Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1367708-Enter-the-Fripparoo---Part-2--3
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1367708
Kim has become a Fripparoo, and has her sights set on Trini...

“Guys, we gotta protect Trini!” Jason yelled, directing his remaining teammates to form a human shield around the yellow Ranger. Kim barged through undaunted, smacking the Rangers aside with a heavy flipper. They tried to slow her down, reluctantly using their power weapons to shoot Kim. But she gained more from the Fripparoo than looks, as she instinctively puffed up her belly to make the shots reflect back at the heroes.

“Hee! That tickles!” Fripparoo-Kim slowed only to laugh at the Rangers, thick pink flippers flying through the air swatting her friends away like flies until she got to Trini. The yellow Ranger backed away slowly, looking for someplace to run but finding herself cornered with trees all around.

“Kim no! You don’t want to do this!” Trini begged as she saw Kim’s tail swing around excitedly.

“Oh no Trini…you just don’t know what you’re missing!” Kim giggled, rubbing her belly. “I’m sure you’ll change your mind once I’ve got you all pouched up!”

Kim’s tail twitched then shot out at the prone Trini, a pink sphere of energy growing into the same energy net that had caught Kimberly, aiming to engulf the cornered Ranger in one shot.

“Not this time!” a red flash darted in front of the yellow Ranger as Jason slashed away Kim’s tail with his power sword. Kim shrieked in pain and lumbered backwards trying to get a hold of her tail as it waved about wildly. The red Ranger stepped forward brandishing his sword.

“Kim or no Kim, we gotta stop this monster,” he announced resolutely at the remaining three Rangers rallied behind him. “I know you’re in there somewhere Kimberly, so I know you understand me when I tell you that I can’t let you do this!”

The pink Fripparoo stood holding her tail blowing on the end where a deep gouge from Jason’s sword had been made. Her eyes went wide as she saw the red Ranger raise his sword high and charge towards her, frozen in fear. But as Jason brought his weapon up to strike down Kim, but looked into her eyes and saw the same scared girl that he knew and cared for. The blow had knocked some sense back into her, and if he acted quickly he could break the monster’s spell on Kimberly.

Before he had time to reconsider, a tongue shot out of the air and wrapped around his waist. It snared him as the line went taut, pausing for a split second before the elastic force of the tongue sent him sailing in the opposite direction. The Rangers turned to see their leading flying end-first towards the waiting maw of the lavender and yellow Fripparoo. Her flippers guided him deftly towards her waiting maw, hitting with a resounding ‘Blooomp!’ that echoed across the meadow. The now-bigger Fripparoo was able to make short work of the Ranger as he disappeared quickly into her maw, slurped up like a piece of spaghetti. She snapped her jaws down tightly as with a few loud gulps the bulge that was Jason was forced to the back of her throat, the peristalsis making quick work of the Ranger as he soon found himself deposited unceremoniously into the dark of her belly.

The Fripparoo giggled as she put her flipper on top of her stomach to feel the Ranger poking out from within, struggling angrily inside her. She stroked her belly as she calmly shushed the red Ranger, starting to feast on his energy as his struggles began to wane. In moments, a picture of the Ranger’s red helmet appeared on her belly, sealing the deal.

“That’s what you get for interfering with an important moment in my daughter’s life!” she scolded her latest meal, patting her tummy teasingly.

Kim felt a warm feeling wash over her having seen her mother care so much for her well-being. The Fripparoo’s voice kept ringing hypnotically in her ears, telling her to pouch Trini, her friend. A part of her felt guilty for wanting to trap Trini in her pouch, but as the lines of her world skewed more and more Kim only knew she wanted to return the love the her mom had shown her. And there was no better way to make her mother proud than to make her a grandmother.

Unhindered now, Kim’s tail swung around once more tail tip sprouting an energy net as this time her aim rang true. Trini tried to dodge but her head was swallowed up by the pink energy. The smaller Fripparoo had a tougher time of it; as Trini struggled to get herself free the cocoon inched its way down her body, gulp by gulp, stretching over her like a too-tight sweater. Kim let out a gasp of pleasure, not knowing that making her tail stretch out like this would feel so good, Trini’s every struggle helping to intensify the feeling. The yellow Ranger’s pleas went on deaf ears as the pleasure overwhelmed the pink Fripparoo, Kimberly moaning softly and rubbing her belly expectantly as the net engulfed Trini totally, the bulge making its way slowly down her tail into her main body. In moments a yellow helmet popped up from within the pouch. Overcome with emotion, Kim’s motherly instincts took over as she nuzzled and cooed at the pouched Ranger.

“That’s more like it! Mmmmm it feels even better having someone filling my pouch….I just can’t wait for you to become a Fripparoo too Trini!” Kim gushed as she completely forgot herself, wrapped up in the emotion of the moment.

“Wonderful my daughter…Indeed she shall make a fine Fripparoo, and you her proud mother! But don’t forget that you’re eating for two now,” she came over and patted the yellow Ranger on the head, giving the pink Fripparoo a hug as Trini found herself squished between their two massive bellies. Sputtering and gasping for air, Trini felt a tentacle in the pouch with her. Realizing what it was, she let out a muffled cry into the belly of the Fripparoo as the umbilical cord found her belly button and attached itself without warning. When she pulled away, the yellow Ranger was hyperventilating from panic trying desperately to remove the cord.

“Awww poor dear, she must be hungry. Why, I’m sure that the black Ranger would be happy to offer himself as the main course!”

Billy and Zack had been eavesdropping on the two monsters, but they froze as their attentions turned to them. Seeing Trini struggling helplessly in the pink Fripparoo’s pouch and Jason just a lump in the big monster’s belly, the remaining Rangers knew their chances were slim. But they had to try.

“C’mon Zack, we can do this,” Billy said, trying to bolster their spirits, “we’ve been through this before with the Terror Toad…even when things look down, there’s still hope. We saw Tommy seriously hurt this monster earlier when he shot below their neck.”

“Good thinking Billy,” Zack replied, readying his laser blaster, “this is a fair fight I’d say. Two of us, and two of the uglies over there. Do your best to distract the main monster Billy, I’m going to save Trini if it’s the last thing I do!”

“Rangers go!” they shouted in unison as the blue and black Rangers flipped apart. Billy let loose a few shots at the Fripparoo’s neck, making her squeal in pain as she roared and shot her tongue at him. He darted away trying to enrage the monster and draw her away from Kimberly long enough for Zack to help Trini. It worked, perhaps too well Billy thought as he found himself running for dear life from the stampeding Fripparoo, angry and bent on squashing him like a bug.

‘Nice job Billy, and good luck,’ Zack thought as the two disappeared into the forest, leaving him alone with the pink Fripparoo. He knew he had to act quickly, and attack on two fronts. Trini's helmet was fading from her head as her powers were being polluted by the monster's essence, and her uniform was fading fast too. Now he was fighting against the clock to keep Trini from succumbing to the same influence that had corrupted Kim into her current state of body and mind.

“I’m sorry girls. If we get out of this, don’t hold this against me next time I ask for a date, OK?” Zack laughed nervously as he took aim and fired two shots at the pink Fripparoo’s neck. The shots landed, sparks flew and the pink Fripparoo was forced back bellowing in pain. As expected Trini mimicked her captor’s anguish, an image Zack had to put out of his mind as he dodged laser blasts from Kim..

“C’mon Kimmy, just let Trini go. Think back to all the times we’ve had together, all those monsters we beat. After all we’ve been through, you can’t let this overweight kangaroo get the best of us!” Zack let loose again with his blaster sending the pink Fripparoo reeling backwards, the ground shaking as she struggled to keep her footing. Zack winced when he saw Trini slumped over in the pouch, but he knew he had no choice. With smoke pouring from under the monster’s neck, her demeanor changed as she cowered away from the black Ranger timidly.

Zack followed, unwilling to relent until Trini was free. Just then, a sensor flashed in his helmet, having completed a full scan of the Fripparoo monsters. A big red arrow flashed and pointed at a spot under Kim's pouch, telling him that once the monster's defenses have been weakened by shots to the neck a well placed blast below the belly would loosen the pouch's hold on Trini.

“Alright Kimberly....I asked nicely to give back Trini, so now I'm taking her back myself," Zack stately resolutely. Kneeling down he fired a volley of blasts at the base of Kimberly's pouch. She let out a scream with each hit, falling backwards as she held onto her pouch tight. The lip of the fleshy sack rippled then sagged loosely with each successive shot, making Trini slump forward in the pouch exposing her shoulders.

Zack approached cautiously, blaster held high as Kimberly floundered awkwardly, trying to keep a grip on her pouch as she attempted to puff up her chest to reflect the shots, but she couldn't muster the strength as each shot weakened her powers more and more. As he shot he could see that Trini was no longer reacting to the blows to her captor, meaning that Zack had successfully broken the bond between the two and could safely attack Kim without fear of harming Trini.

"No....my daughter!" Kim shrieked as her flippers fumbled desperately to embrace Trini and hold her in.

“C'mon Kim...just let go of Trini and it'll all be over," Zack wasn't quite sure who he was dealing with. He had seen flashes of Kim's personality that still showed through the Fripparoo's monstrous visage meaning there was still hope for her. But he had seen too many of his teammates swallowed or pouched already, so he couldn't take any chances. As Kim cowered away Zack let loose one more barrage of laser fire that impacted with the base of her pouch yet again, making the pink Fripparoo scream and Trini slump heavily in the pouch, the tension not strong enough to hold her in anymore as Trini's arms came free and dangled out of the pouch now.

Zack wasted no time as he dove at the rose-colored Fripparoo, doing a somersault he rolled in close to the beast and came to his feet directly in front of her pouch.

"Wake up Trini! We gotta get you outta there!" Zack said as his gloved hands grabbed onto Trini's wrists tightly, trying to shake her awake.

"Huh...what...where am I....ooooh, my head," Trini sat upright in a daze, blinking her eyes sleepily as as awoke to the image of the black Ranger tugging fiercely at her. Feeling the warm soft hide of the Fripparoo at her back, Trini's world came back into focus, the shock of the situation jolting her rational mind back into place.

"Zack!" was all she could say as she reached her hands out to meet the black Ranger's grasp. The two Rangers tugged hard against the pull of the pouch, the laser blasts having weakened the pink Fripparoo enough that Trini began to rise out of the pouch with a slow, pronounced 'sccchhhlurrrrp!', the fleshy prison doing its best to keep the Ranger in. Zack tried to ignore the fact that Trini's uniform had faded into a tight see-through suit, blushing a little as she rose like Venus from the pouch exposing her chest and belly button. A few more good tugs and she would be free, Zack thought.

"Oooooooh...." the pink Fripparoo groaned in pain as she held her head, still reeling from the blows. The barrage had stopped now and she was slowly recovering, starting to realize what had happened. She looked down and saw the black Ranger trying to steal her baby, setting off a blaze of emotions as her motherly instinct took over.

Her eyes narrowed as she growled at the black Ranger menacingly, but in her weakened state she could barely lift a flipper to swat away the Ranger. As Kim whimpered helplessly, an instinctive voice rose in her head, drawing her attention inward, to the bulge in her belly. Tommy, having heard the shouts of his teammates in peril, had sprang to life and started banging against the walls of his prison yelling for Kim to let Trini go.

Kim giggled as Tommy jostled about in her sensitive belly, the movement jostling her appetite to life. She knew she needed to replenish her powers, and there was just the tasty Ranger in her belly to help her do it. Without a word, Kim started rubbing her belly slowly as inside a familiar light sprang to life, blinding Tommy as it coalesced into a snake and began to entwine his naked body. He tried to back away but the rubbery walls kept him snugly inside, helpless as the serpentine tongue coiled around him tightly, shock-inducing tongue tip biting at his nipples just to make him squirm. Kim tried her best to moan quietly as she began to swell with his stolen energy, loving every minute of the process.

As Zack tugged with all his might, he could see the monster quickly regaining her wits, rubbing her belly intently. He knew he had to act fast.

"Hurry Zack...I can feel her getting stronger!" Trini pulled back at Zack with all her might as the pouch's grip strengthened with each passing moment. She was almost free now, Zack turning away as Trini's thighs rose out into the open air, turning them inwards to cover her sensitive areas. There was no time to be embarrassed now though as Zack gave another tug, pulling Trini out up to her kneecaps.

"You monster! How dare you try to harm my daughter!" Kimberly roared as her strength returned. The pouch tightened around Trini's knees, halting her outward progress. Just then a bulbous pink tongue rose from within the pouch and began to wind itself around Trini's legs, snaking up her body.

"Come my dear, it is time for you to be reunited with my womb. I won't let this bad man take you away from me."

"We're so close Trini...don't give up now!" Zack tried with all his might but couldn't overcome the monster's renewed grip on the yellow Ranger. He pulled desperately as he watched the umbilical cord wind around Trini's belly. It pulled away from her body then dove back down quickly, driving itself into her belly button with an audible 'Pop!'. Trini let out a yelp and let go of Zack' hand as she felt the warm Fripparoo essence starting to pour into her. Zack lost his grip and was sent tumbling backwards, the pink Fripparoo's flippers reaching out to pull Trini in with a tight embrace.

"Awwwww poor baby. Did that bad man hurt you?" Kimberly consoled Trini as she struggled and tried to pull out th umbilical cord, "Shhhh now, it's OK my daughter. Let's get you back into your pouch where it's warm and safe, doesn't that sound nice?"

Trini knew she had to resist, but as the Fripparoo's energy poured into her the monster's voice stirred up feelings of vulnerability in Trini, urging her to give in to her comforting words. But seeing Zack was a good visual reminder of the danger she was in, keeping her mind focused as she encouraged the black Ranger to keep fighting. She struggled against the pull of the pouch but as one of Kim's flippers stroked her softly the other pressed down on her head, the combined force making her sink deeper into the warm embrace of the pouch.

"Trini! Nooooo!" Zack gave a last ditch effort as he dived once more for Trini, but out of the corner of his vision a pink tail came into view, streaking towards the Ranger and wrapping around his waist tight, stopping his momentum. Moving him around like a rag doll, the tail tossed the black Ranger high into the air. As he came down, he saw the pink Fripparoo preparing for a kick as her tail swung back behind her, propelling her belly forward as Kim's massive thighs came up and delivered a devastating kangaroo kick, her giant foot smacking Zack square in the chest and sending him flying back 30 feet, impacting with a tree and collapsing in a heap at its base.

He was so close, he thought, and couldn't help but be demoralized by Kimberly's resurgence. Adding insult to injury, the pink Flipparoo turned on her heel to give Zack a view of Trini she tucked her back into the pouch. Trini sank in back to her chest, but managed to keep her arms out as she cried out to Zack for help, reaching for him with outstretched arms. His head ringing with impact, the black Ranger pulled himself off the ground and grabbed his laser blaster.

"Just for that, no meal until you come out," the pink Fripparoo scolded Trini as she babied the trapped Ranger, kissing her arms and trying to tuck them back into her pouch like a mother trying to wrangle a fussy child.

"Now to deal with you, black Ranger. I shall enjoy draining your power and feeding you to my daughter." Still holding Trini under one forearm, the pink Fripparoo lifted a flipper to her head, making her tusks glow into a pink Pac-man that fired a volley of laser blasts towards Zack. The black Ranger dived out of the way of the first shot but was hit in the chest by the second, sending sparks flying as he sailed backwards from the impact. The force of the blow knocked the wind out of the Ranger, and as he sputtered to catch his breath he heard the footsteps of the Fripparoo approaching him, her shadow shading him as she stood above him, looming large.

"Did the little Ranger fall down and go boom?" Kim said cutely, basking in the Ranger's predicament, "Well don't worry. All you need to do is agree to become my daughter's meal, and I'll make sure she keeps you safe from harm forever!"

"How about you give me back Trini and I won't blast you into Swiss cheese..." Zack struggled to his feet, standing boldly. The pink Fripparoo responded with uproarious laughter.

"Strong words for someone who can barely hold himself up. But please, there's no need to stand. Here, let me help you find your seat."

Kim once again touched her flippers to her forehead as the Pac-man sprang to life, winding through the air nonchalantly dancing in front of Zack's face teasingly. The tongue lapped at Zack's cheek playfully, sending a shockwave through his body.

"How delicious!" the pink Fripparoo declared as she pat he belly. Bobbing and weaving, the energy tongue began to wind itself around Zack' shoulders, wrapping around his neck in a pink scarf of energy. He let out a long shout as the tongue began to drain him, pulling his will to fight from his body as soon he was too weak to stand, the tongue catching his fall as it lowered him softly to the ground and placed his slumped form propped up against a nearby tree. When he was on the verge of passing out from sheer exhaustion he felt the flow of energy leaving his body halt as the tongue slowly recoiled, winding back into the monster's tusks and disappearing from view.

"Mmmmmm...yummy! Thank you black Ranger, that power was just what I needed to help my little one blossom," the pink Fripparoo mused as she stroked Trini lovingly with her flippers.

Zack looked on as Trini writhed about weakly in the pouch, looking dazed as the last of her uniform disappeared from her body. Her arms still stuck out from the pouch, but dangled limply in front of her not doing much good for her escape efforts.

Fripparoo Kim cooed and awwwed at the yellow Ranger, trying to assuage her fears with her motherly doting. Trini tried to ignore it but the feelings grew inside her, the monster's power ebbing away at the years of confidence she had gained as a Ranger leaving her feeling confused and feeble-minded. Every time her thoughts drifted to obeying the comforting voice of her mother that was surrounding her, she was rewarded with a flood of good feelings that encouraged her to follow these natural emotions she was feeling. She shivered and felt suddenly cold, the pink Fripparoo noticing this as she huddled down and swallowed Trini up in her embrace.

"Awwww...is my baby cold? Well, let momma swaddle you in something nice and warm"

Trini tried to resist but the cold air was too much on her exposed arms and head, and she shook uncontrollable. As the pink Fripparoo comforted her, Trini felt her nude body being embraced head to toe by a warm, tight feeing. She looking down saw herself being entombed in yellow rubber, spreading quickly over her as it added layer after layer, thickening into a smooth rubbery hide. Trini struggled wide-eyed as she watched the rubber spread, seeing her outstretched hands swallowed up by plump yellow mitts as each fingertip popped out in the bulbous shape of a frog's flipper.

"Oh don't you look just darling my daughter!" the pink Fripparoo said excitedly as she took Trini's smaller flippers in her own, stroking them softly. "Yellow is definitely your color!"

Smiling broadly, the Fripparoo looked down at the prone black Ranger. "Oooooh, she's very close, I can feel it! Soon she will be sealed away in my pouch, and you won't be able to confuse my daughter with those silly ideas of yours. But take heart Zack, because I'm nice enough to let you witness Trini's rebirth as a Fripparoo!"

The pink Fripparoo hopped in delight, barely able to contain herself as the ground shook beneath her feet. Just as she promised, the rubber suit was doing its work flawlessly as it continued to balloon up around Trini, her struggling form being swallowed up by the growing Fripparoo body. The coup de grace came as a yellow Fripparoo muzzle inflated above her head filling out into a perfect replica of Kim's hippo snout, coming to completion with an audible 'Pop!', the eyes of the suit blinking as Trini blinked in shocked horror.

"Kim," she managed weakly, "I...I don't want to become a Fripparoo," and started to cry.

"Fight it girl, fight it!" Zack reached out to the yellow Ranger,  "Just remember that no matter what you look like, you're still Trini inside"

Zack struggled about on the ground as the tip of the energy tongue tapped him in the back of his head, draining enough power to make him go limp again.

"Oh hush you. Stop trying to confuse my daughter!" she covered Trini's kangaroo ears with her flippers.

"Did you hear that? He wants to rip you from my pouch and take you away from me, away from your warm safe pouch. But don't worry baby, momma's gonna keep you safe from that mean ol' Ranger.

"Just take your mind off all your troubles my dear, it's almost time for my pouch to swallow you up for your final transformation," Kim giggled as she spoke.

The motherly Fripparoo wrapped her arms around Trini, giving her a kiss on her bulbous yellow snout that made it jiggle. Trini blinked as a comforting feeling washed over her, aware that she could feel the kiss on the yellow snout as if it were on her own nose. She still had most of her human senses but was fighting a losing battle as the feelings of vulnerability threatened to drown her completely. It amazed her how good it felt to hug back when the pudgy pink arms engulfed her. She knew it would be a challenge to fight all these feelings as they enveloped her senses. It made her just want to cuddle against the soft walls of the pouch, the soft hypnotic beating of the pink Fripparoo's heart growing louder in her ears.

The black Ranger mustered enough strength to look up and see the yellow Ranger sink into the pouch, giving one last cry as she disappeared from view. A pink flipper slipped along the edge of the pouch as the pink Fripparoo sealed the lip to her chest, leaving the trapped form of Trini writhing within.

"Mmmmm...just watch as she swells within me. She can't resist all those lovely feelings for long, my dear black Ranger. And as soon as she succumbs to my power, she'll emerge as a new Fripparoo and be ever so hungry. I'm glad you've decided to stick around and be her first meal, because once a new Fripparoo gets a taste of what it's like to fill her belly, she'll never want to go back to being a weak scrawny human. And it'll be all because of you, my tasty black morsel, isn't that lovely?"

Zack's mind screamed out in anguish but he kept it in, knowing he couldn't let the monster have the pleasure of hearing him break like this. He had to stay strong. It was easier said than done though, having to lie there helplessly watching the bulge that was Trini incubating in Kimberly's pouch as the pink Fripparoo cooed motherly as she writhed about.

...To Be Continued...
© Copyright 2007 NibblahFrog (nibblahfrog at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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