.  Despite the crowds I felt the wind against my back and broke into a run to car rider area. As I stumbled through the maze of cars I tried to spot my mom’s car.  I’m seventeen, I have a car, which I bought by myself, but I can’t drive till I’m eighteen. I have my license and I still can’t drive.  Ten minutes later I still couldn’t find her.  The parking lot was starting to clear up.  “Maybe she’s stuck in traffic or held up at work.” I thought.  I ran back to the office. The stuffy office was full of sullen kids trying to get a ride home.  I walked up to the secretary. She was a plump, bright women that simply would not let all these brats being rude to her bring down her morale.  She respected and liked me especially because I was about the only person who was nice to her and cared about her.  “Hey Clarise, my mom is running late so I’m just going to walk home, if she comes in here looking for me, can you just tell her I walked home?”  I asked.

“Sure thing, Hun.” She replied. I always had great relations with adults; kids usually envied that about me and called me a teacher’s pet.  That wasn’t it though. I just treated my teachers like a friend that I greatly respected. This friendship wasn’t without its perks.  My 88 B’s would go up to A minus’ for effort in class; I would get extensions on assignments and always had the benefit of the doubt when it came to accusations against me for breaking the rules.

I walked out of the school rules and headed down the road, towards my house. It’s only about a half a mile to my house.  So walking would be no problem.  I turned down a small street to avoid traffic. You never know who’s on those roads and what they will do.  A small black Sedan pulled out of a driveway and started tailing me.  I looked over my shoulder and noticed it.  I started taking odd turns and going in circles.  Once I was sure it was following me I broke into a run.  The Sedan’s engine roared to life. I dodged into an alleyway.  It sped along the streets closing the distance between us.  Four streets later I stopped to catch my breath.

Not again I thought.  I started sprinting south, maybe I could make it to my house.  The black Sedan came around the corner speeding toward me.  I turned around and started running north.  Two more black Sedans came at me.  “Ok.” I said.  I turned west just to see another three black Sedans.  “What the hell is going on?” I asked myself aloud.  I don’t why I bothered, but I had to check.  I turned east, another black Sedan.  “Of course” I thought.  I stood frozen in the middle of an intersection marveling at the seven black Sedans surrounding me.  The cars screeched to a halt simultaneously.  Four men got out of each car.  “Four men in each car, seven cars, and four times seven equals twenty eight men.  Why in the world are twenty eight guys chasing me I thought.  All of their suits were identical down to the creases in them and the small mustard stain on the sleeve.  They all had buzz cuts and sun glasses on.  To my shock and horror they simultaneously raised their pistols. 

One of the men yelled “Halt boy”.  Disregarding the man’s order I fled for my life.  I tried to run into the alleyway I came out of.  Before I got ten feet four more men walked out of my escape route.  “You’re not getting away this time.” One of them sneered. 

All of the men started to form a circle and close in on me.  They all just grinned and kept me in their cross hairs. The man in front of me took careful aim at my heart with his silver pistol. 

“No!” I roared.  I heard all the other men roar the same thing in unison.  The man fired.  I closed my eyes.  Time slowed almost to a halt.  I thought my short life would flash before my eyes before I died as I’ve been told in movies and have come to except them as fact.  All that happened to me was that I noticed everything in fine detail.  There were thirty two identical men standing around viewing my horrible execution.  I noticed that their faces were identical too.  They all had a small mole on their lower left cheek.  They also had a small vertical scar below their eye. Wait the man who shot me wasn’t identical like the others.  His suit and hair cut were the same but he didn’t have the same face.  He was different from the others.  All the others were perfectly identical but it looked like he just wanted to look the same.  The identical men didn’t want me dead, but the fake did.  “How interesting” I thought.  I felt a warm feeling rush over my body.  Time resumed normal speed.  I was scared of what I might see if I looked down to see blood running down my shirt and all over my face.  I could smell blood and burning flesh.  “Oh god.  Am I on fire?”  I thought.  “No” I was unharmed.  I had a nosebleed from the pressure of the situation.  The man had horrible burn marks all over his body.  He was on fire!  His body crumbled to the ground.  He let out a yelp as he hit the ground.  All of the men screamed and ran for cover while filing stray shots at me.  I was in a daze.  A bullet flying past my ear snapped back to reality.  I dodged behind a dumpster. I remember this part I thought to myself.  I saw that my hands were burning red and they felt like I had just picked up a glowing ember out of the fire.  I was so entranced with my burning hands that I hadn’t noticed anything around me.  Like four bullets piercing the dumpster and coming extremely close to going through my torso.  I also didn’t notice the man sneaking up on me, pistol in hand.  He held his gun about two inches away from me. 

“A bullet to the stomach to make sure he didn’t get away then drag him to the boss.”  The man thought.  He would have been successful if he hadn’t had the courtesy to ask me if I had any last words before he shot me.  “Any last words you brat?” He asked.  The burning in my hands subsided and suddenly it clicked in my head.  It all made sense.  The burning hands, the warm feeling engulfing me, and the man with the horrible burns all over his body.  I did it, maybe.  It wasn’t spontaneous combustion that horribly disfigured that guy.  It was me.  I had set him aflame.  His harsh words dragged me to reality.  “I guess not” He sneered.  My heart pounded against my chest.  He pulled the trigger.  This time, time didn’t slow down.  I didn’t have the chance to cast him into flames and survive.  The gun clicked.  “Why now?” He growled.  He pulled a clip from his coat pocket and reloaded his gun.  He pulled the gun back to my stomach and said “Now where were we?”

“Uh, I know.” I remarked.

“Well that was a rhetorical question but what?” He said smiling.  He jabbed at my stomach with his pistol. 

“You,” I yelled “burning” I raised my hand above my head.  Flames were dancing around and embracing my hand.  The flames entranced my eyes.  I grabbed his arm.  The flames ran up and down his body.  He screamed in agony.  I let go of his arm.  The flames went out instantly.  His mangled body stood before, he could barely keep his balance.  His legs started to give out.  He pulled his gun up to my body.

“Go to hell you brat!”  He whispered.  I tried to get out of the way.  He fired.  I wasn’t fast enough.  The bullet grazed my right shoulder.  I cried out.  I clasped my hands over my mouth.  He fell over.  He was trying to raise his gun to fire again but I was quick enough this time.  I grabbed his arm and ripped the gun out of his hands despites his shrieks of protests. 

“You don’t need that.” I told him.  I stood up.  I threw the gun into the dumpster.  The thirty men stopped panicking and started searching.  “I need to get out and fast” I thought.  “What do I do now?” I asked myself

I heard a faint response.  “Go through the back alley behind you” A voice in my head said.  Without a second thought I started running through the alleys.  “Turn right” The voice urged.  I obeyed the voice as if in a trance.  It held power over me.  I couldn’t help but wonder why the men weren’t following me. 

         “Thank god” I thought.  I was cradling my shoulder it hurt every time I moved it and it was bleeding profusely.  I pulled of my tie off and used it as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding in my shoulder so I wouldn’t bleed to death.  I was grateful that just happened to get shot in the arm on picture day. 

“They’re not following you because they are afraid and they are running away despite their orders.” The voice snickered.  I had no idea what the voice was talking about but I ignored his remark and mindlessly continued to follow his orders and directions.  It had been minutes or hours or day.  I had no sense of time what so ever.  Finally the voice broke the eerie silence as I was jogging down a long street.  “Your powers are very destructive” The voice hissed. 

“I know!”  I said aloud.  The images of the two mangled men were brought back to the front of my head and no matter what I tried they stayed there.  I horribly disfigured two people possibly killed them if the other men didn’t think to get them some medical attention.  Those men could have family waiting for them to return.  Children excited to see there father before bed or a loving wife waiting for her husbands embrace.  I could’ve token that away.  Those men needed help.  I could call 911 and tell them the location of the two men.  I pulled out my cell phone and started to dial 911. 

“Don’t call them!” The voice yelled.  For the first time I could hear anger in his voice.  I didn’t immediately obey his command.  I hesitated before I spoke against the voice.          

“Why the hell not?” I asked.  I was angry that he didn’t think I should try to call and help those people.  Fog started to enshroud everything.  I had no idea where I was.  I had never seen this part of town. 

“Because they will know who called who you are and who did it!” He remarked.  I hadn’t thought about that.  I did that to them.  The police wouldn’t just help them and not look for the culprit.  Plus once the men recovered they could describe me in detail. 

“But I should help them.” I thought.  I would feel horrible if they died. 

“You would feel horrible being put in prison for the rest of your life or being sentenced to death.”  The voice rasped angrily.  My life would end before it even began.  Before I could think about being in prison the voice yelled “Stop!”  I head pounded with pain.  I obeyed and stopped in my tracks.  I scanned my surroundings.  To the right I saw a dark slender shadow.  I took a step forward to get a better look at the person. 

“Move no further!” The man commanded.  He had the same commanding tone as the voice in my head.  His voice was human, not at all like raspy and hollow voice in my head.  His voice was very familiar.  “Your powers are too destructive.”  The man claimed.

“Where have I heard that voice?”

“You’re a danger to yourself and everyone around you.” He claimed.

“It’s so familiar; the name was on the tip of my tongue.”

“You’re like a child with a gun.” He said “It needs to be taken away before you kill again.”  I decided to ask him who he was.  I opened my mouth but nothing came out.  I gasped for air.  I felt strong hands around my neck.  They gripped tighter by the second.  I attempted to pull the hands away from my neck.  I grabbed a fistful of air.  My neck tightened.  The man was standing there coolly as if he expected this to happen.  I fell to my knees.  I started crawling towards the shadow.  I felt like that if I figured out whom that shadow was everything would be all right.  I staggered along with no help from the invisible hands.  I inched forward.  “I have to stop you.” The man said.  His voice was soothing.  It made me want to curl up and fall asleep. 

“No!”  I told myself.  I must fight this.  I was so close.  I could see his body finally.  He was wearing a fancy suit but his face was enshrouded in darkness.  I had to look at his eyes.  As I struggled forward I could feel the tips of his shoes.  I firmly grasped his legs and pulled myself to my knees.  I started climbing up him.  I still couldn’t see his face.  “Who are you?” I thought. 

“It doesn’t matter.” The voice sadly said “Now just go to sleep” My eyelids felt heavy.  I started to slide down his leg.  My eyes were shut.  The felt as if they were super glued shut. My eyes popped open with new invigoration.  It clicked in my head.  I know who it is.  I finally remembered him.  I started pulling myself up again.  I began to doubt my guess at the shadows identity. 

         “After thirteen tries I finally found the out the identity of the shadow man. But it couldn’t be him.” I thought.  I clawed at his shirt and pulled my self higher.  My legs were completely useless and it was almost impossible to just use my hands.  I was growing faint from the lack of air.  I grabbed his shoulders and pulled myself to my feet, not that they were any use anyway.  He was only about four or five inches taller than me.  I stared into his eyes.  I had seen those eyes a million times before.  “How is he here? He lives so far away, why would he do this?” I thought “Stop, stop, stop, stop!” I thought.  I pleaded with my eyes. 

“I’m sorry.” He said.  Before I blacked out my voice returned to me.  Everything started to fade.

My voice returned to me.  All I could say was “Oh”.  I tried to keep a grasp on reality.  The darkness was closing in.  It was as if it had a will of its own and wanted nothing more than to suffocate me.  That man’s face was burned into my mind.  I couldn’t breath.  I couldn’t think.  I stopped struggling.  I closed my eyes as he had told me to.  I gave in to the darkness.  Calmness surged through my body.  A feeling of peace and serenity washed over me.  I began to relax, and I started to drown in it.  A sticky wet feeling drizzled over my stomach and flowed to my legs.

Blaring noises ripped through my ears.  My eyes felt glued shut. 

Chapter 2

As the liquid flowed down to my ankles I was thrust into the real world.  I sat up and turned off my alarm.  The clock read 2:48.  “I will be late!” I thought.  I felt the sticky feeling spread down to my toes.  I saw that my pop had spilled all over my stomach and legs.  I got up and stripped. Its Saturday night already? I thought.  Why couldn’t I remember Friday night and Saturday day?  “They better not wake up.” I thought.  I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower.  I shivered remembering my dream in full detail. I couldn’t figure out why I had the same dream thirteen times and I finally woke up after I found out my assailant’s identity.  The other twelve times I had that dream I died.  I finished showering.  I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I sprayed myself with body spray and put on some deodorant. I almost had a heart attack when I saw my brother, Devon, standing in the doorway drinking a glass of milk. 

“Watcha doing?” He asked as he finished his milk.

“I just showered and now I’m going to bed, you will do the
same.” I replied.

“If you’re just going to sleep through the night you wouldn’t wake up and shower at one in the morning?” He inquired.

“I spilled pop on myself so I wanted to clean up.” I said through gritted teeth.

“A, you wouldn’t wake up if I slapped you and yelled in your ear let alone a little pop on you, B why are you putting on cologne and deodorant if you’re just going to bed.” He smirked.

“My hygiene level and preference of what I smell like is no business of yours you brat!” I said sternly.

Without even blinking he inquired “Then why did your alarm go off?”

“How did you even hear that?” I half shouted.

“I couldn’t sleep and I found it interesting to hear your alarm at such an unreasonable hour.” He remarked.

“Apparently as a big brother I failed in making my status clear, I’m older then you I have seniority so what I say goes. Now I say go to bed.” I whispered, making sure that I didn’t raise my voice and wake my mother.

“NO” He sneered.

“What makes you think you can say no to me?” I asked getting extremely angry now.

“Because I can go wake up Mom and tell her that you are planning on sneaking out.” He replied.

“How did you know that I was goi-“I stopped myself. I figured he thought I was just going to play a video game or something.  He’s to smart for his own good. “Uh I mean what do you mean?” I asked.

“I knew it. Now do as I say or you’ll be grounded for
life.” He commanded

“Fine, what do you want?” I asked.

“I wanna go with you.” He demanded.

I was shocked by his temerity. “No way loser” I shot back. He was saddened by my denial but he couldn’t seriously have thought that I would have let him come with me.

“Fine let me ask you three questions and then you can
go, I’ll go to bed and I won’t tell Mom. Deal?” He offered.

“Fine” I sighed.

“First question. Where are you going?” He asked.  I stood
there and stared at him. How did I get stuck with such a nosy brother? “Well?” He inquired.

“Oh I’m sorry” I apologized. “Next question please.”

”You have to ans-“He started yelling but I clamped my hand on his mouth.

“Shut up or we’re both screwed” I whispered in his ear. ”Ok I’m going to the cemetery.” His eyes went wide.

“Whatever, second question. What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to raise the dead.” I said in the spookiest voice I could muster.

“Seriously.” He said” Tell me the truth.”

“Party.” I shrugged.

“Third question. Did you know you’ve been asleep for the past twenty hours?” He asked solemnly. At first I thought he was kidding but his face and voice were so serious I knew he wasn’t joking. “I will take you silence as a no. Good Night big brother.” He walked off to his room and shut the door behind him.  I sighed and walked into my room.

Chapter 3

As I shut the door I let my towel fall to the ground.  I looked at the clock.  It read 1:47.  I gotta fly I thought.
I stood in front of a full length mirror as I pulled on a blood red robe. Red looked good on me. I loosely tied the robe around me. It really was a pain in the you-know-what to run to the cemetery in nothing but a robe with no shoes or socks at two in the morning. I looked at my cherry wood bed frame. Below my bed when I had originally got the bed frame there had been two drawers. I had sawed them off. Sands the sides so that it looked like they were never their then super glued the drawers to the inside of the bed frame. What no one knew was that I had made doors with locks under the bed to both drawers. In the left drawer I put money and anything with great monetary value. In the right drawer I put anything secret or sentimental to me that I didn’t want anyone else to see.  I slipped under my bed and unlocked the right drawer with a key.  I reached inside and felt around for what I was looking for.  I finally found it. I pulled out a highly decorated short sword. It had a beautifully crafted leather sheath which attached to my robe at waist length. I sat down on my bed and rubbed my feet.  They were going to be in an excruciating amount of pain very soon.  Rapier forbid us to where anything but our robe and our sword to, during, from our meetings. Running to the cemetery is going to hoover.  I walked over to my window and opened it slowly and silently.  The cool air hit my face and shocked me. Now I was really awake. The moon was beautiful and full.  Why did my mom have to get a motion sensitive security system?  It made it harder for me to sneak out.  I’m honestly surprised she didn’t put bars on my windows. I sighed heavily.  I climbed out of my window and stood on the windowsill. It really was a fire hazard to have no plausible escape route from a second story bedroom. I sighed. A sturdy branch was just within my reach. I reached out and grasped it firmly with one hand. Please don’t snap I begged the tree branch. I grabbed it with my other hand and lifted my feet from the windowsill. The branch started to give way to my weight. The branch began to bend down and making a cracking noise. I took a deep breath.  An image flooded into my head.  My mom and cops forming a tight circle around my lifeless body sprawled out on the front lawn. My head is twisted the wrong way.  My toes touching the cold flat surface of the kitchen windowsill brought me back to reality.  I planted my feet firmly on the windowsill.  I reached over and grabbed the top of the window. I took my other hand off the branch and grabbed the window.  The branch snapped back up.  I jumped onto the grass.  I brushed myself off and pulled out my sword. The moonlight was dancing on the blade it entranced me. I remembered when I first found it. It was three and a half months ago.  I have a passionate hobby (some people would call it an obsession) of perusing pawn shops, garage sales, flea markets, and the internet to find cool stuff.  Rachel and I were ready to leave a certain pawn shop when something shiny caught my eye. It was the awesome sword that I now hold in my hands.

“How much for that sword right there?” I asked while
pointing to the sword.

“40 bucks” He mumbled.

“You should get it!” Rachel said. I was so overwhelmed with the greatness of the sword I forgot the usual tactic for lowering a pawn shop owner’s price.  Whenever one of us was going to buy something the other person would be very enthusiastic about them buying it while the buyer would be unsure. They would explain all the reasons why the other should buy it.  This would almost always lower the shop owner’s price.

I was so excited I blurted out “Wow! That’s so cheap.”

Simultaneously Rachel kicked my leg while the guy behind
the counter stuttered “Oh uh you meant THAT sword, its one
hundred bucks.”
I gave him a look of disgust and said “Screw you” I began to walk towards the door. I couldn’t believe the audacity I had to say that to that guy. I looked back as I placed my hand on the door.  The sword’s sheer beauty took my breath away. 

“Wait, 45 dollars” He sighed. I would’ve said yes if he had offered it for 150 dollars. The man took my money then pulled the sword out of the glass case and handed it to me.
The sword looked even better in the sunlight. Now I know that the light of a full moon showed of the sword’s true radiance. Rachel decided that my sword’s name was Dracolithe.  The sword drew my gaze in.  If I’m any later they’ll kick me out of RedRum.  I sheathed my sword.  I sprinted across my lawn towards the cemetery.

The moonlight pierced the black night.  I only had to run about a mile to the cemetery. Winfield was a small town only about two miles in diameter. I was glad that no one was outside at this time of night.  While running across the streets I felt very exposed with nothing on but a loosely tied robe that was flapping in the wind. My feet were hurting now. Every step I took an alarm went off and made my whole body hurt.  I knew I was somewhat late I just wondered exactly how late I was.  I hoped to god the oracle hadn’t chosen me to sacrifice.  I pushed the rusty gates open and began running to the topmost hill. I could make out twelve shadows standing in silence at the top of the hill.  My god the oracle had chosen me. Once the oracle learned who was supposed to sacrifice they all stood in silence until that person began the ritual.  I finally made it up the hill and stopped right next to them.  They all looked at me.  There was anger in all their eyes.  I decided I needed to start the ritual as quick as possible to prevent my death.  I grabbed the slab of stone from Rachel’s hands.  I set it in the middle of everyone. I was terrified to perform the ritual, especially in front of Rachel.  I pulled my blade out of its sheath and dropped my robes to the ground. I knelt to the ground before the stone.  I held my breath, I was extremely self conscious.  I looked up at Rachel.  I saw her eyes running up and down me. She noticed me looking at her, she smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up, and then she began chanting along with the rest of the group. I really didn’t see why we had to be naked to do this. As I adjusted the sacred stone so that it was just perfect I noticed it was heavier than normal. It looked darker than usual too. I held my wrist to the top part of the stone.  My sword lay on my wrist waiting to be used. On the stone was a complicated array of indentations that formed elaborate symbols which actually formed a face in the middle, all of this was drawn by one line.  If my blood ran all the way through the line to the end I would be worthy to test myself and see if I had any powers. Few people’s blood had made it through and no one has ever gained a power.  My sword was very sharp. I had never used it before.  Except to look cool. I glided my sword over my wrist, it barely touched my wrist and blood gushed out.  I winced at the pain. It didn’t hurt that bad but it was a big surprise.  My blood traveled along the line filling out the picture.  I actually didn’t want my blood to make it to the end.  The chanting grew louder around me as my blood trickled close to the end.  The blood reached the end.  The chanting abruptly stopped.  I sighed as I stood up.

Rapier, our leader, (who chooses at retard name like Rapier) raised his hand and shouted out “Our brother, Chance, has been selected to be tested.  Rachel you must now put the materials on our sacred stone.”  Without a word Rachel stepped forward and poured the blue contents of a vial on my blood. My blood turned gold.  Then she put some Potpourri looking stuff on the top of the stone slab almost completely covering the entire stone. We all joined hands and started chanting.  Rapier yelled” Chance let our Magick flow through you and give you the gift of a miraculous power. I raised my hand toward the stone.  I didn’t really know what I was supposed to be doing but I tried with all my might.  My eyes began to water, not cry but just from the exertion. A flame erupted from the stone. Everyone released each others hands, except Rachel and me.  She squeezed my hand.

All at once the thirteen of us said “Oh my God”

Chapter 4

         I was in a state of shock. I had lost control of my legs.  They started shaking uncontrollably.  I looked into Rachel’s eye.  There was a combination of disbelief and fear in them. I looked at Rapier, his eyes were wide. I didn’t know what to do.  Everyone was silent.  Our chain of hands had broken but we stayed in a perfect circle. He cleared his throat “Our great brother, Chance, has been given the great power of fire. As our laws state he must be elected to a position in the Sacred Three which consist of me, leader, our oracle, Roth, and the keeper, Rachel.  This is a problem since those positions are already filled so I guess you will just stay a NC as you are.”  Rapier stated. A NC meant that I was a newcomer.  I had been in RedRum for four months. I still can’t believe Rachel convinced me to join.  I met her after about six weeks of school.  It was the beginning of my senior year. It also was my eighth move since the beginning of my junior year. At first she was just some weird girl in the back of five out of seven of my classes. Then I sat back by her one day in art class.  She initiated conversation with me. I was cordial to her and kept talking to her; I did it mainly because I was scared of her.  Then the next period we sat together and I found out that she was funny and really cool, so we became fast friends.  The she introduced me to some pretty scary practices she played with.  Witch craft, devil worshipping, and cult practices are just a few.  Finally she showed me RedRum and convinced me to join.  She told me all about its history and its members.  It didn’t take me long to get wrapped up in the cult.  My grades slipped, I dropped my AP language class to take the elective Mythology and Demonology.  I became distant with family and friends. That’s why my mom is so worried.  I don’t see how that translates to getting a security system.  She constantly worries about what I’m doing.

“NO!” Rachel yelled. “He just set something on fire, no one in our order has ever received a power, and he HAS to get a position.”

“You dare defy my word.” Rapier roared.

“Yes!” She shot back. “Considering that your word goes against our primary rules, these rules are the threads that hold together this order and YOU dare defy them.”

”Rachel, just shut up.” I whispered.

“WHAT?!?” She yelled. “I am defending and you just lipped off to you elder.” She took her hand from mine and slapped me. Not hard but it was a shock.  Rachel had been in the “order” when it started, even before Rapier.  The first leader, Slithe, had planned to make Rachel the leader but Rapier stepped up and took the position when he died. Apparently he had committed suicide. I heard it hit Rachel pretty hard. She told me they were just good friends but I didn’t really believe her.

“I don’t wasn’t a position, its ok.” I whispered even quieter.”

“No you deserve a position.” Raven said as he put his hand on my shoulder. His real name was Ray, short for Raymond, but everyone had a nickname except Rachel and me.  My name is so odd everyone thinks that is a nickname, except Rachel.  Rachel was here when the order started and she refused to cover up her beautiful name (at least she thought so) with a fake name. “Now” Raymond continued “cover yourself.”  I hurriedly pulled my robe over myself.

The argument continued and escalated.  Everyone took a side on the matter and different opinions on what we should do.  Why did everyone care about this matter so much? Everyone except me that is.  I didn’t really care.  I was still in awe that I made my blood erupt in flame. It was just like my dream. The heated argument turned to yelling and screaming.  Apparently everyone had gotten over my supernatural ability and was more worried what position I should get at some dumb club.  I had no part in the argument. I just stood there as an innocent bystander.  I stared at the ground.  I focused on a crisp brown leaf in particular.  It was the perfect target for my ability to mentally make something combust. While staring at the leaf I tried to emulate what I did to my blood. I put all my focus into the leaf. All the noise and distractions were drowned out of my head. My mind was clear.  All I cared about was that leaf.  I couldn’t have the power to make fire.  It seemed impossible; the very notion was just insane.  Besides no matter how hard I tried this time was different.  I didn’t have Rachel’s warm hand in mine. Why had this happened to me?  I just barely joined this club or cult or whatever one wants to call it.  Maybe I was dreaming again. That couldn’t be though. I had cut myself and it had hurt.  I would have woken up when I did that. Then I remembered my first dream when I was shot.  I didn’t wake up from that nightmare for quite awhile, according to my brother that is. How could I trust him, especially if this in just another insane dream.  The yelling and screaming of the argument was getting to be intolerable. I looked up and was torn from my state of Zen.  I was kicked back into reality to face what was in front of me.

The stupidity of the people around me was overwhelming.  How could a simple debate escalate to argument then screaming then this? I saw a figure emerging from the shadow. The figure looked so familiar. As if I had just seen him. Could he possibly be the man from my dream?

“Stop!” I yelled.

© Copyright 2007 Chance Devlin (davincijoel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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