Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1367710-Enter-the-Fripparoo---Part-3--3
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1367710
Fripparoo's growing family set their sights on the last Ranger
Meanwhile, deep in the forest surrounding the meadow, the blue Ranger ran for his life. He heard and felt the lumbering steps of the enormous Fripparoo close behind him, dodging laser blasts as he did his best to use his size and quickness to his advantage.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" the Fripparoo called out sweetly, "I just want to get to know you better, my cute little blue Ranger! Stop being such an insolent child and come here and give momma a kiss!"

Billy looked out from behind a tree as the monster put a flipper to her face and blew a mock-kiss at him, yellow Pac-man springing to life and spitting a trio of laser blasts at the blue Ranger, forcing him to dive for cover. She was toying with him, Billy thought, and enjoying herself in the process. Whatever the reason, at least her and her influence were far away from Kimberly. As he dodged out of the way of another kiss-full of laser shots, he just hoped it would be enough.

The purple and yellow Fripparoo chased Billy for over ten minutes, giggling and throwing her weight around like she was playing hide-and-seek with the Ranger. She sent out yet another volley of laser blasts from her tusks, and as Billy flipped out of the way he ended up in a clearing. A familiar sight met his eyes as he saw the plump pink butt of the pink Fripparoo standing on the other side of the clearing, tail swishing happily. She had led him around in a circle, Billy thought, was this her plan all along? As he thought to himself, he felt the Fripparoo's presence looming behind him.

"It's been fun playing with you, but now it's time to put my toy away and attend to more serious matter. We're just in time to see the newest addition to the family, too!"

Forgetting everything else, Billy looked over to see Fripparoo Kim turn to face him. A distinct bulge could be seen squirming in her pouch, though it was much bigger than Trini's normal human form. Was he too late? His hopes took another blow as he looked down and saw Zack lying face first in the dirt. He was still in his uniform, meaning she hadn't drained him completely, but he wasn't fighting back either.

The predicament made Billy forget about the ten foot tall monster still looming over his shoulder. Billy saw two rubbery arms wrap around his shoulders and grab onto him tightly, the monster bloated with the added strength of the red Ranger still trapped in her belly. He struggled all he could but was lifted off his feet and squished into the Fripparoo's yielding chest. He struggled hard as she squeezed him tight, mashing him between her two giant yellow breasts as they seemed to hug him from all sides.

"Be still, my naughty little Ranger. We can't have you going out and ruining my daughter's big day!"

Billy struggled to see anything trapped helplessly in her cleavage, her breasts threatening to suffocate the hero as he gasped for air.

"But don't worry, there'll be plenty of time to deal with you later. Right now, I want you to have a front row seat for this.”

She left Billy a sliver of vision just wide enough to be filled by the pink Fripparoo. She was moaning now, holding her pouch as the bulge continued to swell. She sounded as if she were getting more excited with each passing moment, soon sending her into throes of pleasure as she cooed and embraced her tummy.

"That's it dear...almost there....just one more push and you've got it!" Kim cried out as she held her pouch, giving one last squeeze as the lip of the pouch flapped open. The bulge turned into a amorphous ball of yellow energy that floated out of the pouch bobbed through the air before returning to earth seconds later in a familiar cloud of dust. The entire clearing went quiet as they watched on in awe as before them stood a brand new Fripparoo, canary yellow from head to toe except for the lighter yellow patch on her belly, matching the original Fripparoo's coloration. She was smaller than either the pink or lavender versions, pronouncedly skinnier and looking more human than monster in terms of size.

The golden hippo monster blinked as she held up her hands, no, her flippers in disbelief. "I'm....a Fripparoo?" she asked herself, half in shock as she inspected her body. Her mitts felt down over her belly to her massive thighs, squeezing her rubbery body she found no trace of her human form, only the distinct form of a Fripparoo monster. Even her tail, a thick yellow roo tail, tucked timidly between her legs as she came to grips with what she had become. The biggest surprise came when she slid her flippers up her frontside, feeling two large mounds on her chest. She tried to cover up her breasts as her tail tucked itself between her legs, overcome with embarrassment. Kim waddled over just then, placing a consoling flipper on the smaller Fripparoo's shoulder.

"There there dear, there's no reason to be ashamed. You've become a beautiful Fripparoo just like your momma!"

Trini began sobbing into her oversized flippers, making her entire body shake like a bowl of Jell-O.

"Look what you've done to her! Kim, what have you become...you, you monster!" a cry of despair came from between the lavender Fripparoo's cleavage as he squirmed an arm free to reach out for Trini.

"Naughty boy!" the Fripparoo grabbed Billy around the waist and lifted him up high, "telling my granddaughter lies like that!" she harrumphed, shaking a scolding finger at the blue Ranger as he dangled from her hand.

"What was that you called me earlier? Blubber butt was it? Well, since you're so interested in my posterior, I'll just have to use it to teach you a lesson."

Billy lay helpless as the purple Fripparoo lowered him past her belly and below her pouch. Her gargantuan frame shifted to one side, creating a small opening beneath her rump that she unceremoniously stuffed the Ranger into feet-first. He squirmed and struggled as the tight opening pinned his arms to his side. Billy saw a shadow descend over his face as the Fripparoo lowered herself onto the blue Ranger, squashing him under her rumpy girth leaving only his head sticking out, starting straight ahead.

"How does that feel?" The lavender Fripparoo giggled as she shifted her weight, pretending to get comfortable atop the hapless Ranger. "Now you be good and get comfy there. I want you to get a good feel for my blubbery butt, so you'll see that having one isn't so bad after all."

"Get off me, you fat beast!" Billy muffled as he tried to squirm free.

"Watch your mouth, my insolent one. There are far less pleasant places I can stuff you than my belly or pouch." her tone took a serious turn for a moment. She wasn't serious, was she? Still, Billy thought, he didn't even want to take that chance. He just had to sit there and watch, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Across the clearing, Kim continued to console the sobbing Trini, cooing and awwwwing and doting over her skinnier offspring.

"Don't cry my baby, everything is going to be alright. You're probably just scared, and that's OK. Momma's here for you now," Kim reached down to embrace Trini in a hug. The yellow Fripparoo was overcome with emotion, crying uncontrollably though she didn't know why now. She was lost and alone, and just wanted it all to be over. The only familiar sight that met her eyes was her teammate the black Ranger, but he was just lying there and didn't seem to be interested in helping her. Or so she thought.

"Oh momma," Trini began slowly, "I'm so confused!"

"Oh, my poor baby!" Kim squeezed Trini tight, "I know just how you feel." Trini looked up at the loving smile that the pink Fripparoo gave her, filling her with a wonderfully warm fuzzy feeling. Maybe she was just looking out for her? Would her mother guide her astray?

"You must be upset that you're so skinny my dear. Your tummy must be rumbling by now!" Trini listened to her words and looked down at her little rund belly wonderingly. She wass feeling a little hungry, now that she thought about it.

"Wh...what can I do momma?" she spoke timidly.

"You can make your momma proud by gobbling up the black Ranger over there," she gestured to Zack with a flipper, "just use that froggy tongue of yours to wrap him up and gulp him down into that cute tummy of yours my baby."

Trini looked down at Zack as a flood of conflicting emotions swirled about her head. She wanted to make her mother happy any way she could, but part of her just felt it was the wrong thing to do. She was a Fripparoo in appearance, but Kimberly's powers paled in comparison to the original Fripparoo leaving Trini a sliver of her humanity that she clung to tightly.

"I....I can't do it momma! I don't want to hurt my friend," Trini said as she sobbed softly.

"Oh honey, what has that silly Ranger told you? It won't hurt him, in fact, he'll be tucked away in your belly forever and ever! He'll be close to you always, and you can keep him safe and warm." Kim said, trying to reassure the fledgling Fripparoo.

"That's right my granddaughter!" the lavender Fripparoo chimed in, happy to assist in the development of another Fripparoo, "inside your belly, he'll live for a thousand years thanks to your special Fripparoo pheromone, which keeps all the boys you swallow happy and docile."

"Oh, doesn't that sound wonderful? And think what a nice plump belly he'll give you too!"

Trini stared at Zack pensively, her flippers rubbing her belly. The voices of her fellow Fripparoos rang sweetly in her ears, drowning out the protests of her rational mind. She didn't want to hate herself for what she had become. That so, was it so wrong to give into these feelings? Her mother was so supportive of her too, squashing all the bad thoughts that plagued her mind. She had never felt so loved in her life, just wanting to be a good child for her momma.

"You're so lovely my dear," Kim said, stroking her softly, "why don't you slurp down that Ranger and let yourself plump up with his power? I promise baby...you'll love it!"

The pink Fripparoo took a step back from Trini, her comforting influence leaving the yellow Fripparoo as she instantly looked lost, looking back to her mother for guidance.

"Go on dear, swallow him down!" Kim cooed sweetly.

Tenuousy, Trini opened her maw and let her tongue slide out. She felt her belly rumbling, the hunger urge growing inside her as she instinctively licked her lips.

"Yummy....Ranger?' she turned back again to ask her mother.

"Yes dear, delicious! Just one gulp and he'll be tucked away inside your big belly!"

"I.....I'm sorry Zack!" Trini said as she opened her mouth wide. Her tongue darted out and streaked towards the prone Ranger, wrapping around his feet and ankles. With surprising strength the tongue lifted Zack off his back, jolting the black Ranger awake as he saw the fast approaching maw of the yellow Fripparoo.

"Trini....noooo!" he screamed as her flippers grabbed him and reeled him in. The look on her face was a pained one, tears streaming down her eyes as she pulled him closer with almost an apologetic look on her face. But as his feet hit her lips and Trini got her first taste of the Ranger, her demeanor change. The yellow Fripparoo let out a resounding 'Mmmmmmm!' as she started to slurp greedily now, Zack feeling his feet stuffed deeper into her maw as her flippers grabbed his shoulders to get a better hold.

Glomph! Smack! Slurp! The sounds of Trini greedily pulling the black Ranger into her maw. "Mmmmmmm...so tasty!"

The timidness was fading in her voice as Zack watched her face get closer and closer, from his waist down he was squeezed by the warm moist interior of the Fripparoo's maw. He pleaded with her one last time, but as she sucked his shoulders Zack could see the look on Trini's face melt from fear to a look of pleasure as she feasted on the Ranger with gusto. She held her belly as the black Ranger's body turned into an indiscriminate bulge in her throat, massaging it with a flipper as Zack's head was slurped into Trini's maw. She clamped down tightly, plunging Zack into darkness as he held one hand outside of Trini's maw in a desperation.

Billy watched the scene unfold in horror as he watched Trini's personality morph in front of his eyes. As the final straw, the yellow Fripparoo noticed the blue Ranger peeking out from under the lavender Fripparoo. Taking a  cue from her momma, Trini waddled over intently and gave Billy a wink and an evil smile. Tilting her head back, she gulped once and sucked Zack's arm in like spaghetti, mmmmmmming deeply as Billy watched the bulge travel down her throat and get deposited into her belly, which distended with the black Ranger's bulk. Rubbing her tummy, Trini watched as a black helmet appeared on her thick hide, signifying that Zack belonged to her now. Overcome with emotion, Trini squealed with delight.

"Mmmmm you were right momma! He was so yummy!" Billy watched as Trini began to plump up, much to her delight as both pink and lavender Fripparoos broke into clucking praises, telling their newest family member how proud they were.

For a moment Billy escaped without notice, and he almost thought they would forget about him completely. But as their excitement died down, the yellow Fripparoo turned and pointed at the blue Ranger.

"Can I have him too momma?" she asked innocently.

"All in good time, my granddaughter. This is a very naughty boy we have here, who needs to be taught some manners." she grinned down at the blue Ranger.

Billy watched as his limited vision soon filled with the image of round Fripparoo bellies crowding around and surrounding him completely. If there was one thing he knew right now, he knew that he was in big trouble. His heart raced, not knowing just what they were planning to do with him. Based on what he had seen, he had no desire to learn what kind of ‘manners’ the beast was talking about.

“Awwww,” Fripparoo Trini whined, “but his blue helmet would decorate my belly perfectly!”

“Patience is a virtue, my daughter,” the Fripparoo chided, “there will be plenty of time to play with this one.”

Billy caught a lucky break as the females started in over who would get to have him fist. It was a chilling thought, being a mere plaything for these ponderous beasts. But as they argued the Fripparoo perched atop him shifted her weight, causing her rump to lift up slightly and giving the blue Ranger just enough space to wriggle an arm free. One arm turned into a shoulder, then both arms, and finally with one strong pull Billy wrenched himself from under the Fripparoo’s butt. He stood up amidst the cackling of the ladies around him, walled in by their pudgy bellies as he looked for an opening. Seeing a sliver of daylight between Trini and Kim, Billy took a chance and took a running dive for the opening. Trini was the first to see the blue Ranger making a run for it, and screamed to her mother that he was getting away. Billy flew through the air and hit the deck just as Trini and Kimberly smooshed their bellies together in an attempt to trap him, the blue Ranger sliding past their knees in a cloud of dust. In a single motion he rolled to his feet and took off sprinting towards the deep forest. He just needed a few seconds of standing still and he could teleport away, and the Fripparoos would have a tough time finding him hidden amongst the trees. But his hopes sank as quickly as they had risen as the blue Ranger felt an electric shock jolt his body as he face planted hard into the ground.

“Not so fast cutie,” Kimberly’s throaty voice called out to Billy as he lifted up onto his elbows. Hanging his head below his chest he could see a shining pink tentacle wrapped tightly around his right ankle. Another jolt struck, making Billy’s whole body tense as he felt his energy being sapped from his body at a rapid pace, making it hard to even stand.

“Save some for me!” Trini pushed at the larger pink Fripparoo playfully as her energy tongue uncoiled from the blue Ranger’s ankle. Billy felt the ground shake as Trini approached, putting her hands on her head in a mimic of what she had seen her mother do. Immediately she sprouted a Pac-man head of her own, slurping tongue lashing out at the prone Ranger as it wrapped around his waist like a glowing yellow belt. The yellow Fripparoo giggled as she rubbed her belly intently, making the blue Ranger writhe about on the ground as she drained his energy happily. Billy dug deep within himself as he struggled to stay conscious, knowing that if he blacked out he may never see the light of day again.

“Very good my daughters, feast upon his energy until he can longer escape our clutches.”

The purple Fripparoo stomped towards Billy, letting him get a good view of her rotund tummy and breasts jiggling as she approached him.

“Bad boy!” she scolded the blue Ranger mockingly.“Just for that, I’m taking away your toys.”

Billy was manhandled by thick flippers grabbing at his wrist and waist. His arms tried to snatch at the laser blaster and teleporter watch were lifted from his body and crushed in the Fripparoo’s enormous mitts. Billy watched as the she tilted her hands, letting her fist open as his only chance of escape fell to the earth in a thousand pieces.

“And your helmet too. I don’t know if you’re making faces at me under there.”

Billy was doing his best to keep propped up, wobbling on hands and knees. Powerless to do anything about it, the pink Fripparoo obediently reached down and plucked the helmet from Billy’s head, revealing the curly brown-haired Ranger’s face.

“Hey! Those are prescription!” Billy protested weakly, squinting as he tried to focus properly.

“Oh hush! You’ve been a naughty boy, and now it’s time for you to be punished!”

Billy gulped.

“Daughters! Turn this insolent Ranger on his head and bring him to me. I’m going to give him a taste of what it’s like to be in my pouch.”

Billy’s eyes went wide as he was grabbed on both sides by the towering pink and yellow creatures, flipped on end and dangled by his feet. Billy was treated to an upside down view of the now goliath Fripparoo, flippers stretching her pouch wide giving him an eyeful of the soft moist crimson interior. He was lifted up slowly to the monster’s pouch, a full six feet off the ground. Hanging there, Billy could smell the sweet smelling musk rising up from the pouch and feel the warmth emanating from within. Before he could collect his thoughts he felt the flippers holding his legs release, letting gravity do the rest as the blue Ranger dropped down three feet as the pouch swallowed him up with a loud ‘Sccchhllluuurp!’

Billy felt the lip of the pouch snap down around his waist, engulfing his torso in a tight rubbery hug. The reverberations of the monster’s laugher filled his ears and shook him violently, his legs kicking wildly in the open air as he was jostled back and forth in the Fripparoo’s wide pouch. He could hear a pounding from deeper inside the monster’s belly, and realized that Jason was still in there trying to get out. The walls were too thick, and he could make out little else but the resigned panic in Jason’s voice, probably encouraging him to keep fighting, Billy thought.

Her thick flippers held his ankles high lifting his waist from the pouch as she leaned back and pinned his legs to her chest with an arm. Billy heard her muffled voice though the walls of the pouch, scolding him by the tone of her voice. He was actually beginning to enjoy the cozy feeling a little bit, that is, until he felt his legs split wide and slung back. This time, he heard the Fripparoo clearly as her muffled voice boomed in his ears.

“Naughty boy! Momma’s gonna spank you now!”

Billy couldn’t believe his ears. Why couldn’t she just blow him up, or rip him to shreds like all the other monsters wanted to? This was a million times worse.

He felt the first strike hit his rump, a thick heavy flipper spanking him soundly and sending up a loud thudding smacking noise into the air. Billy could hear the Fripparoo’s muffled voice calling to him like a disobedient child as the snickers of her two daughters tittering loudly in the background rang in his ear. He was lucky he was face down in her pouch Billy thought as his cheeks turned bright red from embarrassment.

“You’re going to learn that big is beautiful, even if I have to spank some manners into you!”

The Fripparoo’s flippers continued to paddle the hapless Ranger, Billy only able to kick his legs ineffectually and endure her mocking reprimands as his rump soon became raw from the repeated impact. Billy gasped for air, to his chagrin there were enough pockets of air shifting about in the pouch to keep him conscious throughout the whole ordeal. The monster showed no sign of relenting either, the spanking seeming to go on forever as the Fripparoo’s motherly coos grew in volume.

“I’m not going to let you go until you promise to be good, my naughty little blue Ranger,” the Fripparoo cackled with glee.

Billy couldn’t tell if it was the blood rushing to his head or if it was the intensity of the situation, but he was becoming very light-headed. Each strike on his sensitive bottom seemed to catalyze sensations of vulnerability, embarrassment, and guilt within him. He was starting to feel like a kid who got his hand caught in the cookie jar, the feeling growing stronger with every swat, scold and tease from the motherly Fripparoo.

An eternity passed in Billy’s mind, his cheeks twitching expectantly as the steady paddling of his rump continued. The spanking was wearing away at his confidence he had to admit, as all those years training and sacrifice he had put in were being undermined by the overbearing Fripparoo. He hated himself for feeling guilty, for letting down his team and being so easily defeated like this. He was smarter than that, he thought. Billy was really starting to feel like a guilty child, thoughts which only added strength to his mental predicament.

“Just tell me you’ll be a good boy and I’ll let you go,” the Fripparoo halted her onslaught momentarily. Met with muffled angry shouts from within her pouch, the monster set her flipper in motion once again as the sound of rhythmic clapping filled the air, sending the pink and yellow Fripparoos into a fit of giggles.

“Just say the words Billy and I’ll know you’ve learned your lesson,” she sang out sweetly.

The blue Ranger squirmed and fussed for as long as he could, but the embarrassment was becoming too much as finally couldn’t take it any more.

“OK! OK! I’ll be good *sniff* I promise!” the blue Ranger sputtered with tears streaming up his face.

“Did you hear that my daughters?”

“Hear what, momma?” Trini asked.

“My daughter couldn’t hear you Ranger…what did you just say?”

When she was met with stubborn silence, the Fripparoo merely lowered her hand over Billy’s rump, rubbing it tenderly.

“I asked you to speak up for my daughters, blue Ranger. Are you going to be good, or am I going to need to spank some more manners into you?”

Billy let out an involuntary shriek as he heard the Fripparoo’s words. “I’ll be good! I’ll be good!” he shouted at the top of his lungs into the walls of the pouch.

“Did you hear that darlings?”

“Yes momma!” the pink and yellow Fripparoos responded in chorus.

“OK, I think you’ve had enough.”

Slowly and deliberately the Fripparoo lifted the blue Ranger out of his fleshy prison like a magician pulling a rabbit out of her hat. The pouch let go reluctantly, leaving behind a moist residue that clung to Billy’s uniform and gave him a bad case of pouch-hair. The blue Ranger tried to hide his face as he emerged, turning beet red to match Jason’s red helmet icon on her belly as the pink and yellow Fripparoos pointed and giggled at the Ranger, trying to rub it in.

“What do you think girls?” the Fripparoo asked as she dangled Billy by one leg.

“Let’s pouch him!” Trini suggested excitedly, wringing her flippers together.

“What happens when we pouch Billy, momma?” Kim asked wonderingly, “Will he turn into a lady Fripparoo too?”

“Why, yes dear! Anyone lucky enough to be sucked up by our tails and sealed away in our pouches will blossom into beautiful feminine Fripparoos. Boys are no exception.”

Billy swallowed hard.

“But that only happens if they are truly worthy, and loyal to the Fripparoo cause,” the lavender Fripparoo said as she lowered the blue Ranger slowly to the ground, releasing her hold on him. With ego severely bruised, Billy sat cowed at the feet of the monster not daring to run for fear of further punishment. The eight foot tall yellow and pink Fripparoos cooed and crowded in around the blue Ranger, forcing him to back up against the Fripparoo’s pouch as rotund pink and yellow bellies threatened to drown him in their blubbery mass.

“Ooooh, I bet he’d make the cutest blue Fripparoo!” Trini chimed in as her tail began swaying excitedly, sending plumes of dust into the air behind her, “a nice round belly is what he needs…he’s too skinny!”

“Good idea!” Kim concurred. Then a thought occurred to her, making her giggle uncontrollably, “and a lovely pair of Fripparoo breasts to go with it!”

Billy squirmed uncomfortably at the thought, trying to make himself as invisible as possible. But as the girls argued over him verbally, another battle was brewing on his level. Both of their tails were swishing and curling frantically, tail tips pressing past their owner’s girth to get at the blue Ranger. They weren’t seriously thinking of pouching him and turning him into a girl, were they? Before he had time to contemplate Kim’s tail rose up and struck down at the hapless blue Ranger, his head and shoulders engulfed in the tail-tip’s tight moist embrace, sucking him in greedily.

“No fair! I want to pouch him too!” Billy could hear Trini’s muffled protest as suddenly he was swept off his feet as they were sucked into yet another confining space.

“Mine!” “No, mine!” “No, I wanna turn him into a Fripparoo!” “No, me!” Engulfed in a tight cocoon consisting of the two monster’s tails, Billy was tugged back and forth as they fought over him. Billy gasped for air in total darkness, feeling the warmth surround him as the intense suction of the thick tails immobilized him, pinning his arms to his sides. The blue Ranger was jostled violently back and forth, hoping he would be pulled one way or another soon to just end it all as he was starting to accept his fate.

“Now now girls, let him go this instant!” the big Fripparoo scolded as she lumbered forward, separating the two. Their tails reluctantly slid off of Billy, the blue Ranger falling to earth with a loud thud as he sputtered and gasped for air. Utterly defeated, Billy realized just how much of an object he was to the Fripparoos. They were just toying with him now, and enjoying every minute of it by the looks of things. On the verge of tears, Billy didn’t know how much more he could take.

“Now my children, observe how a real lady deals with a naughty boy like this one.”

Billy looked up weakly as the Fripparoo placed her flippers at her sides, looking at him sternly.

“Now, are you going to be a good boy, or is momma going to need to punish you again?”

Already on his knees, Billy wrung his white-gloved hands together and began to beg the monster.

“I’ll be good! I’ll be good! I swear it! Please have mercy on me, Miss, er, Fripparoo!” Billy’s voice quivered as he spoke.

“Well, since you asked so nicely!” the Fripparoo’s voice mocked him with its saccharine sweetness, but he knew he had to endure her babying, or else it could get a lot worse for him.

“Come here sweetie and let momma hold you,” she said as Billy saw two big flippers reaching for him from above. He stared up over the belly of the beast, feeling like a child in size as the 12 foot tall monster towered easily over him. She lifted him up by his armpits, raising him to her chest she tilted backwards, balancing on her enormous tail as she lay the blue Ranger against her chest. She then began to cradle him tightly as he struggled uncomfortably, pressing him into her soft bosom as she started to sway. She held him like a mother cradling a baby, rocking back and forth slowly while letting out a long calming shhhhhhh. Turning a deeper shade of red, Billy felt the urge to bury his face in the Fripparoo’s shoulder and cry, but held it in as he lay there limply not wanting to give the Fripparoo the satisfaction of enjoying this, comfortable as it was.

“That’s it, don’t fight it dear. You know you just want to be a good boy for your momma, don’t you?” The Ranger slumped dejectedly in her arms, unable to look her in the eyes as he nodded slowly.

“That’s a good boy. There may be hope for you yet, blue Ranger. But not in your current state, oh no,” she chuckled, squeezing him tight.

“I just don’t know how you humans deal with being so scrawny all the time. It just makes you look malnourished and sickly, really. Thankfully we got to your friends the pink and yellow Rangers just in time, putting some much-needed meat on their bones to help them become the voluptuous beauties they are today!”

Kim and Trini blushed as they rubbed their thighs and posed for Billy, blowing him kisses as he looked back at them worriedly.

“Naughty boy, calling your momma a blubber butt like it’s a bad thing. I have no choice but to teach you the finer points of being big and plump,” she smiled wickedly at him, cuddling him close in case he got any funny ideas about escaping.

“In fact, I think it would be most fitting to give you a blubber butt of your own! Which is precisely what I intend to do when I make you my loyal servant.”

“What?!” Billy protested, but before he could get any words out the Fripparoo grabbed him tight and squished him hard against her chest. Her bosom all but swallowed him up, his head disappearing between her two huge yellow breasts as she held him there and let the blue Ranger shout all the insults he wanted. He knew he had to fight it, but the Fripparoo just kept squashing him deeper the harder he fought, in no hurry to let him free.

After a minute, Billy finally he quieted down to catch his breath. His ears rang with the loud thumping of the Fripparoo’s heart, punctuated by the pounding of the red Ranger deep within trying to escape his belly prison. At that moment, he knew it was hopeless. He was going to end up in the monster’s belly, or worse.

“You’ll be much happier once you’ve been fed, little one."

‘Fed?’ Billy wondered, his question answered as soon as he asked it as he was lifted out from between her breasts, shifted to the side then lowered back down atop her breast. His head traversed the outer globe of her breast as the nipple came into view, his mouth heading straight towards it. Disgusted, Billy turned his head away sharply as the Fripparoo’s nipple poked into his cheek.

“Awwww…c’mon dear, it’s not so bad. Just have a taste and I know you’ll love it!”

The Fripparoo took a breast in her flipper, squeezing it firmly. She pointed her nipple like a loaded gun at Billy’s face, pausing to let him get an eyefull as suddenly he was blasted by a stream of warm thick milk. He turned away from the deluge as the creamy liquid drenched him and dribbled messily down his front side. The blue Ranger held his mouth shut as tight as he could, appalled at the prospect of breastfeeding from this beast.

“Now now, don’t be fussy baby. We’re not going anywhere until you’ve had a drink.”

She cradled him even tighter as the milk continued to flow. Billy held out as long as he could, but in the end he couldn’t hold his breath any longer as his mouth burst open gasping for air. This was all the Fripparoo needed, repositioning her nipple and aiming a stream of her milk into the open hole.

Billy gagged as his lungs cried out for air but were only met with a flood of warm milk. Billy coughed as his windpipes changed direction, instinctively funneling the milk down into his stomach. But as soon as the milk touched his taste buds, Billy knew he was in trouble.

It was like nothing he had ever tasted.

It was warm and sweet, thick and creamy all at the same time. But most importantly, it was absolutely delicious. As the milk trickled down his throat, the blue Ranger struggled with his emotions, still disgusted but he couldn’t deny that he wanted more. Slowly, reluctantly, Billy began to sip at the milk. A little taste wouldn’t hurt him. As his rational mind screamed out a million reasons for him not to, he just couldn’t resist.

Suddenly, an intense hunger struck Billy. He had to have more…lots more. The urge quickly overtook his senses as the blue Ranger blinked dazedly, his brain being scrambled by all the messages being fed into him. Feelings of confusion began to grow, which lead to insecurity, which led to panic. As a calming purple flipper stroked his neck softly, Billy wanted to just curl up again her warm breast and suckle. The thought was immediately met with a rush of serotonin, warm fuzzy feelings beckoning him onward. Turning his head slowly, Billy opened wide and looked up at the Fripparoo, his eyes indicating that he was ready.

“That’s a good boy!” the Fripparoo said in her most patronizing voice. “Don’t worry about a thing now, just let momma’s milk fatten you up nice and plump.”

The thick warm milk poured in readily, its flow increasing along with the blue Ranger’s appetite. Drinking it down willingly, Billy couldn’t concentrate on anything but how good it tasted as it filled his belly.

“That’s it my dear. Just give in, and soon you’ll be my loyal minion,” the Fripparoo teased, knowing the Ranger couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. He gave a worried look as the Fripparoo laughed heartily, shaking her breasts and Billy along with it as his mouth kept clamped tightly to her nip. His appetite was unquenchable, his mind continuing to tell him to stop but to no avail. Even as the monster spelled out his monstrous fate, Billy couldn’t bring himself to pull away from her breast, further ebbing away at his confidence. As Billy dealt with the simple fact that the more he swallowed, the better he felt, the bloating began to set in.

The blue Ranger began to swell slowly at first as the Fripparoo’s fattening milk poured in. His belly was the first to distend, filling with milk then ballooning up as his belly started to peek out from between his blue spandex shirt and pants. Once his abs had rounded out into a full out gut, the surrounding areas began to expand to match, his chest, shoulders and thighs growing to match pace as well. The blue Ranger’s well sculpted body was quickly being consumed by his ever-increasing bulk.

After about 30 seconds of suckling at the Fripparoo’s teat, he had nearly doubled in size. His tight spandex uniform strained under the pressure of trying to hold in his growing body, and audible creaked as the blue Ranger continued to drink. Billy’s mind was flooded with pure bliss as he suckled happily, basking in the feelings now that his rational mind had completely given way to sheer indulgence. There was nothing else he wanted now than more, more, more.

As the blue Ranger’s attitude began to change, so did his body. Already distended from the fattening milk, Billy began to make grunting sounds as his human features started to fade, replaced by ballooning Fripparoo features. Soon his face expanded outwards into a round snout, allowing Billy to get more of his mouth around the Fripparoo’s nipple.

“So you like it huh? You didn’t seem to want any a few minutes ago. So you see, you should always listen to your mother,” the Fripparoo teased. “Milk is just the thing every growing boy needs!”

Billy heard the Fripparoo’s words as encouragement to keep drinking, which he did eagerly. The monster’s essence had corrupted the Ranger completely, a virtual slave to the Fripparoo’s bosom as she molded him in her image.

His spandex uniform stretched to its limit as his body grew, looking more like her than his human self. Billy’s gloves were the first to go, ripping all the way across as 4 plump blue fingers burst forth from the white vinyl gloves. Elated at the feeling, Billy clutched to her bosom with his chubby mitts wanting the same to happen all over his body as his skin began to turn a royal blue and thickening to a rubbery consistency, the color matching his uniform perfectly as it showed from beneath.

“You belong to me now, Billy. You failed your friends, and now you will spend the rest of your life serving me.” The Fripparoo held the blue Ranger close as she whispered in his ear. “Not only have I defeated you all, but now with your help I will take over Angel Grove, gobbling down each citizen one by one as my daughters have their way with your women, pouching them and turning them into lovely Fripparoos. Doesn’t that sound glorious?”

A single tear streamed down the blue Ranger’s cheek as the last shred of his humanity reeled at the monster’s words. His will broken, Billy gave in completely clutching hard to the Fripparoo’s bosom as the last of her milk poured into him.

“Enjoy your blubber butt!”

Shoving his head hard into her breast, the lavender Fripparoo arched her back for maximum flow. Just as promised, Billy’s rump shook with the weight of a ton of bricks, ballooning up and finally bursting through the back of his uniform, sending a shower of blue and white spandex confetti into the air.

The force of the change knocked him out of her arms, landing on his backside with a resounding thud that shook the clearing. He sputtered, the Fripparoo’s milk having taken its toll as one by one his body began to pop into shape, thick kangaroo thighs leading into long macropods, all blue in color. In fact his whole body was a deep blue now, his chest taking on the same creamy yellow color as all the rest. As his front side took shape well defined muscles formed above his round belly, lacking a pouch as well. His uniform ripped and popped off in pieces as his new monstrous features took form, tail growing in just in time to keep the Billy from falling over backwards.

Trini and Kim ooohed and ahhhed as they watched their friend swell from svelte human into a plump blue and yellow Fripparoo, giving one last long suck that made his face pop out into a broad blue Fripparoo smile, Billy’s new kangaroo ears wiggling excitedly. Completely under the Fripparoo’s spell, all they could think was how much better he looked like this.

He looked just like they did, a full figured Fripparoo, a bit skinnier and about a half a foot shorter than Trini was at eight feet tall. Turning him to face the girls, Billy wobbled uneasily as the Fripparoo lifted a flipper and clapped the blue Fripparoo on the back.

“So how does it feel, my servant?”

“Mmmmmm….wonderful!” was all the blue Fripparoo could think so say, distracted by the joy of his new body overwhelming him. He then turned to the pink and yellow Fripparoos, bowing deeply to them as he blushed slightly.

“And may I remark what beautiful ladies you two have blossomed into,” he spoke, approaching each one in turn as he took their flipper and gave them each a kiss on the hand.

“And to you my mistress,” Billy turned and lowered himself to one knee, bowing before the Fripparoo. “I dedicate my life to serving you, my queen.”

The Fripparoo nodded approvingly as she placed a hand on the blue Fripparoo’s shoulder.

“And that girls, is how you discipline a man.”


© Copyright 2007 NibblahFrog (nibblahfrog at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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