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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1367490
Tindo sees if his plans will pay off
Tindo, still in his guise as old Gorlim, took a spot on a pier that gave him a clear view of a house sitting over the lake on stilts. The morning sun warmed his back and prevented his target from spotting him.

He then picked up a discarded fishing net and began to move his hands over it, seemingly inspecting and repairing it. Tindo kept his eyes on the house waiting for his and Sastra's activities of the last night to bear fruit.

Sastra's plan to break into the very house Tindo was now watching had succeeded. He spat into the water, recalling the bitter taste of the invisibility potion he had quaffed to enable their access down the long pier to the house. He wished he had told her of his true identity after their first meeting, having deceived her for so long would make revelation awkward now.

The sun rose as Tindo watched. Patience, he had learned, often magnified preparations toward success. A well planned activity took advantage of the enemies weaknesses. Here, the many factions of the city's ruling council already clashed. A well placed blow, or here, a small book, could take down a man then his supporters.

Before midday Tindo saw a group of armed men arrive at the pier that led to the house. Their leader confronted a hidden guard, quickly passed him, storming past the doorway. Yelling could be heard across the water followed by a clash of metal, then silence.

Minutes passed before the leader emerged holding the very same book Tindo had placed hours before. Another swordsman exited holding a severed head by its hair. Orders were given that sent the warriors in different directions.

He imagined the results would be similar to an anthill, with a rock dropped in it.
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