Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1367345-My-Boyfriend-The-Vampire-ch-4
by Keiko
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · LGBTQ+ · #1367345
Kuro gets lost in a mall. What else could go wrong?
         It's the first day that we're suspended from the school, and you'd think that we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves. Oh we knew what to do the whole. Shopping!
         Sleeping in my big bed, tangle in my comforter, with kitty resting on the pillow beside me, I was happy. I was having one of those dreams where nothing can go wrong, and you never want to wake up from it. Well it ended when I heard the doorbell ringing. I groaned and rolled over, trying to block it out and go back to sleep. Sadly I couldn't remember what I was dreaming about, and then kitty jumped on my side, mewing her little head off. Something had her excited, and the doorbell rang again.
         " You're a pain, kitty," I groaned getting up. I'm so glad that I have carpet in my house. My feet didn't have to worry about being freezing cold in the morning when they first touched the floor.
         I yawned loudly and stretched. The doorbell sounded again, and I growled. Whoever was at my door was going to break my fucking doorbell. I started to go to the door, forgetting that I was only in my boxers. I would have slept butt naked, but I was scared kitty might claw at something she wasn't suppose too.
         I yanked one the door. " Do you know how fucking it is?" I asked, not bothering to see who it was.
         " I didn't mean to disturb you, I thought would could spend the day going out on one big date," Alexander smiled cheerfully.
         I stared at him blankly for a moment, trying to think of whom this fucking morning person was, and what he did with my boyfriend.
         " What?" Alexander blinked.
         " Who are you, and what have you done with Alexander?" I said, and he took it as a joke, and laughed. Yet I found myself being serious about. You had to be careful around me when I was half asleep, I'd say or do anything.
         " You're not a morning person are you, my love?" He hugged me tightly, kissing my cheek. That woke me up.
         " Nope! On weekend I don't rise until noon," I smiled at him, letting him in.
         " Nice boxers by the way," He smiled at me.
         " Huh?" I said, not getting what he was talking about.
         " You're boxers," He pointed to my blue-black boxers.
         " Oh shit!!!" I rushed back to my room to get dressed. How wonderful, the first thing he sees in the morning is I in my boxers, pretty much naked. What would he have said if I had been naked, better yet what would he have done?
         I shook the thought from my head, as I rushed getting dress, checking to my sure that I hadn't put something on inside out, or backwards. Everything looked okay, so I rushed back to him.
         " Sorry, about that," I smiled innocently, blushing.
         " Nah, it's okay. I should have called first." He was sitting on the couch, kitty in his lap.
         I sat down beside him, and kitty. I looked at kitty.
         " Are you trying to steal my boyfriend?" I asked her, placing my finger to her nose, and she sneezed.
         " Aw, you made her sneeze!" Alexander giggled, cuddling her to his cheek. " Can we give her a bath?" He asked me with a childish sparkle to his eyes.
         " What happened to the shopping thing?" I asked him, and he pouted.
         " Oh yeah, well after we get back. I'll buy some kitty shampoo, and her a little collar with a bell. That way she can't get lost in the house!" He was still cuddling her, and naming off tons of stuff, but kitty didn't seem to mind. She liked the attention. I kinda felt bad for her, yet I was thankful that it wasn't me. I've never seen this side of Alexander. He was so girly, yet I liked it the way he was acting.

         After three hours of shopping, each of Alexander and my arms had two or three shopping bags on them as we left the mall. One bag was full of clothing for us, other had kitty stuff in it, including food, snacks; toys, new collar, and shampoo. The two others were just some random things, like movies, games, books, and I'm not sure what else was there. Alexander had dragged me damn near everywhere that I lost track of where we had and hadn't been.
         " That was fun!" Alexander said excited, as he helped me put the stuff in the trunk of his BMW.
         " Yep, and tiring," I chuckled, looking for the keys. Alexander had told that I could drive it, which surprised me, because I was afraid I was crash it. I kept looking for the keys, yet I couldn't find them. " Shit, I think I felt them in Hot Topic." I said out loud.
         " The keys?"
         " Yes," I looked up at him, with sorry eyes. " I'll go and get them. I'll be right back, wait here." I said and ran toward the mall, giving him no chance to protest.
         Here's the odd thing, I didn't want to go back and get it. I would have preferred to have Alexander come with me. I had a very bad feeling if I went in alone, yet I went in alone.
         What made that feeling worse was the fact that not many people were here since it was early, and that Jasper and his friends were out to get Alexander and me. I wasn't much of a fighter unless I had a reason, and even then I had no chance of winning against them all. They were stronger, slightly bigger, and better fighters. I know I shouldn't be so negative, but it was true.
         Hot Topic was at the other end of the mall, which made things even worse for me, and didn't make my bad feeling fade any. I was racing down the big and long hall, looking at the things around me to make sure that I was going the right way. I wasn't sure if I was or not, I only hoped that I was. I should have paid more attention to where I was going. I instantly regretted that I hadn't.
         I turned a corner, and found that I had gone the wrong way somewhere, because I suddenly didn't know where I was. I looked around, breathless, cursing myself inside my head for not paying more attention. Now I was going to have to backtrack, and waste more time, and make Alexander worry. He might be worrying this very minute, so I turned and started to backtrack with that thought.
         I was at an intersection, looking both ways. I couldn't figure out if it was a left or a right that I had to take here, or did I have to go somewhere else.
         I let out a sigh, going to my last resort. I turned around to go back out side to get Alexander to help me out, but I walked right into a wall.
         Wait a wall? A wall's not suppose to be there. I thought and I looked up to see Jasper and his gang standing over me.
         " Oh shit," I said, with a scared expression on my face, and a step back, and they stepped forward.
         " Oh shit is right, Jacoby," Jasper laughed mockingly. " Your boyfriend's not here to save you now."
         I didn't have time to run before his friends and my arm, holding me back so that I couldn't run. Mark had my right arm, and his cousin Julian had my left.
         " Hey, Jasper, you think that the back halls would be good?" Julian said, looking up. " No one really goes back there."
         " I like the way you think." Jasper smiled and started to walk there, and the other's followed.
         " A---" I started to shout, but Mark put a knife to my throat and growled, his eyes darkening.
         " One word and I'll cut your throat, got it!" He pushed the knife on my skin more.
         " Y-yeah," I said in a shaking voice, and they lead me to the back halls, god knows what they were going to do to me, and I had no way of warning Alexander. Though I could take the risk of getting my throat slashed and bleeding to death. Nah, I couldn't stand to see him cry. How do I do?
© Copyright 2007 Keiko (shadow_chan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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